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In your opinion what is the most broken pvp class at the moment?

DoRi Silvia.4159

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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> To be honest, nothing right now stands out as way more powerful than the rest. There's stuff that's annoying, gimmicky, cheap, but there's nothing that you *always* see at least 2 of on every team, like we had with some classes in previous years.


> SpB? Strong. Herald? Strong. FB? Strong. SoulB? Strong. Holo? Strong. Thief? Strong. Weaver? Strong. Necro? Strong. Mirage? Strong. Necro probably the weakest there, but not by much.


> All of the above need bringing down to the power-level of things like Druid and DH, and core ele/engi need a slight boost. But that's a separate issue.


that s because most ppl find boring playing ele, if wasnt that you'd see a lot more double ele

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > To be honest, nothing right now stands out as way more powerful than the rest. There's stuff that's annoying, gimmicky, cheap, but there's nothing that you *always* see at least 2 of on every team, like we had with some classes in previous years.

> >

> > SpB? Strong. Herald? Strong. FB? Strong. SoulB? Strong. Holo? Strong. Thief? Strong. Weaver? Strong. Necro? Strong. Mirage? Strong. Necro probably the weakest there, but not by much.

> >

> > All of the above need bringing down to the power-level of things like Druid and DH, and core ele/engi need a slight boost. But that's a separate issue.


> that s because most ppl find boring playing ele, if wasnt that you'd see a lot more double ele


I saw streamer play ele vs scrapper and it was the most boring thing ever, none of them died even in 1v2 or 2v1.

didnt even have to kite off node, hp never dropped under 50%. I would rather uninstall then play this shit.

Old scrapper almost made me quit pvp it was so boring lol.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > Endless evade/teleport thf. It has constant stun, boon rip, weakness application.

> > >

> > >

> > > It doesn't need the stun on pistol wip, and the 3/4 second evade should be shorter to 1/2 a second or less and only affect the end of the skill. The evade shouldn't last the entire time and should have a small window just after it starts so it can be countered with good skill and reaction timing. With sword 2 teleport at the ready the thf is safe to just port away. But will have to be careful of there enemy alittle more when attacking.

> >

> > The evade doesn't last the entire time. There is a window both before the PW starts and during its last swing animations. There even is a small window **after** the initial stun, if you avoid that then **even then** you can still stop PW. You have 3 windows of opportunity on one skill, you literally can't make that skill more punishable than it is.


> This is what I got from the wiki. "The evasion window lasts for ~1.25 seconds" that is a long evasion uptime. Ontop of all the other evades, vigor uptime and other endurance gaining traits. I feel it's to strong in 1v1s.


It really isn't. It's only looks over powered to inexperienced players. If u r watching sindrender he is basically a monster.


For the average guy You try run this build in plat. U will get schooled. They will dodge. Wait for your animation to end and because u r rooted in place they will cc then burst u. N u only have so many pw. U can't just spam it.

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The three types of broken


Broken as in not balanced as in im overperfomlng and win because im mechanically superior

Firebrand (Just doing too much at once)

Weaver (removing some burn dps and stab from stances would prob make them tolerable as it would make ToF evasions punishable with well timed cc)

Soulbeast (bit too much boon access)

Rev (damage way too high)

Warrior generally (might synergy over-performing)

Mirage gets an honorable mention ?


Broken as in it dont work or is flawed in some way by initial design/ Poor choices over time have ruined it and will cost anet money and time to fix

Also Mirage

Core engi / Scrapper

Necro core stuff in general/Scourge


Broken as in its dead..... as in now "balanced" as in you can make it work but just refuse to play it cause why would you when you can be boosted by x elite/class

Chrono (mostly)

But also maybe Scrapper

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* Any profession that can self-buff 25 might.

* Any profession that can front load a lot of condi damage.

* Any profession where there are not trade offs between sustain and damage.

* Any profession that can one shot with little to no counter play(specially from stealth).

* Any profession that can have a ~75-100% uptime on the boons it applies.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> * Any profession that can self-buff 25 might.

> * Any profession that can front load a lot of condi damage.

> * Any profession where there are not trade offs between sustain and damage.

> * Any profession that can one shot with little to no counter play(specially from stealth).

> * Any profession that can have a ~75-100% uptime on the boons it applies.


Everyone in a nutshell not one profession is exempt from at least 1 thing on this list. While some others are offenders of multiple things on the list.

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Symbolbrand easy spam of everything be it mantras, tomes, utils.

Weaver any kind of it for reasons we all know.

Revenant and Thief - too much mobility and sustain for the dps they produce. It's funny seeing thieves facetanking groups right?

Soulbeast still hits like a truck both ranged and melee.

Condi Mirage despite the numerous 'nerfs' still king of 1v1 unless it meets a thief.

Any meme build like core "perma stealth/one shot" mesmer and perma stealth DE (even worse in WvW).

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> @"Tycura.1982" said:

> None stand out very much. The other specs should be buffed to match current performance. There's many viable classes right now and not a one of them doesn't have counterplay.


> In my estimation the classes in need of the most love are druid, scourge, renegade, core engie, dragon hunter, chrono, core thief, and berserker.


How about we stop the powercreep and instead of buffing the underperformers, we nerf the overperformer to bring them in line?

Your way of balancing brought us into this powercrept state of a game.


> @"Hylo.1968" said:

> > @"Hylo.1968" said:

> > Permastealth DE, condi Mirage, Symbolbrand, Bambi


> Edit: Warrior 0 effort self sustain




Warrior has to hit f burst skills to get sustain, be it adrenal health (defense traitline isnt even meta anymore) or magebane tether/mmr


If you avoid getting hit or break the tether you deny the warrior most of his sustain in the current metabuild.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > **Broken as in broken? Necro and its derivatives. Necro has a hard matchup vs every meta spec for no reason.**

> >

> > Broken as in overpowered? Probably weaver, also FB.


> _cries in chronomancer_


Lol. As if Chrono invented nerfs xD

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> * Any profession that can self-buff 25 might.

> * Any profession that can front load a lot of condi damage.

> * Any profession where there are not trade offs between sustain and damage.

> * Any profession that can one shot with little to no counter play(specially from stealth).

> * Any profession that can have a ~75-100% uptime on the boons it applies.



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