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[Expansion #3 and beyond] What's the next expansion seller for you?


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For me it's easily any form of PvE-Content, wether it's Raids/new Dungeons/any new kind of instanced group content or just more new (and well designed) maps. A new race would not change my gameplay experience, and a new class most likely not aswell. I'm not playing my twinks that much and the revenant proved me, that a new class most likely won't change my habits. So it breaks down to new content for my since-day-1-alltime-main.

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> @Flatley.1620 said:

> For me, personally, bard. Not to everyone's taste I'd agree but, selfishly speaking, it'd be a nostalgia trip.


I always imagined bard or something like it becoming a kit-based elite specialization for the mesmer. Maybe a Canthan opera theme.


> @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

> Yeah, for me it would be Cantha and/or underwater expansion. I don't mind so much another new features or another race as much as those two. I feel like a new race will just lead to more of the same with a different face on it, something that already doesn't work for me in GW2 since they went "everything is account wide-yay".


> I very much would like to see them improve on what they have already than rebuilding something entirely new and try to fit it onto the world. (Kinda like they did with mounts, even if they are awesome)


> Something unexpected and less standard than the usual options.


There aren't many options left, except vehicles (that would be the next step of gliders and mounts). Can't really think about any other new unique mechanic for traveling around the world.


> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> I will shamelessly give up so many gems for burbs.


> Though, a new "infinite dungeon" experience would be pretty nifty. Think like Diablo 3's rift dungeons. Increasingly more difficult enemies with jumps to magic/gold find as long as the party can keep up.


Procedural dungeons are the future. Even if you don't generate the terrain itself procedurally, you can close/open different rooms and get a similar result, where every run is different.

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As far as content goes I'd like to see WvW maps improved/added, new PvP ranked modes such as 1v1 dueling, 3v3 DM, 5v5 DM, CTF, etc.


But at this point I'd be happy with core profession balancing, considering the amount of useless traits, skills, and weapons most professions have, combat bugfixes implemented, separate balancing for PvE and PvP, and improved UI customization on par with GW1.

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To elaborate; I am completely uninterested in not only PoF but all HoT content as well.


My only reason for HoT purchase was to keep competitive in PvP via elites. Full stop.


I stopped caring about story and gear april 2014. My absolute only interest in PoF is so Anet makes money to keep servers running so I can play in Queensdale/DR helping noobs and picking blueberies while I wait in queue.

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I would like to see Fractals return to being Fractals (as in mini-dungeons), and introduce an entirely separate line of PvE content for the "bridge to Raids" instead of using high-level fractals for that. Content specifically designed for 5-person groups with the customary Raid-like mechanics that was designed from the beginning to be a bridge to raids would be awesome. If these encounters could have a sliding scale for difficulty and complexity, it would truly be a way for people to work their way up to the "real" raids, bit by bit. Nightmare and Shattered Observatory have sufficiently complex mechanics that they are more like raids than dungeons, so in my opinion (and I know there are many who will disagree) they have fundamentally changed what fractals have always been. These encounters are great to have in the game, but smashing them into fractals has made fractals schizophrenic, imo.


I would also like to see some tweaks to home instances. First, let's please have alternatives to cats. Second, the scarcity of the home instance node drops has made them more or less useless to collect any more -- when it would take over 30 YEARS to recover the cost for a home instance node based on the TP cost for the node versus the cost for what it yields, what's the point? Maybe to sell BL Chest keys for the gamble to get one, perhaps? Other than farming home instance nodes, there's little point to go there. I would like to see overall expansion of the home instance concept to be something that is enticing for people to visit on a frequent basis, and bring their friends along.


The same thought for home instances I would apply to guild halls. There's nothing to actually *do* there -- once you pick up your tavern bonuses and farm the synthesizer nodes, it's kinda pointless (sure the portal is cool, but guilds have been meeting up for guild missions at major cities for years, the portal is a convenience, but doesn't fundamentally change anything). Decorating is a nice diversion from the norm, but it's very expensive, and once it's done, well....it's done. And in conjunction with this, I'd like to see some new guild missions.


I'd love to see some improvements in usability. For instance, more flexibility in the way we can configure the UI, particularly with respect to being able to change fonts and font sizes, icon sizes, more options to reposition chat/mini-map/etc. The sizing aspects would go a long way to helping those of us with 4k displays be able to see the screen so much more easily. Another big feature would be build templates. Hopefully these things could be deployed as part of a LW episode, and not require an entire new expansion pack.


Finally, I'd like to see a re-vamp of the things that are just time sinks. This is particularly noticeable when doing dailies. I'd like the entire concept of "contested waypoint" to be eliminated -- I'm going to get where I want to go eventually, so why do I have to waste time running there, and not know that where I wanted to originally go is unavailable, until I get ported somewhere else. Similar to that is the notion of locking adventures, map access, and hero points., etc. behind map meta events. Other than Dragon Stand, where the entire map is based around a single meta, having to wait 30 minutes for an adventure to become available is just annoying; to me, it doesn't add anything to the game and makes me just not want to even bother.

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For me, it really is about support for guilds in the form of missions and other ways we they can deepen and improve upon guild focused systems.


No new guild missions in the past 4.5 years is a real issue for me. They are the one big thing I will be looking for most between now and the next expansion.

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Housing. Just give me an open field/farm with a small, beaten house. Then I can slowly upgrade it to my liking. No race specific housing. The foundation already exists to make it work (guild hall). Transfer all nodes to this instance that have been unlocked previously. Give the house upgrade Tiers and Tier bonus(such as magic find, karma bonus etc.). Add a few stuff, such as time crafting(10hours for 1 item), that can be made inside.

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I think we're all ready for a new race or two. (I'd prefer two so we don't have 90% of population running around as one race during release). New weapon types like greataxe, flail, whips...would be just as appealing to me as a new race.


If expac 3 had new races and new weapon types....I'd be sold without needing to know more.

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You really should have a "None of the Above" option as there might be some people how there who would buy the expansion even if no new "shiny thing" was included, as in if it was just new content, elite specs and additional items that have already been introduced to the game were all that was included. Personally it doesn't matter to me whether there's new stuff or not, as long as they keep on the same pace with LW and expansions I'll be happy.

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like many others, player housing would be cool if it wasn't content that only elites could attain. Like a leveling system. The more work you put in the better it gets. Shack to house to mansion etc etc .... but I dont see how something so coveted will be cheap or easy for most of the community who just like a goal to work towards at their own pace ya know? I was so freakin excited for guild halls for this reason. For some reason I thought of them as more of a "club house" where guilds could actually sit and chat or have activiites to do as a group .... with what they currently are ... I dont get why they are so grindy for little payoff .... maybe add rooms to them that players can claim as thier own? IDK ..... seems disapointing so I would like player housing if its ever a thing to be affordable, obtainable, customizable, and interactive.

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I hope you do not have any new elites specializations. "Any 1 can be anything" is destroying the identity of the professions.


What we need is a big boost to UI([here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1251/the-spvp-ui-upgrades-we-need-and-probably-deserve#latest "here") and [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1338/pvp-ui-encourages-the-lack-of-attention#latest "here") a few examples), and [Pvp](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1661/nerfs-to-passive-play-traits-a-possible-solution-to-make-the-game-mode-more-fun#latest "Pvp").


Enhance player housing.

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> @Lonami.2987 said:

> I'm very surprised Player Housing is that popular. I didn't really expect that, and to think that I almost discarded that option!


> > @"Celtic Lady.3729" said:

> > I voted for new Professions because I really like that sort of thing most. I also would enjoy new races, particularly if they come with new professions to go with them, and I would love player housing.


> I wouldn't mind at least one additional profession, though I'm not sure it's really going to happen. There's room for a monk/ritualist/dervish hybrid, for those themes aren't covered properly by anyone else. Revenant should have filled them in the first place to be fair, but legends overtaking slot skills kinda ruined any personal theme the profession could have had.


> > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > Multiple choice (like 3 choices per person) would have been great. :)

> >

> > My no.1 choice was "New professions (Monk, Ritualist, etc.)", but I'd also like the return of dungeons, the introduction of build templates, the reintroduction of Personality, new playable races (centaurs, tengu), mini games like Polymock.


> Forum limitations, I'm sorry. Might remake the poll using an outside system in the future, if I see there's interest.


If they are going to do a new profession, they need to make a healer profession instead of locking it behind one class spec.

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Personally a seller for me would be anything Cantha-based. My main character originated there, it was the first place I completely finished in terms of titles (vq/carto/guardian, etc), was the first story I finished and I love it. They might even be able to implement Luxon/Kurzick masteries (perhaps adding the ability to become a Juggernaut in certain Kurz areas, or having control over the siege turles in Lux areas maybe).


Elite specs could also be canthan-based, like Assassin (probably for Thief) and Ritualist (probably for Revenant).


I'm hoping that we get to Cantha in the next expac!

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