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What do you miss from GW that you would like to have in GW2?

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Not very much, I pretty much played it out. Dervish I liked, but I remember more the things I didn't like, such as the multitude of useless skill choices, dumb meta builds like touch ranger and 75hp monk, and the world being filled with invisible walls so it felt like you were on rails. Plus I monked it for most of my time played and didn't enjoy after awhile that I was only looking at life bars ebb and flow. I did my job, but it felt like a mini-game and kind of blew my immersion. I did enjoy it at the time though, in fact it gave me a bad carpal tunnel flareup that, along with burnout and accidentally deleting a LOT of money, contributed to me ultimately shelving the game. It was okay in its time, but I could never go back to it now. Capes with your guild emblem would be a nice skin to bring back for those who want it, but I think I'd keep my engineering multitool pack, I really like the look of that, makes it look like I'm ready for anything when I adventure in the desert.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> Dual professions. I think that would be way more fun than just another elite. Though I dunno if that can be realistically balanced.


Well they couldn't properly balance it in GW1 and I think that the idea itself was nice but that's one thing I do understand that it didn't make it back. For me the worst thing about dual classes was that other classes would be better at certain builds than the original class. Things like the ranger toucher build and necro rit healer come to mind. Maybe they could've done something about it but they never really did.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> The hero system as this is a fine way for social anxious and paranoid players like me to not actually be "forced" into a group of random strangers who judge every little mistake you do even if you're a veteran and of course fail conditions from missions. I know the fail conditions can be frustrating but it gives you at least a good opportunity to plan and organize before rushing brainless into the mission. Also bonus missions would be fine and I still hope that Cantha may be coming back someday even if there are a mass of hints saying it won't. Another thing I value from the hero system (or hero and henchmen system since heroes weren't a thing before henchmen) is that you can build actually nice stories around your character and group from their adventures. Oh and perhaps the Realm of Torment but I doubt it will be the same since it was a lot "creepier"/"more disgusting" originally and the GW2 version will be toned down (just like necro minions and some creatures) into cotton candy and fluff then.


This in spades.

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1) Solo farming. Not just the Hydras or raptor farm. I used to solo the Tomb of the Primeval Kings with my assassin for the green weapon drops at the end. I guess the instance dungeons could compare, but there is no point to soloing it, since you do not get the other 4 missing peoples loot. Even dual farming in UW or FOW.

2) The occasional valuable drop in farming. In GW2, loot seems very much the same, but in GW1, you could get several black dye drops in 1 hour, and then none for a week or more. In GW2 the gold value of farming seems very predictable/boring even if it is rewarding. There's almost no drops anymore worth selling on TP. It just takes the fun out of farming, when you get a constant xx gold/hour instead of more randomness and an actual chance of lucky/unlucky drops. I'm not talking about precursors, just a drop worth 2-3 gold every now and then would be nice.

3) The "pling" sound of a dye drop.

4) Build templates

5) Hard mode, where you had to clear the entire map.

6) Dwarves!

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The Menagerie

Dire pets for rangers- no more juveniles after a certain point

Better lore (I was pumped for Norn, but they are very dull in comparison from gw1 to 2)

More hairstyles/ looking hairstyles

Beautiful Class specific armors

better emotes


Build templates

Class combination Ele/Necro War/Monk etc

Better guild halls, GvG battles

Any weapon you wanted to use, you could use it

the pvp

announcement of prestigious titles

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> @"Daffan.8924" said:

> Moving skills on the bar...

> Build templates. THIS IS MASSIVE.

> Customize UI. Hide elements, move elements, resize elements.


I have no idea what the devs were thinking when they nuked these options out of the GW2 design plans. I recall the original marketing for this game and it was meant to be equal for all. That meant, everyone had the same base features and custom UI abilities would potentially cause issues in the community with new players not being as skilled with the UI. Personally, there is nothing I miss from SWTOR and GW1 except the customizable UI. The inability to equip some of the collection items and not being able to move my 1-5 skills about really frustrates me. But I love this game so I take the blessing with the curse I suppose.


In short, I agree completely.

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> @"Andur.9275" said:

> Dont get me wrong, I really enjoy GW2. It has many features where it excels its predecessor but the things I miss from GW1 the most are:


> 1.) ANet's attitude towards the game (-ing industry). GW1 wasn't made to be the next big MMO. Sure, it was kind of a niche product, but still was commercially successful, which shows they made the right decision those days.

> GW2 took a step backwards imho, because they decided to cater to the masses to increase the income, but all in all they created a 'weaker' product than beforehand.

> GW2 is a jack of all trades. It tries to tell an interesting story, to deliver big boss fights in the open world, to have exciting pvp battles etc., but does it succeed? Well, kind of.

> I - as a PvE player - really enjoy every new chapter of the living story we get. But can this experience compete with other games, that focus on storytelling? Not even close!

> And that is the main point I wanted to make: Sometimes it is better to concentrate on fewer aspects and with GW1 ANet did a way better job in this regard.


> 2.) I miss GW1's low level cap.

> What's the deal with leveling, when (simply put) all it does is adding zeros behind the numbers on both sides. There is no difference between inflicting 10 damage to a monster that has 100 hitpoints and 100,000 dmg to a 1,000,000 hitbar.

> Sure, leveling still gives the player the feeling of some kind of progression, but as mentioned above this is merely an illusion. I personally want another way of progression instead, like myself getting better at playing or getting more variety in playstyle and therefore beeing more succesfull in the game, which leads me to another point:


> 3.) In GW1 you can get max level gear pretty early and without much efford.

> In GW2 it takes way more time to gain equivalent gear plus the power of characters is at around 70% dependent on the gear they are wearing, which makes aquiring new gear necessary, if you want to change your build / playstyle.

> I am aware that veteran players quite easily can aquire new ascended gear, but still it is an unnecessary timesink to me.

> Like during the leveling phase, you spent way to much time preparing for the game, than actually playing it the way you want.


> 4.) GW1 has more tactically challanging fights than GW2, even in PvE.

> While i really enjoy GW2's better movement system, the fights are too action oriented. That doesn't automatically mean the fights have to be more boring and need less skill, but to me that's exactly the case. The only things I have to do are to keep up my rotation while deciding when to use a dodge or a CC. GW1 has more to offer, when it comes to counter the build of an opponent / win against an opponent.

> The only way GW2 is able to make fights more challanging is by restricting (the movement of) the player and raising the hitpoints of an opponent, which equals the amount of time, the player has to endure the fight. But that's no fun at all.

> Let me as a player be more creative to find a solution. In the end I will feel more accomplishment, if i beat a boss in a creative way, than merely beeing happy a made it through, because the opponent was immune to CC (looking at you, sniper).


> 5.) I think the design of the weapons and armours in GW1 is superior to GW2.

> I like it more simple and don't find the new flashy designs very appealing (although they could be explained lorewise).

> To have legendary Weapons in the game, that can't be explained in the lore and look like someone has stolen them from the set of a random b-movie, doesn't make it better.

> And as I am writing about the looks of GW2: I am not very fond of the particle effects (in fights) neither. I know ANet already has taken a couple of steps to tone them down, but to me they could go even further and let the player decide, what's to be rendered and what's not.


> 6.) Last but not least: I really miss my monk. Guardian / Druid cannot replace my hybrid healer.


> Sorry for the wall of text, but this topic really matters to me and it is the first time I explain in detail (more or less), what's bothering me about GW2 on the forums and not discussing it within the small circle of my friends.

> So, chapeau if you made it till here and forgive me my mistakes, english is not my first language.


I disagree that gw1 has more technically challenging fights. Adds/trash are harder in gw2 and require you to interupt skills 3tc which is cool but bossfights in gw1 were a joke.


I find encounters in gw2 to be overall more challenging but id love if we had the best of both worlds. (aka the bosses from gw2 and the adds from gw1 (the class system)).

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In no particular order-

1. Pre

2. That thrill when a Black Dye dropped - GW2 has no fat loot.

3. Necro Scar Armor

4. Builds and build templates

5. Xunlai and storage that remains open while in town

6. Elite Skill capture

7. Guild Wars (GvG) I mean /doh

8. Standardized salvage - no messing with output to fix Gem Store economy.

9. Pet evolution

10. UW runs, 55monks, 55necros and farming ectos

11. Farming that didn't immediately run into DR.

12. Dhuum bans.

13.Dual Professions; it's as if they had a focus group before starting GW2 and it wasn't players it was the Devs "How to make an easily managed game" sadly it isn't as fun. I've often felt that GW2 is Guild Wars Light.

14. Heroes - see above builds and templates

15. and Piken Square.

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