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Damage Per Second Numbers no one asked for but you might find fun/interesting


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Not that anyone asked but here's a list of DPS numbers on both auto attack chains on meta builds as well as a handful of relevant combos. On these assume that


1. Meta build. This means that for thieves, guardian and herald we're looking at Maurader amulet. For Warriors, Rangers, Soulbeasts, Reapers and Holosmiths we're looking at Demolisher amulet. For Weavers we're on sage with the meta build. For core Necromancer and Condition Guardian we're on Carrion. For Mirage we're on Deadshot. For Power mesmer we're on Berserker's.

2. For most of these they are done on the Medium Target Golem. For a handful that have a long ramp up such as Condition Mirage and Weaver I also double tested it against the Indestructible golems to see how it compares with full ramp up potential and am posting the higher average after a number of tests. Because of condition mesmers and their high application of torment, I did also try testing against the moving target golem. Aside from scepter spamming it's ambush attack, even with high torment condition mesmer liked more stationary targets because it hit them more reliably. Mesmer projectiles are notably slow and have fairly poor tracking.


These are the DPS numbers using arc dps, with some slight amount of noise as all these need to leave combat after finishing the kill or waiting for the combat break after getting distance from the Indestructible golem.


Generally speaking I tested the auto attacks about 5 times and averaged them, and I tested a handful of basic combos you're likely to see in game about 5 times and averaged them. I also kept it to realistic builds that are being run right now and simple combos you're likely to see.


How useful is this? To be honest I probably not very but I do love me some testing and numbers. Some builds react very differently when they're up against an actual player. For example a ranger pet might struggle to hit an actual moving player a decent portion of the time, but a necromancer against a real player is certain to have actual boons to corrupt and a lot more play making potential by debilitating and damaging their opponent.



Fire Weaver Sword Autos in Fire Attunement: 1712

Fire Weaver Fire Attunement Glyph of Elemental Power and Primordial Stance: 3279

Fresh Air Weaver Scepter Autos in Air Attunement: 1661



Engineer Rifle Auto Attack: 1479

Photon Forge Auto: 2137

Photon Forge Auto with Quickness: 3328

Photon Forge Corona Burst Might stack into quickness autos: 4468



Guardian Greatsword: 2321

Guardian F1 Judges Intervention Whirling Wrath into Greatsword Autos: 3211

Guardian Sword: 2340

Guardian Power Scepter: 2151

Condition Guardian F1>Torch4>auto: 2481

Dragonhunter Longbow: 1565



Condition Mirage Axe: 1492

Condition Mirage Staff No Clones with bounces: 846 (For bounced to occur and for the mesmer to get the 2x hit bonus assume 400 range or less. Safe to assume ~425 without bounces)

Condition Mirage Staff 3 Clones no mesmer with bounces: 1202

Condition Mirage Staff 3 Clones with bounces: 1814 (I'm not sure how, but despite the mesmer doing about 800 dps and the clones doing about 1200 dps, which logically assumes the total should be 2000 dps, 200 dps goes missing some how)

Condition Mirage Staff 3 Clones Ambush Spam: 2465

Condition Mirage Scepter no clones : 675

Condition Mirage Scepter 3 clones: 984

Condition Mirage Scepter 3 clones with ambush spam: 1164

Condition Mirage Scepter 3 clones ambush spam on a moving target: 1439

Condition Mirage Scepter Clones Only: 498

Condition Mirage Pistol 4 into Staff Ambush spam: 2452

Power Mesmer Max Range Greatsword Berserker's Amulet: 2170

Power Mesmer Sword Berserker's Amulet: 2190

Power Mesmer Berserker's Blurred Frenzy into Sword Autos: 3513

Power Mesmer GS burst combo (LOL): 16,400



Power Reaper Axe: 1519

Power Reaper Build 10 vuln with auto then Ghastly Claws: 2642

Power Reaper Greatsword: 2715

Reaper's Shroud Reaper's Onslaught Autos: 4436

Reaper's Shroud Soul Spiral into Autos: 5822

Core Necromancer Scepter: 899

Condi Core Necromancer Death Shroud: 1803



Rock Gazelle: 1270

Smokescale: 670

Siamoth: 721

Owl: 769

Ranger Greatsword: 1774

Ranger Greatsword with Rock Gazelle: 2857

Ranger Quickening Zephyr into Maul into greatsword autos with Rock Gazelle: 4452

Axe Autos No Bounce: 1626

Axe Autos no bounce with Rock Gazelle: 2283

Ranger Longbow max range autos: 1464

Ranger Longbow max range Rapid Fire into autos: 1885

Ranger Longbow Max Range Rapid Fire into autos with Smokescale: 2615

Sic Em Soulbeast Merged Quickening Zephyr Rapid Fire into autos: 5232



Herald Sword: 2223

Herald Phase Traversal into Sword 4+5 then Auto Attacks: 5882

Herald Phase Traversal into Auto Attacks with Impossible Odds: 6576



Core SA Thief Assassin Signet into Backstab+Steal into Auto Attacks: 8612

Daredevil Sword: 2523

Daredevil Pistol Whip Spam with Lesser Haste Proc: 4361

Daredevil Dagger: 2483

Daredevil Shortbow: 3433 with bounces (I think its safe to assume 1144 without bounces, golem positioning makes this kind of difficult to test)

Daredevil Cluster Bomb spam: 2706

Deadeye Kneeling Rifle: 1937

Deadeye Binding Shadows into Mark into Three Round Burst Spam: 7162

Deadeye Binding Shadows into Mark into Spotter's Shot spam: 5095



Warrior Greatsword Auto Attacks: 2272

Warrior Arcing Slice into Greatsword Autos: 3158

Warrior Bull's Charge into Frenzy Hundred Blades Arcing Slice right before the knockdown ends combo: 5157 ]

Warrior Bull's Charge into Frenzy Arcing Slice then Hundred Blades: 7714

Spellbreaker Dagger: 2225

Warrior Rifle: 1305





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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> I suppose its useful but the average dps with burst skills are not.


I agree.


I’d like to see you run the highest possible burst combos on each and post the total damage as a graph over time with the average dps over the full time period displayed as a flat line over the total damage curve.

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> Warrior

> Warrior Greatsword Auto Attacks: 2272

> look fake to me everyone knows that warrior auto do 6k dmg


That is all in Damage Per Second.


And that is unaugmented. No bells and whistles. No quickness. No might stacking. That is true with anything labled as JUST an auto attack.


3158 dps opening with arcing slice and the might generation from mage bane tether.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > I suppose its useful but the average dps with burst skills are not.


> I agree.


> I’d like to see you run the highest possible burst combos on each and post the total damage as a graph over time with the average dps over the full time period displayed as a flat line over the total damage curve.


no one cares.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Not that anyone asked but here's a list of DPS numbers on both auto attack chains on meta builds as well as a handful of relevant combos. On these assume that


> 1. Meta build. This means that for thieves, guardian and herald we're looking at Maurader amulet. For Warriors, Rangers, Soulbeasts, Reapers and Holosmiths we're looking at Demolisher amulet. For Weavers we're on sage with the meta build. For core Necromancer and Condition Guardian we're on Carrion. For Mirage we're on Deadshot. For Power mesmer we're on Berserker's.

> 2. For most of these they are done on the Medium Target Golem. For a handful that have a long ramp up such as Condition Mirage and Weaver I also double tested it against the Indestructible golems to see how it compares with full ramp up potential and am posting the higher average after a number of tests. Because of condition mesmers and their high application of torment, I did also try testing against the moving target golem. Aside from scepter spamming it's ambush attack, even with high torment condition mesmer liked more stationary targets because it hit them more reliably. Mesmer projectiles are notably slow and have fairly poor tracking.


> These are the DPS numbers using arc dps, with some slight amount of noise as all these need to leave combat after finishing the kill or waiting for the combat break after getting distance from the Indestructible golem.


> Generally speaking I tested the auto attacks about 5 times and averaged them, and I tested a handful of basic combos you're likely to see in game about 5 times and averaged them. I also kept it to realistic builds that are being run right now and simple combos you're likely to see.


> How useful is this? To be honest I probably not very but I do love me some testing and numbers. Some builds react very differently when they're up against an actual player. For example a ranger pet might struggle to hit an actual moving player a decent portion of the time, but a necromancer against a real player is certain to have actual boons to corrupt and a lot more play making potential by debilitating and damaging their opponent.


> **Elementalist**

> Fire Weaver Sword Autos in Fire Attunement: 1712

> Fire Weaver Fire Attunement Glyph of Elemental Power and Primordial Stance: 3279

> Fresh Air Weaver Scepter Autos in Air Attunement: 1661


> **Engineer**

> Engineer Rifle Auto Attack: 1479

> Photon Forge Auto: 2137

> Photon Forge Auto with Quickness: 3328

> Photon Forge Corona Burst Might stack into quickness autos: 4468


> **Guardian**

> Guardian Greatsword: 2321

> Guardian F1 Judges Intervention Whirling Wrath into Greatsword Autos: 3211

> Guardian Sword: 2340

> Guardian Power Scepter: 2151

> Condition Guardian F1>Torch4>auto: 2481

> Dragonhunter Longbow: 1565


> **Mesmer**

> Condition Mirage Axe: 1492

> Condition Mirage Staff No Clones with bounces: 846 (For bounced to occur and for the mesmer to get the 2x hit bonus assume 400 range or less. Safe to assume ~425 without bounces)

> Condition Mirage Staff 3 Clones no mesmer with bounces: 1202

> Condition Mirage Staff 3 Clones with bounces: 1814 (I'm not sure how, but despite the mesmer doing about 800 dps and the clones doing about 1200 dps, which logically assumes the total should be 2000 dps, 200 dps goes missing some how)

> Condition Mirage Staff 3 Clones Ambush Spam: 2465

> Condition Mirage Scepter no clones : 675

> Condition Mirage Scepter 3 clones: 984

> Condition Mirage Scepter 3 clones with ambush spam: 1164

> Condition Mirage Scepter 3 clones ambush spam on a moving target: 1439

> Condition Mirage Scepter Clones Only: 498

> Condition Mirage Pistol 4 into Staff Ambush spam: 2452

> Power Mesmer Max Range Greatsword Berserker's Amulet: 2170

> Power Mesmer Sword Berserker's Amulet: 2190

> Power Mesmer Berserker's Blurred Frenzy into Sword Autos: 3513

> Power Mesmer GS burst combo (LOL): 16,400


> **Necromancer**

> Power Reaper Axe: 1519

> Power Reaper Build 10 vuln with auto then Ghastly Claws: 2642

> Power Reaper Greatsword: 2715

> Reaper's Shroud Reaper's Onslaught Autos: 4436

> Reaper's Shroud Soul Spiral into Autos: 5822

> Core Necromancer Scepter: 899

> Condi Core Necromancer Death Shroud: 1803


> **Ranger**

> Rock Gazelle: 1270

> Smokescale: 670

> Siamoth: 721

> Owl: 769

> Ranger Greatsword: 1774

> Ranger Greatsword with Rock Gazelle: 2857

> Ranger Quickening Zephyr into Maul into greatsword autos with Rock Gazelle: 4452

> Axe Autos No Bounce: 1626

> Axe Autos no bounce with Rock Gazelle: 2283

> Ranger Longbow max range autos: 1464

> Ranger Longbow max range Rapid Fire into autos: 1885

> Ranger Longbow Max Range Rapid Fire into autos with Smokescale: 2615

> Sic Em Soulbeast Merged Quickening Zephyr Rapid Fire into autos: 5232


> **Revenant**

> Herald Sword: 2223

> Herald Phase Traversal into Sword 4+5 then Auto Attacks: 5882

> Herald Phase Traversal into Auto Attacks with Impossible Odds: 6576


> **Thief**

> Daredevil Sword: 2523

> Daredevil Pistol Whip Spam: 3361

> Daredevil Dagger: 2483

> Daredevil Shortbow: 3433 with bounces (I think its safe to assume 1144 without bounces, golem positioning makes this kind of difficult to test)

> Daredevil Cluster Bomb spam: 2706

> Deadeye Kneeling Rifle: 1937

> Deadeye Binding Shadows into Mark into Three Round Burst Spam: 7162

> Deadeye Binding Shadows into Mark into Spotter's Shot spam: 5095


> **Warrior**

> Warrior Greatsword Auto Attacks: 2272

> Warrior Arcing Slice into Greatsword Autos: 3158

> Warrior Bull's Charge into Frenzy Hundred Blades Arcing Slice right before the knockdown ends combo: 5157 ]

> Warrior Bull's Charge into Frenzy Arcing Slice then Hundred Blades: 7714

> Spellbreaker Dagger: 2225

> Warrior Rifle: 1305






Can you do legend swap + sword 3 + IOdds for rev?

Also do you have a way to record it or time each combo? Some of these I know come out way faster than others.

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> @"Tycura.1982" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Not that anyone asked but here's a list of DPS numbers on both auto attack chains on meta builds as well as a handful of relevant combos. On these assume that

> >

> > 1. Meta build. This means that for thieves, guardian and herald we're looking at Maurader amulet. For Warriors, Rangers, Soulbeasts, Reapers and Holosmiths we're looking at Demolisher amulet. For Weavers we're on sage with the meta build. For core Necromancer and Condition Guardian we're on Carrion. For Mirage we're on Deadshot. For Power mesmer we're on Berserker's.

> > 2. For most of these they are done on the Medium Target Golem. For a handful that have a long ramp up such as Condition Mirage and Weaver I also double tested it against the Indestructible golems to see how it compares with full ramp up potential and am posting the higher average after a number of tests. Because of condition mesmers and their high application of torment, I did also try testing against the moving target golem. Aside from scepter spamming it's ambush attack, even with high torment condition mesmer liked more stationary targets because it hit them more reliably. Mesmer projectiles are notably slow and have fairly poor tracking.

> >

> > These are the DPS numbers using arc dps, with some slight amount of noise as all these need to leave combat after finishing the kill or waiting for the combat break after getting distance from the Indestructible golem.

> >

> > Generally speaking I tested the auto attacks about 5 times and averaged them, and I tested a handful of basic combos you're likely to see in game about 5 times and averaged them. I also kept it to realistic builds that are being run right now and simple combos you're likely to see.

> >

> > How useful is this? To be honest I probably not very but I do love me some testing and numbers. Some builds react very differently when they're up against an actual player. For example a ranger pet might struggle to hit an actual moving player a decent portion of the time, but a necromancer against a real player is certain to have actual boons to corrupt and a lot more play making potential by debilitating and damaging their opponent.

> >

> > **Elementalist**

> > Fire Weaver Sword Autos in Fire Attunement: 1712

> > Fire Weaver Fire Attunement Glyph of Elemental Power and Primordial Stance: 3279

> > Fresh Air Weaver Scepter Autos in Air Attunement: 1661

> >

> > **Engineer**

> > Engineer Rifle Auto Attack: 1479

> > Photon Forge Auto: 2137

> > Photon Forge Auto with Quickness: 3328

> > Photon Forge Corona Burst Might stack into quickness autos: 4468

> >

> > **Guardian**

> > Guardian Greatsword: 2321

> > Guardian F1 Judges Intervention Whirling Wrath into Greatsword Autos: 3211

> > Guardian Sword: 2340

> > Guardian Power Scepter: 2151

> > Condition Guardian F1>Torch4>auto: 2481

> > Dragonhunter Longbow: 1565

> >

> > **Mesmer**

> > Condition Mirage Axe: 1492

> > Condition Mirage Staff No Clones with bounces: 846 (For bounced to occur and for the mesmer to get the 2x hit bonus assume 400 range or less. Safe to assume ~425 without bounces)

> > Condition Mirage Staff 3 Clones no mesmer with bounces: 1202

> > Condition Mirage Staff 3 Clones with bounces: 1814 (I'm not sure how, but despite the mesmer doing about 800 dps and the clones doing about 1200 dps, which logically assumes the total should be 2000 dps, 200 dps goes missing some how)

> > Condition Mirage Staff 3 Clones Ambush Spam: 2465

> > Condition Mirage Scepter no clones : 675

> > Condition Mirage Scepter 3 clones: 984

> > Condition Mirage Scepter 3 clones with ambush spam: 1164

> > Condition Mirage Scepter 3 clones ambush spam on a moving target: 1439

> > Condition Mirage Scepter Clones Only: 498

> > Condition Mirage Pistol 4 into Staff Ambush spam: 2452

> > Power Mesmer Max Range Greatsword Berserker's Amulet: 2170

> > Power Mesmer Sword Berserker's Amulet: 2190

> > Power Mesmer Berserker's Blurred Frenzy into Sword Autos: 3513

> > Power Mesmer GS burst combo (LOL): 16,400

> >

> > **Necromancer**

> > Power Reaper Axe: 1519

> > Power Reaper Build 10 vuln with auto then Ghastly Claws: 2642

> > Power Reaper Greatsword: 2715

> > Reaper's Shroud Reaper's Onslaught Autos: 4436

> > Reaper's Shroud Soul Spiral into Autos: 5822

> > Core Necromancer Scepter: 899

> > Condi Core Necromancer Death Shroud: 1803

> >

> > **Ranger**

> > Rock Gazelle: 1270

> > Smokescale: 670

> > Siamoth: 721

> > Owl: 769

> > Ranger Greatsword: 1774

> > Ranger Greatsword with Rock Gazelle: 2857

> > Ranger Quickening Zephyr into Maul into greatsword autos with Rock Gazelle: 4452

> > Axe Autos No Bounce: 1626

> > Axe Autos no bounce with Rock Gazelle: 2283

> > Ranger Longbow max range autos: 1464

> > Ranger Longbow max range Rapid Fire into autos: 1885

> > Ranger Longbow Max Range Rapid Fire into autos with Smokescale: 2615

> > Sic Em Soulbeast Merged Quickening Zephyr Rapid Fire into autos: 5232

> >

> > **Revenant**

> > Herald Sword: 2223

> > Herald Phase Traversal into Sword 4+5 then Auto Attacks: 5882

> > Herald Phase Traversal into Auto Attacks with Impossible Odds: 6576

> >

> > **Thief**

> > Daredevil Sword: 2523

> > Daredevil Pistol Whip Spam: 3361

> > Daredevil Dagger: 2483

> > Daredevil Shortbow: 3433 with bounces (I think its safe to assume 1144 without bounces, golem positioning makes this kind of difficult to test)

> > Daredevil Cluster Bomb spam: 2706

> > Deadeye Kneeling Rifle: 1937

> > Deadeye Binding Shadows into Mark into Three Round Burst Spam: 7162

> > Deadeye Binding Shadows into Mark into Spotter's Shot spam: 5095

> >

> > **Warrior**

> > Warrior Greatsword Auto Attacks: 2272

> > Warrior Arcing Slice into Greatsword Autos: 3158

> > Warrior Bull's Charge into Frenzy Hundred Blades Arcing Slice right before the knockdown ends combo: 5157 ]

> > Warrior Bull's Charge into Frenzy Arcing Slice then Hundred Blades: 7714

> > Spellbreaker Dagger: 2225

> > Warrior Rifle: 1305

> >

> >

> >

> >


> Can you do legend swap + sword 3 + IOdds for rev?

> Also do you have a way to record it or time each combo? Some of these I know come out way faster than others.


Might stack in glint ~8 might and fury > Legend Swap > Phase Traversal > Unrelenting Assault with Impossible Odds: 4465


When it comes to time length, I'm basically going off of how long it takes to kill the Medium Target Golem. The medium target golem has 18,140 health and 2,322 armor. So for example pistol whip spamming did 3361 dps on average. Pistolwhip spamming took 5.397 seconds to secure the 18,140 damage and kill the golem on average. The combo you asked for took 4.062 seconds to kill the medium target golem on average. Might stack into Legend Swap > Phase Traversal > Sword Autos killed the golem in 2.75 seconds on average. Ect. Ect.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > I suppose its useful but the average dps with burst skills are not.

> >

> > I agree.

> >

> > I’d like to see you run the highest possible burst combos on each and post the total damage as a graph over time with the average dps over the full time period displayed as a flat line over the total damage curve.


> no one cares.


What a constructive comment...

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > What a constructive comment...


> oh you're serious. lol...


Just saying what I’d find useful. And all on the Indestructible golem to have the same baseline.


But, I do think golem numbers aren’t super useful when we are talking no cleanse/evade/block. All of which make the above numbers more theoretical than I’d prefer.


If he posted DPS numbers from actual duels rather than golems it would be better.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> > It would be nice to see reckless dodge for warriors.


> https://imgur.com/gallery/OF0WxrO

> yall can calculate average from that if you want xd.

> 500 toughtness amy mesmer here.


I'm probably just too casual a PvP player to properly interpret that kill log, but the fight I am envisioning in my head involves a warrior charging around, repeatedly attempting to dodge at a mesmer who, to his credit, is remarkably good at evading everything...except, apparently an offensive dodge roll! It's my kryptonite!

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> > > It would be nice to see reckless dodge for warriors.

> >

> > https://imgur.com/gallery/OF0WxrO

> > yall can calculate average from that if you want xd.

> > 500 toughtness amy mesmer here.


> I'm probably just too casual a PvP player to properly interpret that kill log, but the fight I am envisioning in my head involves a warrior charging around, repeatedly attempting to dodge at a mesmer who, to his credit, is remarkably good at evading everything...except, apparently an offensive dodge roll! It's my kryptonite!


I played like a moron and died like a moron lol, tried to scept block it 3 times ( its unblockable xd )


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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> > > > It would be nice to see reckless dodge for warriors.

> > >

> > > https://imgur.com/gallery/OF0WxrO

> > > yall can calculate average from that if you want xd.

> > > 500 toughtness amy mesmer here.

> >

> > I'm probably just too casual a PvP player to properly interpret that kill log, but the fight I am envisioning in my head involves a warrior charging around, repeatedly attempting to dodge at a mesmer who, to his credit, is remarkably good at evading everything...except, apparently an offensive dodge roll! It's my kryptonite!


> I played like a moron and died like a moron lol, tried to scept block it 3 times ( its unblockable xd )



LoL Well, guess what? You aren't the only one who didn't know that! But I don't use scepter on my mesmer, so it's a simple decision for me either port or dodge! You don't want to stick around very long for whatever that warrior has in mind when he's dodging toward you anyway!

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> > > > > It would be nice to see reckless dodge for warriors.

> > > >

> > > > https://imgur.com/gallery/OF0WxrO

> > > > yall can calculate average from that if you want xd.

> > > > 500 toughtness amy mesmer here.

> > >

> > > I'm probably just too casual a PvP player to properly interpret that kill log, but the fight I am envisioning in my head involves a warrior charging around, repeatedly attempting to dodge at a mesmer who, to his credit, is remarkably good at evading everything...except, apparently an offensive dodge roll! It's my kryptonite!

> >

> > I played like a moron and died like a moron lol, tried to scept block it 3 times ( its unblockable xd )

> >


> LoL Well, guess what? You aren't the only one who didn't know that! But I don't use scepter on my mesmer, so it's a simple decision for me either port or dodge! You don't want to stick around very long for whatever that warrior has in mind when he's dodging toward you anyway!


I knew its unblockable, I was just tired and playing poorly :D

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Not useful but really interesting to see it. Games under gold 2 lack dodging / positioning so you might see those numbers there :tongue:

Why did you detail so much some professions and left others? (shredder gyro scrapper and renegade are missing for example, weaver only has 3 lines, putting burst on some specs but not other)


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> @"aymnad.9023" said:

> Not useful but really interesting to see it. Games under gold 2 lack dodging so you might see those numbers there :tongue:

> Why did you detail so much some professions and left others? (shredder gyro scrapper, are missing for example, weaver only has 3 lines, , putting burst on some specs but not other)



Something like how much damage herald is doing with it's standard phase traversal combo is something I think is personally interesting. It's hammer combo is significantly less so.


I also main mesmer in particular so I'm very interesting in seeing exactly what proportion of your damage the clones actually are. And when it comes to something like spell breaker you're either seeing them flail about barely doing damage on Greatsword or Dagger, or you seeing them take a burst with the Bull's Charge into Greatsword F1 into 100 Blades combo.


Similar situation to ranger. I think seeing laid out how Rock Gazelle is doing nearly 2x as much damage as other pets is very interesting and useful. Seeing exactly how much Axe Pull into Axe 5 with Rock Gazelle? I think is less useful.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"aymnad.9023" said:

> > Not useful but really interesting to see it. Games under gold 2 lack dodging so you might see those numbers there :tongue:

> > Why did you detail so much some professions and left others? (shredder gyro scrapper, are missing for example, weaver only has 3 lines, , putting burst on some specs but not other)

> >


> Something like how much damage herald is doing with it's standard phase traversal combo is something I think is personally interesting. It's hammer combo is significantly less so.


> I also main mesmer in particular so I'm very interesting in seeing exactly what proportion of your damage the clones actually are. And when it comes to something like spell breaker you're either seeing them flail about barely doing damage on Greatsword or Dagger, or you seeing them take a burst with the Bull's Charge into Greatsword F1 into 100 Blades combo.


> Similar situation to ranger. I think seeing laid out how Rock Gazelle is doing nearly 2x as much damage as other pets is very interesting and useful. Seeing exactly how much Axe Pull into Axe 5 with Rock Gazelle? I think is less useful.


While interesting, I think it would of been more "useful" to not make it DPS, but to show the total o damage of the common combos over the period of time delivered (and maybe even add setup time?).

Eg. Class combo= 20k damage in 3secs, req 3 ability setup of 3secs.

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> @"Thorstienn.1642" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"aymnad.9023" said:

> > > Not useful but really interesting to see it. Games under gold 2 lack dodging so you might see those numbers there :tongue:

> > > Why did you detail so much some professions and left others? (shredder gyro scrapper, are missing for example, weaver only has 3 lines, , putting burst on some specs but not other)

> > >

> >

> > Something like how much damage herald is doing with it's standard phase traversal combo is something I think is personally interesting. It's hammer combo is significantly less so.

> >

> > I also main mesmer in particular so I'm very interesting in seeing exactly what proportion of your damage the clones actually are. And when it comes to something like spell breaker you're either seeing them flail about barely doing damage on Greatsword or Dagger, or you seeing them take a burst with the Bull's Charge into Greatsword F1 into 100 Blades combo.

> >

> > Similar situation to ranger. I think seeing laid out how Rock Gazelle is doing nearly 2x as much damage as other pets is very interesting and useful. Seeing exactly how much Axe Pull into Axe 5 with Rock Gazelle? I think is less useful.


> While interesting, I think it would of been more "useful" to not make it DPS, but to show the total o damage of the common combos over the period of time delivered (and maybe even add setup time?).

> Eg. Class combo= 20k damage in 3secs, req 3 ability setup of 3secs.


It's the medium target golem usually. All of these are the DPS until it deals 18,000 damage.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Thorstienn.1642" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > @"aymnad.9023" said:

> > > > Not useful but really interesting to see it. Games under gold 2 lack dodging so you might see those numbers there :tongue:

> > > > Why did you detail so much some professions and left others? (shredder gyro scrapper, are missing for example, weaver only has 3 lines, , putting burst on some specs but not other)

> > > >

> > >

> > > Something like how much damage herald is doing with it's standard phase traversal combo is something I think is personally interesting. It's hammer combo is significantly less so.

> > >

> > > I also main mesmer in particular so I'm very interesting in seeing exactly what proportion of your damage the clones actually are. And when it comes to something like spell breaker you're either seeing them flail about barely doing damage on Greatsword or Dagger, or you seeing them take a burst with the Bull's Charge into Greatsword F1 into 100 Blades combo.

> > >

> > > Similar situation to ranger. I think seeing laid out how Rock Gazelle is doing nearly 2x as much damage as other pets is very interesting and useful. Seeing exactly how much Axe Pull into Axe 5 with Rock Gazelle? I think is less useful.

> >

> > While interesting, I think it would of been more "useful" to not make it DPS, but to show the total o damage of the common combos over the period of time delivered (and maybe even add setup time?).

> > Eg. Class combo= 20k damage in 3secs, req 3 ability setup of 3secs.


> It's the medium target golem usually. All of these are the DPS until it deals 18,000 damage.


wait, so it took over 1s to kill medium golem on power mes o.O

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"aymnad.9023" said:

> > Not useful but really interesting to see it. Games under gold 2 lack dodging so you might see those numbers there :tongue:

> > Why did you detail so much some professions and left others? (shredder gyro scrapper, are missing for example, weaver only has 3 lines, , putting burst on some specs but not other)

> >


> Something like how much damage herald is doing with it's standard phase traversal combo is something I think is personally interesting. It's hammer combo is significantly less so.


> I also main mesmer in particular so I'm very interesting in seeing exactly what proportion of your damage the clones actually are. And when it comes to something like spell breaker you're either seeing them flail about barely doing damage on Greatsword or Dagger, or you seeing them take a burst with the Bull's Charge into Greatsword F1 into 100 Blades combo.


> Similar situation to ranger. I think seeing laid out how Rock Gazelle is doing nearly 2x as much damage as other pets is very interesting and useful. Seeing exactly how much Axe Pull into Axe 5 with Rock Gazelle? I think is less useful.


It's probably worth mentioning that to include more combos and find what could give you the highest per class you're looking at extremely time consuming work if you're being thorough. The easiest way to do it would be to create a table of skills with their damage, cast time, after cast and then damage/cast time, then you draw up the top damage over cast skills and chain them. You would still have problems because things like mind wrack need illusions so you need the generators in there, some skills have a duration of effect or a cast time that you can use skills in etc and this is completely ignoring set ups and the person walking out.


It would be work better done by drawing up databases and then programming an AI to look for highest damage combinations which would take a lot of work for no real use outside of personal interest if you're already working in the field.

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