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While you're working on Warclaw balance, PLEASE consider removing the mount stomp.


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Or, you know, move it into player skills instead of an exclusive mount that can only be used OOC.


And while we're at it, give the Warclaw a breakbar instead of complete CC immunity, then we can stun it and dismount the player with damage. Currently its almost impossible to deal 10k of damage while a player's rapidly moving away..


The mount is a travel tool, it shouldn't mean immunity to fights or a combat advantage. It's like having access to the Bloodstone Fen aerial combat skills on War Gliding, it wasn't included because the devs knew it would be OP.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > Gankers. Twitchy thieves and suchlike who only play to sit at Vale camps on alpine maps destroying people who want to enter the map.

> >

> > You know this is a PvP game mode, right?


> It's a WvW game mode.


Exactly; players from one world sitting at a resource objective destroying people from another world to deny them the resource. == PvP

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Honestly, keep warclaw how it is...just make it exclusive to desert bl map only were it actually seems to shine with gliding.

Other 3 maps don't need it but I know its pointless to even write this since I won't get this New Year's present.


Anyways just a timbit...if you nerf it too much it becomes a glorified nothing that just drops our fps and that's worst then anything...and thats coming from a guy that wished mounts never came to be in wvw.


Happy Holidays to all my WvW brethren

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> @"SWI.4127" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > What are the pros and cons of downstate in your opinion?

> > Downstate is almost no risk and a very high reward for going into fights only when you're outnumbering your opponents, but you don't seem to mind about that side of it? And yes, mount stomping is not a solution to downstate, solution to downstate is no downstate. :D

> > If you TRULY cared about not giving advantages to outnumbering side, you'd speak up against downstate, not against something that removes it in certain situations.


> I'm not against removing downstate, it's just a different conversation. That's why I didn't want to get into it in this thread. There are already like 50 threads about that very subject. I'm making this post because they announced Warclaw changes but didn't mention one of the most imbalanced things about it IMO.


If you're not against removing it, then why are you dodging with vague "there are pros and cons" answers? It would be easier for you to actually answer instead of repeating "different conversation". Downstate is a huge part of this conversation, it really doesn't need to be divided in 5 threads. All you do is try to suggest that you can discuss downstate executes without discussin downstate itself. It's not a different conversation, it's the very same one.


> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> > > > > Leave downstate alone and don't follow the "fortnite players crying".

> > > >

> > > > What do you mean by "fortnite players"?

> > >

> > > Gankers. Twitchy thieves and suchlike who only play to sit at Vale camps on alpine maps destroying people who want to enter the map. If the meta doesn't favour this type of gameplay they come and complain on the forum until the developers change the game so that it does.

> >

> > Ah yes, because the wvw gameplay you want is just more mindless circle-spamming at enemy blobs. Solid gameplay. Cutting off people comming back to said blobs? Naaaah, implement WvW skyscales with 10 dodges just to be sure people can avoid fighting outside of pressing 2 buttons in huge groups. :+1:


> That's a strawman. Don't tell me what I want.


No, it's not. Also I don't need to tell you what you want, you just did it in the previous post. You also could easly clarify it here, but instead you answered with nothingness.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:


> No, it's not. Also I don't need to tell you what you want, you just did it in the previous post. You also could easly clarify it here, but instead you answered with nothingness.


oh it's not a strawman? So you think people who disagree with you should be punished IRL? That's immoral!

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> @"sneakytails.5629" said:

> Downstate is dumb and only punishes good players by allowing sloppy players to come back in a fight they should never win. The Warclaw stomp is amazing because you can now punish that trash mechanic.


> If anything should be removed its downstate.


Yep. They should remove the mount stomp, and at the same time remove the rally mechanic from wvw.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > If they are going to gut damage, they need to gut downed state.


> If they are going after power creep, they should. ?


> Because just a focus on damage isn’t going to make WvW better.

Neither is gutting downed state.


Here's the simply truth about what I *presume* the OP is talking about:


*It's a job just like any other.*


Dont want enemies taking your camps? Roamers go fight them.

Need healing in zergs? Stack the minstrels.

Need bombs? Stack the necros.

Need to take out enemies sitting on mounts in the rear of the zerg? **GET YOUR OWN GOD DAMN MOUNTED FLANKERS TO BRING THEM DOWN.**



Over the years Anet has gone out of their way to take away these jobs and roles from us, with things like adding automatic upgrading or automatic scouting.


Do we really need cripple WvW ourselves now?


Considering people complain about how strong ressing is I dont really understand how people can complain about how strong stomping is at the same time. Is everything strong or is nothing strong?

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  • 2 weeks later...

imo downstate should be removed in every mode and classes be buffed somewhere else in compensation. I'd rather have a steadier game with only one try than having it undercut by several states of no gameplay that make me feel like I don't deserve victory at the end of a fight.


Not to mention that downstate was never balanced and never will be. Just look at ranger self-rez, compare it to what mesmer has.

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This just another thread exactly like a previous one started just before Christmas. It was put to rest then but instead of excepting fact's you go out of the way to create a new thread in hopes nobody notices . Now since post's can be re-posted ,READ that thread and except the fact's


Removing Down state would overly skew the battle even more towards the side with the most players .It would also lead to an even worse meta than we have now . Down state and the ability to revive can drastically improve the ability for a group that has been ambushed to change the out come of a battle. Removing down state would also make over 20 traits and skills completely useless.The Warclaw stomp is a middle of the road solution to no down state to keeping the down state. Why remove it?

People complained for years about how long it took to get from point A to point B .Anet offers a solution that covers both issues yet people still complain about it .

It's no bloody wonder ANET doesn't want to talk to us on this forum.

Before you try to remove an aspect of the game because you don't like it try to use a little logic first and how it will drastically change the game to a point where proper balance becomes a complete impossibility.

It's becoming more and more apparent to me that some people only want change as long as it benefits them selves and no one else.




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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> This just another thread exactly like a previous one started just before Christmas. It was put to rest then but instead of excepting fact's you go out of the way to create a new thread in hopes nobody notices . Now since post's can be re-posted ,READ that thread and except the fact's

> [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/94581/what-do-ppl-want-from-warclaw-and-what-should-anet-do-and-abit-about-downstate#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/94581/what-do-ppl-want-from-warclaw-and-what-should-anet-do-and-abit-about-downstate#latest)


The thread you're linking was created AFTER this one, so... wrong.


Also if anything, downstate helps the outnumbering side more.

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They already stated what they exactly will change on warclaw...


"For WvW, we’re planning to address some of the problems introduced by the warclaw, namely its overall movement speed and elusiveness via evades. We’ll be removing the increased movement speed in owned territory and replacing it with a new Mastery that we’re still working out. We’ll also be reducing the warclaw’s endurance to give players more opportunities to chase it down and force a dismount.”"


Source: Cal Cohen's text at [https://guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-to-the-new-year/](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-to-the-new-year/)


You cannot stomp when you are thrown off your mount faster.

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I'm fine with the mount stomp..


Specially when you factor in the imbalance between Class Downstate skills..

I've seen Necromacers solo Champion class creatures!! in downstate because their lifesteal is so ridiculously stong.


Some classes have very good downstate skills and others totally useless ones *cough Warrior cough*


Having a mount stomp adds some justice to that although I do agree with others here that downstate doesn't belong in PvP or WvW.

So long as it remains a part of WvW then I fully endorce the mount stomp.


As for Warclaws evade.. I think it's fine with 3 bars.. however I don't believe it should evade when you use the jump dash.

Warclaw should always be open to taking damage, no blocks, no evades.

The Dash should be purely about putting distance between you and the enemy and the bar should recharge very slowely.


There also needs to be a dismount trap so players can setup ambushes for mounted players and lure them into it.

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Warclaw should be there to act as a store for your siege equipment to get it out of your inventory slots, maybe add to your carry capacity, and get you from spawn to battles a little faster. Three dodges is too many, it should have one leap-dodge that moves you a little further than the current leap.


To be honest I dont feel like WvW needed a mount at all, I would be happy if they just deleted it from WvW. You have way points all over the place to teleport to, a lot of classes have a run speed buff. If they don't they generally are part of a group who do provide a run speed buff or they are running something like travellers. Worried about gankers? Well that is the job of solo's and small groups, to cut reinforcements to the main zerg from spawn.

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