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Trypophobia Awareness and Kormir's Library


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Trypophobia Awareness.

It's been two years and I don't think anyone has commented on this.

Trypophobia. Trypophobia is a fear or disgust of closely-packed holes. People who have it feel queasy when looking at surfaces that have small holes gathered close together. For example, the head of a lotus seed pod or the body of a strawberry could trigger discomfort in someone with this phobia.


People have various degrees of Trypophobia, if you go to Kormir's library and look at the scrolls...if your skin starts to crawl it possibly means you have some level of Trypophobia.

Today, I was doing Kormir's story instance and I felt my skin begin to crawl when looking at the scrolls. I've forgotten that two years ago, I had to avoid staring at the walls for long due to the skin crawling feeling. The image in this post is at a slight angle, to hopefully to lessen the Trypophobia effect anyone may experience when looking at the picture. If you want to see if you have this phobia or not, you can do a google search for the word Trypophobia. If you do get anxiety or skin begins to crawl, you may experience that effect in Kormir's story instance. If you do, try not to look at the walls when doing the mission. When going to read her scrolls on the wall, I interact with them quickly and focus on the dialogue box to stop the skin crawling effect.



Wanted to add back in 2017, I didn't know what Trypophobia was. So, I tried to ignore the feeling back then. However, now I know what it is and I'm concern about players who may have more serious reaction to Trypophobia.

Update 2:

Added _Trypophobia Awareness _to to the top of this post for anyone that missed the title.


[https://imgur.com/a/c3F9z2e](https://imgur.com/a/c3F9z2e "https://imgur.com/a/c3F9z2e")

![](https://i.imgur.com/7eN08We.png "")


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I... I don't even know what to say about this.


Just don't look at the walls. That's all you have to do. If it's really that bad, you need to see a psychiatrist and get off of the game.


There are people who have extreme phobia of cats. So should we remove every cat from the game? Including Charr?


So your 'skin begins to crawl' when you look at holey, things.... so what?


If you're not having a straight up panic attack, you can get over it and finish the instance just like everyone else.

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is just a very small part of history instance, just do what u had to do here and gone never need go back there,,, except if u didnt had the griffon collection yet.


ah yeah i had small scale of Trypophobia too, related to anything with some **hornet hives** format, packed black holes is disgusting, i had a will to burn everything look in that way.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I'm getting a feeling of unease and slight dizziness at extreme heights. Doing that JP in Ascalon for the Skyscale was quite trying, but I got it done. If someone's phobia is too strong to get past their unease, they really have only two options, as Dragon Priestess wrote.


same too, but for some reason the games heights i find "relaxing", i had only a bit of adrenaline when jumping(dive spots) in-game from high heights and i like it,..., but in real life im very scared of high heights.

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Kitty's getting motion sickness with awful nauseous feeling if she's playing open-world stuff for any extended period (kinda limited to 30-60mins of open-world at a time) but she's kinda solved it by focusing solely on instanced content and only open-worlding for mandatory things like story and fast guild missions. So her solution is limiting the gameplay to what she can do and focusing on that and trying to keep it interesting.


Kitty also knows some people with phobias related to textures and they've solved it by using ReShade in semi-extreme settings (like almost complete darkness around the character) to deal with areas that trigger their phobias. And if there's some areas that can't be dealt with by using reshade's filters, there might be an option of calling a friend to deal with that particular thing if it's not repetitive (if you have any gaming friends nearby).

For trypophobia, reshade with strong blur at further than short distance (called "depth blur" or something like that") around the character should work as long as you keep a bit of distance from offending walls. You can deactivate the reshade preset for that when not in an area with holey walls.


This vid should explain how to do basic setup on it (and look the video on this link as searching youtube might lead to another related video which would seriously trigger that particular phobia):


E: Kitty asked the friend about the shader that works well for the purpose and it's DisplayDepth.fx in ReShade.

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Lots of helpful comments in this thread. I don't think anyone's asking ArenaNet to change their game because of phobias in this discussion, but rather giving tips for coping with them to people that love GW2 but hate/fear certain aspects.


OP should consider changing their thread title to invite people to post coping mechanisms and heads ups for for multiple triggers encountered in the game so players can regulate their experience and take care of themselves. Can't avoid every nasty surprise, but it'd be a nice start and a healthy way to address kneejerk reactions.


EDIT: Not really a phobia, but I have something called [Misophonia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misophonia "Misophonia") which means that certain sounds grab my attention, destroy my focus, and give me unnatural angry and uncomfortable feelings. In general, it's sounds like crying babies, whispering, pen tapping, off-rhythm beats, etc. In GW2, it's certain instruments, repetitive mini noises (Ho-Ho-Tron, Toxic Hybrid), the Jacaranda scream, the overlapping dove coo'ing in Divinity's Reach ambient sound and certain level-up and combat sounds.


In my case, the solution is to either completely shut off the master volume on the game, or go in and reduce the volume on different sound sliders. It's an annoying fix, but at least it's there.

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> @"reapex.8546" said:

> It's been two years and I don't think anyone has commented on this.

> Trypophobia. Trypophobia is a fear or disgust of closely-packed holes. People who have it feel queasy when looking at surfaces that have small holes gathered close together. For example, the head of a lotus seed pod or the body of a strawberry could trigger discomfort in someone with this phobia.


> People have various degrees of Trypophobia, if you go to Kormir's library and look at the scrolls...if your skin starts to crawl it possibly means you have some level of Trypophobia.

> Today, I was doing Kormir's story instance and I felt my skin begin to crawl when looking at the scrolls. I've forgotten that two years ago, I had to avoid staring at the walls for long due to the skin crawling feeling. The image in this post is at a slight angle, to hopefully to lessen the Trypophobia effect anyone may experience when looking at the picture. If you want to see if you have this phobia or not, you can do a google search for the word Trypophobia. If you do get anxiety or skin begins to crawl, you may experience that effect in Kormir's story instance. If you do, try not to look at the walls when doing the mission. When going to read her scrolls on the wall, I interact with them quickly and focus on the dialogue box to stop the skin crawling effect.


> Update:

> Wanted to add back in 2017, I didn't know what Trypophobia was. So, I tried to ignore the feeling back then. However, now I know what it is and I'm concern about players who may have more serious reaction to Trypophobia.


> [https://imgur.com/a/c3F9z2e](https://imgur.com/a/c3F9z2e "https://imgur.com/a/c3F9z2e")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/7eN08We.png "")

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trypophobia


Slightly off topic, I wonder what causes this condition? What evolutionary development made humans fear/get irritated by this type of thing?

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"reapex.8546" said:

> > It's been two years and I don't think anyone has commented on this.

> > Trypophobia. Trypophobia is a fear or disgust of closely-packed holes. People who have it feel queasy when looking at surfaces that have small holes gathered close together. For example, the head of a lotus seed pod or the body of a strawberry could trigger discomfort in someone with this phobia.

> >

> > People have various degrees of Trypophobia, if you go to Kormir's library and look at the scrolls...if your skin starts to crawl it possibly means you have some level of Trypophobia.

> > Today, I was doing Kormir's story instance and I felt my skin begin to crawl when looking at the scrolls. I've forgotten that two years ago, I had to avoid staring at the walls for long due to the skin crawling feeling. The image in this post is at a slight angle, to hopefully to lessen the Trypophobia effect anyone may experience when looking at the picture. If you want to see if you have this phobia or not, you can do a google search for the word Trypophobia. If you do get anxiety or skin begins to crawl, you may experience that effect in Kormir's story instance. If you do, try not to look at the walls when doing the mission. When going to read her scrolls on the wall, I interact with them quickly and focus on the dialogue box to stop the skin crawling effect.

> >

> > Update:

> > Wanted to add back in 2017, I didn't know what Trypophobia was. So, I tried to ignore the feeling back then. However, now I know what it is and I'm concern about players who may have more serious reaction to Trypophobia.

> >

> > [https://imgur.com/a/c3F9z2e](https://imgur.com/a/c3F9z2e "https://imgur.com/a/c3F9z2e")

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/7eN08We.png "")

> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trypophobia


> Slightly off topic, I wonder what causes this condition? What evolutionary development made humans fear/get irritated by this type of thing?


There are a few theories. Most prevalent seem related to an evolved sense of avoiding poisonous or venomous plants and animals where such pattens can be commonly found in nature or related to a survival instinct to avoid patterns of disease where such symptoms appear on another (pox etc)

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I don't have trypophobia, but I do have arachnophobia (fear of spiders) and other than the obvious trying not to look etc. one thing which helps me that might be relevant for other phobias is just allowing some time after a bad 'episode' to deal with how I'm feeling, however irrational that might be.


For example if a spider in a game sets of my arachnophobia (doesn't always, some are unrealistic enough that it's fine or I only see them briefly at a time when I have too many other things to think about) that usually manifests as worrying there might be real spiders near me. So I get to a point where I can stop playing briefly and take some time to check the under side of the desk, under the chair etc. and just reassure myself that's not the case. (Or if I do find one I deal with it.) I'm not sure what the equivalent might be for other phobias, but whatever makes you feel better about the situation, however pointless it might seem.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I have problems with viewing vistas. The camera movement when showing the scenery makes me really nauseated. I just close my eyes before I start the view and count to 10.


Personally I just never watch them. I don't get sick or anything I just don't care lol. Just hit escape to get out of them as soon as they start and you get your map completion objective done.

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There are many, many phobias in the world today. It's impossible to create a world devoid of triggers for all of them. People with phobias have a few options: stay away from places that trigger their phobia, get treatment for it or find other ways to manage them (which can differ from person to person). It's very possible that people with phobias have to avoid places/situations that they otherwise really like, but no one is required to cater to all the different phobias people could have. So if you really like GW2 but it triggers phobias, you either do something about it or avoid the game. The options are simple. Making a choice usually isn't. But sometimes we either have to walk away from things we like because they are not good to us (in one way or another) or we take a good look at ourselves and decide where and how we can change to deal with it. The world (even a fictional world) is not required to take all of our fears, digusts and idiosyncrasies into account, and no one is entitled to demand it either.

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> @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

> I... I don't even know what to say about this.


> Just don't look at the walls. That's all you have to do.

You really should read my post entirely, it's like you saw a small part of it. Your solution you proposed and the anxiety others experienced was referenced already. The post was made to bring awareness, I also discussed what I do to resolve things by not looking at the walls already. I'm not sure, why choose not to read the entire post before commenting or maybe you did and forgot what I said.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I'm getting a feeling of unease and slight dizziness at extreme heights. Doing that JP in Ascalon for the Skyscale was quite trying, but I got it done. If someone's phobia is too strong to get past their unease, they really have only two options, as Dragon Priestess wrote.


Fear of heights from doing optional mount content can be resolved by mesmer portals. So, yes they have an alternative.

Just like not looking at the walls is also an alternative.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"reapex.8546" said:

> > > It's been two years and I don't think anyone has commented on this.

> > > Trypophobia. Trypophobia is a fear or disgust of closely-packed holes. People who have it feel queasy when looking at surfaces that have small holes gathered close together. For example, the head of a lotus seed pod or the body of a strawberry could trigger discomfort in someone with this phobia.

> > >

> > > People have various degrees of Trypophobia, if you go to Kormir's library and look at the scrolls...if your skin starts to crawl it possibly means you have some level of Trypophobia.

> > > Today, I was doing Kormir's story instance and I felt my skin begin to crawl when looking at the scrolls. I've forgotten that two years ago, I had to avoid staring at the walls for long due to the skin crawling feeling. The image in this post is at a slight angle, to hopefully to lessen the Trypophobia effect anyone may experience when looking at the picture. If you want to see if you have this phobia or not, you can do a google search for the word Trypophobia. If you do get anxiety or skin begins to crawl, you may experience that effect in Kormir's story instance. If you do, try not to look at the walls when doing the mission. When going to read her scrolls on the wall, I interact with them quickly and focus on the dialogue box to stop the skin crawling effect.

> > >

> > > Update:

> > > Wanted to add back in 2017, I didn't know what Trypophobia was. So, I tried to ignore the feeling back then. However, now I know what it is and I'm concern about players who may have more serious reaction to Trypophobia.

> > >

> > > [https://imgur.com/a/c3F9z2e](https://imgur.com/a/c3F9z2e "https://imgur.com/a/c3F9z2e")

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/7eN08We.png "")

> > > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trypophobia

> >

> > Slightly off topic, I wonder what causes this condition? What evolutionary development made humans fear/get irritated by this type of thing?


> There are a few theories. Most prevalent seem related to an evolved sense of avoiding poisonous or venomous plants and animals where such pattens can be commonly found in nature or related to a survival instinct to avoid patterns of disease where such symptoms appear on another (pox etc)


That's interesting, thank you.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I don't have trypophobia, but I do have arachnophobia (fear of spiders) and other than the obvious trying not to look etc. one thing which helps me that might be relevant for other phobias is just allowing some time after a bad 'episode' to deal with how I'm feeling, however irrational that might be.


> For example if a spider in a game sets of my arachnophobia (doesn't always, some are unrealistic enough that it's fine or I only see them briefly at a time when I have too many other things to think about) that usually manifests as worrying there might be real spiders near me. So I get to a point where I can stop playing briefly and take some time to check the under side of the desk, under the chair etc. and just reassure myself that's not the case. (Or if I do find one I deal with it.) I'm not sure what the equivalent might be for other phobias, but whatever makes you feel better about the situation, however pointless it might seem.


Yeah, I have a few that have arachnophobia and need to take breaks. Or they turn away while we deal with the spiders.

I also heard there was suppose to be a Spider mount for Guildwars 2, but it was dismissed due to concerns about Arachnophobia. I'm not sure, how true that story is anymore. It was mentioned years ago.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> no one is required to cater to all the different phobias people could have.


My post did not ask this or request this. I'm not sure, why you feel like I'm telling Anet to change. It's awareness post for anyone that doesn't know why they're freaking out when looking at the wall or feeling sick like I did years ago. Two years ago, I had no idea this condition existed. After learning about it, I've been able to address it more and not think something else was wrong with me. You read my post differently than what I had typed.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> is just a very small part of history instance, just do what u had to do here and gone never need go back there,,, except if u didnt had the griffon collection yet.


> ah yeah i had small scale of Trypophobia too, related to anything with some **hornet hives** format, packed black holes is disgusting, i had a will to burn everything look in that way.


Yeah, I only went back there yesterday for the Griffon collection on my alt account. I forgot that I was avoiding that instance several years ago.

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