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Edge of the Mists can improve overall WvW


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# Add pips to Edge of the mists, keep mounts out.



To do so should not take too much effort from the few remaining Anet staff to add pips and this should improve fight quality on home WvW and give an outlet for people that want to zerg/ktrain everything. So much could have been done or rather not done to avoid this state of decay in WvW, but given where it is right now, what do we have to lose with seeing if bringing pips to Edge of the Mists improves quality in home WvW and improves quantity in Edge of the Mists.


Back in it's prime, populated instances of Edge of the Mists enabled the WvW community to communicate with players from other servers which was great most of the time. Granted the overall Gw2 population has declined greatly since then. A lot of players that were bored of PvE and not attracted to the semi-serious nature of home WvW would go into Edge of the Mists for a more relaxed WvW experience (this was also before auto upgrades and someone asks for donations to pay for Keep upgrades). It was not as demoralizing for new players or more casual players when we lose objectives in Edge of the Mists compared to home maps where chat is likely complaining if an upgraded objective was lost. I know firsthand a good amount of PvE players with little to no interest in PvP would end up in Edge of the Mists and followed me only to tell me how it was the most fun they have ever had in Gw2 when the match was over or when they had to leave. It even helped some commanders that were not so capable in home WvW learn some of the basics of leading without such a strong backlash if you failed to win a fight or attack/defend an objective. Edge of the Mists even helped guilds that were split across servers WvW together when they were the same color/team without needing to transfer, especially helpful for those guild mates on other servers that have not signed in for a while but are the same color/team as you (often not these players either did not have enough gold or incentive to transfer to their friend's server).


Nowadays in Edge of the Mists you would be lucky to find 1 enemy at any given time much less find a sizeable group that is taking objectives and/or ambushing incoming enemies. I know that I would go to Edge of the Mists commanding pugs again even if there were only enough people to fill 1-2 instances and I am sure there are others that would too.


As a Maguuma player since beta, I do not ever recall any Anet devs playing on our server in WvW. Magswag, GLFR, and the blessed trolling was far too overwhelming for Anet staff to comprehend, especially in WvW. Although, in Edge of the Mists there were a few times we had someone from Anet play on the same team and were able to offer feedback for home WvW and Edge of the Mists that actually was implemented. Equally, there were a lot more Anet staff on enemy teams in Edge of the Mists than in our home WvW which offered the best kind of loot bags and was also refreshing to see Anet staff playing their own game which is much better than devs that 'balance' game modes they do not actively or competitively participate in.


![](https://i.imgur.com/tcb3qS1.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/2Jmhc93.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/U5NkaKP.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/GvuWdi8.jpg "")


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Without a concrete Road Map & Vision of where we need to go...our discussions will just go in circles & get us no-where.


WvW is in serious need of a re-design.


EOTM should be front & center in helping us to rebuild our Long-Term population that's currently nose diving off the face of a cliff due to World & Language Linking...and "Coming Soon"...Alliance Linking mechanics.


EOTM needs to be carefully utilized for it to improve WvW, or it will only dilute the game mode's real content - Healthy & Competitive Match-Ups.


EOTM LOBBY - Mist Raiding, WvG Recruitment & Craft-Merchant Vendors



Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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I would prefer if Egde of the Mist would be ''buffed'' into a a PvE scenario , rather than funel new players into WvWvW and uterly leave because of balance .


a) Make the EotM darker/scarrier , with opened/destroyed gates , no NPCS

b) 100 ppl will follow a NPC , that will guide them all over the map to uncover what happened here . Every 500 meters they will fight a npc boss .

c) The enemie players will be transformed into gargoyls/spiders that will try to cocoon/stun the enemy and push them down in the sides of the map .

D) If you die , while in spiderform , you simply dont die but you cant do anything for 30 sec (calculate your next move)

e) The end boss , has 50 eyes , where each enemy controls 1 eye laser...and the rest try to push the enemies down to the gap

g) Or gives the enemie players trasnformation some tiny radius Raid attacks , that does minimul damage ...but creates comfusion....and they stealth again till their cd is up (your aim is not to kill them -but hit them to get reward)


If the rounds ends , and there are enought ppl , then a normal Eotm 3v3 server will start

If in normal Eotm , if ppl across the 3 factions rushes to capture ''orbs''(100) rather than going for the 45 min Capture Game, then the PvE scary event will start ,

edit 3: Or When the PvE events stops , you have to w8 45 min or you can go in WvWvW map and ''gather random orb'' to lower the cd of the PvE event



The 1st Winner of the current WvWvW match , allows your server to choose if you want to be a ''victim'' or predator in the Scary PvE scenario , and spent 10 silver to reduce the cd of the PvE , by 1 min

edit2 : Create a ZvZ arena (zerg vs zerg ) in middle (submerged into the ground with a huge glass cealing) to spectate WvWvW guilds across the servers , or move along

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> @"Tao.5096" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > Too many maps. Need to cut number of maps down to two map access per server. 2 boarderland per server no more home server stuff. And EBG.


> And sit tight in 300+ queue?


That's a minority. We have queue on hot days and it's only one map at a time has a Queue from commanders map jumping. Again doesn't need 4 maps at once. 1ebg

1 red vs green, 1 green vs blue, 1 red vs blue


That should be good enough. Maps already spread people too thin

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I want it rotated in to replace one of the Borderlands, so we have EoTM, Desert BL, Alpine BL, and EBG.


I just think its silly that we have two copies of the same map on a thinning population. People play the various maps because it fits their playstyle, its what they like to do in the game, so by keeping all maps in rotation you are bringing in all the edge cases into your server's effective population, e.g reducing Alpine to one map instead of two will force people who like that map onto a single map.


Similarly, there's people who love EoTM who are not contributing to our progress, and that should change.


And also redo the Alpine and Desert Borderlands slightly so that they're more evenly distributed with land like EoTM & EBG are. Currently almost on one wants to make a serious push on these maps because they're so stacked against the invaders.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> I want it rotated in to replace one of the Borderlands, so we have EoTM, Desert BL, Alpine BL, and EBG.


> I just think its silly that we have two copies of the same map on a thinning population. People play the various maps because it fits their playstyle, its what they like to do in the game, so by keeping all maps in rotation you are bringing in all the edge cases into your server's effective population, e.g reducing Alpine to one map instead of two will force people who like that map onto a single map.


> Similarly, there's people who love EoTM who are not contributing to our progress, and that should change.


> And also redo the Alpine and Desert Borderlands slightly so that they're more evenly distributed with land like EoTM & EBG are. Currently almost on one wants to make a serious push on these maps because they're so stacked against the invaders.


They are ‘home borderlands’ for a reason. There should be a home field advantage.


EBG was supposed to be the ‘even’ sided map.


Each of the maps was designed to be a map that made invaders struggle some.


EoTM hasn’t changed.., People don’t play there because it obviously isn’t fun enough to overcome the only difference from WvW maps: pips.

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utilizing EotM, remodeling it into a regular border like ebg would be my choice. as for EotM look now, it's mainly empty and not worth playing on. i wrote on another thread about this yet more precisely.

at its current state, they could just remove it - but making it a smaller EBG would be better.


and people don't play EotM becuause its void incarnate. also does not count towards the leaderboard scale, so no ppt-trains there, leading not even roamers to go there bc theres nobody to really interact with. EotM needs a special twist to be played on, and making it the "safe empy excluded space" isn't providing that. (however, i don't think making it a hardcore pvp hell would benefit that too, unlike others suggested)


my ideas for EotM here (about in the middle of the page)


edit: u cannot replace it for a alpine border maps obviously. t1 has yet queues on each day of the week at 1-2 maps frequently, if alliance update finally succeeds and concentrates players more, the current maps will be a bit too full anyways.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> I want it rotated in to replace one of the Borderlands, so we have EoTM, Desert BL, Alpine BL, and EBG.


> I just think its silly that we have two copies of the same map on a thinning population. People play the various maps because it fits their playstyle, its what they like to do in the game, so by keeping all maps in rotation you are bringing in all the edge cases into your server's effective population, e.g reducing Alpine to one map instead of two will force people who like that map onto a single map.


^^^^^ This, replace one of the alpine maps with it.

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Haha, this thread is so typical of this forum. Some people hate everything about it and some people overlook all the problems with it. No one is prepared to analyze the actual good and bad things about the map so everyone just blurts out oppinions. The truth is that some things were good and some were bad.


The mechanics involving the different worlds shows that ArenaNet explored and invested in the tech of a true WvW mode where three matchups are made and everyone gets pitted against oneanother and reshuffled. It is an interesting forerunner to Alliances and the world creation still serves some purposes. Sadly, like most other tech with potential it was just left to fester and few things have been done with it. It can be debated whether the design was better than other options (like Alliances) but that the tech exists shows that there is potential and overall the tech existing has given some use to other things.


Everything else has been said countless of times. The map is not good and the pictures the OP posted shows why more so than it shows something good. People did not play it as entry level content or as a playable overflow. They played it because it had superior rewards and they stopped playing when it didn't (including tomes). It began before pips. That it had better rewards was never a good thing and the map kept WvW players out while the rewards kept PvE players in so it didn't add much to WvW and it is questionable whether it added much to PvE or as a sluice from PvE to WvW (it is highly doubtful tbh).


I can't think of many players who tried EotM and developed a WvW mentality from it or anything else that in any way had aided WvW as a whole.

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