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[Expansion #3 and beyond] What's the next expansion seller for you?


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I want Cantha and more dungeons.


Dungeons are content designed for Exotic gear. Fractals require Ascended gear. So, if you want to vary your gameplay, Dungeons are the best content choice.


Either that or they make all Agony account wide. Still, i find a more relaxed Dungeon run something that is very enjoyable and you can use to learn how to play your class in a low pressure group envyronment. I do wish they were more popular. Getting groups can be challenging.


I would like to see all classic professions added as either professions or elite specs (monk, ritualist, assassin, paragon, dervish).


I guess i'm not very original, but i love the original GW. So, i'd love to see all of it return so we actually get a GW2 continuation. It's great to think about revisiting Kaineng, the monastery, the jade see and the petrified forest.

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All of the poll options (and suggestions from the opening post) are, for me, mostly superficial - things that might sway my decision one way or another if i was in doubt, but not something that might be a primary reason for my decision.


That will depend mostly on the direction this game is going. I already don't like many ways in which the current direction is departing from what the game was initially, so any perceived shift even more away from the current situation is very likely to cause me to abandon any thoughts about investing in this game anymore. On the other hand, if they were to go back towards the older path, i'd almost certainly keep buying it from expac to expac.

Another important consideration would be whether there will be any other game that will try to go into that niche. One of the reasons why i still keep to GW2 even though the devs seem to wish players like me gone is that there's currently no good enough replacement. If that were to change...


All the things like new classes (i'd really like to see Ritualist, and see it done well, to truly do justice to its GW1 version) in the end are just glitter, as they do not address the core issues i have with GW2 now.

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(Haven't read the thread.)


One thing that would be a big winner for me is if they somehow managed to reintroduce branching storylines again that is preferably focused on either race, order or even profession.


HoT featured some unique bits of dialouge when you played as a Sylvari, and PoF had the Domain of the lost showing previous events. The last LS had unique ways to escape the prison depending on your profession.

But overall both the HoT and PoF campaign felt pretty generic and linear. It didn't matter if I played as a Norn or Asura, Vigil or Whispers, Warrior or Elementalist. Everyone is the Commander, and that's it.


If they made a "race/order/prof matters"-expansion featuring new cultural skins, mounts, maybe even masteries, that would be sweet.


Basically make character choices matter again.

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Honestly I don’t give a shabooboo what’s next for new expansion. I will buy it just cause there’s more stuff lol. I just love gw2 honestly. Yes gw2 is missing a lot but the basics of gw2 just keeps me in compared to other mmos.


Now if they would want me to get excited it would be regular staples.


New elites.

New maps.

New story.

New masteries.


New added features I would be ecstatic.


Actual housing. Not a home instance. I know people are like that’s what guild halls are for but I want something just for me.


Dueling 1v1 in any map. 2v2. 3v3. 10 vs 10.


Underwater mount.


Jewels to 500.

Cooking to 500? Eh maybe.


Maybe three new classes? Which idk. However if you want to go there elietes can be considered classes. And it’s a two in one class if you really want to go there. But 3 new classes with three elite specs since all the others get a new elite spec.


Oh and to be able to put silverwaste shovels into wallet.


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I couldn’t decide cause literally everything u suggested would make the game complete.

However besides getting a new race like the tengu ♡ I hope even more that we will go to Cantha soon and that’s also where we are going to get to play the new race. I hope the most though that we will get the ritualist as a new class (also coming with the Canthan expansion) :lol:

In general new expansions should now bring new mounts imo but only like 1 new mount per expansion.

And build/skin emplates is way overdue and has to happen asap, not even with xpacs.

Also I think implementing new weapon types is a very good idea(like spears, scythes etc.)

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> New Player versus Environment instanced mode (Horde, Random Boss Gauntlet, Elite Mission, etc)


This would have been my first choice depending on what exactly the mode would be. I always thought GW 2 and most MMORPG's needed a PvE mode like this, but allow it to scale to party size and even be soloable.


Something other than fractals and raids would be nice. Diablo 3's rifts, bounties, and paragon system are all good ideas for a PvE type of endgame mode.


Of course the one feature I want most is housing. There's so much a player can do with that. Maybe even backyard PvP for competitive players.

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honestly for me their is noting at all listed on the poll i can vote for as well as anet needs to get out of the stone ages first . and fix the game as well as anet wants to see another penny from me they need to have the new pack in current game code standards with the most latest newest hardware and software support . :# :#

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

>the reintroduction of Personality

Ooh! I'd like that if they built on it. My norn guardian's guardian was Raven. She is not a brute! :s She spent longer pondering her first hunt than actually hunting.


As for my vote, I was torn between new professions and terrestrial weapons. I ended up going with terrestrial weapons as they would not require me to buy more character slots, but, ideally, the two would come together. The new professions I want would probably lend themselves best to new weapons anyway(eg. dervish, paragon, etc).


I don't really understand the interest in housing. I've played games with it before and it just feels like a bunch of nothing. I think I remember Rift and SWtOR both implementing it. I'm probably forgetting others. Also, wasn't this supposed to be satisfied by the Home instance? What am I missing?

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