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Which GW2 foe do you dislike most?

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Anything that's designed to expand the fight duration beyond what it should. Examples : branded griffins that perma evade, scarabs or lions with tons of attack denial, things that perma CC you and toss you all around.


These are boring fights because their AI is lame, they're mostly weak, but they just deny you your skill so that you don't insta kill them. Oh, and they're labeled _challenging_ too. How ironic !

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The Ley Anomaly in the Dzasha Uplands. It is neither very difficult, nor very powerful but it is quite annoying to fight. I soloed it a few times in ~ 40 mins - 1h with my engineer. If you have to do it for the Achievement or the Skyscale collection, bring a group and some patience.


First of all it has an extreme HP pool, which forces normal players to go straight into high DPS builds. This strategy works, if you build grants enough movement and uses neither melee nor projectiles. Else you need a healer or have so sacrifice DPS for sustain. It constantly spams timed AoEs (weaker cousins of Flux Bombs), which means you have to be moving during the entire fight. Fighting it in melee is not a very good option, as it performs an uppercut-attack which cannot be blocked or resisted by stability. Fighting it in ranged is not a very good option either, as it has a very annoying block-ability which reflects projectiles. The anomaly uses both techniques frequently in the encounter, so you can easily kill yourself if you go brain-afk mid fight. The AoEs are not very powerful, but when you run out of endurance, you will get hit by a few in a row. So you need a good healing ability and (if possible) some passive regeneration.


In addition you can only fight it in a small area, if you dare to leave it or try to stand behind the boss, you are damaged by the brand. When you fight it in groups and one of your members happens to get downed, it is almost suicide to aid them due to the insane amount of AoEs. If you do not own HoT, you will also receive falling damage after the uppercuts due to the lack of a glider.


The most frustrating part is when you finally take it down and someone does not want to wait to loot the chest. Whenever I am there with other people, I beseech them to wait until I stealth us. NOPE! I WANT MY LOOT, NOW! Which sadly causes the Anomaly to instantly respawn. Looting the chest during the (2nd) fight is difficult. The smart person who had no patience usually just waypoints, so you end up facing the Anomaly alone.


There are a lot more powerful and difficult bossfights out there, but this one annoys me the most.



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Probably smokescales. I don't mind most of the enemies which can evade lots of attacks, partially because I tend to use condition builds so as long as I've hit them they'll keep taking damage but also because I often feel like it's one of the few things which forces me to really pay attention and think about what I'm doing but if I do pay attention I can beat them relatively easily.


But for whatever reason Smokescales are different. I think it's because they require more precise timing, which isn't something I'm good at. It takes me a lot longer to beat them and they're more likely to down me without me ever being able to get a hit in, which is pretty frustrating. I'll avoid fighting them when I can.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I'm surprised nobody said pocket raptors yet...


Pocket raptors were a nasy surprise when I first played HoT, I wasted a lot of time in the betas trying to beat them, especially when I was playing a revenant and wasn't familiar with the skills.


But they're relatively easy on any character with strong AoEs (or lots of AoEs). For example on my ranger I let them attack me, drop a spike trap which knocks them down and bleeds them, drop a bonfire (torch 5) on top and then use the sword to pick off any which are taking longer to die. My thief really struggles with them though because he's more set up for single-target damage.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Probably smokescales. I don't mind most of the enemies which can evade lots of attacks, partially because I tend to use condition builds so as long as I've hit them they'll keep taking damage but also because I often feel like it's one of the few things which forces me to really pay attention and think about what I'm doing but if I do pay attention I can beat them relatively easily.


> But for whatever reason Smokescales are different. I think it's because they require more precise timing, which isn't something I'm good at. It takes me a lot longer to beat them and they're more likely to down me without me ever being able to get a hit in, which is pretty frustrating. I'll avoid fighting them when I can.


The way you're supposed to fight them goes against most established player habits, so players tend to not adapt to it. The way it works is that they get perma-evade while they are in their own smoke fields (possibly even yours)... so you have to kite them out of it to make them vulnerable. While solo this is pretty simple...... in a group setting it rapidly reaches impossible; since theres always going to be that One guy trying to fight in the smoke field, and the smokescale is happy to stay there.

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> @"ThomasC.1056" said:

> Anything that's designed to expand the fight duration beyond what it should. Examples : branded griffins that perma evade, scarabs or lions with tons of attack denial, things that perma CC you and toss you all around.


> These are boring fights because their AI is lame, they're mostly weak, but they just deny you your skill so that you don't insta kill them. Oh, and they're labeled _challenging_ too. How ironic !


Basically this. I'd like to add though, that some of the control mechanics of these foes can be countered by movement, dodging, blocks, blinds, interrupts and the likes.

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This poll is missing approximately all the griffons


> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Probably smokescales. I don't mind most of the enemies which can evade lots of attacks, partially because I tend to use condition builds so as long as I've hit them they'll keep taking damage but also because I often feel like it's one of the few things which forces me to really pay attention and think about what I'm doing but if I do pay attention I can beat them relatively easily.

> >

> > But for whatever reason Smokescales are different. I think it's because they require more precise timing, which isn't something I'm good at. It takes me a lot longer to beat them and they're more likely to down me without me ever being able to get a hit in, which is pretty frustrating. I'll avoid fighting them when I can.


> The way you're supposed to fight them goes against most established player habits, so players tend to not adapt to it. The way it works is that they get perma-evade while they are in their own smoke fields (possibly even yours)... so you have to kite them out of it to make them vulnerable. While solo this is pretty simple...... in a group setting it rapidly reaches impossible; since theres always going to be that One guy trying to fight in the smoke field, and the smokescale is happy to stay there.


or there is an NPC around ... but the evade also lingers on beyond the smoke field for a bit but that could be a bug where the game isn't drawing the correct size for the field


> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> Fighting it in ranged is not a very good option either, as it has a very annoying block-ability which reflects projectiles.


Even if you take away all its abilities and prevent it from attacking, ranged will still be annoying because it will walk inside the rocks causing everything to be obstructed.



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