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"The Meta" - Some mAT Numbers For You


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In the name of science, here are the finalist and semi-finalist team compositions from the last 6 mATs.


Now some caveats on these:


* I couldn't find a few of the team-compositions, in particular the first NA October mAT. If anyone has these, I'll merge them into the numbers.

* Because of this, the comparison between EU and NA is not "like for like". A "10" on NA is equivalent to a "12" on EU.

* It's important to understand the numbers in context. While 15 is a bigger number than 12, when it's out of a total of 205, the difference is meaningless.

* If it says "Thief" or "Mesmer", it means "Core". Elites are specified separately.

* **mAT is not Ranked**. It's a very different game, since you've got 5 people on voice-comms who have practiced together and specifically chosen their classes for a particular purpose as part of a 5-man team. In general, in this scenario it's better to be super-specialised for one purpose, rather than playing a self-sufficient, jack-of-all-trades which is often better for solo-Q in ranked, where you can't rely on your team-mates.

* For the finalists, I took the compositions they used in the final, not any earlier rounds.

* Remember that many of these will be the same players over and over in each tournament. It's not actually 205 different players counted here, its probably closer to 40.


![](https://i.imgur.com/xFPhHoA.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/lQhkZti.jpg "")



So, some conclusions to draw from this:


* Firebrand and Herald most represented, not hugely surprising

* The FB numbers are waaaay higher in NA than in EU, especially when you look at the Duo numbers: 7 out of 18 NA teams were stacking FBs, while only 1 out of 23 EU teams did. FB is super-meta in NA, but is just one of the crowd in EU. You're 5x more likely to a face a double thief/DD in EU than you are a double FB, and nearly half of EU teams had no FB at all.

* EU in general has a much wider spread of class representation

* NA has a way bigger tendency to stack classes

* Mirage and Holosmith still both very well represented, despite whines to the contrary

* Thief/Daredevil and SpellB/Warrior are a big deal on EU, but are almost non-existent on NA. If you count Thief/DD/Deadeye together, it is by far the highest represented class on EU.

* Rangers(+Elites) and Necros(+Elites) are almost nowhere to be seen on either side.

* Weaver numbers are surprisingly low, despite how much attention they get from the community


It's interesting to me how different EU and NA are, especially how EU is all about Thief/Rev rotate-and-spike comps, while NA is all about spamming FBs, and how Thief/Warrior variants are big on EU but non-existent on NA.


This might also explain some differences in perception on the Forums about how strong certain comps are. Might it be the case that EU players are more concerned about how strong Thief is, and don't care about FB, while NA players are more concerned about how strong FB is and don't care about Thief?


It's certainly a different world from Ranked though. Ranger and Necro variants are a regular feature in my ranked games (P2/3) but just aren't represented here.


The full data breakdown:


![](https://i.imgur.com/4uGzofu.jpg "")


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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> * Mirage and Holosmith still both very well represented, despite whines to the contrary

2 mesmers(included mirages) over 24 players for EU last 6 1st .

4 / 24 for EU 2nd.

5 / 24 for NA 1st .

3/ 24 for NA 2nd.


That said, nice stats even if in some cases, it's more players dependants than class dependant. (mean you can give whatever class to certain players, they will still perform...).

And as you said it highligh the class differences (and whine and comments.) between NA and EU.

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Thanks a lot for those numbers. While I do not really look at mAT (because solo) this is important to see the difference between «solo queue" and "team queue" environment. Seeing EU and NA difference in numbers is also quite interesting because you sometimes hear about stuff on forums and have a completely different experience so you are not sure if the person is making stuff up or not.

Edit : Checked how the "winners comp" have evolved too. That is quite funny because I did not expect some comps to be so close to what I can see in ranked (but maybe I am the only one surprised ^^)

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> @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> Another "Nerf Firebrand" topic.


That's not what this is.


Thief/DD and Herald are competing for the same slot ("+1"), so their numbers get spread out across **2** classes.


Mirage, Weaver, Holosmith and Spellbreaker are all competing for the same slot ("sidenoder"), so their numbers get spread out across **4** classes.


FB is the only viable choice in the "support" slot, so its numbers are all together on **1** class.


Simply taking the view that "higher numbers = stronger" is way too simple an analysis.

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So looking at this meta and have deep and comprehensive knowledge of how Anet patches OP things, we can assume the coming balance patch will do the following changes:

- Engineer will be nerfed.

- Elementalist will be nerfed.

- Firebrand will be buffed.

- Herald will be buffed.

- The tooltips for all other classes updated.

- No other changes.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> So looking at this meta and have deep and comprehensive knowledge of how Anet patches OP things, we can assume the coming balance patch will do the following changes:

> - Engineer will be nerfed.

> - Elementalist will be nerfed.

> - Firebrand will be buffed.

> - Herald will be buffed.

> - The tooltips for all other classes updated.

> - No other changes.


U forgot thief gets nerfed every patch :) or qol changes that are indirect nerfs

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Based on previous expeirence and all this data, I am pretty sure that in the up coming balance patch in Feb FB's, holos, and mirage dont have to worry.


Anet will ignore these facts and professions and instead choose to nerf necro/reaper for "being too sustainable" in melee fights or some other weak excuse -.-

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> @"James.1065" said:

> Based on previous expeirence and all this data, I am pretty sure that in the up coming balance patch in Feb FB's, holos, and mirage dont have to worry.


> Anet will ignore these facts and professions and instead choose to nerf necro/reaper for "being too sustainable" in melee fights or some other weak excuse -.-


whats the point of this salty? mesmer is being nerfed every single patch.

I dont see it stopping.


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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> Good stats. The representation of Holo is unsurprisingly mostly from the older mATs in October and November, at least on EU. And even on NA it seems to be slowly vanishing as of January.


Revenant becoming relevant is a huge factor for this. Same goes for S/D thieves, they changed to S/P and even D/P to have a chance at killing heralds and mirages. Even weavers and firebrands, to a lesser degree.

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