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Game Update Notes: December 3, 2019

Fire Attunement.9835

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Just halve all incoming fall damage game-wide. The only reason that it was so oppressive in the first place was because the beta engine allowed people to bunny-hop with bad latency, so you altered movement in a way which not only made jumping a lot more sluggish, but also increased the fall damage astronomically (and by "you," I mean a bunch of people who go unnamed and probably left the company ages ago).

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Well since feedback is important somehow because I don't think that every game mode is fully covered with personal year-long experience in the balancing teams: I think some changes are useful and others that are more or less bad and ridiculous. (I mostly focus on wvw/PVP feedback)

**For example:**

_** Engineer *_*stability nerf on the elixir from 6 to 1 second. is quite a big nerf since not getting stripped of the stability is very important especially during the rifle 4 rotation for a good dmg output. I would rather nerf holo mode skills dmg or buff vise instead of killing a very important overall engineer utility. I am an engineer main even tho I prefer playing scrapper (actually like the scrapper changes. felt very weak in solo fights now it's totally fine) Even tho I preferred the old function gyro a lot over the current toolbelt 5 skill since you lose a good elite skill and it barely happens that you need the f-gyro skill for more than 1 target making the toolbelt 5 a big nerf for utility even tho the superspeed can be quite nice but scrapper applied it with every leap/explosion anyways so it does not matter at all

_**Ranger**_ I have to admit it is not my favorite class in general but I do not understand how especially soul beasts that focus on power have more dmg on a higher effective range than a class like deadeye which entirely focuses on on on high single-shot dmg and has to build up for it. Ranger longbow 2 deals mostly between 16-20k, can be made unblockable and with quickness and quite some cc's that are offered by the soul beast/ranger profession, it feels like a single shot that just kills you instantly. It has a high range, can be used during movement and low cooldown. On top of that the ranger offers very good sustain as well as mobility due to superspeed, gap closer beast, and weapon skills and a lot of stability, protection, heals, Condi cleanse and more which makes the class if played this way (and mostly done currently) way too strong since it offers everything you need on top of high burst and auto-hit dmg .

**_Revenant_** well what should I say about this one... I very much love the revenant class and that is why it pains me how bugged and useless it is sometimes. In wvw most of the times played with SW/SW - staff for roaming or just 1v1 enthusiasts (is rather okay-ish balanced) and for zerg fights people prefer the good old hammer/staff combination. Hammer is completely bugged at the moment, the 1200 range feels less than it actually is, hammer 2 deals maybe 1/3rd of what it used to when it was too strong, also the dmg field builds of way too slow and does not focus the target properly for example: you use hammer 2 on uneven grounds - > skill does not apply any dmg and fields don't build their way to the enemy. It ignores gates in wvw -> you hit the hammer 2 on gates and you can hit people on full skill range behind the gate as well. It does not focus the target properly -> if you use hammer 2 while moving (even if its just very slow) the skill does not build-up to the target but always in a direct line of the direction your character looks, even if the target is in the possible attacking line of sight the skill does build-up wrong and misses even non-moving targets or monsters if you move while using the skill.

Aside from that, the hammer 2 skill feels very weak in terms of skill build-up time which should be increased again IMO even if you need to nerf the dmg a bit but the way it is at the moment you are better of not using the weapon at all.

**_Thief_** well just a little bit on this class as well: For this my feedback focuses the all-around hated Condi thief: The daredevil condition dodge applies too many conditions as well as having an awfully good synergy with the caltrops trait. endurance regeneration is easy as pie with this build if you don't waste everything instantly and you don't even need to attack to hit very hard with dodge rolls only. the small hit windows make it quite difficult to hit this target and if you try cleansing the conditions you just get stunned and eat a 4-6k hit from pulmonary impact since swipe+trickery trait line boon rip your stability anyways. Aside from that it offers high mobility and sustains as well as easy target hitting options that barely miss and are harder to dodge than other class attacks due to bad visibility and high usage speed.


That is it so far with my feedback. I have a lot more to say about this but I want to keep it rather short.

Oh and by the way: I would love if racial skills are reworked/improved by a big chunk because they are trash the way they are right now and just useless which I find quite sad since I would love if a race has special benefits and unique usable skills

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Thanks Anet for finally coming around to a reasonable train of thought.


It's only been, what... 4, maybe 5 years since the weapon-swap on OoC mechanic was first suggested, and then you laughed in the face of it. "They already have far too many skills to use between their 4 attunements, it doesn't seem logical to include weapon-swapping on the ele..." (paraphrased, of course). Same with Engi and their kits, but this post is mostly about the Ele.


The one thing you totally forgot about was that even though the ele has a bar of skills (1-5) per attunement, there's not a whole lot that are actually **useable** when it comes to combat. This is known when it comes to using Staff.


I kind of have to laugh at this right now, because ever since the arrival of Weaver spec, I'd not even thought about weapon swaps, except only to face world bosses and the like (for ranged purposes). I'd already found a very nice niche for my ele which has good mobility, can fight at melee range and prefers Fire Sword and Earth Dagger for most combat purposes, and still come out of it alive.


And now you answer the prayers of virtually everyone who has ever manned an Ele or Engi; for the veterans it's probably "too little, too late" while they go and use other classes that aren't so restricted in general PvE play. Nice gesture, though. Such a pity it took this dang long to get it implemented.

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Firebrand Oasis nerf on wvw when?


A 5 condition flip to 5 boons on a 8 second cd is a severely overpowered support skill that affects heavily wvw because anyone doing a condition ends up buffing the enemy while there is no risk for a very high reward for an enemy group stacking firebrands.

Aside that it pushed out all other support builds it provides too much of a condition immunity .




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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> At best its a mobility boost while traveling between nodes.


That's really the understatement that bothers me. Moving between nodes is a pretty big part of the game; it's a big enough part that some classes have carved out roles on the back of their ability to move between nodes.

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Anet should hire me to balance the necromancer. Since I've consistently been right about the class since the early days in the game. Like, I was right about crippling on Manifest sand Shade literally 2 years ago, pointing this to be a major problem with its overwhelming condi pressure. Did anyone listen to me? Nooooooooo! We've been saying Sand Savant has been oppressive for over 2 years now. But does anet listen to us? Nooooo... Why would they? Clearly they wanted to die on that Hill they made.


By this point the removal of crippling doesn't even matter. We've lost almost all of our tech. Literally we're sitting ducks. Back when we had very strong Damage was the time to remove crippling. You're 2 years too late Anet. Let's make a list of everything we've lost due to sand Savant or has been nerfed.


1. Path of corruption nerfed to 1 boon for scourge.

2. Dhuumfire given a 5 second internal cooldown on scourge.

3. Nefarious Favor dropped from 2 condi conversation to 1.

4. The removal of Unending corruption.

5. Multiple damage cuts to shade Damage and barrier appliances.

6. Removal of the shade effect on the player when a shade is placed.

7. Removal of crippling on manifest.

8. Feast of Corruption boon conversation dropped from 3 to 2.

9. Devouring Darkness boon conversation dropped from 3 to 1.


Like... Anet.. do you guys get it yet? Do you get why the necromancer community seethes with rage at the balance team? We've lost almost everything because you refuse to remove Sand Savant. Where some of these changes needed? Maybe, but we'll never know for certain because you nerfed them before the real problem was fixed. Now scourge is a hot mess. And we have no faith that you'll fix it. Why should we? You haven't shown you're aware of its balancing issues for the past 2 years when we, the players who actually play the elite spec could have and did tell you multiple time!


Oh, and your buff to Plague lands is a buff in the wrong place. Guess what! Necromancer can't usually afford to take plaguelands in most raiding situations. That's a non buff almost with where we really need an increase in damage.


You know what would be a useful buff? Doubling fears damage on break bars and actually making it work on some bosses such as Samarog who is completely unaffected by fear, giving us a means to fight the break bars without relying on Flesh Golem, Increasing the Torment duration of manifest in pve by at least 1 second buff give us decent utility skills like a complete rework of serpent siphon and major buffs or rework to ghastly breach, some increased condi duration or application on both torch and offhand dagger. And give us the pulse of our shade skills on us at least without the damage part of manifest while the shades are away. We desperately need this defense...


Anyway. Since I've been really negative I'll end on a positive note. Thank you Arena net for at least listening to me on the reduced recharge time of the shades for PvE. This should help a little bit...

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> @"Sarrs.4831" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > At best its a mobility boost while traveling between nodes.


> That's really the understatement that bothers me. Moving between nodes is a pretty big part of the game; it's a big enough part that some classes have carved out roles on the back of their ability to move between nodes.


I doubt it works in the match itself, similar to how you can't swap utilities or traits even out of combat once the match is happening.

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My mesmer gets more and more sad :disappointed: This is basically the only class I enjoyed playing in pve and I don't like most of the changes for it. Also I didn't like chrono changes - for me chrono should be purely supper/tank class as it was, now it seems more like dps class.

I also dislike the new springer skin. I have like 15 keys waiting for the blc worth to be opened, and it's not coming :disappointed:


I like weapon swap for engi and ele though!

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > #Necro

> >

> > I would like confirmation if Insidious Distruption is triggered with soft cc as well or just hard ones. If soft then this is an amazing change that will really help condi reaper get back into game and also nice buff for core:)


> Not gonna happen:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Control_effect


then by all means i dont understand this change we basically just got out fear which was working even before the patch this trait is pure trash useless trait if it doesnt work on soft CC .. im gonna start QQ the hell out of Anet for the shake of Necro and Scourge.. Scourge been nerfed to the ground its probably the weakest class in game the most clunky one to play and with least defensive.. but they did find a reason to buff guard most op class in game . well i guess im just sad to watch Scourge continue being unplayable

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > #Necro

> >

> > I would like confirmation if Insidious Distruption is triggered with soft cc as well or just hard ones. If soft then this is an amazing change that will really help condi reaper get back into game and also nice buff for core:)


> Not gonna happen:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Control_effect


"**Non-disabling control effects**

Some conditions will deal damage to enemy Defiance bar without being considered a disabling mechanic (particularly for purposes of various traits, as well as Stability). Some players refer to these conditions as "soft CC". Outside of defiance bar interaction, they serve a similar purpose as disabling control effects by hindering an opponent's actions or movement. " **same page on wiki**


That's why i want the confirmation...but either way it's 4 days from now on, so i'll know soon enough one way or the other..

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > > #Necro

> > >

> > > I would like confirmation if Insidious Distruption is triggered with soft cc as well or just hard ones. If soft then this is an amazing change that will really help condi reaper get back into game and also nice buff for core:)

> >

> > Not gonna happen:

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Control_effect


> "**Non-disabling control effects**

> Some conditions will deal damage to enemy Defiance bar without being considered a disabling mechanic (particularly for purposes of various traits, as well as Stability). Some players refer to these conditions as "soft CC". Outside of defiance bar interaction, they serve a similar purpose as disabling control effects by hindering an opponent's actions or movement. " **same page on wiki**


> That's why i want the confirmation...but either way it's 4 days from now on, so i'll know soon enough one way or the other..


Well it says control effects. And if we look at other classes... Soft CC's aren't included.


Which makes the trait underwhelming.

Necro has

3 sources of fear

1pull +1 on reaper

1knockdown + 1 on scourge and that's it.


The only interesting thing might be the golems multihit knockdown, that could apply multiple times.


The trait might be a slight dps increase for pve (having to use dagger offhand then) but nothing huge.

Biggest buff is plaguelands but let's be honest. On which raidencounter can you realisticly play plaguelands. Golem is almost always needed for cc on the few encounters, necro is at least decent and not trash dps

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > > #Necro

> > >

> > > I would like confirmation if Insidious Distruption is triggered with soft cc as well or just hard ones. If soft then this is an amazing change that will really help condi reaper get back into game and also nice buff for core:)

> >

> > Not gonna happen:

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Control_effect


> "**Non-disabling control effects**

> Some conditions will deal damage to enemy Defiance bar without being considered a disabling mechanic (particularly for purposes of various traits, as well as Stability). Some players refer to these conditions as "soft CC". Outside of defiance bar interaction, they serve a similar purpose as disabling control effects by hindering an opponent's actions or movement. " **same page on wiki**


> That's why i want the confirmation...but either way it's 4 days from now on, so i'll know soon enough one way or the other..


Well it says control effects. And if we look at other classes... Soft CC's aren't included.


Which makes the trait underwhelming.

Necro has

3 sources of fear

1pull +1 on reaper

1knockdown + 1 on scourge and that's it.


But else, this trait would be way to op and needed an icd.

But then loosing cripple of f-abilities would make the trait much worse again....


The only interesting thing might be the golems multihit knockdown, that could apply multiple times.


The trait might be a slight dps increase for pve (having to use dagger offhand then) but nothing huge.

Biggest buff is plaguelands but let's be honest. On which raidencounter can you realisticly play plaguelands. Golem is almost always needed for cc on the few encounters, where necro is at least decent and not trash dps

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We'll just have to see, though from balance point this trait working with soft cc would be huge improvement. Condi Reaper and scourge would be back into damage race. Not overtaking others, but at least becoming closer to being viable.


Well of Darkness would finally do something (blinds are soft cc). Corrupter's fervor would synergize greatly even with power builds (chills on reaper = torment = extra condi = extra carapace).


...yeah you're right. Too good to be true. Why make plague sending a choice rather then a must have trait..

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > > > #Necro

> > > >

> > > > I would like confirmation if Insidious Distruption is triggered with soft cc as well or just hard ones. If soft then this is an amazing change that will really help condi reaper get back into game and also nice buff for core:)

> > >

> > > Not gonna happen:

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Control_effect

> >

> > "**Non-disabling control effects**

> > Some conditions will deal damage to enemy Defiance bar without being considered a disabling mechanic (particularly for purposes of various traits, as well as Stability). Some players refer to these conditions as "soft CC". Outside of defiance bar interaction, they serve a similar purpose as disabling control effects by hindering an opponent's actions or movement. " **same page on wiki**

> >

> > That's why i want the confirmation...but either way it's 4 days from now on, so i'll know soon enough one way or the other..


> Well it says control effects. And if we look at other classes... Soft CC's aren't included.


> Which makes the trait underwhelming.

> Necro has

> 3 sources of fear

> 1pull +1 on reaper

> 1knockdown + 1 on scourge and that's it.


> The only interesting thing might be the golems multihit knockdown, that could apply multiple times.


> The trait might be a slight dps increase for pve (having to use dagger offhand then) but nothing huge.

> Biggest buff is plaguelands but let's be honest. On which raidencounter can you realisticly play plaguelands. Golem is almost always needed for cc on the few encounters, necro is at least decent and not trash dps


You forget a few abilities. The sources of CCs:

- Core necromancer: _Wail of doom_, _Reaper's mark_, _spectral ring_, _spectral grasp_, _ripple of horror_, _charge_ (golem), _doom_ (death shroud) and stab corrupted into fear (sPvP/WvW). **You can slot 6 reliable CC maximum at once**

- Reaper: _Wail of doom_, _Reaper's mark_, _grasping darkness_, _spectral ring_, _spectral grasp_, _ripple of horror_, _charge_ (golem), _"Chilled to the bone!"_ , _terrify_ (Reaper shroud), _executioner scyth_ (Reaper shroud) and stab corrupted into fear (sPvP/WvW). **You can slot 7 "reliable" CC maximum at once**

- Scourge: _Wail of doom_, _Reaper's mark_, _Oppressive collapse_, _spectral ring_, _spectral grasp_, _ripple of horror_, _charge_ (golem), _Garish pillar_ (F4) and stab corrupted into fear (sPvP/WvW). **You can slot 6 reliable CC maximum at once**


That said, it won't be worth anything to take this trait to add 3 seconds of torment when using CC that usually have a bit of a cast time in PvE. It may be worth taking in WvW where you have hopes of corrupting some stability and thus gain a bit more "burst" but that's the best you can expect from this trait. In most case, you'll just take _plague sending_ because, in sPvP/WvW sending back condition isn't a bad option and in PvE it benefit rotations that make use of self-ailments.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > > > > #Necro

> > > > >

> > > > > I would like confirmation if Insidious Distruption is triggered with soft cc as well or just hard ones. If soft then this is an amazing change that will really help condi reaper get back into game and also nice buff for core:)

> > > >

> > > > Not gonna happen:

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Control_effect

> > >

> > > "**Non-disabling control effects**

> > > Some conditions will deal damage to enemy Defiance bar without being considered a disabling mechanic (particularly for purposes of various traits, as well as Stability). Some players refer to these conditions as "soft CC". Outside of defiance bar interaction, they serve a similar purpose as disabling control effects by hindering an opponent's actions or movement. " **same page on wiki**

> > >

> > > That's why i want the confirmation...but either way it's 4 days from now on, so i'll know soon enough one way or the other..

> >

> > Well it says control effects. And if we look at other classes... Soft CC's aren't included.

> >

> > Which makes the trait underwhelming.

> > Necro has

> > 3 sources of fear

> > 1pull +1 on reaper

> > 1knockdown + 1 on scourge and that's it.

> >

> > The only interesting thing might be the golems multihit knockdown, that could apply multiple times.

> >

> > The trait might be a slight dps increase for pve (having to use dagger offhand then) but nothing huge.

> > Biggest buff is plaguelands but let's be honest. On which raidencounter can you realisticly play plaguelands. Golem is almost always needed for cc on the few encounters, necro is at least decent and not trash dps


> You forget a few abilities. The sources of CCs:

> - Core necromancer: _Wail of doom_, _Reaper's mark_, _spectral ring_, _spectral grasp_, _ripple of horror_, _charge_ (golem), _doom_ (death shroud) and stab corrupted into fear (sPvP/WvW). **You can slot 6 reliable CC maximum at once**

> - Reaper: _Wail of doom_, _Reaper's mark_, _grasping darkness_, _spectral ring_, _spectral grasp_, _ripple of horror_, _charge_ (golem), _"Chilled to the bone!"_ , _terrify_ (Reaper shroud), _executioner scyth_ (Reaper shroud) and stab corrupted into fear (sPvP/WvW). **You can slot 7 "reliable" CC maximum at once**

> - Scourge: _Wail of doom_, _Reaper's mark_, _Oppressive collapse_, _spectral ring_, _spectral grasp_, _ripple of horror_, _charge_ (golem), _Garish pillar_ (F4) and stab corrupted into fear (sPvP/WvW). **You can slot 6 reliable CC maximum at once**


> That said, it won't be worth anything to take this trait to add 3 seconds of torment when using CC that usually have a bit of a cast time in PvE. It may be worth taking in WvW where you have hopes of corrupting some stability and thus gain a bit more "burst" but that's the best you can expect from this trait. In most case, you'll just take _plague sending_ because, in sPvP/WvW sending back condition isn't a bad option and in PvE it benefit rotations that make use of self-ailments.


You're too optimistic there. If we're talking condi necro (since this trait is a condi one), then lich form and golem are out. Who would give up on plaguelands, more so that it's getting nice cooldown reduction, unlike the other two? Maybe WvW players, but in PvE and spvp (node holding/decapping) i highly doubt it.

As you mentioned yourself - boon corrupts (stab -> fear) can happen in pvp modes, in PvE you're outta luck.


Core necro is boned...as always. Reaper can see more action...but let's be honest here - who would give up on Plague Sending for a measely 3s single torment stack on hard cc only? Unless it works with soft cc as well, or the length and amount of stacks see buffs - dead trait.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > That said, it won't be worth anything to take this trait to add 3 seconds of torment when using CC that usually have a bit of a cast time in PvE. It may be worth taking in WvW where you have hopes of corrupting some stability and thus gain a bit more "burst" but that's the best you can expect from this trait. In most case, you'll just take _plague sending_ because, in sPvP/WvW sending back condition isn't a bad option and in PvE it benefit rotations that make use of self-ailments.


> You're too optimistic there. If we're talking condi necro (since this trait is a condi one), then lich form and golem are out. Who would give up on plaguelands, more so that it's getting nice cooldown reduction, unlike the other two? Maybe WvW players, but in PvE and spvp (node holding/decapping) i highly doubt it.

> As you mentioned yourself - boon corrupts (stab -> fear) can happen in pvp modes, in PvE you're outta luck.


> Core necro is boned...as always. Reaper can see more action...but let's be honest here - who would give up on Plague Sending for a measely 3s single torment stack on hard cc only? Unless it works with soft cc as well, or the length and amount of stacks see buffs - dead trait.


That's exactly what I said. Fact of the matter is that a necro can slot 6 to 7 CCs outside of corrupting abilities, but even with all of those there is no realistic possibility for someone to take this trait. It's too unpracticable and weak. The torment on CC was a nice addition to a falling trait, however without the falling option it's just a wasted trait slot.

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WvW Thief: Make thief an actual assassin.


Swipe - increases range to 900


Heartseeker - reduces cast time to 1/2. Add 1 stack of Vuln if above 50%, 2 stacks is below 50%, 3 stacks if below 25%.


Black Powder - reduce cast time to 1/4.


Dagger Auto - increase damage or add vuln.


Pistol Whip - reduces cast time to 1/2.


Blinding Powder - revert back to no cast time.


Lead Attacks - remove while in combat parameter.




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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> > > # 12/03/2019—Skills and Balance Update

> > >

> > > ## PvP Changes

> > >

> > > ### Engineer

> > >

> > > - Elixir U: Reduced stability duration from 6 seconds to 1 second in PvP only.

> > >

> >

> > I dont think its nessecary. Imagine doing that. You would screw up an entire skill for the whole class, making it completely garbage and nerfing with that the S**_kitten_**per even more than the holosmith, even though the holosmith itself doesnt need any of such nerfs.

> >

> > Holosmith itself isnt really overpowered. Is has sustain, compared to the other lether-wielders. Its doing decent damage too,while being in the Holo-form. But if many people are complaining because of the holo being too good, just because they cant survive its attacks until the photon-forge overheats, then its the fault of them taking berserk gear instead of sustain gear.... its not the holo thats the problem here. Even if it would be too good, removing stability wouldnt do anything regarding to that.


> Lol yeah holo is completely overstacked and needs nerfs 100%. Ur holo is fine and that people are at fault for running zerg stats is kinda funny no offense.

> This is a good change.


tbh, i have played holo once and not even for +7hours and i never had any problems with holo in 1v1 or more enemies

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Manifest Sand Shade: This skill no longer inflicts cripple in all game modes. Reduced ammunition recharge for the untraited version of this skill from 15 seconds to 8 seconds in PvE only."


A-net i would like you to tell me what you mean by " for the untraited version of this skill " does it mean if i take traits that effect this skill the base cd would be 15 again?

this would be dumb .. or you mean that traits that effect the CD like 33% of sand servant will reduce CD by 33% from the new base of 8 seconds?

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> @"noiwk.2760" said:


> Manifest Sand Shade: This skill no longer inflicts cripple in all game modes. Reduced ammunition recharge for the untraited version of this skill from 15 seconds to 8 seconds in PvE only."


> A-net i would like you to tell me what you mean by " for the untraited version of this skill " does it mean if i take traits that effect this skill the base cd would be 15 again?

> this would be dumb .. or you mean that traits that effect the CD like 33% of sand servant will reduce CD by 33% from the new base of 8 seconds?


The recharge rate on Sand Savant will remain the same but if you don't take Sand Savant the recharge will be 8 seconds.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"noiwk.2760" said:

> > "NECRO

> > Manifest Sand Shade: This skill no longer inflicts cripple in all game modes. Reduced ammunition recharge for the untraited version of this skill from 15 seconds to 8 seconds in PvE only."

> >

> > A-net i would like you to tell me what you mean by " for the untraited version of this skill " does it mean if i take traits that effect this skill the base cd would be 15 again?

> > this would be dumb .. or you mean that traits that effect the CD like 33% of sand servant will reduce CD by 33% from the new base of 8 seconds?


> The recharge rate on Sand Savant will remain the same but if you don't take Sand Savant the recharge will be 8 seconds.


thats really trash then sand servant will actually be increase CD .. and this doesnt help sup necro at all. and dps Scourge is still trash untill sand shade is changed back..

now im actually annoyed.. and im probably just going to remove items from Scourge salvage it and Delete the Necro from my account so they see people actually Delete them !

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