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Would you keep playing a game that ACTIVELY makes your experience worse just to charge you money ?


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I used to be able to play the game even though i had to change things by memory, but now even switching to pvp is a hassle and requires me to remake my build configuration every time, plus having to carry two extra sets of every weapon just to make sure the system doesn't mess with their configuration.


Please don't misunderstand me, i am willing to pay for IMPROVEMENTS, and when the case is that a new feature comes i would like to retain the possibility to CHOOSE if i wish to use or not, as i understand not everything is for everyone, on this poll i am referring to when a new "feature" is added with no respect to feedback and clearly designed to force people to play in a way that ultimately would make them pay money to enjoy the same type of experience they had before.


So the question is simply if you are willing to put up with a game that ACTIVELY creates problems to sell you the solution (and even then it limits it and what it sells to you is crappy at best).


EDIT: for those of you that believe that the question merits some more explanation i answered a similar position on the post down bellow, a link: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1085478/#Comment_1085478](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1085478/#Comment_1085478 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1085478/#Comment_1085478")



ty for your time

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> This patch is a boon to anyone not using third party addons.


**Wrong.** I've never used any third party software, but I am doing much worse now with my legendary gear than before. Equipment templates are the worst, such a lousy implementation.


Go check out the other threads for further explanation, if you are interested.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > This patch is a boon to anyone not using third party addons.


> **Wrong.** I've never used any third party software, but I am doing much worse now with my legendary gear than before. Equipment templates are the worst, such a lousy implementation.


> Go check out the other threads for further explanation, if you are interested.


So how many clicks did you have to do before the templates were added since you didnt use third party software as you claim?

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > This patch is a boon to anyone not using third party addons.

> >

> > **Wrong.** I've never used any third party software, but I am doing much worse now with my legendary gear than before. Equipment templates are the worst, such a lousy implementation.

> >

> > Go check out the other threads for further explanation, if you are interested.


> So how many clicks did you have to do before the templates were added since you didnt use third party software as you claim?

I'm with Ashantara. Never used ARC, still more hassle now with the new system.



PvE -> PvP and back: zero clicks

PvE -> WvW and back: one weapon change from inventory



PvE -> any other mode and back: Need to change both build and gear manually


Edit: To answer the OP: I'll keep playing, but I surely won't spend any money on those "features". Using alts seems to be the better option still, what a shame really. What a waste of a feature.

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> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > This patch is a boon to anyone not using third party addons.

> > >

> > > **Wrong.** I've never used any third party software, but I am doing much worse now with my legendary gear than before. Equipment templates are the worst, such a lousy implementation.

> > >

> > > Go check out the other threads for further explanation, if you are interested.

> >

> > So how many clicks did you have to do before the templates were added since you didnt use third party software as you claim?

> I'm with Ashantara. Never used ARC, still more hassle now with the new system.


> Before:

> PvE -> PvP and back: zero clicks

> PvE -> WvW and back: one weapon change from inventory


> Now:

> PvE -> any other mode and back: Need to change both build and gear manually


ok so its worst if you never switch builds in the same modes then. Now for many of the rest of us, we use multiple builds in the same game modes. example on my Revenant main in WvW I have a Defensive Support build, Power Damage build, Healer Elite Spec Build, Core Healer build, and a Condi builds.


Now with build templates I can switch and swap between each of these builds with a single click

and follow that up with a swap of a whole set of gear to match the role with another click.


thats a huge bonus. But if you somebody that dont change builds at all, yeah I can see why you may not like the new Templates. Maybe they will add an option to Auto change builds based on joining a game mode.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > > This patch is a boon to anyone not using third party addons.

> > > >

> > > > **Wrong.** I've never used any third party software, but I am doing much worse now with my legendary gear than before. Equipment templates are the worst, such a lousy implementation.

> > > >

> > > > Go check out the other threads for further explanation, if you are interested.

> > >

> > > So how many clicks did you have to do before the templates were added since you didnt use third party software as you claim?

> > I'm with Ashantara. Never used ARC, still more hassle now with the new system.

> >

> > Before:

> > PvE -> PvP and back: zero clicks

> > PvE -> WvW and back: one weapon change from inventory

> >

> > Now:

> > PvE -> any other mode and back: Need to change both build and gear manually


> ok so its worst if you never switch builds in the same modes then. Now for many of the rest of us, we use multiple builds in the same game modes. example on my Revenant main in WvW I have a Defensive Support build, Power Damage build, Healer Elite Spec Build, Core Healer build, and a Condi builds.

I would have loved to do that! I was hoping for that!

But now I need all my three build templates just to cover the three modes. If I want several builds in one game mode, I have to either change everything manually like before, or have dedicated alts per mode. So... like before, just slightly worse.

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Not only i feel handicapped now because i'm playing numerous gamemodes, i also can't properly use my legendaries without paying up for more slots. Every time you put on a legendsry that's assigned to another template, it gets completely reset, so you have to manually choose infusions, runes, etc. Moreover, all weapons assigned to different templates do not show up in the pvp build tab, so now you actually have to use both pve and pvp build, and when you do that you screw your template each time, since it has auto saves, lmao. I can't imagine how bad it is for people playing high tier fractals and raids, as well as wvw, pvp and open world.


Now you're literally forced to either buy a new character tab or template tab, because i can't imaging setting your legendary over and over again after every minor gear change for a skip, combo field or boon stacking, pvp game lmao. Good thing the game is not p2w, right.

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I agree with the PvP part with the OP, yes, the devs should not have touched PvP, maybe even WvW, but i cant speak for the WvW community since i'm just casually doing WvW, my WvW toon does spend time in PvE, so it is a hassle having to manually toggle from my PvE build into WvW build


the build template should only be implemented for PvE for now

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> I agree with the PvP part with the OP, yes, the devs should not have touched PvP, maybe even WvW, but i cant speak for the WvW community since i'm just casually doing WvW, my WvW toon does spend time in PvE, so it is a hassle having to manually toggle from my PvE build into WvW build


> the build template should only be implemented for PvE for now


I mainly wvw, and i love it, i can switch between zerging and roaming with 2 buttons on my keyboard in 0.5seconds,with completely Different weapons, stats, runes and sigils, dont you dare take it away now.


As for pvp, i already always used a character that is always standing around in the mists, so i never had to bother swapoing weapons around etc.


I dont understand why so many ppl are complaining about how they now have to change so much in their build, when they previously never had to change alot, except maybe a weapon or a single trait. Whats the difference now? You can still just swap those weapons etc with the same speed and for traits, if you only use 3 different builds for each gamemode 1, make a template for each mode and bind a key to it (on your numpad for example) and press one single button as you enter that mode, takes 1seconds to push that button, soooo inconvenient, but for ppl like me who play different builds with different stats etc its a huuuge and good change.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Great job on the intentionally biased poll. Why didn't you just start a discusion or add to one of the MANY threads about templates that already exist? Soooooo many of these....


It might be a pointless poll as the obvious answer is no, but the intention is probably more about if we wish to support or continue playing a game that makes things worse to charge for the solution.


So I've answered No, as I wont support it anymore



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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> just make a pvp char, saves loads of time.


> gw2 has always actively encouraged you to spend money

> so much different kinds of loot and currency, to fill you're bags up annoyingly fast for example.


i live alone so i pay my own electric bill as many other persons, say for example that one day that company comes to my house and changes my light bulbs, they are quite cute and they say it makes their system more streamlined but i don't like them because they bother me when i read or when i am at my daily life after work and they cost me money for something i previously had a good solution for (my own lamps), i tell them this but although they could change them back they say they wont do it and if i try to do it myself they will cease the contract for violation of the terms and cut my power.


i could always just not turn them on and buy a new chandelier connected to a battery that i charge from the outlet, this way never connecting them directly to their system, sure i could do that, but i wont.


i have nothing against you or people that disagree with me, you have your own opinion and that's fair but i find it hard to understand people that defend a position that takes something from others, when all i want is to be allowed to enjoy the game as i did before, if you like the new lamps sure more power to you, but why do i have to be forced to use them, then again i guess that's the question and that's why i answered no, because that's my choice, you see i never wanted to convince you that i am right, and yet your answer is designed to prove me wrong , to show me that there is a way, its cumbersome but i have adversity in life and i don't mind adapting if the reason why i have to do it was one necessity, for my benefit or of some i care, this is not that, this is greed pure and simple, this is the same company that makes the problem selling the solution.


i hope people enjoy the new features, as they are so few and far between, but i cant abide by having them being shoved up down my throat against my enjoyment of the game, and i do hope when they finally do something that hurts the way you enjoy the game, or the mode you like to play, you don't feel like you are shouting against a wall.


i never asked for free stuff, lower price, more slots, content ... etc ... and i don't feel like i am entitle to anything at all, its a service, its their choice, they can charge what ever they want for what ever feature they come up with as scummy or as inventive as it might be, but to take away something i, we, had in order to put people in a position that if they want a semblance of what they had before they have to pay, that i wont accept.


but that's just me, and again it was never my intention to convince either you or anyone else


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Anet already said that PvP will have a separate build template, this stuff that is happenning is probably some bug since the PvP template is not implemeted and is conflicting with the PvE/WvW one, tough i hope they don't try to sell templates on PvP, not PvP of all places lol.

Dunno, maybe sending a ticket or a bug report could help solve this (if it is indeed a bug/conflict), guess that's too hard to do.

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I think the templates bring some good benefits for some people but sadly Anet didn't think this the whole way through so it to the detriment of some other groups as these different groups don't necessarily play the exact same way.


While there some good things it definitely needs improving sadly I do not think Anet will improve it as I think they want more gem sales which I think many people playing the game will encourage.

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> @"Brandon Uzumaki.1524" said:

> Anet already said that PvP will have a separate build template, this stuff that is happenning is probably some bug since the PvP template is not implemeted and is conflicting with the PvE/WvW one, tough i hope they don't try to sell templates on PvP, not PvP of all places lol.

> Dunno, maybe sending a ticket or a bug report could help solve this (if it is indeed a bug/conflict), guess that's too hard to do.


I jumped into pvp as soon as the patch hit, I didn't bother checking my build or even equipment because I assumed it was the same. Game started and I was like what kitten is this madness...... lesson learned. Very disappointed in this implementation of their templates.

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My vote goes for YES, because the game I refer to is Guild Wars, not just any game. Otherwise you can consider my vote as NO.


I’m too addicted to GW2 to stop playing it (and it’s been like this since Prophecies), but for the first time they really managed to get me annoyed and openly say to the screen “WOW! This is really bad...”.


They’ve made EA look like a charity organization with this move. I’m the type of player that enjoys all types of content they serve us. It makes game way more interesting and less stale if you do a bit of everything.

The problem that arose for me after this patch is that I haven’t benefited at all from it (unless I pay them, which I will, as always, but this time I will just convert gold to gems) and in some way it was a step back for me, because now I have to remember to switch builds for PvP and WvW (this is less of an issue, given infinite amount of time to notice that we are using wrong build).


PvP is following different rules than other game modes, so I’m politely asking ANet to exclude PvP from this feature or maybe redesign how build changing is working for PvP - make it separate (builds from PvE don’t carry over to PvP); it would be nice PR move from ANet and would ease anger of many people here.


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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> For those of us that dont use Third Party Software for the game, This patch added a lot of improvements.

Yeah, so many additional mouseclicks that I didn't needed before. I'm so thankful that this game is forcing me to repeat the same stuff over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over


That is around the amount of additional mouse clicks that I did yesterday, because I like to do PVE or WvW while waiting for the quen in PVP. Before the patch I did use the same gear for all modes, but only let the system change from PVE to PVP to WvW skills by just joining.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > This patch is a boon to anyone not using third party addons.

> >

> > **Wrong.** I've never used any third party software, but I am doing much worse now with my legendary gear than before. Equipment templates are the worst, such a lousy implementation.

> >

> > Go check out the other threads for further explanation, if you are interested.


> So how many clicks did you have to do before the templates were added since you didnt use third party software as you claim?


Prior to yesterday, when I entered WvW, I had to do zero clicks. Yesterday, I had to do three (hero panel, select build tab, select build). While that is relatively mild as far as annoyances go, it's still a downgrade for me. My PvE build switching almost never involves more than changing weapons (in which case, my experience may involve another click now) or a skill (likewise). For my play style, I have not seen any increased QoL beyond a few bag slots on characters who carried condi or power armor/weapons. I don't have enough trinkets to let a full set languish in a seldom-used build slot on one character. If I wanted to switch from condi to power before, I had to take the appropriate trinkets off a character I was not using right now. I still have to do that.


I will grant that for players who exclusively (or at least mostly) play either PvE or WvW, who did not have multiple legendary gear pieces and who still carried multiple gear sets, this patch may have been an upgrade. However, it was not a boon to "anyone not using third party addons" as was claimed.


As to the thread topic, I am disinclined to pay games that make my game experience worse to sell me something to mitigate the annoyance. What I find ironic is that my annoyance with yesterday's patch would not be mitigated by buying more "templates." Thus, I have not voted.

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