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Core Power Mesmer Is Nasty Toxic Nonesense

Trevor Boyer.6524

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> I wish mt every ability crit for 10k. I wish that if im left alone during A fight for 5s I can spin for 30k dmg.


Sorry to burst your bubble buddy boy but


Only in pve,where you have all possible buffs,banners,proper foods,field combos etc,dmg sometimes does 10 k per crit,and that's with the Greatsword,which is unreliable in pvp vs skilled people.


5 seconds 'spins' are dodge-able 99% of the time by anyone who has any kind of disengage,which is everyone in this game.


Don't play in zerk gear/learn how to dodge.



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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > > Can we just give Mirror Blade a reveal upon channeling is done or in the middle of it so we can move on with that eternal topic. It's strong and really annoying, but it's far from overpowered when you know it exists in the opposite team.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Like coming back from Wifi, I know how kitten annoying the delay is even if you can "just dodge". Giving that reveal would allow people a little more time to react which is all this really needs. I love the concept of this ambush and one shotting, just not the factors like lag and the inconsistent visuals the game has seizure with sometimes.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Daze does let people evade, the full Stun would reveal them before they started. Mirror Blade with said additional reveal makes it an equal functionality that doesn't leave people dead right away. It's all good.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The next things that would need reveal mid cast is stuff like Kill Shot or Prime Light Beam.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > My general rule of thumb would be that Unblockable/High Damage/Powerful CC's skills have some form of reveal near their completion so that people can have a chance to react. Most Thief skills would actually benefit better from Revealed Training if Stealth Attacks were to have such mechanic, it's also making the profession less obnoxious to deal with.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Not saying everything should be like that, stuff like Maul and such, but definitely make Stealth less of a crutch and favor reactionary gameplay more.

> > > > >

> > > > > adding reveal upon channeling gs2 would make this build unplayable.

> > > > > Heck I was hit by stealthed scrapper by grenade barrage for 16,8k last patch, so its clearly possible with other classes too.

> > > >

> > > > At the end of channel or a little before it ends was my suggestion. Not like Death Judgement on DE. That's just too much I agree, but all know that's the culprit to the burst mostly. There's other alternatives but the clone generation is what makes it what it is.

> > >

> > > mate, this burst has 2 options.

> > > 1 it lands.

> > > 2 it doesnt land.

> > > any player with a brain will dodge this burst 100% of the time if given extra 0,2s to react. making it compleatly unplayable.

> > > It doesnt go from Strong to medicore or to weak, it goes to compleate trash never to be used again.

> >

> > Competent players already dodge it, doesn't matter what you're going to do for it. This build should be exclusively 1+ and not something that can rack up free kills by itself anyway. Why do you care so much to 100-0 when there's a LOT of other options available with the same build, got cheesy obsession or something?


> I dont like touching things when there is nothing to touch.But saying it never booms good players is wrong.

> Played against sind like 1 hour ago and im preety sure his duo warrior wasnt bad player and yet he got yeeted from 90%->0%


Mental plays tho, distractions and the fact sometimes someone doesn't have an evade to avoid it. It's the general idea that, back then Power Lock was way over the top compared now. I was careful to say not "always" because nobody does. Not even me. I thought that Power Lock no longer being able to stun would kill it as well and it's still kickin' like it always did.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"viquing.8254" said:

> > Omg, this is really going in a "let's have more random nerf and dead trait" with some of "suggestions" in this post because 80% are pure whine or nerf suggestions with no backend.

> > Ok then, let admit this build can hurt some people, then what to change ?

> >

> > Just for history, this build received 3 major changes past years :

> > 1) Mass invis with a lower CD. Which mean better stealth duration.

> > 2) Mantra of Pain rework. Which mean better damage.

> > 3) Superspeed on manipulation. Which mean better mobility. **+ the fact that before it was reflect, which mean less overall reveal from random projectile reflect**.

> > 4) In a less impactfull way, the phantasms rework.

> >

> > Then :

> > * About the nerf PU suggestion, I already discuss it with @"bravan.3876" and I don't think it will resolve anything : even with no PU, you will still get bursted from stealth. Mean as long as he didn't provide what will replace it, it will just end as a dead trait like CI and Lost time whereas it's not the problem in this case (imagine for example deleting a third of mesmer gameplay by removing "on dead trait" because of 2 traits synergy cough cough...).

> > * About GS nerfs : compare it to other class weapon with same gear and looking at CD, animation, output, there isn't any problem with GS skills, they should even buff GS 5 damage...

> > * About shatter nerf : in every other situation, F1 is a skill who need a setup => pop clones, moves of clone. It is so unreliable that you can only use this in melee otherwise it will fail. Moreover it will impact every mesmer build so it's not a solution too.

> > * About nerfing the manipulation superspeed : I'm against because for the moment it's the only trait who can make core build usable in a PvP context. **But** It can be moved to compete with PU = survival with stealth or with superspeed. (choice.)

> >

> > So the possibilities are :

> > * Rework MoP : easy solution are might removal as suggered. Or make it back to 3 charges with less damage per charges so that each charge damage will does less damage = less burst + less might uptime as you will have more delay between casts. You can also make MoP give might only on teamate, not on the mesmer (teamplay cough cough...).

> > * Delete Egotism : lazy design flast % damage trait who contribute to burst. (glamour haven't a trait since a long time now for example, cough cough ...).

> > * Swap traits to disallow having a one way stacking modifier : Having to choose between mental anguish or superiority complex by putting them on the same column when target is disabled for example : lissed dps with superiority complex or burst with mental anguish. (choice.)

> > * undo mass invis buff : it was already the only usable ulti instead do something about moa and time warp please.

> >

> > It's just some suggestions but looking at the root of what changed thoses past years, what will not destroy build diversity neither traits instead of just seeing 100k nerf post who will end up with random bad nerfs...

> > Btw I didn't consider PU core as OP but if we can not go in all directions please because reading some post here make me think some guys probably never play mesmers as usual and will follow random nerfs suggestions.

> >


> Burst from short stealth is not a problem, it is counterable, only noobs will ofc still have a problem but that is their problem. The current PU build undermins the skill lvl of the target remarkable more than a oneshot Mesmer not running Chaosline. Less stealth uptime makes it harder to impossible to stack stealth completely out of ear shot and visible range and makes the hit of the no tell oneshot at least predictable. The sustain Chaos gives, incl mobility by superspeed and lower blink cd, eleminates the risk and difficulty to survive after burst fails or in general. It is not a high risk build at all anymore. Also because of the ridiculous high stealth uptime the Mesmer needs to use less stealth skills/cds to come out of nowhere, means he still has more options to escape and reset after the oneshot try.


> Didn't we agree on removing the stealth duration increase and give longer boonduration from boons the Mesmer gets when stealthed? So the boon duration is the same or even higher than before to compensate for the stealthuptime lose? I also would remove Might to higher opportunity costs in dmg when taking a defensive traitline too, give more defensive boons instead. Making superspeed compete with PU then, general good idea. Also for Superiority Complex and MA even though i think passive dmg multiplier shouldn't be a traitdesign it should be something only for Runes and Sigils. But yes your idea would at least solve parts of the issue. I also would make that Mass inv can be heard when casted during stealth. There is no good reason why a long stealth aoe skill can't be heard when casted during stealth.


Problem is that "short duration" is kinda relative. Even with no Pu, mass invis alone allow easy unpredicable burst.

Honestly, I know that we ended in what you quote but after thinking more about it, this trait was fine/unused for years. And it come more from the 30 sec buff in Mass invis cd than from PU. I mean test it on a build with no mass invis, only torch and utility stealth you will probably see that it's not the core problem.

And choosing about survival with stealth or susperspeed with moving manipulation trait seems way more fun than just nerf.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"viquing.8254" said:

> > * undo mass invis buff : it was already the only usable ulti. instead do something about moa and time warp please.


> Absolutely not. It was definitely the "least bad" trait before, but a "Stealth Elite Skill" double traited that still ends up with a shorter stealth duration and a 3x as long cooldown as freaking Toss Elixir S is objectively just stupid.


The solution is more about un-powercreep toss elixir S than about powercreep mass invis IMO.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> In short nerf gs and stealth? halleluya?


> is that what youa re saying bravan?


Where did i say nerf gs?


> @"viquing.8254" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"viquing.8254" said:

> > > Omg, this is really going in a "let's have more random nerf and dead trait" with some of "suggestions" in this post because 80% are pure whine or nerf suggestions with no backend.

> > > Ok then, let admit this build can hurt some people, then what to change ?

> > >

> > > Just for history, this build received 3 major changes past years :

> > > 1) Mass invis with a lower CD. Which mean better stealth duration.

> > > 2) Mantra of Pain rework. Which mean better damage.

> > > 3) Superspeed on manipulation. Which mean better mobility. **+ the fact that before it was reflect, which mean less overall reveal from random projectile reflect**.

> > > 4) In a less impactfull way, the phantasms rework.

> > >

> > > Then :

> > > * About the nerf PU suggestion, I already discuss it with @"bravan.3876" and I don't think it will resolve anything : even with no PU, you will still get bursted from stealth. Mean as long as he didn't provide what will replace it, it will just end as a dead trait like CI and Lost time whereas it's not the problem in this case (imagine for example deleting a third of mesmer gameplay by removing "on dead trait" because of 2 traits synergy cough cough...).

> > > * About GS nerfs : compare it to other class weapon with same gear and looking at CD, animation, output, there isn't any problem with GS skills, they should even buff GS 5 damage...

> > > * About shatter nerf : in every other situation, F1 is a skill who need a setup => pop clones, moves of clone. It is so unreliable that you can only use this in melee otherwise it will fail. Moreover it will impact every mesmer build so it's not a solution too.

> > > * About nerfing the manipulation superspeed : I'm against because for the moment it's the only trait who can make core build usable in a PvP context. **But** It can be moved to compete with PU = survival with stealth or with superspeed. (choice.)

> > >

> > > So the possibilities are :

> > > * Rework MoP : easy solution are might removal as suggered. Or make it back to 3 charges with less damage per charges so that each charge damage will does less damage = less burst + less might uptime as you will have more delay between casts. You can also make MoP give might only on teamate, not on the mesmer (teamplay cough cough...).

> > > * Delete Egotism : lazy design flast % damage trait who contribute to burst. (glamour haven't a trait since a long time now for example, cough cough ...).

> > > * Swap traits to disallow having a one way stacking modifier : Having to choose between mental anguish or superiority complex by putting them on the same column when target is disabled for example : lissed dps with superiority complex or burst with mental anguish. (choice.)

> > > * undo mass invis buff : it was already the only usable ulti instead do something about moa and time warp please.

> > >

> > > It's just some suggestions but looking at the root of what changed thoses past years, what will not destroy build diversity neither traits instead of just seeing 100k nerf post who will end up with random bad nerfs...

> > > Btw I didn't consider PU core as OP but if we can not go in all directions please because reading some post here make me think some guys probably never play mesmers as usual and will follow random nerfs suggestions.

> > >

> >

> > Burst from short stealth is not a problem, it is counterable, only noobs will ofc still have a problem but that is their problem. The current PU build undermins the skill lvl of the target remarkable more than a oneshot Mesmer not running Chaosline. Less stealth uptime makes it harder to impossible to stack stealth completely out of ear shot and visible range and makes the hit of the no tell oneshot at least predictable. The sustain Chaos gives, incl mobility by superspeed and lower blink cd, eleminates the risk and difficulty to survive after burst fails or in general. It is not a high risk build at all anymore. Also because of the ridiculous high stealth uptime the Mesmer needs to use less stealth skills/cds to come out of nowhere, means he still has more options to escape and reset after the oneshot try.

> >

> > Didn't we agree on removing the stealth duration increase and give longer boonduration from boons the Mesmer gets when stealthed? So the boon duration is the same or even higher than before to compensate for the stealthuptime lose? I also would remove Might to higher opportunity costs in dmg when taking a defensive traitline too, give more defensive boons instead. Making superspeed compete with PU then, general good idea. Also for Superiority Complex and MA even though i think passive dmg multiplier shouldn't be a traitdesign it should be something only for Runes and Sigils. But yes your idea would at least solve parts of the issue. I also would make that Mass inv can be heard when casted during stealth. There is no good reason why a long stealth aoe skill can't be heard when casted during stealth.


> Problem is that "short duration" is kinda relative. Even with no Pu, mass invis alone allow easy unpredicable burst.

> Honestly, I know that we ended in what you quote but after thinkinh more about it, this trait was fine/unused for years. And it come more from the 30 sec buss in Mass invis than from PU. Mean test it on a build with no mass invis, only torch and utility stealth you will probably see that it's not the core problem.



I never had a problem with a oneshot Mesmer not running Chaosline, even when he used Torch, 1 stealth utility and Mass inv. So yes for explained reasons i think the higher stealth duration from PU is one of the main issues make the no tell burst often completely unpredictable, even in a duel can force way to much defensive cds with too low costs in Mesmers own stealth cd management. Ofc it is not only PU, the whole Chaosline is curently busted for that build, it offers way to much, eleminating almost every weakness a oneshot Mesmer has in terms of mobility and surviving normally.


I mean we can have a way easier fix for the whole oneshot out of unpredictable long stealth issue by adding a stealth debuff starting after 3,4 or 6 second of stealth and ends 1 sec after the stealthuser dropped out of stealth. The debuff either disables all passive dmg multiplier or makes the stealthed player unable to crit or just reduce overall dmg by 30-40%. So you can still cover some stuff by stealth and oneshot burst but only in a predictable short term of stealth and you still can stack stealth without punishment for pure defensive and rotation/repositioning purposes.


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You guys are all memes for even crying about this stupid shit 5 F***ing years late.


I feel like slapping you guys for being this out of the loop. It’s comedy.


CJTheKilla abused Mes to the point of stupidity in PvP season 1 reaching Legend like 34 times over. (You can imagine it being like somebody being rank 4000 or some stupid **** like that when the next highest rated players are 1900.)


We are going into 2020. The devs want it to be this way. Mesmer, Chrono and Mirage have not been stupid OP by accident all this time. Wake up.


Mesmer burst like this is old news and the kids arguing it in this thread are TRASH at this game and never played against people that are actually GOOD lmfaoooooo

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You guys are all memes for even crying about this stupid kitten 5 F***ing years late.


I feel like slapping you guys for being this out of the loop. It’s comedy.


CJTheKilla abused Mes to the point of stupidity in PvP season 1 reaching Legend like 34 times over. (You can imagine it being like somebody being rank 4000 or some stupid **** like that when the next highest rated players are 1900.)


We are going into 2020. The devs want it to be this way. Mesmer, Chrono and Mirage have not been stupid OP by accident all this time. Wake up.


Mesmer burst like this is old news and the kids arguing it in this thread are TRASH at this game and never played against people that are actually GOOD lmfaoooooo

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> @"JayAction.9056" Your record is broken it seems. Fix dat


Yeah I suppose.


That’s why going into 2020 people are complaining about old shit like we’ve had some new game changing patches or something. It’s pretty amusing seeing how late this crowd is to catch on to what’s been abused and forgotten about. Lel

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> @"JayAction.9056" Your record is broken it seems. Fix dat


> bzw doing legend 34 times in season 1 has barely to do with skill more with having no rl


Rank past legend was directly tied to Win/Loss ratio. No contest you would get farmed.


100-0 repeatedly instantly like what this thread is talking about. Most likely from spawn too.


Chrono was more OP then than what’s being cried about here.


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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > CJTheKilla abused Mes to the point of stupidity in PvP season 1 reaching Legend like 34 times over.


> I don't care about the game's legendary players enough to know who that is or be impressed with their ranking placement.

> I do care about it enough to determine what needs balancing though.


You missed the point entirely. This is old news. This whole thread is old news.


The Devs don’t care. Lol.


This thread is 5 years late. ?

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" Your record is broken it seems. Fix dat


> Yeah I suppose.


> That’s why going into 2020 people are complaining about old kitten like we’ve had some new game changing patches or something. It’s pretty amusing seeing how late this crowd is to catch on to what’s been abused and forgotten about. Lel


Tbh the times a Powermes build was semi viable in conquest and that present in ranked/ tournaments are long ago (early core days of the game, in late core days you already have vids from top Mesmers like Helseth complaining that Powermes is not viable but him...). In HoT except for some top lvl tryhards no one played Powermes/Powerchrono. They all played inspiration Condichrono after Chaos/ Inspiration Bunker Chrono. Powerchrono became a thing after Lost Time changes during last PoF year buffed it to some braindead high dmg trait doesn't even need an interrupt to proc, turning MoD into the same broken spammable shit than MoP. And tbh this PU shit is clearly a different lvl in brokenness to a Chrono or Core oneshot without nearly perma stealth, superspeed and boonsustain, a no risk build that still can oneshot. PU Powermes always was aids in WvW, luckily not rly used in PvP that much until lately. I get the anger...

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Playing this game since release on multiple classes with and versus the best too but that argumentation lvl is a bit too low for me even though i am very lvl flexible. But it is a waste of my time talking to ego kids thinking calling someone trash is an argument and trying to use it as thought-terminating cliché xD Cringeeee


Also that logic, ok so barely anyone played Powermes/chrono in esl and high lvl ranked after HoT release just to hide how broken it still was. Yeah makes sense, that is how pro players act. They always avoid the broken stuff so no one can copy and no one will nerf it xDD

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> Playing this game since release on multiple classes with and versus the best too but that argumentation lvl is a bit too low for me even though i am very lvl flexible. But it is a waste of my time talking to ego kids thinking calling someone trash is an argument and trying to use it as thought-terminating cliché xD Cringeeee


Ok lil bro

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> I guess you mean MoP? MoD doesn't get used in the PU oneshot build because the oneshot is way more save by using the stun from f3 instead a daze everyone can just dodge with.


Decoy is a recent change. The build has been running with Mantra of Distraction and frankly the difference in efficacy between the two is basically personal preference.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > I guess you mean MoP? MoD doesn't get used in the PU oneshot build because the oneshot is way more save by using the stun from f3 instead a daze everyone can just dodge with.


> Decoy is a recent change. The build has been running with Mantra of Distraction and frankly the difference in efficacy between the two is basically personal preference.


No it is not a recent change i saw Mesmer in EU running it without MOD before the NA guy started his first complain thread about that build where he used double mantra. I always said MoD on that build doesn't rly make sense and Misha didn't even start using MoD with it as far as i know. And the reasons are the ones i already listed long before you saw Misha on that build the first time. Using double Mantra is subpar on that build. it doesn't rly add anything remarkable to the buildpurpose you cannot get by f3 already and even better. You have way more synergy from another stealthskill instead the high downtime on match-impact and the high vulnerable time you have when you need to recharge 2 mantras all the time. Why use something that only has value in a specific setting of traits and even then only when interrupting keyskills on an otherwise non reactive oneshot build that also doesn't need MoD to oneshot? You then have more vulnerable charge time by having less def/ stealthskills to cover them when needed. MoD only makes sense for a bad Mesmer can't even time the skills correctly to get f3 and f1 shatter with the right timing. MoD is useless for oneshot build, the only value it has is making the oneshot combo easier but for that less save because during daze they can dodge, during stun they need to use a stunbreak. Another stealthskill reduces the lvl of counter you have from thieves way more and you don't need to give up anyhting you rly need to play this oneshotbuild. You don't need an interrupt tool for oneshots. It is ofc not totally useless but every other skill synergies with PU has way more value, even Singet of Illusion would be better. And it was like that already before Mantra nerfs. That some NA guys ran an subpar utility setting on an still overperforming build doesn't mean anything.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > Can we just give Mirror Blade a reveal upon channeling is done or in the middle of it so we can move on with that eternal topic. It's strong and really annoying, but it's far from overpowered when you know it exists in the opposite team.

> > > > >

> > > > > Like coming back from Wifi, I know how kitten annoying the delay is even if you can "just dodge". Giving that reveal would allow people a little more time to react which is all this really needs. I love the concept of this ambush and one shotting, just not the factors like lag and the inconsistent visuals the game has seizure with sometimes.

> > > > >

> > > > > Daze does let people evade, the full Stun would reveal them before they started. Mirror Blade with said additional reveal makes it an equal functionality that doesn't leave people dead right away. It's all good.

> > > > >

> > > > > The next things that would need reveal mid cast is stuff like Kill Shot or Prime Light Beam.

> > > > >

> > > > > My general rule of thumb would be that Unblockable/High Damage/Powerful CC's skills have some form of reveal near their completion so that people can have a chance to react. Most Thief skills would actually benefit better from Revealed Training if Stealth Attacks were to have such mechanic, it's also making the profession less obnoxious to deal with.

> > > > >

> > > > > Not saying everything should be like that, stuff like Maul and such, but definitely make Stealth less of a crutch and favor reactionary gameplay more.

> > > >

> > > > adding reveal upon channeling gs2 would make this build unplayable.

> > > > Heck I was hit by stealthed scrapper by grenade barrage for 16,8k last patch, so its clearly possible with other classes too.

> > >

> > > At the end of channel or a little before it ends was my suggestion. Not like Death Judgement on DE. That's just too much I agree, but all know that's the culprit to the burst mostly. There's other alternatives but the clone generation is what makes it what it is.

> >

> > mate, this burst has 2 options.

> > 1 it lands.

> > 2 it doesnt land.

> > any player with a brain will dodge this burst 100% of the time if given extra 0,2s to react. making it compleatly unplayable.

> > It doesnt go from Strong to medicore or to weak, it goes to compleate trash never to be used again.


> **Competent players already dodge it,** doesn't matter what you're going to do for it. This build should be exclusively 1+ and not something that can rack up free kills by itself anyway. Why do you care so much to 100-0 when there's a LOT of other options available with the same build, got cheesy obsession or something?


I want to comment on the bolded.


We are all playing Carry Wars 2 now, and this is a large of part of why builds like this Core Power Mesmer 1HKO are driving me bat@#$% crazy lately. The reason why I made this thread isn't necessarily because I can't handle this build structure, as much as it is the 4 other people on your team usually can't. It's pretty common nowadays if you're hovering low plat, to get a couple golds on your team and a couple high silvers. Duuuuuude, these people in mid gold to high silver seriously cannot deal with this Core Power Mesmer build at all, even the ones who fumble bursts a bit and are slow.


When you see the Core Power Mesmer on the enemy team, you know you're going to be looking at what I call "A Little Red Wagon Match." This is where you know you're going to have to carry so hard, that your team mates may as well be comfortably sitting behind you in a little wagon, while you pull them.


At any rate, I guess the point being here is that nothing in the game has ever carried harder for instagib kills vs. bellow the bell curve opponents, as this current state Core Power Mesmer. It's a casual mulching machine, and seeing as how most of the teammates you get nowadays are completely casual, well GG if you aren't playing Core Mesmer and there is one on the enemy team against you.


I mean we aren't just talking top tier performance in ATs here, which truth be told, even against players of that tier, there are times when if this burst is landed properly, there is no counter play to it at all. We're also talking our new world that we play in nowadays where 1800s are mixing into games with 1300s or lower. When this is the case, builds that can do what this Core Power Mesmer is doing, are too strong for that dynamic of rating margins playing in the same game together for sure. The degree that the Core Power Mesmer can carry vs. low tier opponents is very disproportionate compared to what other classes can do.


At least that certainly seems to be the case in my opinion.


![](https://i.imgur.com/XgdCok7.jpg "")




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Has anyone thought that maybe traits dont need to be nerfed here just the f1 shatter itself.

Nerf its low end damage so that shattering with 1 clone is not very potent as seen in someones post above with a 1 clone shatter doing a total of 12k damage.

But buff it so that its more potent on the max end shatter that way even if this build is used it wont be doing that level of damage and doing 1 shots from stealth especially


its a simple fix that wont kill any traits but helps normalize the shatter itself if its doing that kind of damage with a 1 clone why would you work for more when its damage is suppose to scale up with clones reaching even higher amounts I still dont know why a 1 clone shatter is doing a total of 12k damage by itself, darn everything else.


That said i dont think anet will take this approach to the issue presented.


As for other comments ive seen someone compared this to LoL getting 1 shot by assassin like characters.

In that game

1 you dont run into unsafe spots and riot split true stealth from camoflauge which gw2 does not have

2 you have wards that can be placed and reveal peoples locations even in stealth


Someone also compared this to fps games where you get 1 shot by snipers and or shotguns

1 if these things are left unchecked the whole game becomes all players using these things and it gets old very quick

2 these things generally are not enticing to the player on the receiving end of them especially if they dont like that playstyle

3 not everyone wants to be forced into that playstyle to feel like they can do something


Generally people dont like not getting to play and thats what 1 shot builds do they dont allow people to play especially when they dont or cant see them coming.

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I think the crux of the problem is that it was given too much stealth.


In all of these years, I've never once had a problem with Power Shatter builds. I had always referenced them as "good & balanced" but lately that is not the case. Having too much stealth grants waaaaay too much ease of application for these nuclear 1HKOs, as well as too easy of disengage afterwards.


As of about the past 24 hours, I'm considering picking up Mesmer and forcing myself to play this disgusting build because it's just too good not to use, when you need a good swap to 1HKO for a carry vs. low tiered opponents.

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