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I can not do achievements anymore.


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Good day or night for everyone. I am cry when I am writing this. You ask me: "Annie, why are you crying?" And I will answer: "I can’t do more achievements". Why?

1) Because old maps are dead. There are no people on them.

2) There are no other instans in LFG, where could I join to do events.

3) People on my map do not come for help.

4) People in my guilds did not come to help because they had given these achievements long time ago and they don’t need them.

5) I don't have 5+/10+ people for meta-events.


Today I wanted to do "A Bug in the System: Redeeming IG-6417".

One of the conditions is this meta:


After 6 (six, yes) hours random people come to do this event. And... we failed. We wasted 25+ minutes and we failed, because we have not enough damage for "[Group Event] Defeat the Branded Forgotten zealots before the Branded crystal detonates (80)". We didn’t even get to the boss.... There were about six of us. All of us were depressed by the fact that we could not make a meta that no one ever comes to, because it is not popular (and other reasons in paragraphs above). I think that we didn’t have enough damage because all of us were for support classes. Because in that location it is difficult to survive that which causes a lot of damage and does not have a fortress. But your system calculated the health of monsters as if we were not support classes, but classes with incredible damage.

I like doing achievements. but I can’t do them at any time of the day/week/month/yeat. I always, always need other people. Not one, not two, but at least 5-10 people. That's a lot.

Please review the criteria and conditions under which the power of monsters is established.

On maps of old content it is impossible to make achievements. Not only these. For example, achievements like "Bounty". It can be made, but the best chance is when they appear in the "Daily". But what about the bounty of LS3? They can’t be done without a good party (example, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_champion_bounty_(The_Prickly_Pair)).

And hundreds of such examples!

New content will be released now, people will do achievements again and that’s all... Those who start playing later will ever be able to make them with great difficulty.

I can not go on. The game has ceased to be fun due to the fact that the old content is absolutely not popular.


And review the stats of monsters. Playing as a Druid (heal spec), I really can not do a lot of damage. And I very actively press buttons, I never afk, I give all my best. But this is not enough...

Please come up with improved rewards for old events, so that people return to old maps.

I hope my ticket will not be lost and you will hear me. Thanks.


P.S. Sorry for my English.

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Are you on NA or EU?


I've been in Vabbi a lot recently getting Funerary Incense and I see Serpent's Ire being done frequently on EU servers. Sometimes it's fairly disorganised - it starts up and a few people start doing it and eventually get more to join in but I don't think they advertise it in LFG. But I've seen organised groups too. Including one last Sunday afternoon where a commander showed up 30 minutes before it started and advertised in map chat to attract people.


It's definitely better to try at prime time (roughly 5pm - 11pm UTC for EU, later for NA but I don't know exact times) on at the weekend, but it does get done. I think there's also groups who do meta-events, bounties etc. at scheduled times each week, but I don't know the details. (Someone else here might though.)


You could also try asking your guild/s to help you do it.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Now that they removed dailies on the older seasons, it will be even rarer to see those maps populated.


However the opposite will happen (hopefully) when an episode is part of the daily rotation. I believe that is development's intent; and it's a great idea, let's hope it works out as intended. On the issue of Serpent's Ire, it has always been difficult to complete, because players had to put in effort - and team effort - for it to succeed. In a way it's a shame the Forged in Fire meta was given an Amalgamated Gemstone in the Domain of Vabbi, doing so further Sealed the Serpents' Ire meta's fate.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> It's really sad, but it's just an offshoot of the game's death spiral. As Eloc pointed out, they're trying to mitigate it as much as possible.


What they’re talking about has little to nothing to do with the game’s overall health. It says more about how lackluster the rewards are in a number of these maps. Players have no reason (or want) to go back to these maps for much else aside from completion.

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> @"Anchous.3750" said:

>I think that we didn’t have enough damage because all of us were for support classes.


There is no such thing as a support class in this game. Certain builds are of course more support oriented, but every class is capable of being built for damage. Your overall point about the difficulty in finding groups for some (not all) older content is solid, but choosing to not succeed once you do have a group is not an issue of older content.


Edit: you English is fine. No need to apologize.

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People have been complaining Serpent's Ire hasn't been done for a long long time. And yet, somehow, I manage to get Serpent's Ire whenever I've needed it, US servers. Admittedly, I wouldn't try it on the early days of a festival and I wouldn't try it on a day when a new story came out, because that's where the bulk of the population is going to be, but by getting to the zone early, listing it, popping a tag, I've always managed to do it, particularly since it's been nerfed.


I find that I get most things done by being more proactive. Also if your guild won't help with stuff you need, you should probably find a better guild.

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There are a couple of NA guilds that run Serpent's Ire weekly. TTSgamers is one of them (actually, a coalition of 3-4 guilds) -- although their web domain expired so you can't see their schedule right now (grr). Use google, try to find others. Ask around. Ask in Lion's Arch if anyone's guild does an organized Serpent's Ire. Just keep trying.

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Making a "better reward" won't be enough. That meta has to be changed or removed altogether, with the rewards gated behind it moved to something else, since that meta is arguably one of (if not the) worst meta-events in the game, to the point where it has no reason to even exist like the other ones do.

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I did test this Serpents Ire issue out a few times - even trying to rally an LFG together 20mins beforehand, but it surprised me to find such low interest. Even outside of festivals/episodes


I got plenty of interest in Riverlands, Desolation, bounties and all sorts of others content and maps - but that one even with the nerf, is a real struggle to get people to flock to.

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> @"Nilkemia.8507" said:

> Making a "better reward" won't be enough. That meta has to be changed or removed altogether, with the rewards gated behind it moved to something else, since that meta is arguably one of (if not the) worst meta-events in the game, to the point where it has no reason to even exist like the other ones do.


Have you tried it since the nerf.

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Doing such big metas for achievement on days that new content comes is equal to getting no ppl as they simply hop to the new content en masse. Thats said, I do never get ppl for living world maps that have been out longer than about 2 weeks either (Requiem armor, that rift tree event... stuck there for super long time now, simply can't solo iboga's and them other annoying ones while trying to grab stuffs with cast bars since they are interrupted as soon as you get attacked). Serpents Ire however is still done afaik on EU (a guild mate got his griffon fully unlocked within 2 days time).

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Did any of the people in your group actually know about the event's mechanics? Most important being the need to break the zealots' defiance bar.


If the group DID know about the event mechanics what made people think that bringing a group with little damage(if that was actually the case, without other information this is mere speculation) was a good idea when it requires killing 5 champions with a time limit?


The event might still have issues but your group's attempt doesn't sound reasonable either.

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Looks like you have to do it when it's current content or it's really difficult to nearly impossible. Even the new map you can't max the mastery points without achievements/collections. While it's not as brutal, some that may require more than 1 people may be too hard later on.


The new daily system putting maps on rotation IMO is an iffy move in terms of having a nice spread of population - since before people would do multiple maps.

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Why nobody wants to do Serpents Ire:


- It's not just an event, it's a meta. It requires a significant number of people, as well as some game mechanical knowledge and organization beyond your typical "everybody run up and beat on it" open world PUG. This immediately puts it out of reach of the most casual segments of the player base.


- It has one of the most annoying pre-events, racing against a timer to find and kill five random spawning mini-bosses, while trash mobs and Branded terrain are trying to kill you the whole time.


Personally, I have never had trouble doing Serpents Ire when I actually needed to and put forth the effort. Hanging out in Vabbi, watching LFG, talking to people, putting up my own tag to draw more people in. It may take some time, but it's doable.

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I'd say Serpents' Ire is the most difficult of PoF metas, so it was difficult to get even in better times. But there are guilds organizing squads and running it each weekend. It was so a few months ago, and I hope they continue their respected work. Anyway, as it was already said, trying it on a workday and after the new LS chapter release was really bad idea. Try to check the LFG on weekends.


Of course, yes, old maps are much less popular and there are not enough people sometimes to do large events. But everything is possible. For example, I closed the most of HoT achievements during the November. Even Dragon's Stand meta was done successfully on weekends, smaller ones run every day. Need to say, I play with a friend so many things are much easier to do with at least 2 persons. So think about that: if you could get someone to play with, it will make your Hunt easier.


Concerning your Druid... well, I have bad news. Being a healer is good only when you have a party to heal. You are trying to kill things with a character designed to heal instead of dealing damage, what could go wrong? So I'd suggest to use a dps spec for open world or at least kind of hybrid when playing solofor solo play. Here you can use the benefits of the new build/gear templates feature. Or you can look again for mates to play with, so you support them and they do a job.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Now that they removed dailies on the older seasons, it will be even rarer to see those maps populated.

Yeah, I think so too. Besides daily helped gather more resources from chests per day.



> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Are you on NA or EU?


> I've been in Vabbi a lot recently getting Funerary Incense and I see Serpent's Ire being done frequently on EU servers. Sometimes it's fairly disorganised - it starts up and a few people start doing it and eventually get more to join in but I don't think they advertise it in LFG. But I've seen organised groups too. Including one last Sunday afternoon where a commander showed up 30 minutes before it started and advertised in map chat to attract people.


> It's definitely better to try at prime time (roughly 5pm - 11pm UTC for EU, later for NA but I don't know exact times) on at the weekend, but it does get done. I think there's also groups who do meta-events, bounties etc. at scheduled times each week, but I don't know the details. (Someone else here might though.)


> You could also try asking your guild/s to help you do it.

I’m on the server EU. In the evening I did not find the group in the middle of the week. Well, I think I need to wait for the weekend and spend the whole day monitoring the LFG.

About a guild... I already wrote about this. I asked for help, but no one comes. Agree, when you play for 1-2 hours, what's the point of spending 30 minutes on this unnecessary and difficult meta? I can understand them...



> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Your overall point about the difficulty in finding groups for some (not all) older content is solid, but choosing to not succeed once you do have a group is not an issue of older content.


But I see how hard it is for me to inflict damage, how slowly the trip of enemy health decreases. And as sometimes 2-3 people come and cause such damage like ten people.



> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Did any of the people in your group actually know about the event's mechanics? Most important being the need to break the zealots' defiance bar.


Yes, the group knew about mechanics. I didn’t go for a class with a much higher DPS just because my character did not survive for 10 seconds at the pre-event with the Zealots. Therefore, I went for a class that could survive and inflict enough CC-damage, but with a very low DPS.

> @"Kitich.4580" said:

> Concerning your Druid... well, I have bad news. Being a healer is good only when you have a party to heal. You are trying to kill things with a character designed to heal instead of dealing damage, what could go wrong? So I'd suggest to use a dps spec for open world or at least kind of hybrid when playing solofor solo play.

I have a character with good DPS. But if I make it more survivable, then I lose the DPS for which this character was created. Therefore I have two of them: the one who dies, but with the DPS, and the other - who does not die without the DPS. ))



I know that doing achievements on the eve of new content is not a good idea.

I have been thinking about this article for a long time, it just so happened that I posted it before a new chapter.

Thanks everyone for the answers. I adore the GW-community!

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