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Did Dailies get harder? (Returning player!)

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Hey! Returning player here. I had some free time over the Christmas-New Year period and I saw the expansions were being offered as two for the price of one, so I decided to buy them and get back into the game after a 4-5 year break. (Last time I played regularly was 2015, I think?)


Anyway, I've been mostly loving a lot of the new content (and boy have I missed a lot), but one thing I've noticed is that the Dailies are a lot harder to complete than I remember them being. My housemate, who is playing the free core version of the game, also says that her Dailies are different and closer to the old ones I remember. Is this... on purpose?? Is there any way for me to choose or switch back to the old dailies? I feel a little like I'm being punished for purchasing the expansions, lmao. I'm not in any way a hardcore player, I just like wandering around the world on my own or with a friend and completing the story missions. Bosses and bounties feel a bit beyond me, but I still want to play and enjoy the game at my own pace.

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??? do you have any examples?if you have core, all 4 PvE dailies are limited to coreif you have HoT only, one of the core dailies will be swapped out for HoT one, same if you only have PoFif you have both HoT and PoF, one of the core dailies will be swapped out for HoT or PoF one

PoF bounties arent difficult, there always players around on the daily bounty map huntingmost champions can be done with small group of just 3-5 people, unless you get some really annoying mob abilities combinations; there are a few specific bounties are a pain .i.e the jackalope in desert highland, and the muckstalker in the desolationmost legendaries are actually easier than champions

and no, there is no way to go back to core; there was a bug in the early days of HoT that you can still do the 4the core daily even though it wasnt on your dailies list

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Off the top of my head, last night my housemate had "Daily Vista Viewer" but I didn't have it. I don't remember what I had instead, but I remember looking at it and thinking "Uh, nope. Too hard, not going to be able to complete that. Oh well."


Edit: Thanks for the reply though! It feels a bit sucky that you can't pick and choose :(.

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What I personally do for dailies is:


- Do a battle of pvp (theres usually participate/kill 3 opponents/have a top stat/ win/ proceed reward track). If I am lucky with a win I usually insta complete all 3 dailies at once, otherwise I complete 2 at once of the 3 total needed. Don't open reward track potions if not needed as you can use them when they are for daily and you don't want to pvp and have other fast options... see below.


Then if the pvp does not complete it:


- Is there an easy vista, grab it...

- Is there some node farm (can often be done in guild hall gatherings), do it...

- Is there a daily activity participation (if I have some time why not, only need to finish it and thats it)

- Jump puzzle I have access to, it often has mesmer portals (Thanks PINK guild <3) so go there.

- Wvw monument capture (this is just log in, cap a ruin, log out the wvw maps)

- WvW Big Spender, just toss some coins into cultural armor merchant to get cultural armor looks unlocked and complete daily with it.


And I can always ignore every other daily :P

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"bryony.1576" said:

> > Off the top of my head, last night my housemate had "Daily Vista Viewer" but I didn't have it.


> for HoT, right beside the Jaka Itzel Waypoint on the first map Verdant Brink

> for PoF, at the end of Amnoon dock, 9'o clock west edge of the map



He didnt have that as a daily he had something else, which..in that case im assuming hes missing one or both expansions? I thought everyone had the same dailies.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > @"bryony.1576" said:

> > > Off the top of my head, last night my housemate had "Daily Vista Viewer" but I didn't have it.

> >

> > for HoT, right beside the Jaka Itzel Waypoint on the first map Verdant Brink

> > for PoF, at the end of Amnoon dock, 9'o clock west edge of the map

> >


> He didnt have that as a daily he had something else, which..in that case im assuming hes missing one or both expansions? I thought everyone had the same dailies.


what daily you get depends on your max (ever) character level and what expansions you have. If you have an account with both expansions but only have low level chars then you’ll get the low level easy dailies. The higher level dailies unlock alongside your highest level char (and doesn’t go back down even if your highest level char is deleted). If you don’t have an expansion you’ll never get a daily for it. You’ll only get dailies for an expansion if you own it and have reached level 80 on one char.

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Dailies got significantly easier compared to the previous iteration where you had to finish 10 of them (!!!) to be rewarded, now you need only 3. And they are mostly the same about what's needed. In the really old days we used to have some easier dailies but that has changed multiple times over the game's life.

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Check https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Daily#Today.27s_achievements


You'll see a number of greyed out options on top - those are for low-level accounts. Then you see a list of PvE dailies for lvl 80 accounts. If there are more than 4, that's because some are in expansion zones and "shares a slot" with a core game daily for accounts that don't have that expansion.


* [PoF zone] Bounty Hunter always corresponds to a core game Vista Viewer - _this is what you experienced_.

* [Expansion Zone] Event Completer will always correspond to a [Core Zone] Event Completer.

* Likewise, [Expansion Region] gathering daily (Forager/Lumberer/Miner) or Vista Viewer always correspond to the same daily in a Core Region.

* Adventure daily (I've only seen HoT adventures, iirc) seems to me to match a core game World Boss daily.


The only ones of these I tend to skip more (I have an alt account that doesn't have PoF) is Bounty Hunter because I usually cba to look for a group. Event Completer on the other hand tend to be *faster* in HoT than Core since so many of the events are part of chains.

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> @"bryony.1576" said:

> one thing I've noticed is that the Dailies are a lot harder to complete than I remember them being. My housemate, who is playing the free core version of the game, also says that her Dailies are different and closer to the old ones I remember. Is this... on purpose?? Is there any way for me to choose or switch back to the old dailies? I feel a little like I'm being punished for purchasing the expansions

There is a set of dailies each day, 4 each for pve, pvp and wvw, and you can choose whichever three of those 12 you like to complete to get the daily ap and gold reward.


Contrary to what it may feel like, you aren't being punished for having access to all content. Rather ANet has choosen to supply replacement dailies for those who do not have access to all content (either players without expansion(s) or those who do not have max level characters). Since options are more limited for players without expansions it might seem like they get the easier time occasionally, especially if you aren't far into the expansion content and haven't gotten the hang of it yet.


Try to chalk it up as a learning experience. Soon you will have a feel for the expansion zones, the mobs and events, and have gotten some of the more basic expansion masteries completed that make your life much easier. Bounties for example are group content, but especially on daily bounty maps there will be commanders and mentors leading squads around from bounty to bounty, and you can usually jump into one of those squads through lfg (or even easier through advertisements in map chat) and have that bounty done in a couple of minutes. Since bountys also have different abilities (randomly choosen from a set pool), don't hesitate to announce in squad chat that you are new to the expansion and ask for an explanation of the mechanics and how to deal with them. You might also want to check out the buff tooltips of the bounty boss to see if they have a mechanic you've encountered before. You will meet those boss mechanics in bounties and other bosses all through PoF and the following seasons, so it pays to keep an eye out for them early. It's nothing magic though, just things like a boss putting up a big red stop sign occasionally that blinds those who keep attacking, or one summoning spinning lasers that it pays to stay away from, as they hurt (a lot ;) ).


Event dailies on the expansion maps are actually preferable to those on the lower level maps, as events on lower level maps are often anihilated within seconds, while expansion maps usually have events robust enough that you've got a decent chance to get there and participate. Then occasionally there is a world boss or meta event daily, which can happen in core maps (I think we had the Shadow Behemoth the other day?) or expansion maps. Those bosses/events are usually on the timer. You can check the [wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers) to see when they are up. For expansion metas it pays to be on the map a bit early and/or check lfg for squads preparing for the meta to get on a map with a group focussed on said event, but it's not mandatory.


Generally speaking, dailies in this game are not mandatory. You get a small bonus for doing them, but if you feel like they are beyond your current exploration of the game, don't hesitate to skip them. Unlike other games, this game's dailies don't hand you anything you can't just as well get another way or another day. Enjoy your exploration of the expansion zones and stories, and in no time you will find that dailies are just as easy again as they used to be. And on the days when they are not ... just skip them.

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I wouldn't say they are harder no.. if anything they are easier than what they used to be most days.


The biggest change I'd say is that the current dailies (PvE anyway) are far more spred out over the world meaning you have to travel around to get them done but usually they can be done pretty quickly most days.


There are times where you can get stuck waiting for a specific world boss to spawn or having to do a specific dungon like Arah which can be time consuming.. but you don't have to do them.

Any mix of 3 dailies is enough and often there are super easy WvW ones you can solo if the PvE ones are deemed not worth your time.


Sometimes I do miss the old dailies a bit though.

Slay 20 enemies and stuff like that haha

I wouldn't mind seeing them come back to fill the diversity pool of dailies more tbh.

New ones too such as complete a specific Rollar Beetle Race track would be a fun one to get people back over to play those races again.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Dailies got significantly easier compared to the previous iteration where you had to finish 10 of them (!!!) to be rewarded, now you need only 3. And they are mostly the same about what's needed. In the really old days we used to have some easier dailies but that has changed multiple times over the game's life.


To get ten AP you had to finish ten of them, to get 1 ap you had to finish one of them. You got rewarded for each one you completed.

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Whenever you have PvE dailies you don't like or can't complete, look to the WvW dailies. Monument Master is easy and takes just a couple of minutes solo. Veteran Creature killer is likewise very easy, you just have to learn the locations they spawn - I prefer one of the alpine border lands that is not my world's BL. Big spender is easily done in the GH, so you don't even have to go into WvW for it. Land claimer is easy to accomplish, but sometimes takes time to find a guard post that you can claim. Camp claimer requires you to claim two camps and guard killer requires you to kill 5 guards, so those two are easy to solo, but generally require more time.


As for PvE PoF bounty hunter, those are always easy to finish as there will be tons of people doing them, so you are very unlikely to find a map with nobody doing a bounty.


Also, keep in mind that the windswept haven guild hall nodes will complete the desert harvester/lumber/miner daily when it pops up, and the same is true for other two guild halls with that daily is up for the HoT zones.

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Mounts made core Tyria events face roll easy. That does allows for new players to get in a few hits for experience credit. Likely, the OP does not have mounts yet.

Remember how much more difficult the events in Hot were until Mounts simplified most things?

I have a second paid account for log in's, dailys, festival stuff, etc and I would like to buy the Pof Expansion because the Daily events there are not overly difficult and rewarding. But, I will not beause it automatially installs Hot and those dailys, which are diffiult and unrewarding in my opinion.

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I do think they've become quite annoying with both expos, like if you just own Core you always get easy stuff like Vista Viewer, but with the expos its easy for stuff such as "Dragon's Stand Event Completer" to get thrown in, which isn't worth 2 gold.


I wouldn't say they're harder, just more obnoxious and a poor time investment for gold once you've maxed the AP.

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I think what you're experiencing is that, when you buy each expansion, the dailies suddenly start to include things in those areas (maguuma wastes, desert), at the expense of core tyrian dailies. I remember this happening myself now, but only since you mentioned it, so you will get used to it.


But I think the answer to your question would have to be that completing dailies gets more annoying than it used to be with each expansion you buy. At first. And then you get used to it.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> And sometimes they are insanely boring like today. Dead map for events, dungeon no-one wants to do and stupid crabtoss to finish the worst daily combination....

There is barely any thing as a "worst daily combination". You can usually finish it in 5 minutes - hell I finish some daily in a minute, like get a vista, enter WvW, buy catapults and cap the closest sentry, done.


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