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Wvw without fb and scourge


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > How different would zerg battles be if these two classes were disabled from the mode until **their properly fixed**. hypothetically of course.


> This part. To be ‘properly fixed’, something has to be broken..



Oh so u think fb boon spam etc and scourges mechanics are not in need of a fix? I stated that due to the dev's stating it was somthing their keeping a eye on for future changes so I am assume they think it needs some "fixing"

Top 4 classes for kills in gw2 efficiency site are 3 guards and 4th a necro lol hmmm weird!

I for one definitely hope cal plays a lot of the mode to determine fixes that don't ruin any specs but all while allowing some others to shine.

I definitely am not surprised at the population decline of the mode given how the zerg battles play out at this time.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > How different would zerg battles be if these two classes were disabled from the mode until **their properly fixed**. hypothetically of course.

> >

> > This part. To be ‘properly fixed’, something has to be broken..

> >


> Oh so u think fb boon spam etc and scourges mechanics are not in need of a fix? I stated that due to the dev's stating it was somthing their keeping a eye on for future changes so I am assume they think it needs some "fixing"

> Top 4 classes for kills in gw2 efficiency site are 3 guards and 4th a necro lol hmmm weird!

> I for one definitely hope cal plays a lot of the mode to determine fixes that don't ruin any specs but all while allowing some others to shine.

> I definitely am not surprised at the population decline of the mode given how the zerg battles play out at this time.


Actually, I haven’t stated what I think other than you have started your post with a pre condition.


When your starting premise is something is broken therefore we remove it, then it is leading people to respond that something would be improved.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > How different would zerg battles be if these two classes were disabled from the mode until **their properly fixed**. hypothetically of course.

> > >

> > > This part. To be ‘properly fixed’, something has to be broken..

> > >

> >

> > Oh so u think fb boon spam etc and scourges mechanics are not in need of a fix? I stated that due to the dev's stating it was somthing their keeping a eye on for future changes so I am assume they think it needs some "fixing"

> > Top 4 classes for kills in gw2 efficiency site are 3 guards and 4th a necro lol hmmm weird!

> > I for one definitely hope cal plays a lot of the mode to determine fixes that don't ruin any specs but all while allowing some others to shine.

> > I definitely am not surprised at the population decline of the mode given how the zerg battles play out at this time.


> Actually, I haven’t stated what I think other than you have started your post with a pre condition.


> When your starting premise is something is broken therefore we remove it, then it is leading people to respond that something would be improved.


Well something being improved is the point isn't it? Regardless I wanted to hear some forum members thoughts on what zerg battles would change and how they m9st likely would play out and just gave a reference to fix as a reason to disable them from wvw to fit the question.

I don't really care who thinks they're balanced or not as there's a ton of threads discussing that issue already.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > A lot of warriors.

> > Revs would be useless doing no damage and non-crits to stance warrior blobs.


> Revs would still have some use with dwarf stability and elite.


> Id also guess that there would be more staff daredevils and eles.


Warriors would have their own stability and their own damage reduction, why bring jalis.

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Rangers will still be not invited in squads.

Firebrands and Scourges will just stick to their core classes with the same gear. Maybe staves for necros would be of use again.

Definitely an increase in Spellbreakers. Might even have more Spellbreakers than Heralds.

A Scrapper and a Tempest here and there.


So basically the same thing just more Spellbreakers.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> there are several ways to share stab but guard has the biggest range and most application of it. some other decent ways of stripping boons too but again necro does it en masse so its hard to compete.

> might look like:

> dwarf rev

> soulbeast stance share

> mes mantras

> spellbreaker

> daredevil staff



Wouldn't it be better to have to mix and match a variety of specs to amass boons similar to fb's boon spam and scourges boon tips or corrupts?

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Core guardian and core necro would still be pretty strong for large scale combat. But without firebrand and scourge spam you'd probably see more spellbreakers, scrappers, heralds, tempests and reapers. The amount of mesmers, thieves and rangers you'd see wouldn't change. I suspect the boonball/hammertrain meta would make a return. (Personally I found that more fun than today's ranged bomb meta.)


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Core guardian and core necro would still be pretty strong for large scale combat. But without firebrand and scourge spam you'd probably see more spellbreakers, scrappers, heralds, tempests and reapers. The amount of mesmers, thieves and rangers you'd see wouldn't change. I suspect the boonball/hammertrain meta would make a return. (Personally I found that more fun than today's ranged bomb meta.)


> ~ Kovu


Yeah see all I'm hearing is more variety and more chance for melee battles which to me sounds way more fun and engaging. Even rangers etc could maybe shine a bit with stance sharing and with lack of insane retaliation and shields etc maybe back line rangers could be a thing.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > Core guardian and core necro would still be pretty strong for large scale combat. But without firebrand and scourge spam you'd probably see more spellbreakers, scrappers, heralds, tempests and reapers. The amount of mesmers, thieves and rangers you'd see wouldn't change. I suspect the boonball/hammertrain meta would make a return. (Personally I found that more fun than today's ranged bomb meta.)

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> Yeah see all I'm hearing is more variety and more chance for melee battles which to me sounds way more fun and engaging. Even rangers etc could maybe shine a bit with stance sharing and with lack of insane retaliation and shields etc maybe back line rangers could be a thing.


Not more variety, you would probably play 2 core guard in each group to replace 1 FB and the 15/20 scourge would be replaced by several reapers but mostly spellbreakers. The group with more bubbles would crush the other servers so it would end up in a giant cloud with spellbreaker, weaver, revs to counter it.

FB brings more solutions to the current state of the game than problems

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To add to that, stance share ranger isn't going to be a thing until they get decent AoE cleave on demand. Piercing arrows and slow-ass greatsword swings just won't compare to the stuff the meta professions bring to the table area damage-wise. (Especially with the projectile hate being what it is.) The stances alone aren't all that stellar (yay, one source of small radius shared stability) for large group play. Rangers will have their place as pick and de-siegers, but unless guardians, necromancers, elementalists, revenants and warriors are removed from the game entirely nobody is going to want a ranger of similar skill level taking up a slot in their party over one of the other aforementioned professions.


~ Kovu

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > How different would zerg battles be if these two classes were disabled from the mode until **their properly fixed**. hypothetically of course.


> This part. To be ‘properly fixed’, something has to be broken..



Well you have 1 class that practically does everything better than everything else except for the 1 thing it doesn't have access to (boon corrupt), so yes, at least 1 out of the 2 is broken. Can a scourge be called broken if it's repeatedly being nerfed and cannon fodder for ranged classes? Can't really say that.. Is the class broken if people's sole problem with it is they don't know how to "not stand" in the red circles? Hardly..


But when 1 class can stop an entire ranged zerg simply due to the the fact it has a lower cool down and far longer up-time skill than any unblockables.. well Houston, we have a problem. That's just 1 of a plethora of issues.

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