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My Main Acct vs. Alt Acct Ratings Played - What's Going On Here?

Trevor Boyer.6524

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For several seasons now, I've had an alt account that I play from time to time. I usually save its use for when lower elo buddies want to game with me, but sometimes I do use it and grind matches on it when my main is suspended for w/e reason "lulz".


This alt account is not new. It has something like 340 ranked games played on it at this point and has seen the end of many seasons, so it's safe to say that its historical MMR is somewhat settled. Every season, I play this account between 1550 and 1600 quite easily, regardless of solo grind or duo queue. I guess what I'm saying is that, it never seems to have any super volatile rises or falls in its rating margin. It may tip over 1600 to like 1605 or something, or maybe go down to 1530 and then back up to 1550 again. But it stays pretty tightly between 1550 and 1600.


Now let's talk about my main account, this account that I'm posting on right now. THIS account, despite the super solid historical play of nearly 16,000 matches, has ridiculously super volatile match making & rating changes. I'll experience tipping upwards to 1600 from time to time, but then promptly and I do mean promptly as in "like clockwork that is predictable" as soon as I reach around 65%-70% win rates or higher, this main account will undergo these extreme lose streaks. When I say extreme, I mean as in 10 to 15 games in a row where the matches are so lopsided, that there is nothing I can do to change the outcome of anything that is happening at all. "Arenanet devs, look into that history if you want to, these solid 10-15 game lose streaks are no exaggeration." And this will usually go on, I swear to you, until I go back down to **exactly** 50% win rate. By the time it's done trashing me with a 10-15 game lose streak, I'll be in bottom gold 2, looking forward to a super sweaty try hard experience of trying to 100% win rate my way back to some plat level in a reasonable amount of time. Now this happens to this main account several times each season. As I said it is predictable like clockwork. It often feels like "I am being forced to reset my rating and climb all over again."


So.. why does that "rating reset" never happen to my alt account? Why does my alt account play tightly within margins of 1550 to 1600, but my main account plays between 1300 and 1600? Why have I not ever once experienced a super match loss frenzy reset down into bottom gold 2 on my alt account? When my main account is undergoing the mandatory lose streak to 50% win rate, why are its matches placed in bottom gold 3 top gold 2 _MORE DIFFICULT_ than plat 2 matches on my alt account? Seriously, what's going on here? I watch streams of guys whom I can admit are better than me, but they aren't that much better than me. On their streams, I don't see these players being presented with the kinds of ridiculously impossible matches that I experience in streaks on my main account. These guys will be up in plat 3 and somehow their matches are more balanced or even easier than the matches I'll get down in bottom gold 3 or top gold 2 during these 50% resets. And no, they aren't just carrying that hard so INB4 that crap. What's going on is that their accounts are functioning like my alt, which for whatever reason, are not being tagged with epic forced lose streaks. I'm just wondering "Why?"


I'm not trying to cause an uproar or call anyone out, but I am genuinely getting really confused about this. I wonder.... am I being screwed with?


Few ideas, things that I wonder, that may explain what's going on here:


1. The alt account has 340 ranked games total and is like glory rank 45 or something, whereas the main account is like glory rank 780 and is going on 16,000 total games played. So, are there matchmaking factors that are just seriously elevating the difficulty of my main's matches based on its history and long time spent in the game? Even if this was the case, what's up with the weird 10 to 15 game lose streaks of matches that are just impossible to carry, that happens several times a season like clockwork?

2. Am I being queue sniped? Is it because the main account is on many a player's "bad list" because they don't like me? Is it simply alt throws because they know who I am? It's hard to believe that my main account just mysteriously every season happens to have really bad luck getting caught in the middle of match manipulations, whereas the alt is super lucky. That doesn't make sense.

3. I also notice that MOST of my games on the main account, will land in matches with known streamers. Just about every dang time man. So I end up in these really high elo matches that look like final rounds of ATs. That's fine, I don't mind it, in fact I usually enjoy it. But what I don't understand is why that is happening when I'm down in gold 2 and regardless of my rating? And why does my alt account seem to dodge these players and rarely rarely ever see them in matches at all, even when I queue as a plat 2 and at the same time that they are in queue? Don't cry conspiracy at me because I'm serious about this! It feels like my main account is somehow shuffled into a special bracket of queue, where it prioritizes me being placed in matches with these guys, regardless of my rating.

4. Is there a for real BUG going on with some accounts or maybe MMR/Rating adjustment in general? I did also notice that while going on these epic 10+ game lose streaks, It will feel like the algorithm is gauging me at a very high elo and placing me as such over and over, without adjusting my elo for every consecutive lose and recognizing that. Then this happens the same way each time, I'll be down in gold 2, getting matches that as hard or harder than plat 2+ matches, and as soon as I hit 50% win rate, the systems goes: "OOOOOH! MY BAD!" and then all of a sudden there is this super volatile shift in the match making, and it's as if my rating suddenly goes from 1650 to 1300 in a single game, and then I turn right around and go on a 10+ win streak where the matches are just way too easy.


**My question to Arenanet is:** What is this? What's going on here? Any ideas?


**My question to the community is:** Are any of you experiencing these kinds of "reset" patterns? Or are any of you experiencing patterns more like my alt that seems to hover right in a tight margin of about 50 - 75 rating?


Also, if anyone has any information or tips for me that cannot be discussed in this thread, please contact me privately.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> In many games, the mm system softly (more like mathematically) forces a 50% winrate, but your case is very weird indeed.


That's exactly what I mean though.


On the main account I don't experience this:

* Win - Loss - Win - Loss - Win - Win - Loss - Loss


But rather I experience this 90% of the time:

* Win - Win - Win - Win - Win - Win - Win - Win - Loss - Loss - Loss - Loss - Loss - Loss - Loss - Loss


It's just... an absolute anomaly. After playing on alt accounts now, I'm beginning to identify that something isn't quite right with this.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> For several seasons now, I've had an alt account that I play from time to time. I usually save its use for when lower elo buddies want to game with me, but sometimes I do use it and grind matches on it when my main is suspended for w/e reason "lulz".


> This alt account is not new. It has something like 340 ranked games played on it at this point and has seen the end of many seasons, so it's safe to say that its historical MMR is somewhat settled. Every season, I play this account between 1550 and 1600 quite easily, regardless of solo grind or duo queue. I guess what I'm saying is that, it never seems to have any super volatile rises or falls in its rating margin. It may tip over 1600 to like 1605 or something, or maybe go down to 1530 and then back up to 1550 again. But it stays pretty tightly between 1550 and 1600.


> Now let's talk about my main account, this account that I'm posting on right now. THIS account, despite the super solid historical play of nearly 16,000 matches, has ridiculously super volatile match making & rating changes. I'll experience tipping upwards to 1600 from time to time, but then promptly and I do mean promptly as in "like clockwork that is predictable" as soon as I reach around 65%-70% win rates or higher, this main account will undergo these extreme lose streaks. When I say extreme, I mean as in 10 to 15 games in a row where the matches are so lopsided, that there is nothing I can do to change the outcome of anything that is happening at all. "Arenanet devs, look into that history if you want to, these solid 10-15 game lose streaks are no exaggeration." And this will usually go on, I swear to you, until I go back down to **exactly** 50% win rate. By the time it's done trashing me with a 10-15 game lose streak, I'll be in bottom gold 2, looking forward to a super sweaty try hard experience of trying to 100% win rate my way back to some plat level in a reasonable amount of time. Now this happens to this main account several times each season. As I said it is predictable like clockwork. It often feels like "I am being forced to reset my rating and climb all over again."


> So.. why does that "rating reset" never happen to my alt account? Why does my alt account play tightly within margins of 1550 to 1600, but my main account plays between 1300 and 1600? Why have I not ever once experienced a super match loss frenzy reset down into bottom gold 2 on my alt account? When my main account is undergoing the mandatory lose streak to 50% win rate, why are its matches placed in bottom gold 3 top gold 2 _MORE DIFFICULT_ than plat 2 matches on my alt account? Seriously, what's going on here? I watch streams of guys whom I can admit are better than me, but they aren't that much better than me. On their streams, I don't see these players being presented with the kinds of ridiculously impossible matches that I experience in streaks on my main account. These guys will be up in plat 3 and somehow their matches are more balanced or even easier than the matches I'll get down in bottom gold 3 or top gold 2 during these 50% resets. And no, they aren't just carrying that hard so INB4 that kitten. What's going on is that their accounts are functioning like my alt, which for whatever reason, are not being tagged with epic forced lose streaks. I'm just wondering "Why?"


> I'm not trying to cause an uproar or call anyone out, but I am genuinely getting really confused about this. I wonder.... am I being screwed with?


> Few ideas, things that I wonder, that may explain what's going on here:


> 1. The alt account has 340 ranked games total and is like glory rank 45 or something, whereas the main account is like glory rank 780 and is going on 16,000 total games played. So, are there matchmaking factors that are just seriously elevating the difficulty of my main's matches based on its history and long time spent in the game? Even if this was the case, what's up with the weird 10 to 15 game lose streaks of matches that are just impossible to carry, that happens several times a season like clockwork?

> 2. Am I being queue sniped? Is it because the main account is on many a player's "bad list" because they don't like me? Is it simply alt throws because they know who I am? It's hard to believe that my main account just mysteriously every season happens to have really bad luck getting caught in the middle of match manipulations, whereas the alt is super lucky. That doesn't make sense.

> 3. I also notice that MOST of my games on the main account, will land in matches with known streamers. Just about every dang time man. So I end up in these really high elo matches that look like final rounds of ATs. That's fine, I don't mind it, in fact I usually enjoy it. But what I don't understand is why that is happening when I'm down in gold 2 and regardless of my rating? And why does my alt account seem to dodge these players and rarely rarely ever see them in matches at all, even when I queue as a plat 2 and at the same time that they are in queue? Don't cry conspiracy at me because I'm serious about this! It feels like my main account is somehow shuffled into a special bracket of queue, where it prioritizes me being placed in matches with these guys, regardless of my rating.

> 4. Is there a for real BUG going on with some accounts or maybe MMR/Rating adjustment in general? I did also notice that while going on these epic 10+ game lose streaks, It will feel like the algorithm is gauging me at a very high elo and placing me as such over and over, without adjusting my elo for every consecutive lose and recognizing that. Then this happens the same way each time, I'll be down in gold 2, getting matches that as hard or harder than plat 2+ matches, and as soon as I hit 50% win rate, the systems goes: "OOOOOH! MY BAD!" and then all of a sudden there is this super volatile shift in the match making, and it's as if my rating suddenly goes from 1650 to 1300 in a single game, and then I turn right around and go on a 10+ win streak where the matches are just way too easy.


> **My question to Arenanet is:** What is this? What's going on here? Any ideas?


> **My question to the community is:** Are any of you experiencing these kinds of "reset" patterns? Or are any of you experiencing patterns more like my alt that seems to hover right in a tight margin of about 50 - 75 rating?


> Also, if anyone has any information or tips for me that cannot be discussed in this thread, please contact me privately.



Yeah, this happens to me.i’ll get around a 70%-ish win rate then just get loaded with impossible matches until i’m back down to 50% and darn near where i started if not bellow. I’ve always just assumed it’s because the match maker is whack yo. This is why i’m baffled as to why the stupid high win rates are never addressed of the top players. i mean, we all know why but still. Like, it’s so blatantly obvious it’s comical.

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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> Are those loss streaks during prime-time, or off-peak? And are they all in a single night, or spread over many days?


> Simple rules for climbing solo: log off for the day as soon as you lose 2 in a row, only play peak times (7pm - 11pm for EU), never play at weekends.


Glad you asked.


This is what makes it even more interesting:


* It happens if I play 6-8 solid straight hours in the same day.

* It happens if I play a win streak and get a loss for the day and stop, and then pick up next day, loses keep happening as detailed.

* It happens after I've reached 120 games and attempt to only maintain rating 1 game per 3 days, predictable win and lose streaks.

* This happens at any & all times of day, same exact activity. I'd stream this for you guys if anyone would want to watch. It's quite curious actually.


And keep in mind I'm not just complaining about "lose streaks" here. I'm specifically commenting on the super high volatility that's going on. loss loss loss loss loss loss loss, right into, win win win win win win win win win. I tell you no lie, this is 90% of my match activity all season every season. I can get back to 1600 range, but I can't keep it because of this. It just flip flops all season between about 1300 - 1600. up and down up and down.

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@"Trevor Boyer.6524"

I will tell you how lol matchmaking works, im not saying it 100% is the same but it MIGHT be.

I have acc that I played for about 10 years, since season 2-3 I have been in dia.

Now no matter how good or bad I played I go to dia and get stuck there. It doesnt matter if I play well or bad, matchmaking will do all in its power to place me where " it thinks I belong "

When I made fresh account I got to dia 3 within 3 days, matches are much more balanced, the only hard win/lose streaks I see are the ones I do by being better then enemy.

It just might be matchmaker "knowing" where you need to be and keeping you there by force.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Yeah, so I ended the night after grinding hard to recover, at only 1369 rating.


> My win rate is well under 50% now, like around 45%-47% has to be.


> At one point, it put me as low as 1322. This is on my main account mind you.


> My alt account is sitting at 1564 right now, with like a 80% win rate.



Hi, i have the same issue but with 5 accounts (3 EU and 2 US) and my main.


I have a theory about it so i want to know if your Alt and main accounts are in the same server or not ?




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The matchmaker is agnostic. It doesn’t know or care who you are or what your old or main is. It takes your rating and class and matches you appropriately for a game. And there is always a soft reset every season and there is no forced 50% win to loss ratio.


The Glicko-2 rating system is extremely volatile in the early games of a reset. It starts to tightening that volatility relatively quick. It doesn’t take into consideration the total amount of games played outside of the current season. The rating system, far from perfect in a team oriented multiplayer game, is doing what it’s designed to do.


The matchmaker, despite its few flaws, is also matching you relative to the rest of the players based on average rating and class.


Simply put, you’re just playing better on your alt account.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> If you can't carry gold 2 games, you're probably not as great as you think you are.


> maybe ranger is just a bad class. :)


It's clearly the class, ranger has been nerfed for years, druid is a mess, the removal of evade spam was too much and you only hit for like 2890 with maul, I read it on the tooltip!

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Yeah, so I ended the night after grinding hard to recover, at only 1369 rating.


> My win rate is well under 50% now, like around 45%-47% has to be.


> At one point, it put me as low as 1322. This is on my main account mind you.


> My alt account is sitting at 1564 right now, with like a 80% win rate.


> ?



Still waiting for the video upload. I guess you edited the post though lol.

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> @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Yeah, so I ended the night after grinding hard to recover, at only 1369 rating.

> >

> > My win rate is well under 50% now, like around 45%-47% has to be.

> >

> > At one point, it put me as low as 1322. This is on my main account mind you.

> >

> > My alt account is sitting at 1564 right now, with like a 80% win rate.

> >


> Hi, i have the same issue but with 5 accounts (3 EU and 2 US) and my main.


> I have a theory about it so i want to know if your Alt and main accounts are in the same server or not ?





Yes, both are NA


> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Yeah, so I ended the night after grinding hard to recover, at only 1369 rating.

> >

> > My win rate is well under 50% now, like around 45%-47% has to be.

> >

> > At one point, it put me as low as 1322. This is on my main account mind you.

> >

> > My alt account is sitting at 1564 right now, with like a 80% win rate.

> >

> > ?

> >


> Still waiting for the video upload. I guess you edited the post though lol.


Few things made me question if I should take the time:


1. The video is going to display nothing new outside of what I've already stated in this thread. I'd rather people "take my word for it" and discuss their own account patterns, rather than me spending half a day to a full day of editing several GW2 conquest matches, for the sake of making a video that ->

2. No one will have the patience to watch. At first I was going to just post 1 match on my main, and 1 match from my alt, both done in the same 30 minute time frame. But realistically that's not going to prove anything. So I'd have to do a substantial sample size of games from each account to form any documentation that was worth looking at all. Who wants to watch me run 10 games on my main and then 10 games on my alt? yeah... and I don't exactly want to edit up a 2 to 3 hour youtube either.


I mean I could do all that, and no one is going to want to watch it, or I could just post screen shots of win/lose streaks? Don't get me wrong, I really wanted to document the difference in the visual difficulty of the matches, but for those reasons listed above, it would end up being a much bigger project that I had originally planned on it being. If I had a new rig and could stream without lag, it would be much easier to do.

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