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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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I agree with the above.


If you have to monetize something, monetize just the equipment loadouts. The build loadouts (traits + skills) shouldn't even be purchasable. Everyone should have all of the available slots unlocked from the get-go. There's so little information being stored that it's insulting as a player to see it monetized, and seeing 21 lock symbols asking me to spend gems when I open the build panel just makes me want to log out and wonder why you aren't selling content instead.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


As far as I can tell, it'll be way easier to determine than to implement:


* Properly name the features to ensure there's no confusion and the distinction is made clear:

* The 6 equipment slots currently called "Equipment templates" should be called something more like "Equipment Loadouts/Preset/Slots/etc", and the 6 "Build templates" would be better addressed as "Skill Loadouts".

* Introduce an optional way to link Equipment and Skill loadouts, creating Build Loadouts, and a way to automatically switch them based on game mode. For example, something like this:

* Right click skill loadout, select: "Link/to Equipment loadout > Loadout name 1/Loadout name 2/... /None

* Right click skill loadout, select: "Automatically switch to this Skill loadout when entering > Open world/Raids/Fractal/Dungeons/Story/WvW/PVP maps/Disable auto switch for this slot.

* Add a toggle button somewhere in the build storage to switch to 'client-side storage' mode. In this mode:

* The builds listed are the ones stored in the Documents/Guild Wars 2/Templates/Skills folder. Subfolders would appear at the top of the list. For example, they could be saved in separate txt files sorted with actual folders, or in txt files inside a zip file, or a structured data file like json or xml. The easier it is to copy them and paste them manually without starting the game, the better.

* The limits on builds that can be shown at the same time will thus be increased dramatically from 24 to as many as technically possible per folder.

* Instead 24 fixed slots, there's just an empty slot at the end of the current list. For example, if there's 2 folders and 2 builds in the root folder, then there will be 5 slots: 2 folders, 2 builds and the empty slot.

* If a folder has reached the limit on how many entries can be shown, the last entry will be a red warning explaining so.

* While inside a sub-folder, the first entry of the list will be the "Go up a folder" button.

* Right clicking the empty slot allows creating another sub-folder.

* Deleting folders with builds in it will not be possible to avoid accidentally losing lots of builds.

* Builds in client-side mode can be right clicked to cut and paste them into other folders.

* Replace the 24 account-wide server-side build template storage slots with 16x9 profession-wide ones.

* Add a way to save separate appearances for legendary gear. For example, via one of these methods:

* Allow storing different skins and dyes for legendary gear on different loadout slots. Or maybe for any kind of gear, not just legendary.

* Add a new type of 'Wardrobe Loadouts' that allow storing either custom 'outfits' (6 pieces of armor and their dyes), or all customization choices ( also mini, finishers, mounts, glider, etc), then a way to link them to Equipment loadouts so they change together.

* When PvP templates including equipment are made, they should also loadable by in PvE/WvW. No need to store specifics, just the bare minimum info necessary for them to be loaded in the PvP panel and by legendary gear: Weapons, stats, and upgrades.

* Profession

* A list of between 1 and 6 weapon types, and the slots where they go. No item quality, levels, skins or anything else specific. Like: "Sword: slot 1, slot 2; Shield, slot 4; Spear: Slot 5". So if types are listed from 1 to 19, the info can be compressed like "1:1;2;5:4;17:5".

* A list of 14-16 stat combinations, each followed by the slots where they go. When loading the template in PvP, the amulet slot will be used. Like: "Berserker: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10; Marauder:11,12,13,14,15,16"

* A list of another 2-3 stat combinations for Underwater weapons and breather, ignored when loading or saving templates in PvP.

* A list of up to 6 runes and the slots where they go. When loading the templates in PvP, the first rune of the list will be used. Like: "Rune of the Druid: 1,2,3,4,5,6".

* A list of up to 4-8 sigils and the slots where they go.

* Equipment PvP templates must also have a client-side storage mode.

* When loaded in PvE/WvW, equipment templates will try to find the closest possible match: Highest equipable level. runes in inventory, etc. Not a problem for someone with full legendary gear, but it will obviously not work all the time with non-legendary gear. That's what Loadouts are for. But they will still serve to let people share the template to use as a roadmap to work towards getting them in their characters.


This way the system will be complete:


* Both loadouts and templates.

* Both server and client-side storage.

* And legendary gear remains as legendary as always as it can load up equipment templates like the PvP panel and store different appearances in different equipment loadouts.

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to quote a good meme, "You tried!"


that being said, i see both good and bad in the templates and am constantly getting feedback from the community while i'm streaming.



- save space in your inventory by saving the equipment in the different equipment templates

- save time on switching skill sets using the skill templates

- great for characters who only get used in one game type

- fast switch when it works if you dont have to change anything else because of the severe limitation on number



- moving gear from one character (i.e. legendaries) causes all build templates using that gear to get completely deleted

- moving gear from one character to another also requires you to remove it manually from EVERY SINGLE TEMPLATE...

- way too expensive. I know others have said this repeatedly and I agree that as a company you need to make money too but at the moment, the templates are such that its cheaper and easier to buy additional characters rather than additional templates of any kind. the cost of 1 equip template + 1 skill template = 800 gems (the same cost as a new character which would have 3 of one and 2 of the other)

- uneven amounts of both equip and skill templates

- not enough templates that can be maxed out. you get a MAXIMUM of 6 of each with up to 24 stored skill templates only


I rarely if ever post but felt this would be one time i would do so mainly to point out that there are many things that can be done to help address the issues, including:


- give us an increased amount of template slots for max. i main ele and for my tempest alone, i have at least 7 different gear loadouts i use and thats not including weaver or base ele and that's only for pve in raids and fractals

- allow us to somehow mass unequip/equip gear from templates without it deleting all data from them or allow us to share them to other characters so we can use the gear on diff characters without having to recreate templates each and every time. if i have 4 gear templates using my legendary on one character and want to move my legendary gear to a diff character for a bit then move it back, i have to unequip it from all templates 1 item at a time AND 1 template at a time THEN move it. then when i move it back, i have to recreate ALL 4 templates again. that completely removes my want to make more legendaries because it would be cheaper and easier to just make multiple ascended sets and just set and forget

- reduce the price to make it cost effective to get more templates rather than getting more characters. make them around 100-150 gems each and you'll get a much better payout and reception

- the way pvp and wvw templates are linked atm makes me not even want to play those 2 game modes bc it will screw my pve templates up. keep those separate the way they were before or give us a diff set for those. we dont care if you have to give us a few diff rows of templates. top row pve, middle pvp, bottom wvw and make it auto switch to that row when we enter that area. we know you have the staff to do it so please do this.

- you gave us 3 skill templates, why did we only get 2 equipment? keep it even please and dont make this a "money grab" that many are calling it

- increase the max each to at least 12 though more would be better. skill templates arent as needed in my opinion as equipment ones because i can click a few attributes and be fine but changing everything in an equipment loadout is horrendous.


sorry for the long post and I really hope this is read. I'd add more but I think these are the main points needing addressed first and then its just fine tuning. thanks for reading (if you do) and I look forward to any feedback and action (if it comes)

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


Until we see actions taken through meaningful updates into the actual game, another "we're listening" means nothing.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:


> * Properly name the features to ensure there's no confusion and the distinction is made clear:

> * The 6 equipment slots currently called "Equipment templates" should be called something more like "Equipment Loadouts/Preset/Slots/etc", and the 6 "Build templates" would be better addressed as "Skill Loadouts".

Why not simply Equipment template and Skill template? Simple, easily understandable to a day one gw2 player.


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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


A summary of **some** of the reasons why people hate this system:


1) Character-bound purchases. Some players like to play a lot of characters. Character-bound upgrades are punishing to players who buy lots of character slots. Also, character-bound upgrades are a complete waste if the player benches or deletes that character.


2) Separate build templates and build storage. There's no need for such arbitrary separation. GW1 didn't have such a system. Like above, all this does is punish players who have more than one character of the same profession, since the player has to create a build template for EACH character of that same profession. Just let players create a build and any character of the same profession can load and use that build, just like GW1.


3) Too expensive. Some players like to play multiple modes, multiple roles, etc. Being forced to spend so much basically punishes players who actually want to play more of the game.


4) Too few builds allowed. Even if they're completely free, there are too few builds available. 6 build templates is far too few for a lot of players, even **if** they're the minority.


5) It's not 3 build templates... it's just interchangeable build templates. We had 3 templates before and we have 3 templates now. For players who play multiple modes, this changes nothing. Let players have 3 build templates for EACH game mode.


6) No more auto loading mode specific builds. If a player forgets to load the right build when changing modes, it can be one frustrating experience.


7) We cannot save unlimited builds on our own computers unless we use notepads. Let us save and load from unlimited builds on our own computers like GW1.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


[Anchoring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchoring "Anchoring") is the answer. Anet takes a page from EA's playbook.

Your marketing team already knew the kittenstorm is coming and already decided which price points they would settle at. It happened the same way with the mount skins: sell an insulting proposition at a ridiculous price, then, after the whales/casuals finished buying, "listen to the feedback" and backpedal to a slightly less insulting (yet still ridiculous) proposition a bit, and voila - Anet "listen to their fanbase" and "admit their mistakes".

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My feedback is very much personal. These are my opinions and I am not speaking for anyone but myself. There's two parts to my feedback here. The first is about how the new templates affect me. The second is about my reactions to how these templates have affected the larger community. To put their effect on me in some context, let me say that while I am not casual in the amount of time and money I've invested in GW2, I am very much a casual player when it comes to my game play. At age seventy, I am not looking for hard challenges or complexity in a game. Instead, I want a relaxed, comfortable world I can happily immerse myself in for hours at a time. In practical terms, that means I don't do raids, fractals or even dungeons. Most of my time is spent in core Tyria doing open world pve with a little bit of dabbling in wvw on the side.


Playing this way, the new templates don't do very much for me. I don't switch builds and the only "specialty" build I have is for my wvw alt who doesn't do anything else besides that. So the only immediate impact of the templates for me is that I can now pull extra weapons out of an alt's inventory and put them in that alt's equipment templates, saving a teeny bit of storage space each time. A secondary impact, one probably unintended by Anet is that I've lost interest in legendaries. I had just started dabbling in them, working on my first piece of legendary armor because I thought they would be useful in the new template system. From everything I've heard so far though, the new system makes legendaries more trouble and expense than they are worth. At some point in the future I might do some experimenting with builds - equipping an alt with cheap gear of various kinds and roaming around the low level maps to see how different builds work out practically for me. That's not a priority though, just something I may do in the future. Given all this, it should be pretty clear that I don't expect to spend any money buying additional template slots of any kind.


Beyond my own game play, I also have feedback concerning my reaction to how the new templates have impacted the larger community. While I am not interested in challenging, complex game play myself, I know that a fair number of GW2 players are interested in exactly that. Hard core gamers who do raids, high level fractals, and dungeon speed runs can get as happily immersed in the intricacies of alternate build/equipment load outs as I get in roaming the core Tyria maps. I have friends irl who love digging deep into details like that. So I can understand the anger and frustration people are expressing at the way Anet casually undercut so much of the work and thought they have put into the game. I'm disappointed that Anet dropped the ball so badly on this.


Rather than building their own limited system and shutting down the superior system built by Arc, a better approach might have been to bring the Arc system into GW2. I've played three Shadowrun games on Steam and they all allow the import of user made content into the games. While that may not be feasible as a general policy here, perhaps the resources Anet spent on creating their own template system would have been better used to work with Arc to import their system or to create an equivalent one. I'm not a coder so I don't know if that would have been possible. I do know that when you shut down a better product people were getting for free then replace it with a costly and more limited product, you are going to generate the kinds of frustration and anger we have been seeing here for weeks now.

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I realize everyone is upset and for good reason, but we need to look at solutions; the real issue is how much are we willing to pay for this QoL service?

I agree that back in GW1 days we could save hundreds of builds, however there is no new content coming from that beautiful game and I imagine most of us want to see continued content coming to GW2.


I think the price for the build, equipment and storage slots is too high, and given that some of us have been supporting the game since launch or even the first expansion it is not fair that dedicated players received a HoT themed cosmetic when most of those items have already been purchased by some. we should have all of the "six" build and equipment slots unlocked. The only players that should be limited should be the true F2P players. In the earlier build template demos there was an animation played every time the character changed their BET or TEB (build, equipment, template) I honestly think animations or cosmetic auras on equipment/build switch would be something people would pay for on the other hand (which could also incorporate outfits and other cosmetics as well). They could have as much diversity as what we had with PvP finishers (some earned, some paid for) and being able to dye them, if possible would allow us to really portray our own unique style.


The "template" or "storage slots" should represent 1-6 slots on the build/equipment bar this way the templates are more valuable overall allowing us to switch builds and equipment under the same template. Similar to GW1 this should be saved on our own machines to limit the amount of data that we take up on the server(I have no idea if this is how it works lol). The Template/builds/equipment lines should be separated by game type just like skills themselves are. We are all used to having our setups set-up in this way already, it wasn't broken ( to our knowledge) so there is no reason to fix it.


Build templates are a great feature to introduce to the game and as they are now they can be tuned better for the various modes in game. As stated earlier I believe "Templates" should represent the 1-6 build/equipment options we have under that template, meaning we have a total of 36 combinations at any given time. At the moment these options are like an advanced weapon swap, to take a page from WoW and how their talents currently work, you must visit an inn to change your talent. I don't think we should be locked out of choices, but I think (in the spirit of GW1) we should give thought to preparation. In major cities, open world cities(Amnoon) and outposts(heart vendors) build/equipment swaps should be instant with no debuffs, however in the open world there should be a cast/preparation time associated with build and equipment swaps respectively. There are no debuffs associated with this in the open world and manually you could change your equipment without the debuff the purpose to encourage random community interaction. The Templates themselves should have a debuff when switching that is about equal to the amount of time it would take to do 36 combinations manually or 5-20mins, however the debuff is shorter and decays faster if moving to an open world city or outpost(major cities remove the debuff). The purpose of this is to promote social spaces in the game world itself. This link in chat feature should be exuded out of map chat, I dont know if this will really matter in the end (I just imagine people connecting better if it is in regular chat, whisper or group chat).


In all competitive modes PvP, WvW, Raids and Dungeons we should be limited to one template in the "lobby" area of the zone. In PvE content; dungeons, raids and instanced areas grant you the same limitations you would receive in open world PvE, when you party is away from this "lobby" location you can not change your template, but you can still change build and equipment slots. The reason behind this is if your group is struggling it is most likely in your best interest to reevaluate your strategy and post your "template" in the group chat and have it reviewed so that everyone's can be inspected to produce the best team composition with the professions that are in the party. In PvP this would probably need to be another game mode, but the "lobby" would be the starting area for the match you choose one template and only upon death can you change your build or equipment the casting time to swap out your options would take you away from your team. In WvW controlled territories: have tiers of this functionality certain locations you can change your template others give you reduced cooldown on build/equipment swap.




In closing TL;DR


Honor the Vets:

-If you bought the original + Hot + PoF you should get all of the current build/Equipment slots unlocked for as a thank you for supporting the game for 5-9 characters of our choosing.

- If you only purchased PoF the 3 build/equipment slots are sufficient for the amount invested


Equipment and build slots :

-Equip/build slot are too expensive at 500 gems I think 200-400 range is fair.

-You should get 3 build AND equipment slots to start.


Template slots:

-I think this should be free for all as it is now, if they were to remain paid they should have added functionality and be bundled per slot unlocked in units of 100gems

(eg. 5slots is 500gems)

-Each saved Template should represent the 1-6 build/equipment slots.

-If the Templates are free I think people would pay for animations or auras effect on 1-6 build/equipment swap.


Build/Equipment gameplay:

-Open World no limitation on swap; gain cast time(when out of social zones) to build or equipment respectively if swapping both cast time is the sum of the two.

-PvE competive cast time is always on .

-PvP (in a "new" mode)can only change upon death and respawn in spawn area, Cast time is on.

-WvW no limitation on swap in citadel only, certain location allow swap either natively or through upgrade. no swap on roam.


Template gameplay:

-Open World can change where ever cooldown or debuff when out of social zone (time equal 36 manual setups or 5-20mins)

-PvE competive can change only in specfied are "lobby" eg. in dungeons the area where you choose which path to take.

-PvP can only be changed right before the match or in the mist lobby area.

-WvW can change in citadel no cooldown or in certain other areas per battle(or something like that)


A lot of people ask for Guild Wars 3 and honestly we should just try and improve the game we already have, I think the game can become the tactical hybrid we want, but we have to work with what we have a provide the team with sources of income we are ok spending money on like expansions or some cosmetic features like model alternatives for bone minions idk. I would pay for some cool shit.

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First ... the build didn't auto-swap when I go in/out WvW ...

By combining with template function

there should be a preference page to set the build/equipment prefer to be used in different situations, like:

![](https://i.imgur.com/kLoPlDG.png "")


Secondly, persistent change of build SHOULD ONLY BE MADE at BUILD TEMPLATE PAGE !!!!

any change out of template page should not reflect to the saved build

a.k.a. ![](https://i.imgur.com/wIGS1pg.png "") changing here should not be saved


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i have no idea how these works xD, i try to put my item to the bank and it dissapier, cant find it in my inventory or anywhere. all my infusions got messed up my(i think i might have delete few of them aswell, not sure about my gear tho, i hope its still there and im gonna get it back after bug fix) get angry and leave the gmae for the night.

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> @"Ashen.9426" said:

> I realize everyone is upset and for good reason, but we need to look at solutions; the real issue is how much are we willing to pay for this QoL service?

Since this is just one single QoL feature that normally would have / should have been included in the game or in an expansion, I'd pay a price that's below the price for an expac.

So, certainly not 300-400 € for just one character per profession.

20,- € accountwide (~1500 gems total) would still be expensive for a QoL feature, but since I do like the game that's about the maximum I'd be willing to pay. No way they lower the price that far though. :lol:


So I won't buy any slots at all. Neither with real money, nor with converted gold. Sorry Anet, I really do like the game, but I don't donate to businesses. I buy products or I don't.

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> @"Atenhara.2947" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:


> > * Properly name the features to ensure there's no confusion and the distinction is made clear:

> > * The 6 equipment slots currently called "Equipment templates" should be called something more like "Equipment Loadouts/Preset/Slots/etc", and the 6 "Build templates" would be better addressed as "Skill Loadouts".

> Why not simply Equipment template and Skill template? Simple, easily understandable to a day one gw2 player.


Because the per-character tabs (both gear and build ones) are _not_ templates. They are loadouts. The only actual templates out there are the account-wide ones.


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Give us actual build and gear templates with a save function, add the option to directly load a build from the storage, legendary gear lost the value of inventory space saving while having multiple ascended sets make it more profitable to just create a new character instead of buying more template slots (changing skins on legendary gear should not cost transmutation charges so we can get the same benefit as ascended set users), you already coded slot 7-10 so just add them now. Price is too high, especially for build storage which is just a notepad copy paste thing (we already have community made infinite slot addons).

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1. Completely gouging your playerbase for cash - all extra tabs unlocks should be ACCOUNTWIDE unlocks

2. new character slots are far better value than this system

3. swapping just a few pieces of gear now extremely annoying you have to slowly mouseover for stats not, it's there in a line in the inventory (most of my gear has same icons but different stats. e.g. trinkets etc so you place them in inventory spots to manage them)

4. Too few tabs to be really valuable 10x more tabs needed (& unlocking another tab unlocks for every current & future character)

5. Did I mention the feeling you are gouging your playerbase for cash, with junk/acounting/management features & skins, while providing very little new playable content, & truly awful balance patches that do the opposite of their stated objectives?

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Came back to the game after a long break, saw that build templates had been implemented. Oh boy, what a day!

Aaaand I'm horrified with the result—it's a feat, really, that not a single type of player has been satisfied with this “feature”.

Not only that, but you're charging such a _basic_ QoL feature and for such an _insane_ price!

Players already craft the legendary armors, weapons and trinkets, which don't come cheap. They have to pay to spend less time in the inventory tab?

I'm amazed at the level of failing that you reached on this one.


Well, so long ANet, it's been a fun ride while it lasted.

Hope you'll clean up your act, for the sake of those who keep playing.

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> @"Sky.8035" said:

> I understand you guys are a company and need to make money, but charging for every little thing outside of Living World releases is absolutely ridiculous.


They are charging us for Living World releases too (well, at least if you didn't play until the next release).

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I will preface this with the fact that I don't use templates, however my opinion on this issue:


1. ANet should allow for QoL add-ons and have a process to test and sign off on them to be officially sanctioned for use in game

2. ANet should reach out to the ArcDPS Build Template developer and purchase the rights to the code and make it an official GW2 add-on with the option to enable or disable the feature.

3. The number of templates and storage is quite horrid, based on the loyalty the community has to this game. Recommendation would be to give 2 templates and 2 storage based on the amount of years playing. Max 14 template and 14 storage, if more is needed past that then can be purchase from the gem store at the current price. On the birthday anniversary of the toons, grant 1 template and 1 storage as part of the package.




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My biggest problem is that ANet had an "ACTUAL TEMPLATE" of what the community was expecting as a"bare minimum" of build templates if they were to look at the DeltaConnected developed solution (ARC Templates).

The discussion in the office should have been: "here is what they have now - and it works and they are happy with it - how can we make them happier? How can we take what they are using - what we said they can use - and improve upon it?"


If I were king of Anet - the official build templates development/implementation would have gone something akin to the following:


**Create an Armory**

Each paid account would receive for free a 20 slot Armory - expandable to something like 200 slots via gems at a rate equivalent to bag slot expansion (3-400 gems / 20 slots). This Armory would be the basis for equipment storage, and the means to monetize a portion of the templates. Armory expansion would be the ONLY portion of templates monetized, as it effectually shared storage. The Armory would be account wide storage, and allow for easy sharing of equipment, infusions, runes, etc. between characters

Each piece of equipment, rune, sigil, infusion, etc. when equipped would have an option (via a check-box that you could default to on or off) to be returned to the armory when unequipped. Each equipped item would be able to be edited in the hero panel to change your preference on where the item goes - for example if you change your mind and want your equipped sword to stay in your inventory rather than returning to the armory as you initially selected - you would drill into the item and un-tick the "return to armory" box. Equipment, et al. that is unequipped without being flagged as "return to armory" would be moved to that characters inventory when unequipped.


**Release an Actual Build Template System**

_Builds in GW2 are complex, in that a build involve traits, equipment c/w runes, sigils & infusions, and skills. Each of these forms an interlocking part of an actual build - so why separate them?_


The development of this feature already exists - DeltaConnected already did it for ANet. I would have either hired/contracted Delta or bought his code - then polished the UI to be an integral part of the game code rather than a add-on / overlay.


If a build was loaded that required equipment, the first equipment pass would look in the characters inventory. The second pass would look in the armory. If the equipment was not found in either - the user would be notified that part of their builds "equipment (XX) could not be located." Honestly - this is a problem for the user to solve - as it isn't up to ANet to manage where the player puts their stuff.


That's It!...Build Templates....Yay!



Admittedly, I am not huge into this, but I know those who are and it was irksome to them that their dye jobs were being lost with templates so:


**Fashion Wars Templates**

Each character gets 2 free fashion templates. These hold default dye colors per channel for your characters preference. These templates, could again be expanded on a per character basis for a moderate amount of gems (50 per)

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


I have been holding my breath, praying that my beloved game, our beloved game, has not turned into the blatant, money-grabbing company that has been the demise of so many games. I have always been proud of Guild Wars 2, proud to promote the game to others. However, I cannot do that in good conscience atm. You guys needed this template release to really hit the mark, with all the negativity surrounding the company this year, you needed this ... and you missed ... you missed big time.


Many people have made wonderful suggestions. I trust they will be read with earnest. Here are just a few of mine:


1. Templates should be free

2. Equipment Templates should equal the # of B-Templates

3. Reinstate the auto-load feature for WvW and sPvP (if you don't play these zones, you have 3 templates for PVE, e.g., if you do, you have 1 for PVE). Do not punish your customers for actually playing your game.

4. Increase the maximum amount of templates. Back in 'vanilla GW2' three templates may have been fine. We now have so many stat combinations, so many other variables. Again, do not punish your customers for actually playing your game.

5. Have the # of slots varied depending on your account level (FTP, Basic, HoT, PoF)

6. Purchasable slot *bundles* should be at a reasonable price ... which they obviously are not currently at.


With the current limitation of 6 max slots, even if I were inclined to buy more slots I would not. Six is not enough to cover my builds on all of my mains so, why bother. I would still have to manually change gear/builds. Get it? Three slots are enough for my alts. Six slots are too little for my mains. Included in this the insane price and sickening money grabbing which, I pray is not motivated from Anet, and I have absolute no reason to buy any slots. Ever.


Please, please show us, your devoted customers, that you are still the company that cares about their customers. We are fighting for you to do so.



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> @"dmone.5631" said:

> I will preface this with the fact that I don't use templates, however my opinion on this issue:


> 1. ANet should allow for QoL add-ons and have a process to test and sign off on them to be officially sanctioned for use in game

> 2. ANet should reach out to the ArcDPS Build Template developer and purchase the rights to the code and make it an official GW2 add-on with the option to enable or disable the feature.

> 3. The number of templates and storage is quite horrid, based on the loyalty the community has to this game. Recommendation would be to give 2 templates and 2 storage based on the amount of years playing. Max 14 template and 14 storage, if more is needed past that then can be purchase from the gem store at the current price. On the birthday anniversary of the toons, grant 1 template and 1 storage as part of the package.





I agree. Never used the ArcDPS version, but the one released by Anet is...well...bad. Even if I manually remove my Staff from my character, because it is a Legendary, it removes everything. Why? The Staff isn't actually used in any other Equipment Template at all. So why does it remove stuff? Twice now I've re-equipped the staff only to realize, after fighting, that it is missing Infusions and Sigils.


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thats what i thougt it will be ![](https://i.imgur.com/litTWVy.png "")

EQ button would redirect you to EQ window or to shop if u dont have this option...

No promblem with paying for EQ option because it allows you to save space in inventory.

3 Fast builds for free, more for gems IMO OK.

Builds should be reliable cheap because i dont see why I have to pay so much when I can alt tab to check PNG in my folders with builds..

However EQ option can be 300-500 gems idk.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


Thanks for the answer. We hope ANET could be more close to the community and listen us more frequently. We need you and you need us. We need to be partners not enemies.


**About that build template:**

I hope you guys release this feature for free, with a normal limitation, example: **10 equipment/set build + 10 skills/traits build per character for free**.

if you want more than 10, than you pay.


Im ok with pay IF I PAID FOR AN REALLY EXTRA feature, example: its normal to have 20 equipament builds? NOPE, its not. So if you want to be that crazy, pay for that. But have 10 builds its super normal. Everything that is "normal" it has to be free.


10 builds per character is a decent amount, because we have PVE, PVP and WvW. Most of us have minimum 3 builds for each mode. MINIMUM.

The bests scenario is: 10 builds for each mode: 10 for pvp, 10 for pve, 10 for WvW. THIS IS REALLY WORKS.


When I say "build" I mean equipment/set + skills/traits. So... equipment set + skill/trait build.


Sorry for my terrible english.

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