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What about PvP do you find to be the most unfun?


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Imbalance in matchmaking. This is of course exacerbated by duo queue and to a lesser extent by smurfing; not sure how to fix that one though.


I'd happily wait even 10 mins for a match if it was more evenly balanced, as opposed to the average 2 min queue I get to stomp/be stomped currently.




> @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> Simple: The insults, and even threats to my RL health I got when I first tried PvP...


> There is NO excuse to insult and threaten a new player trying PvP.

> When you do that, you're part of the problem and as far as I am concerned, you should be banned for life.


> Never EVER again. I wish Anet could delete that stupid freakin PvP badge off my PvE account.


> Due to the above, I hate PvP to the CORE and will NEVER try a match EVER AGAIN.




Just so you know, there is a checkbox in the league tab (pretty sure its there) that allows you to turn off that badge.


I am in no way condoning the behaviours you described, but just incase you ever decide to go back in, there is that option.

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> @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> Simple: The insults, and even threats to my RL health I got when I first tried PvP...


> There is NO excuse to insult and threaten a new player trying PvP.

> When you do that, you're part of the problem and as far as I am concerned, you should be banned for life.


> Never EVER again. I wish Anet could delete that stupid freakin PvP badge off my PvE account.


> Due to the above, I hate PvP to the CORE and will NEVER try a match EVER AGAIN.




So what are you doing on the forums?

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> **What ruins your PvP experience the most? How would you fix it?**


What PvP experience ruins most for me is the fact that the external impact on my personal outcome (rating) is higher than my own influence on it.

External impact are things like match making, class balance or player behaviour.


There could be many improvements to fix it. Unfortunatelly some of them have been removed on purpose - for example the incentive to keep playing one sited matches against stronger opponents. Other things have been decided by lag of resources I guess - like a complete class balance split between game modes.


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Low population. Lack of hype. And no world championships (which also helps to make some hype around PvP).


IMO current state of PvP wouldn't be that bad with higher amount of players. But a lot of veterans already lost their faith in GW2 PvP. Because Anet started to ignore this game mode around 2016.


Right now it looks like something is happening around PvP but it's 2late probably.

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The fact that the ranking system is very misleading and needs to be reworked


Toxic people

Even more so people who think they are the best while using a mechanically superior build, like why not just be chill af.

Even more so people who get upset for losing to non meta builds then blame the loss on being the fact its not meta and get insta tilted. (insta block status imo)


The imbalance of stealth, damage, stuns, and overall burst with very little or no tell.

You can be making all the right reads and make 1 mistake and get 1 touched stunned and the fight instantly does a flip flop and you are dead despite the fact that you were hard core winning the fight 0.75 seconds ago. This is even more frustrating when an AI of some sort does it (*cough* gazelle 6k-10k 2s daze charge)


Almost any 1 shot build especially if they have stealth access


The same old capture and hold game modes being the only supported modes.

(this stuff is old and seems to be hard for them to balance around)

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> @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> Simple: The insults, and even threats to my RL health I got when I first tried PvP...


> There is NO excuse to insult and threaten a new player trying PvP.

> When you do that, you're part of the problem and as far as I am concerned, you should be banned for life.


> Never EVER again. I wish Anet could delete that stupid freakin PvP badge off my PvE account.


> Due to the above, I hate PvP to the CORE and will NEVER try a match EVER AGAIN.




Sad but true/reasonable conclusion to reach. Also necro I'm assuming, so probably magnified several times over.

We need more guild efforts to buffer kitten like this.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> > Simple: The insults, and even threats to my RL health I got when I first tried PvP...

> >

> > There is NO excuse to insult and threaten a new player trying PvP.

> > When you do that, you're part of the problem and as far as I am concerned, you should be banned for life.

> >

> > Never EVER again. I wish Anet could delete that stupid freakin PvP badge off my PvE account.

> >

> > Due to the above, I hate PvP to the CORE and will NEVER try a match EVER AGAIN.

> >

> >


> Sad but true/reasonable conclusion to reach. Also necro I'm assuming, so probably magnified several times over.

> We need more guild efforts to buffer kitten like this.


It's sad when you have to turn to the players to fix things anet should be on top of...

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I would say toxicity. It is not helpful for someone to start ranting how everyone else sucks and must be bots. Most people try their hardest, but sometimes a team.is just.outmatched in terms of build and skill.


Then there is team stacking, which is allowed to happen, where the other team is allowed to switch to professions that give them an edge after seeing the other team's composition. One time I had a match against three minion masters and two dead eyes. Playing guard at the moment was painful.


I think we should be given the opportunity to forfeit matches -- at least major majority vote.-- when at least 4 votes in favor. Some times it is fun to yolo, but when you can't even leave spawn, it is demoralizing.




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What I do on the forums: Express my oppinion. I have not had any threats on the forums yet.


The main issue with that kind of bullying is simple: It scares off new players.

And those that do enjoy PvP, would want a bigger player base I asume.


Good to read the responces and people are aware of that kind of toxic behavior, now ArenaNet should do something about it in my oppinion.



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The matchmaker

The fact that no matter how hard I try and how well I do during a match doesn't matter since my rating is determined by what the rest of my team does.

The fact that no matter how hard I try and how well I do I'll never be able to climb out of my current ranking.


How did I fix it? By realizing that with how volatile pvp matches are with afk'ers, leavers, or just the gamble of who you get on your team, that rating is just a number and rank is just a word that truly mean nothing.

Play your heart out, play the best that you can, and just play for the rewards.

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No, actually, the thing I really loath most (apart from wait times) are how teleports are implemented in this game. This is probably the single largest obstacle to build diversity. If a player is able to be ported to instantly through a wall with no warning, mid-burst and focused down, how are they able to use their interesting, intricately constructed build? Answer is they can't. How I would solve this is by removing a lot of ports. The ones that are kept are redesigned so that they can't be used without LoS and always have a tether or some kind of obvious tell with a cast time.

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Ranked, everything about Ranked:


-The way rating is awarded/deducted

-Metagaming/match manipulation

-Toxic players, AFKers, and bots

-Rampant egotism from "top players"


Playing Ranked feels like more of competition against a broken, rigged system moreso than other actual players. Especially when you're matched against/with literal bots rather than people.

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The people that match manipulate and AFK. To me them running around with full impunity has completely turned me off. It's like more than half my matches I'm 3 or 4 v 5 because they can do this without punishment. If I was to go back to Ranked and ANet has not changed their policy on dealing with those trolls. I'll just join them and just AFK with them for the rewards.

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> @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

> Path of Fire really did ruin PVP for me. It's like playing Town of Salem's Coven expansion, the roles are at the same time similar to each other but different. And if you don't know that difference you're as good as lost.


> Elite specs are like that. I think people prefer PVP to be more simple, and introducing this many options can make PVP overwhelming.


Plus they did what they always told us they wouldn't, copy the wow formula and do the holy fucking boring trinity with dps-tank-healer, only they couldn't even do that right so now we have tank/healer/dps all in one class, this game is beyond ridiculous right now

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> @"Luthan.5236" said:

> People playing deathmatch in the conquest mode


Deathmatch is where the fun is. If anet didn't want people doing that, they shouldn't have 99% of the rewards in Ranked. It's kinda funny really; the more anet funnels people into the most competitive format, the less competitive it gets.


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