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Which GW2 foe do you dislike most?

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Those will full immunities and no mechanics to counter them. Nothing should be completely immune to anything. The effects should instead work on them in a different way, but still work.


* Fire elementals should have an effect that makes them take 66% less damage from burning and gain 3 stacks of Might when they are damaged by burning, but the effect should be lost for 10s when chilled. Chilled will also deal damage over time to them.

* Destroyers should have a skill that gives them an effect that gives burning to themselves and their enemies around them, and that converts all damage of burning into healing instead, but chilling them will remove the effect and prevent them from using the skill. Chilled will also reduce their armor by 10%.

* Dredge should not be immune to blind. Instead, their attacks within 240 units or less should completely ignore blind, and all dredge with ranged weapons would switch to melee weapons and/or move into melee range to attack when blinded.

* Enemies immune to CC like risen abominations, treants and earth elementals should have a defiance bar instead. This defiance bar would be either permanently locked until they do a strong attack to stop the attack, or always available to allow breaking that bar to stun them and get a damage bonus.

* Immune players like those with Obsidian Flesh or Distortion should still be hit, even if they get 0 damage, are unnafected by CC, and take no conditions. If a hit hits, it should register as a hit and show 0 damage. Evading should be the only way to avoid hits.

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Mordrem. They aren't particularly hard to fight but boy are they annoying. I've always had a hatred for Mordrem Leechers and Snipers.

Leechers because I just want to open that dang bandit chest, stop touching me with your gross tendrils.

Snipers because...you can probably guess why.

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My archnemesis is the inofficial faction "timewasters".

Those are:

* enemies with extreme aggro/attack ranges, bonus points if they have CC and/or long duration conditions like cripple or poison. (Several White Mantle and Awakened immediately come to mind.)

* enemies with long-lasting defensive abilities like constant melee-denial (scarabs, ultra-fun when you are on a melee-only or short range build), perma-retaliation (those inquest golems, great when you are playing a profession without boon removal), very long evades/invulns (corrupted griffons) etc.

* enemies who frequently reset themselves due to their own movement-based fighting style which somehow regularly carries them beyond their leash even when the player _wants_ to fight them where they attacked them first (Forged Vanguards, Air Djinn).

* bonus points for any mob combining 2 or more of the traits above.

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> @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> Quaggans. I mean they are everywhere! No matter how many I kill, more keep popping up. They infest even our towns and outposts. They are an invasive species I tell you!


Quaggans are beyond dislike.

They are factually faulty, and must be culled like the weeds they are!


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Those scarabs in the Crystal Desert. Janking up on me stacking up DPS if more than one is allowed around me while constantly poisoning me, reducing my healing, AND blinding me to hell even while I'm trying to get away? While we'er at it, Sand Lions and Harpies.


The Crystal Desert is just kind of the bane of my existence in general.

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