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Most worthless core professions for WvW?


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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> You guys don’t know how deadly core engineers can be. Come armistice bastion and watch how the pro duelers use the core Engineers to great effect.


i know how great core classes can be. ( playing core ele myself and i can 1 on 1 all classes apart from unkillable classes )

But i think the topic is worthless classes in "general" and not in a very specific way.



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Went with Ranger, could have gone with Engineer.


Not that **anyone** does it but alot of the core functionality in the various elite spec builds resides in the core spec. You could easily don a swath of kits on healing gear and be quite useful. There are a couple of other things that can be picked up instead of the elite utilities to do various things to enhance or expand on the role you pick. Engineer is also arguably in a better position overall.


Ranger does nothing that Soulbeast doesn't do as well and better. Most Soulbeasts play with core utilities and weapons since the elite mostly benefits from the unique pet mechanic and the stacking of traits that it can dually benefit from. With that, there isn't much that a core Ranger can do to either sidegrade with other utilities or to adjust part of its role in a different direction. That just makes it outright worse by comparison to both its 2nd gen elite and to the Engineer. Most classes core specs suffer by comparison (and ArenaNets attempts to create offsets have so far only been disastrous to class-class balance rather than achieving something interesting within class/trait balance) but depending on whether traits, weapons, utilities or unique mechanics dominates what makes the elite specs the elite specs it tends to hit different classes very differently. Classses with worse (or less flexible; where weapons and utilities matter less) elites tends to suffer more from the elites just being core+1.

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Isn't it theoretical possible to play a heal core engi as you can still use med kit and elixir gun? And elixier B's F skill still gives stability as a replacement for bulwark gyro and you can use utility goggles for detection pulse..


Kinda like a weaker version of heal scrapper, but still useful.

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Ranger. The pets don't stealth so they're a liability and they lose the damage modifiers from soulbeast. Spirits vaporize in AoE, traps are really a joke when maintaining mobility is key. The only skill that really stands out is the AOE stunbreak on "Protect Me".

longbow = projectile, single target unless traited and rapidfire eats retaliation. The amount of new players pushing people out of AoE is extremely high with pointblank shot/ LB 4

Axe = projectile

Shortbow = slow ramp condi

GS = does nothing for everyone else

sword = a skirmishing weapon that relies on dodging much like a thief but that doesn't work in a large group , cripple is far weaker than immob from thief's sword mainhand


Engineer isn't the right choice: yes it's harder to play core engineer and you shouldn't run grenades due to insane retaliation self damage and condi reliance. However you can run med kit (and utility goggles for stealth reveal when out of combat or before engage) + elixir gun which already makes it 100% more useful than ranger. In addition for 5 man scenarios , throw elixir S can stealth 5 people and throw elixir C can convert 2 conditions on 5 people. Because it retains the F5 skill on supply crate, you gain the ability to clear 14 conditions on 60 cooldown or less if you don't opt for mortar kit (which has multiple field types including poisn and water fields).

In addition, the core engineer has piercing on rifle auto, which is something you need to trait for on longbow and the 2-5 skills aren't projectile. Scrapper often has the pistol+shield alternative to hammer and it isn't any different for core engineer. For melee range you can use wrench (tool kit has a block similar to scrapper hammer) or bomb kit.


**Core guardian** = use vanilla AH guardian with Stand your ground + Strength in Numbers

**Core warrior** = definitely not , it's less potent due to losing boon rips but still has access to warhorn and "Shake it Off" for mass condi clear as well as hammer + GS + double axe for power damage . If your timing is superb you can banner downeds

**Core rev** = still can use hammer as well as dwarf legend for stability on Inspiring Reinforcement ; using Retribution traitline allows for Versed in Stone trait to be used as well

**Core ele** = can still run staff with fire+air+earth/arcane for survivability

**Core necro** = can still run well of corruption, unholy feast, devouring darkness, etc (remember G.W.E.N. before HOT)

**Core mesmer** = can still veil, portal, boon rip with GS/null field , focus pulls , mantra of concentration is AOE stability , mantra of resolve is 3 condis removed off up to 5 people ; in low enemy count scenarios power shatter can get kills or finish downeds easily

**Core thief** = venoms (remember venomshare?) , mostly low target count but shortbow has poison fields on tap and dagger+pistol can make smoke fields (see also Smoke Screen which destroys projectiles) as well as hit for a large amount of damage on backstab and heartseeker while sword+pistol can do more stealthy attacks against out of position 900 range targets via Infiltrator's strike. Signet of agility also happens to clear conditions off allies and shadow portal is a core thief skill. Generally thief in WvW relies on staff however.

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> @"Kirnale.5914" said:

> Isn't it theoretical possible to play a heal core engi as you can still use med kit and elixir gun? And elixier B's F skill still gives stability as a replacement for bulwark gyro and you can use utility goggles for detection pulse..


> Kinda like a weaker version of heal scrapper, but still useful.

Theoretically anything is possible, in practice you will offer nothing the zerg really needs - engie is not for stab and people have given up on tactical counterplay with reveal. There is no other core traitline that could replace scrapper and offer much of an advantage compared to loosing gyros/superspeed. Would it work in smallscale? Same thing really, except then you start lacking space for healer stuff if you actually want to win fights.


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Core engineer by far. In recent 2 months I have almost completely stopped playing engineer, despite having thousands of hours of experience and full legendary gear. I currently play core mesmer, which is many times better.


The developers "balanced" engineer by gutting the core (the sheer number of nerfs over the years is just brain blasting e.g. losing 14 condi cleanses in just one balance patch, look at also the current state of explosives and firearms trait lines). Instead they should have toned down holosmith.

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> @"Deniara Devious.3948" said:

> The developers "balanced" engineer by gutting the core (the sheer number of nerfs over the years is just brain blasting e.g. losing 14 condi cleanses in just one balance patch, look at also the current state of explosives and firearms trait lines). Instead they should have toned down holosmith.


Add to that the removal of reflect/smoke screen on toss elixir U, the weak, short ranged, slow firing ranged weapons (with easily cleaned condies as a bonus), the 7 year old bug of blowtorch regularly missing targets at point blank range, the plethora of useless skills (shrapnel mine anyone?)...I could go on. It’s clearly evident Anet really doesn’t play or care about the class. Now I’m off to watch cat videos on YouTube to cheer myself up..

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Engineer is probably the most butchered core spec thanks to good 'ol Holosmith, but I imagine during a core only event, they would still be sought after in groups for healing/cleansing and magnet memes. Not as strong obviously, but still salvageable.

Core Ranger is quite an underrated, competent roamer, but without Soulbeast, it loses some of its killing power and teamplay. You could run glass Quickdraw Barrage, but that's probably the most impactful teamplay achievable. I don't feel right voting core Ranger though, because its roaming power builds are at a pretty healthy power level. In general, I would still probably say Engineer because of how nerfed it is in its current state, even if it would more likely have a defined role in group play.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Hahaha, my second pick is Engineer but I had personally worst experience with a Core Necro.

Its kind of funny because when running as a core engineer, one of the very few core encounters thats been able to kill me has been... a core necro. And thats on a build where I rofltstomp reapers and scourges on a daily basis.

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