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Lab farm


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Why do people insist on killing legendary mobs multiple times?


Sometimes one fight lasts for more than 3 minutes,but ok lets say its 2 minutes.15 legendary mobs = 30 minutes,and you get what? 50 bags in total,you literally lose 200 bags.


Why and how you lose 200 ToT bags by killing lege mobs?Well it takes 30 minutes to kill 15 leges.It takes you 30 minutes to farm 250 bags if you have good group just by killing trash.Even if you don't have good group,you should be able to get 150 bags in 30 minutes.


So,for those who still don't get it.30 minutes you spend on killing 15 lege mobs and getting 30-40 bags,you lose 210-220 bags for NOT ignoring legendary mobs.


I saw groups killing legendary mobs and wiping for good 5 minutes.


Any serious gold farmer would realize you lose about 7 stacks a day just by killing lege mobs.Do a math,20 days of -7 stacks a day = 140 stacks = 1400 gold.


As simple as that.If you want gold,do not kill lege mobs.And please,don't tell me 'i do it because its fun' No,you do it because you don't know what you are missing.

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I like how the OP assumes that there are always loot doors available. The reality is that there is no constant faucet of loot bags, so the legendary doors offer a way to spend some of the down time between door spawns.


And before you go on about "killing the random mobs in the pathways", remember that only the first 3-4 players get any loot from those mobs because they die before the rest of the zerg can tag them.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> Why do people insist on killing legendary mobs multiple times?


> Sometimes one fight lasts for more than 3 minutes,but ok lets say its 2 minutes.15 legendary mobs = 30 minutes,and you get what? 50 bags in total,you literally lose 200 bags.


> Why and how you lose 200 ToT bags by killing lege mobs?Well it takes 30 minutes to kill 15 leges.It takes you 30 minutes to farm 250 bags if you have good group just by killing trash.Even if you don't have good group,you should be able to get 150 bags in 30 minutes.


> So,for those who still don't get it.30 minutes you spend on killing 15 lege mobs and getting 30-40 bags,you lose 210-220 bags for NOT ignoring legendary mobs.


> I saw groups killing legendary mobs and wiping for good 5 minutes.


> Any serious gold farmer would realize you lose about 7 stacks a day just by killing lege mobs.Do a math,20 days of -7 stacks a day = 140 stacks = 1400 gold.


> As simple as that.If you want gold,do not kill lege mobs.And please,don't tell me 'i do it because its fun' No,you do it because you don't know what you are missing.


I do it because its fun.


Your claim to possess the power of telepathy is unproven. Until you can prove it perhaps you should speak for yourself.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> I like how the OP assumes that there are always loot doors available. The reality is that there is no constant faucet of loot bags, so the legendary doors offer a way to spend some of the down time between door spawns.


> And before you go on about "killing the random mobs in the pathways", remember that only the first 3-4 players get any loot from those mobs because they die before the rest of the zerg can tag them.


Actually with the proper route,without ANY doors,you always have mobs to kill.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Join a no boss group instead of ranting on how others chose to play the game. Some groups burn um down in 3m others it's a complete waste. It's 20 bags per 33 on the 1st kill of the day as you get 13 from chest. At least know the math first as that would negate your entire rant


30 minutes of killing legendary mobs vs 30 minutes of killing trash/doors which gives you full stack of bags.



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You're absolutely right that you can get bags faster (or get more bags in the same amount of time) by skipping the legendaries. That's why you'll see groups in LFG who specify that they skip those bosses.


However that doesn't change the fact that some people find running around the labyrinth spamming attacks on normal enemies boring and prefer to break it up by fighting the legendaries. Yes it does mean you get less bags in the same amount of time, but if it makes the difference between someone getting bored with it after 30 minutes and leaving or staying for an hour because there's a tiny bit more variety then **that individual** will get more bags overall by killing the bosses, and more importantly will enjoy playing that part of the game more.


This is why you'll see 3 types of Lab farming groups in the LFG tool:

* Ones who do all doors, including bosses

* Ones who skip bosses

* Ones who don't specify - could go either way - avoid them or ask the commander when you join if they're doing bosses.


And if you can't find a suitable group you can always start your own, especially if you know an optimal path for farming.

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PUG groups seem to be better if you skip those. I was in a couple yesterday and nobody followed commander's orders and everyone kept dying. As soon as my guild started a run, I jumped to their group. Commander asked if anyone needed (and often was yes with people jumping in/out), but we killed them fast. Even Steve was a breeze with an organized group.

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"Any serious gold farmer"

I think that's the issue right there. Not everyone is. As people have pointed out, there are lots of different kinds of lab zergs running in lfg. Just pick the type you want to be in and go to town. Can't see a reason to complain about how other instances are running their lab when it doesn't affect you in in any way whatsoever.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > Why do people insist on killing legendary mobs multiple times?

> >

> > Sometimes one fight lasts for more than 3 minutes,but ok lets say its 2 minutes.15 legendary mobs = 30 minutes,and you get what? 50 bags in total,you literally lose 200 bags.

> >

> > Why and how you lose 200 ToT bags by killing lege mobs?Well it takes 30 minutes to kill 15 leges.It takes you 30 minutes to farm 250 bags if you have good group just by killing trash.Even if you don't have good group,you should be able to get 150 bags in 30 minutes.

> >

> > So,for those who still don't get it.30 minutes you spend on killing 15 lege mobs and getting 30-40 bags,you lose 210-220 bags for NOT ignoring legendary mobs.

> >

> > I saw groups killing legendary mobs and wiping for good 5 minutes.

> >

> > Any serious gold farmer would realize you lose about 7 stacks a day just by killing lege mobs.Do a math,20 days of -7 stacks a day = 140 stacks = 1400 gold.

> >

> > As simple as that.If you want gold,do not kill lege mobs.And please,don't tell me 'i do it because its fun' No,you do it because you don't know what you are missing.


> I do it because its fun.


> Your claim to possess the power of telepathy is unproven. Until you can prove it perhaps you should speak for yourself.



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My first guess at what happened here was OP tried to find a lab group with like-minded players, found them to be full, joined a more casual group instead, became frustrated and came here to rant. But upon rereading I think there is a real chance that OP may not understand that ppl actually are differently motivated. They are . . .


Take me for example. I don't like gold very much, and I do usually like opening things. So I farm a couple of stacks of bags per day, bc buying them would be boring. **I don't try to maximize my efficiency in obtaining those bags precisely bc I don't want to find playing the game as frustrating as the OP does.** Sometimes I'll join a lab group and follow along for as long as I can tolerate it, but more often I'll actually farm atm. Not for wings, but for bags. Which is horribly inefficient. But more fun. So I do it anyway. Bc I'm differently motivated from the OP . . .


And now the forum has helped someone today :)

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