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ArenaNet should rename word "Raid" into something else


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Current "raids " are fine for average PvE players which likes to do same things over and over again. For some reason it's not boring for them. Their main reason is to do anything together and socialize meantime with others. It can be "raids" but they will be fine with any PvE content. Like dungeons, fractals or even open world stuff.


But current "raids" in Guild Wars 2 have nothing to do with real raiding experience which is focused on progression. And very organized group content.

That's why most of the real raiders quit gw2.

You can't keep raiders interested when there's just 3 bosses per year and game is missing meaningful rewards.


IMO word "Raid" should be renamed to something else. Why?


- Real raiders feels cheated by ArenaNet.


- Average PvE players don't like this word. They don't like raids from other mmorpg's so they avoid this content in Guild Wars 2.


It would be healthier for both groups.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Lord Rhett.9360" said:

> > In what game are raids focused on "progression"?


> Not a pver but I think that's how raids were setup traditionally in MMOs (wow), gear grinds to step up to the next raid.


I played LotRO and WoW and in those, the raid "progression" was figuring out how to beat the raid, then endlessly grinding it to get better gear to make the raid easier. In other words, exactly like GW2. The difference is that the gear in those games was strictly better stat-wise, while in GW2, it's just more convenient and has fun effects.


GW2 raids have the double-edged effect of not requiring grinding every time a new one comes out, but also not increasing in difficulty beyond mechanics (though tbh that's enough in a lot of cases, for example W3).

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"Lord Rhett.9360" said:

> > In what game are raids focused on "progression"?


> some people think that a perpetual, meaningless geargrind is 'progression'


> Probably the same people OP called 'real raiders' or that gw2 raids are not raids.


What? By progress I mean progress. So killing some bosses for the first time and figuring out their mechanics on your own. Without using guides because there's none of them on internet yet. This is real raiding experience and its totally different than killing bosses with guides.


This kind of raiding actually don't exist in gw2. So it's not raids anymore. Its some kind of 10 man dungeon, but certainly not "raid".

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> @"Xar.6279" said:

> Current "raids " are fine for average PvE players which likes to do same things over and over again. For some reason it's not boring for them. Their main reason is to do anything together and socialize meantime with others. It can be "raids" but they will be fine with any PvE content. Like dungeons, fractals or even open world stuff.


> But current "raids" in Guild Wars 2 have nothing to do with real raiding experience which is focused on progression. And very organized group content.

> That's why most of the real raiders quit gw2.

> You can't keep raiders interested when there's just 3 bosses per year and game is missing meaningful rewards.


> IMO word "Raid" should be renamed to something else. Why?


> - Real raiders feels cheated by ArenaNet.


> - Average PvE players don't like this word. They don't like raids from other mmorpg's so they avoid this content in Guild Wars 2.


> It would be healthier for both groups.


"Super Strike Missions"




Any of these sound better?

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> @"Xar.6279" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > > @"Lord Rhett.9360" said:

> > > In what game are raids focused on "progression"?

> >

> > some people think that a perpetual, meaningless geargrind is 'progression'

> >

> > Probably the same people OP called 'real raiders' or that gw2 raids are not raids.


> What? By progress I mean progress. So killing some bosses for the first time and figuring out their mechanics on your own. Without using guides because there's none of them on internet yet. This is real raiding experience and its totally different than killing bosses with guides.


> This kind of raiding actually don't exist in gw2. So it's not raids anymore. Its some kind of 10 man dungeon, but certainly not "raid".


So the only real raiders are the ones making guides? I'm ok with this. As a Non-real raider I like the fact that nothing changes so the guides don't get out of date, and I don't have to change my build for no reason. Win Win for everyone.

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Yea if thats what a real raider is they only got content to do once since after that the progression is gone, so anet should really not waste content on them.

I mean lets be real they cant curn the content out for those raiders to be happy ( they cant even do it for the semi hardcore ones currently)

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> What? By progress I mean progress. So killing some bosses for the first time and figuring out their mechanics on your own. Without using guides because there's none of them on internet yet. This is real raiding experience and its totally different than killing bosses with guides.


> This kind of raiding actually don't exist in gw2. So it's not raids anymore. Its some kind of 10 man dungeon, but certainly not "raid".


That kind of progress is possible for a few hours after the raid comes out in any game. Once the world first is done, guides come out and then everyone follows them. If you want to raid without guides, that's totally your prerogative. Well, you and nine friends. Good luck.

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> @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > @"Xar.6279" said:

> > ...most of the real raiders quit gw2.

> *snip*

> > IMO word "Raid" should be renamed to something else.


> "100% More Fun Now That That Those Guys Are Gone"


We will see how many raid teams quit after the guides stop flowing from the progression raiders mate.

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> @"Xar.6279" said:



> What? By progress I mean progress. So killing some bosses for the first time and figuring out their mechanics on your own. Without using guides because there's none of them on internet yet. This is real raiding experience and its totally different than killing bosses with guides.


> This kind of raiding actually don't exist in gw2. So it's not raids anymore. Its some kind of 10 man dungeon, but certainly not "raid".


This is 100% achievable in gw2. When wing 7 came out, my raid team agreed on not watching any streams, or checking kill videos and try to beat the new wing that way. It took us 3 days, and it was fun.

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> @"wasss.1208" said:

> > @"Xar.6279" said:


> >

> > What? By progress I mean progress. So killing some bosses for the first time and figuring out their mechanics on your own. Without using guides because there's none of them on internet yet. This is real raiding experience and its totally different than killing bosses with guides.

> >

> > This kind of raiding actually don't exist in gw2. So it's not raids anymore. Its some kind of 10 man dungeon, but certainly not "raid".


> This is 100% achievable in gw2. When wing 7 came out, my raid team agreed on not watching any streams, or checking kill videos and try to beat the new wing that way. It took us 3 days, and it was fun.


3 days of progression and 300+ days of waiting :pensive:

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Raid just means instanced group content with higher amount of players than normal group size to me. It has nothing to do with difficulty or how often you've done the raid.

Progression raiding also has nothing to do with if you use guides or not, it just means you're doing the raids of the current patch.

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i really dont know why everybody is so upset about gw2 raids.


-> ...new raids take ages to be announced/released


dont compare it to WoW and FF14. gw2 is not the same game, ever tried to consider more factors than raids only? company size? amount of content available? gamemodes available? be more reasonable.


-> ...no progression


set yourself goals. no death runs (no downstate). speedruns. different class setups. do all the mechanics instead of skipping them with dps. can we skip mechanics with scrappers only? survive e.g. enrage for x amount of time (if it doesnt kill you 1shot ofc). did you every do a raid with a profession/specialization you enjoy playing, because it feels good playing (visually, skills, traits) rather than the max dps/support it can squish out in a group of 10 people? (i am not saying you should be doing a snowflake build with 3k dps and no support. but try the best you can with a profession you enjoy)

i know, this is a hard one and i admit it would be easier if achievements for those things were build into the game**, because doing it yourself = work... and we all know this is something everybody likes to avoid (at times. expecially during our free time).



**(titles, little extra rewards like e.g. special infusions that show "you've done a special thing", weekly reward for the fastest groups/groups with least deaths (a score system so to speak))

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> @"Melech.4308" said:

> > @"Xar.6279" said:

> > Current "raids " are fine for average PvE players which likes to do same things over and over again. For some reason it's not boring for them. Their main reason is to do anything together and socialize meantime with others. It can be "raids" but they will be fine with any PvE content. Like dungeons, fractals or even open world stuff.

> >

> > But current "raids" in Guild Wars 2 have nothing to do with real raiding experience which is focused on progression. And very organized group content.

> > That's why most of the real raiders quit gw2.

> > You can't keep raiders interested when there's just 3 bosses per year and game is missing meaningful rewards.

> >

> > IMO word "Raid" should be renamed to something else. Why?

> >

> > - Real raiders feels cheated by ArenaNet.

> >

> > - Average PvE players don't like this word. They don't like raids from other mmorpg's so they avoid this content in Guild Wars 2.

> >

> > It would be healthier for both groups.


> "Super Strike Missions"

> "Voyages"

> "Adventures"


> Any of these sound better?


Or go with something more descriptively accurate...... Like "Breaking and Entering", "Burglary", "Homicide and/or Assassination", or "Grand Theft Larceny".

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