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Latest WvW, balance and 15 vs 15 updates!


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> A lot of this stuff is actually in progress right now. Hopefully we'll be able to give more details soon. I'll give a somewhat vague status update on each one:


> Big Balance Patch: First pass is basically done. Cmc is running through some last minute changes and it should start internal testing soon.


> Swiss: Almost done (finally!). We ran an internal test on it right before the break and we're hoping to run some public tests in the nearish future. The last I saw of it, there were still some bugs that needed to be resolved. The extra gold for tournament wins not being distributed and some UI problems on the order of columns not lining up properly and tooltips and such. Tournaments themselves have some new bugs that we're looking into (rewards problems).


> Mini-Seasons: This is giving us the ability to run alternate game mode short seasons. Code is being added to track additional rating types now! Basically, before we can do these, we need to make it so that your 2v2/3v3 skill rating is different from your conquest skill rating. In addition to that, we still need to set up rewards for them.


> PvP/WvW new armorset: There are some art bugs that need fixed, but the the art is done for the most part. We're also adjusting the acquisition method. These probably won't just be tossed on the vendors like previous armors.


> Large PvP map (15 on 15). The map itself has been done for a while. But we've decided to hold off on releasing it until we're able to get someone to make UI changes. Currently, the UI can't handle more than 10v10. Additionally, 10v10 UI is bad. It's just one large group rather than using the squad UI. Unfortunately, when the programmers looked into how difficult it would be to add squad functionality, it turned out the current way groups are handled in PvP makes it a difficult change. Basically, it might be easier for us to build a new solution that mimics squad functionality than to try to shoe-horn the current squad functionality into PvP.


> Other stuff: There are some other things also being looked into, but since they haven't been previously talked about, I don't want to go into more detail at this time!


> Well, this turned out to be a little more detailed than I planned, but that's where we stand right now. Hope this helps!


> P.S. Yes, everything takes longer than we'd like to finish. We know.



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In fact:


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> >

> > > Large PvP map (15 on 15). The map itself has been done for a while. But we've decided to hold off on releasing it until we're able to get someone to make UI changes. Currently, the UI can't handle more than 10v10. Additionally, 10v10 UI is bad. It's just one large group rather than using the squad UI. Unfortunately, when the programmers looked into how difficult it would be to add squad functionality, it turned out the current way groups are handled in PvP makes it a difficult change. Basically, it might be easier for us to build a new solution that mimics squad functionality than to try to shoe-horn the current squad functionality into PvP.

> >

> > Hey Ben, thanks for updates.

> >

> > Can you tell us if 15 vs 15 will allow for Guild GvG challenges?

> >

> > Because imo a big thing missing from Guild Wars 2 has been Guild Wars. Structured GvG would be a great addition to helping Guilds maintain some sense of community / Identity.


> Realistically, probably not. The scope of the map was never meant to be a whole new mode. It was mainly to give another option in custom arenas and, if we get the UI changes we wanted, we could do special tournaments or mini-seasons with it. Getting a more in-depth system is likely off the table at this point. (I never say never, since priorities can change over time.)

I guess it could be viewed as both good or bad depending on how you lean. At least it could facilitate some GvG, recreating some of the GH options, even if it is very bare bones. It might be enough to let the community do something with it. Since it is in sPvP they probably could tie it to the swiss system in the future without too much hassle and even if it woud be player-run events using the custom system it would at least then have swiss-functionality in place so whoever runs a tournament does not have to create and track their own brackets. Though, automation may interfere with officiating.

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>PvP/WvW new armorset: There are some art bugs that need fixed, but the the art is done for the most part. We're also adjusting the acquisition method. These probably Won't just be tossed on the vendors like previous armors.

So some kind of collection/mastery involvement probably. If it's not on vendor it could still be a rank gated unlock. We'll see.


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> @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

>Just to be clear, we don't even have an internal target on the UI changes we feel are needed. It could still never happen. The only reason I've mentioned it is because we talked about the map/15v15 in the past so it's something already public and the map itself is done.


>The map was a snow map that was just an open area for death match. We've talked about possibly doing more in-depth stuff, but the first map is going to be very simple. If it turns out that the UI changes are going to take a long while (or not get done at all) we may just release the map as 10v10 in custom arenas. Though, I'm not sure how much it would get played.

I'm crossposting this too since it is also relevant.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> a 15 v 15 map in pvp is pointless. actually it will probably be worse then pointless unless they allow all stat combos in there (minstrel for example). even then I doubt many if anyone from wvw will be enticed into going there.

Well, at least you can hope its pointless.


Because heres the raw deal - if Anet makes a *good* GvG mode, WvW will have even less players.


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> a 15 v 15 map in pvp is pointless. actually it will probably be worse then pointless unless they allow all stat combos in there (minstrel for example). even then I doubt many if anyone from wvw will be enticed into going there.


This is exactly it. Unless all stat combos, foods and oils/stones are allowed, it'll be pointless to do anything GvG related unless we go back to the meta of old when everyone's glass and the first range spike to land wins the whole round...

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Honestly I think alot of the problem with competitive now is that the game just doesn't have the population to sustain two modes. Its kind of okay when there's just a few people going 1v1 or 2v2 in PvP, but if they add 15v15 or true GvG in PvP it'll hurt WvW,


That's why we keep seeing restraint on ArenaNet's part, everything's being spread too thin in GW2 as of late.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Honestly I think alot of the problem with competitive now is that the game just doesn't have the population to sustain two modes. Its kind of okay when there's just a few people going 1v1 or 2v2 in PvP, but if they add 15v15 or true GvG in PvP it'll hurt WvW,


> That's why we keep seeing restraint on ArenaNet's part, everything's being spread too thin in GW2 as of late.


i doubt it. there's but a small gvg groups now.

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Maybe I have the unpopular option here then... And that's okay (at least it should be).


I view it like this... I believe a mode - game for that matter, is worthy of the Players it is able to keep. Even if a new game comes out on the market (especially the highly successful ones), that could drag people away from WvW too for however long. Perhaps _some_ people like this style of 15 vs 15 and flock to that, also for however long, but at least they would still be playing GW2 in this case. And by the same token... A new form of content - This new form of content (especially if successful) could attract new people with a certain taste GW2 did not offer them before. Not just some that might be older/veterans like myself and others. Then, we also had the lay off's happen and Warclaw not exactly being successful among general opinion.


So, in this case I actually wish @Anet good luck and also wish them, at the very least, the greater end of success with this. Now, would I rather see alliances come out and work OR population imbalance fixed? 100% absolutely. Though, I'm just gonna take this with a grain of salt and assume this is the best they can do right now at the moment and hope it works out for the time being. However, existing WvW problems should be/remain more of a top priority IMO because of the sheer time they have taken to still accomplish thus far (population imbalance, alliances, balance, rewards). Though, at least 15 vs 15 has been asked for a long time too... So, I give it a pass because of that in terms of trying to output that kind of content (even though 15 vs 15 was with WvW in mind), but will it actually "pass" _and_ be successful? We shall see, but none less.... Good luck @Anet.


- One last minor note, who knows? Maybe the PvP 15 vs 15 could be a stepping stone for a more WvW oriented 15 vs 15 mode (with gear and such). This wouldn't be the first time something was brought into PvP before making it's way similarly to WvW. Just a being a tad optimistic is all. Anyways, enjoy the rest of your day fellow reader :)

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The 15 v 15 mode is very likely to be PvP, judging by the way it was explained.


"Large **PvP** map"

"the current way groups are handled in PvP makes it a difficult change."

"build a new solution that mimics squad functionality than to try to shoe-horn the current squad functionality into PvP."


Meaning it will be using PvP balance and amulets and will not be related to WvW in any way. Guilds may still want to use it to GvG, but it may take on a different form.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> a 15 v 15 map in pvp is pointless. actually it will probably be worse then pointless unless they allow all stat combos in there (minstrel for example). even then I doubt many if anyone from wvw will be enticed into going there.


I'd actually say now that having minstrel explicitly unavailable might be one of the best possible reasons to play the mode.

Maybe current WvW players would not participate, but honestly, a lot of ex-GW2 players may try it out.


Boon Wars 2 is kinda lame, and is the primary reason I stopped playing.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > a 15 v 15 map in pvp is pointless. actually it will probably be worse then pointless unless they allow all stat combos in there (minstrel for example). even then I doubt many if anyone from wvw will be enticed into going there.


> I'd actually say now that having minstrel explicitly unavailable might be one of the best possible reasons to play the mode.

> Maybe current WvW players would not participate, but honestly, a lot of ex-GW2 players may try it out.


> Boon Wars 2 is kinda lame, and is the primary reason I stopped playing.


I don't like the stat set either but with out it, in pvp, everyone would be stealth one pushing. he who reveals first wins. it would be lame lol.

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Balance pass? - Unless they seriously reverse some power creep (which I doubt), we will just shift to a new meta of the same few OP build run by each profession. I can only dream about some build diversity.

Short seasons? - Sounds like a PvP thing, not meant for WvW

WvW armour? - I am still slowly progressing on the current stat-swap options. I don't think that skins will draw me in to go for a new set.

15vs.15? - Not my thing, but perhaps a new step to siphon GvG players in WvW to PvP, reducing the population of WvW even more. I don't see this mode become a magnet for WvW and to lure PvP and PvE players over to WvW.

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> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> Balance pass? - Unless they seriously reverse some power creep (which I doubt), we will just shift to a new meta of the same few OP build run by each profession. I can only dream about some build diversity.

> Short seasons? - Sounds like a PvP thing, not meant for WvW

> **WvW armour?** - I am still slowly progressing on the current stat-swap options. I don't think that skins will draw me in to go for a new set.

> 15vs.15? - Not my thing, but perhaps a new step to siphon GvG players in WvW to PvP, reducing the population of WvW even more. I don't see this mode become a magnet for WvW and to lure PvP and PvE players over to WvW.


I'd have to look for the link but what was posted awhile back that armor looked like regressive GW2 medium armor, thicc shoulders and but flap trench coat style along with the usual plastic toy like trim and decoration. The new armor I want, Mistforged Triumphant armor without those bulky pieces of trash like on the top of the Medium shoulders (would be best looking shoulders in the game if it just had the main glossy part without the bulk on top) and give the effect dye channel it's own slot so we don't have to have an ugly solid near black color on the chest piece if we want to use any dye that looks cool. How they can nail it with the pvp armor but say fuck it with ours is insulting.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > a 15 v 15 map in pvp is pointless. actually it will probably be worse then pointless unless they allow all stat combos in there (minstrel for example). even then I doubt many if anyone from wvw will be enticed into going there.

> >

> > I'd actually say now that having minstrel explicitly unavailable might be one of the best possible reasons to play the mode.

> > Maybe current WvW players would not participate, but honestly, a lot of ex-GW2 players may try it out.

> >

> > Boon Wars 2 is kinda lame, and is the primary reason I stopped playing.


> I don't like the stat set either but with out it, in pvp, everyone would be stealth one pushing. he who reveals first wins. it would be lame lol.


I agree that tankier amulets may need to be added, such as Sentinel's, however Minstrel's is OP and defeats the purpose.


sPvP values are lower than WvW; stealth one-pushing would be a lot harder than you think if the core game bunker stat allocations were brought back.


A bigger concern is runes and small tweaks. A lot of WvW builds have traditionally been optimized around small numeric tweaks by mixed stat blocks and PvE/WvW-only rune choices.

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