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How many of you only play 1 character? (Do you only play 1 character?)

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Hi everyone!


I'm curious to know how many players only play 1 character, comparing to those who play more than one. With "only 1 character" I mean the character you play for all game modes, basically the only character that you're dedicated to (even if you have more characters just for crafting or more inventory space, etc). To give you my personal experience as an example, I only play 1 character (I have another character just for crafting).


So, **do you only play 1 character?** (I'm adding an 'in-between' option just because I feel the topic of how many characters one plays, and what it means to play a character, might not be that simple or straightforward).


Thank you for your time :)


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My main character has more than twice the play time of all my other characters put together, but I don't think I could stick to just 1. I like being able to skip between professions, builds and activities helps keep the game interesting for me. Plus I like coming up with different character concepts and styles.

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I use all my characters.

A few more than others, at the moment, because there are good reasons for it.

One of the reasons being that some of them are on stand by to finish personal story mode.


Because story mode to me isn't a priority at the moment, hence the stand by status.


Other reasons being is that I like to have a character in every area.

For instance a ranger in HoT area, an elementalist in PoF, a Necro in IBS.

Well, you get the idea with that.


Yet another reason is that if I'm farming for karma, I'll use one that has karma bonus, others magic find bonus for other specific items.


To conclude,

No, I don't use just the one character.

Yes, I use some characters more than others at the moment.

However, the situation may invert at any given moment, for instance, if I decide to make personal stories a priority.


All boils down to how I feel really.

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Before I looked at my stats on efficiency I would have told you I play five of my toons fairly regularly, if you count the keyrunner . . .


The reality is a little bit different. I have a 'main' which has over half of my play hours. I do still log in to it daily, if only for crafting and to run the grothmar strike (still trying to get my last shoulder box :( ). Other than that I only play it when there's a new story to complete . . .


Second toon I log in to every day but only to open some bjora chests. This is my only condi toon but I never really feel like playing condi so I don't really play this one unless there's a new map/story, as above . . .


Third toon is the one I would have told you was my main, but I have more than twice as many hours on my first toon. Regardless, this is the one that I'm usually on when I'm actually 'playing the game' on a daily basis, and not just doing 'daily management' tasks like crafting or opening chests or doing a new story or w/e . . .


Fourth toon was most surprising. It's one of my first toons and I'm now going back to do map completion on it, and it is also the one that I use for dungeons and fractals on the rare occasions I do those. It turns out I don't play this one nearly as much as I thought, and it actually has fewer play hours than one of my mules :p


Fifth is the keyrunner, which I also use as a bag opener, so I don't log in to it daily but if bags stack up I will spend some time on it as well . . .

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Given that weapon/trait choice is often extremely static, and each build is extremely rigid to one set rotation or combo, and that each class has a maximum of three "best general builds", I find changing classes is the only way to break the monotomy. Picking another weapon, like sword thief in PvE, "just to mix things up" feels less like a gamechanging build choice and more of a waste of time for me and my fellow team mates - so much so that if I want to play sword on a particular day, I would reroll to a ranger, mesmer or revenant.

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I have one character of each (main) profession, and a slot for an occasional keyrunner.


One is very clearly my main; the one I do story and maps with first, play whatever small amount of Fractals (usually for legendary collections) I do, play WvW, etc.

One other is my "primary alt" or "secondary main".

From those there is a steep dropoff in playtime spread between the other 7, some of which I haven't ever prioritized getting all the way to 80 with.


For a long time, my total time played was roughly 50% on my main (ranger), 25% on my second (engineer) and rest spread. Lately I think the bottom 7 have increased to something like a third, and my second has probably picked up more time too, relatively.

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I have 22 or 23 characters. Many I do not play or rarely play. But even my main class, I switch between 3-4 characters. Also, what class and build I play vary significantly from time to time.


Right now I am mostly on mirage and core guardian. Before that core warrior. I had power rev phase. Condi weaver before that. And this is just the last 4-5 month. FB, DH and mirage are the 3 builds I played the most since PoF release.

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> @"TheLadyOfTheRings.9148" said:

> Hi everyone!


> I'm curious to know how many players only play 1 character, comparing to those who play more than one. With "only 1 character" I mean the character you play for all game modes, basically the only character that you're dedicated to (even if you have more characters just for crafting or more inventory space, etc). To give you my personal experience as an example, I only play 1 character (I have another character just for crafting).


> So, **do you only play 1 character?** (I'm adding an 'in-between' option just because I feel the topic of how many characters one plays, and what it means to play a character, might not be that simple or straightforward).


> Thank you for your time :)



I voted it depends.


My primary is my Necromancer. I was LS leveling all my characters (one of each profession, various races,) concurrently with every update, but I burned myself out on doing that around the early part of PoF. When I get the itch to switch up mains, I'll trudge through on that character to wrap up, but until then...just one character at a time for me from now on.

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more or less, im the kind of person that usually only chose a main and stick with it. However having been a tank character since forever i always look for the most bulky yet not so low in dps class, and during the first years of game i literally been hoping between characters over and over until now im sitting with all 8 classes but one, necro (i know is tanky but i dont like the class thematic)


thanks to Lord Hizen unkillable pve builds i have narrowed my choices to spellbreaker and weaver, however im remain 90% of the time as SB because while i like the dmg and gameplay of the unkillable weaver build, i never really liked spellcasters

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The simple fact that raids and wvw need specific classes, not matching what I like to play in PvE, make it impossible for me to play only one character. At the top of it, I do love creating an appearance and have lot of possibilities to dress and work out a look. I also use my characters for diverse objectives that I progress simultaneously. All in all, my way to play the game generally makes of me one of those having many chars... :3

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Yes, because my investment in my main (time/money etc) is the only reason I continue to play. Also mesmer happens to be the only unique game play experience I can get from gw2 that isn't easy to find in other games.


In the past occasionally made temporary alts for sole purpose of PvP learning/testing, but always deleted.


Edit - for the record, if I want variety I prefer to just play a different game for a while.

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I started out with a main (Elementalist) and a core of alts (Guardian, Thief, Ranger). Later (around LS 1) I added Mesmer, Engi and Necro. Revenant when HoT came out.

The main and the core played through the basic game and LS1 (they have SW + DT) and they went through the HoT story. When PoF came out, only the main made it through and it is the only one that has progressed onward (PoF & LS). The Engi has caught up on the basic game (because I need a Gift of Exploration).

It is safe to say, that I am pretty much a single character player now, which if different to old GW1, where most of my characters (I had one of each profession) saw some game time in its later years.

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I started at release with my engineer and played until end of 2013. Then a loooon break until June 2019 where I returned. Still playing mainly my engineer. I have 8 char slots with all the 8 core classes (5 male, 3 female ... each race one male and the 3 females as human/norn/sylvari). Revenant as female asura is planned as well - when I buy the expansions soon. (Hopefully I find the time to play more.)


Most achievements I do with my main. Also story completion for the first time. Trying to use all the alts and complete maps and story with them ... but that is slow and has low priority. For the main core story (the one where you could make decisions affecting the next mission/step) I have completed that one on all 8 chars + I have map completion on 100 for the maps leading from the starter city to orr (during the story).


Very low priority to go for 100 percent world completion. (Planned eventually in the future when I have finished other stuff and am bored.) Next step would be to bring them to Southsun and to the Maaguma wastes (then doing LS2 there). But atm I'd rather feel like playing more with the main and HoT (for getting gilder finally) first. Might end up completing all stories with main (for unlocks and glider/mount and also to experience the story where I need to catch up) and leaving the alts where they are and then only trying to catch up with them.


As for WvW/PvP: Tried Guardian and Ele a bit in WvW and it was okay ... I still prefer the engineer though. Ele I'm just standing in the back using meteor shower. Guardian just running with the zerg. For PvP I'm only comfortable with the engineer (where I'm not even really good ... still fun to play with rifle which I love).

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Despite having 6 characters, I can't play any other than my Engineer for too long because i get bored quickly. I simply love A LOT my Engi, love both Holosmith and Scrapper Elite Specs, it's just really fun to me.


I find my Condibrand and my Condizerker also fun, but they feel clunky and weird, so i don't play 'em that much. I've also created a Revenant, a Thief and a Mesmer, but i found their gameplay to be really...Boring, but that's just my personal opinion. I don't have anybody to properly teach me how to play it, maybe that's why i don't like 'em too much.

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I play all professions. Mostly because after some time I get bored and switching things up makes the gameplay fresh. It's also fresh on the eyes since I play as all races so I get variety when I play and don't have to keep looking at the same toon for weeks (although when I decide to do JPs, I switch over to Humans or Asurans). Also I have a backstory crafted for each character and at some point they all interact with each other in one way or another and are essentially part of one big family.


Speaking of...would be kinda cool if your alt characters could be placed in Sun's Refuge or your home instance and you could hire them out as NPC party members. :P

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I play my Herald almost all the time (all PVE). When I WvW, I play my Scourge. I actually have a lot more characters, and sometimes use them for specific things (i.e. I'm using my thief to do all the wintersday stuff so I can stack Karma bonuses and him and keep them up for days on end). The main reason I don't play my Herald in WvW is simply keeping WXP/Reward Track buffs on him gets to be expensive. Also, PVE tactics don't work well in WVW and vice versa, so better to have a totally seperate character fo reach mode of play.

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