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How many people have you recommended GW2 to?

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I came from a competitive gaming community to settle down here. Though I recommended this game to my buddies, they didn't switch over. To them, this isn't the adrenaline rush they're looking for, and there isn't incentive to compete here since we are a casual gaming community.


That said, I'm happy that those types don't gravitate to this game. I use this game to wind-down after accomplishing things in my career and other IRL activities.


I agree with the previous poster who said, "Either the game will sell itself or it won't."

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At launch it was everyone I knew who gamed a lot. Nowadays I can't be bothered to explain about expansions, extra DLCs and a below par fantasy story to friends I know wouldn't invest in it. That doesn't reflect the fact I think the game as a whole is great, it's just not the sort of game model that would appeal to anyone I know, esp if story is something they are interested in.


So, since maybe the LS1 fiasco, I don't talk about the game much to others

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Zero and with the state of things and how Anet has allowed things to get this far, I never will.

I will however tell new people who have already got the game that new players have things to do that they may enjoy etc. But I refuse to try and sell something bad to friends.

If Anet wants to sort things out finally. I don't mind relooking at the evidence in the future.

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I guess? Feels like fewer bc I stopped recommending it during ls4 but I know at least a few who bought it on my recommendation prior to that so I couldn't honestly say just one or two . . .


But if I was somehow going to get 'credit' for those purchases, wouldn't everyone credited to me be more rightfully credited to the person who originally recommended the game to me . . ?

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As far as I remember I've directly recommended it to about 4 or 5 people. I've talked to a lot more people about the fact that I play it and why I like it, but haven't said I think they should play it.


I don't recommend specific games to people often, because most people I know either aren't interested in computer games at all or they're well informed enough to make their own decisions. But for example I recommended GW2 to a friend of mine who said she likes the idea of MMOs but when she's played them before she spent all her time grinding stats and equipment to try and keep up with other players and never really got to do anything, so I suggested she try GW2 because it's not like that.

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Of all I have suggested it to only on allegedly tried it. Nearly everyone I've suggested it to either didn't have a PC and only had a console or their PC was so old it was to out of date to almost non-functional. Consoles, smart phones and tablets have replaced PCs as the gaming devices of choice for the majority of people. There are also those who don't want to or don't have the time to dedicate into a complex game like GW2.

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> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> Zero and with the state of things and how Anet has allowed things to get this far, I never will.

> I will however tell new people who have already got the game that new players have things to do that they may enjoy etc. But I refuse to try and sell something bad-**Toxic** to friends.

> If Anet wants to sort things out finally. I don't mind relooking at the evidence in the future.




**Exactly this**

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I will recommend any game I play regularly. I enjoy GW2 and overall I’m pleased with what ArenaNet has produced. Of course I have opinions about the state of the game, changes I would like to see, etc. But my thoughts don’t affect my enjoyment or recommendation of this product. If it honestly did, I wouldn’t play the game.

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Recommended online? The appropriate answer is "I lost count" as I've been very active on numerous forums promoting the game ever since it was first announced. And I'll probably keep recommending it, despite it's flaws, because anyone who starts the game now will get an amazing good package for the money. They can join the "there is no content" crowd a few years later, but until then the game is so full of content for a new player that it's worth the recommendation.


Saying that, I voted 5-10 because that's around the number of real life human beings, otherwise known as friends or family, that I recommended the game to, which is about 8 if I'm not missing someone. Sadly me and one other are the only ones that keep playing, the rest stopped a very long time ago, but occasionally ask about the game. Or of course the two of us that keep playing talk about the game and developments all the time while with others.

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I'm not a social person. My family and friends either already play, or aren't gamers and never would. People outside family/friends--I don't even want small talk with them, much less a discussion of my interests. I have badgered my spouse to play more GW2 (he prefers WoW), so I guess that counts as 1?

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For me, to recommend a game to somebody it must be exceptionally good, I won't bother otherwise. GW2 is simply not that good. Plot isn't that good overall, and gameplay is only worth something until you'll learn mechanics and develop your character, then it's just boring as most of the game lacks challenge. It's kind of meh experience past first 6 months of play.

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