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Is Hammer Rev Fine Now or Needs More Nerfs?


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It's kinda garbage right now. The damage would be okay if it ever could hit anything that's not on perfectly flat ground, but in any sort of a real fight that isn't the gate of a tower/keep, you're hitting nothing. Utility is okay, I guess. I find myself ~~killing myself with retal~~ playing burn DH more lately.

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I'd say "no" considering that it is very bugged as it stands now. It doesn't go up-hill and the aiming is wonky, landing where you look instead of where you fired it off at. Personally I hate the change, because it greatly nerfs hammer in PVE, and all we really needed for PVP was the red marks conveying where the hammer lands.

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CoR has been a known bug for several patches without any fixes. The skill is eaten by most terrain and ends up doing zero damage. Either revs are falling off heavily and not doing much more than 20k a fight or hitting 100k+ just in a matter of invisible lines. I'd like to see consistency.

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CoR is trash now, and it misses A LOT. Meanwhile soulbeasts can destroy people with sniper precision with no tell other then small white lines (You can be one shot by boon-beasts still) Messmers can make you spontaneously implode. And Engineers clap cheeks all day ere'day, I highly doubt Rev is the big bad in the room if it ever was and I can safely say that it doesn't work as well even back before the nerfs as people like to say.


If you're paying attention a rev is going to have a hard time, the only time a rev who is running power is really going to get you is if it catches you with your pants down. I honestly eat Rev's for lunch and played one since HoT (Recently swapped because the class has become a mess, and its lost a lot of its luster.) It's been streamlined and dumbed down because people whined. (We used to have a very competitive kit in duel swords, but now we have squat. Hammer was hit hard and its bugged now so its trash as well.) We have one working elite spec for WvW which is herald and even that doesn't feel like it brings enough when compared to EVERYTHING ELSE.


I've played rangers, warriors, necros and all of them over-preform when compared to a rev. A duel dagger spellbreaker jumps in on a herald, the herald is going to get destroyed by the counters because a spellbreaker counters everything it can do.. I think people are over-reacting and are just wanting the rev removed from the game as has been the case since it released. It needs to be brought back to where it was at HoT's launch and given its toys back and given all the things taken from it, and worked on to be a better class than it is. Right now it really has problems holding its own in a 1v1 and can be good in a zerg, but if you get caught even the slightest out of position you will explode. (Considering this is like our death knight/demon hunter class its kind of a disgrace. It lacks so many tools and the tools it did have have been removed, its now just a different flavor of warrior lacking the warriors full kit.)

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