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What is "replayability" or "replayable content" to you?


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No MMORPG exists anywhere that will provide a new and unique PvE experience every time a player logs in to play, and it is totally unreasonable to even think that it is an option. Code is code. Period. It does not adapt by individual to provide a new and unique experience. It can be complex and have multiple paths, but even then, eventually, you would have played all of them then have no more new options. That is the best anyone can hope for short of having multiple PvE teams of developers constantly coding newer options on top of each other so that their releases of new content would be sped up. That level of developers coordination is a nightmare, when you have two or more coders in the same subroutines making their own changes and trying to coordinate the releases all the while insuring that some code from a future release is not accidentally in the version being released today.

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For me, replayable content has enough variables to keep the game fresh. Look at League of Legends; the map is always the same, yet the entire game changes based on how adept you and your fellow players are at certain minigames (pvp, pve, minion tower defense, vision control and map awareness, character itemization - so many games running simultaniously, it's difficult to repeat 2 games).


Achievements and rewards don't make content repeatable, since achievements must be completed by design and rewards can be earned.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Both fun and rewarding. The ratio of each doesn’t matter too much so long as at least one is present.


> Example 1: I don’t find grinds enjoyable but I’d do them if I needed the gold. If content had this grind attached to it then it’d have replay-ability. (i.e pre nerf Istan metas).


> Example 2: There aren’t any more raid rewards that I care about but I still find most of them fun to play. There’s still replay-ability there for me so long as I continue to find them fun.

This. Although, for a longterm replayability, the content needs either both to some degree, or one of those needs to be very, very good comparable to the rest of the game.


If the content gives a lot of rewards, it doesn't need to be fun - people will still do it (although some fun definitely would help). If the content is fun to players, it doesn't need high rewards (although it _shouldn't_ be exceptionally unrewarding). Notice though, that for that to work, the content needs to be fun not only first time, or a first few times, but even after you've done it many times over.


In the end, the best result is obtained by mixing both of those. Rewards so you will still be incentivized to do it long after the novelty wears off and the content becomes routine, and enough fun so people doing it for rewards won't dislike playing it, and won't get bored out of their minds.


Notice, though, that there's no content like that that would appeal to everyone.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> *What makes content replayable?*


Content that is enjoyable/fun to play or it's very rewarding. Although in my case if it's just rewarding I'll skip it, that's not my preference, I never go to the latest and greatest farm. However another important factor is playing with others, the replay value of content goes sky high if it requires multiple players, even more so if it's in a controlled environment. Team building can create long lasting friendships and relationships, especially when you overcome a real challenge together.


But most of all it's the moment to moment gameplay, needs to be attractive and flashy enough to keep the interest after many many repetitions. Multiple builds and interesting skill combinations are another way to keep content refresh and increase the replay value, but that doesn't have to do with content itself, but rather the rest of the game.

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Would have to be some type of PvP content whether it’s PvP or WvW. That is the only way a game can really make and end-game and replayability.


PvE is a lost cause when it comes to end game and replayability. Outside of achievement hunters, the only way people go into maps are for rewards. If the rewards are lacking or finished then it’s all for nothing. Anet also has a habit of repeatedly nerfing maps players frequent for rewards so it makes things worse.

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WvW, PvP fairly enjoyable, epic meta kind of contents like Modremoth fight and Drakkar, they are simply too epic I would do them million times over, what really lame about them are shitty rewards for the time you invested in just doesnt worth it. So I think it all comes down to the rewards for many, for me I care more about the experience, I want more bosses like Modremoth, Kralkatorrik fight I already forgot about all of it, nothing memorable, missed opportunity sadly.

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What does _not_ define replayability to me:

* grinding for rewards

* grinding for boring LW achievements

* grinding for pointless LW masteries


What **does** define replayability to me:

* character-specific content (i.e., taking race, profession, personality, character background into account)

* player choice (i.e., branched dialogue, branched story steps that provide variety with each playthrough)

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> To me, all content becomes replayable when we have new elites since it may mean doing it a different way.


> Replayable content:

> * WvW (but lack of new maps or elites and waiting on alliances is becoming an issue)

> * PvP


> For PvE:

> * Most of the HoT metas

> * Silverwaste

> * Fractals (when people are around)


> Translation: variety/unpredictability, content, rewards, goals (collections)


This is the list pretty much. Repeatable content that has long term rewards for completing the content. The only thing you missed on this list was Raids. The reason all of these things are what I'd qualify as repeatable and replayable is they are all repeatable content that rewards long term repetition over time. Legendary armor and backs, significant amount of gold output and rewards, significant amount of free ascended gear boxes over time, specialty skins and infusions, all of these rewards are long term goals that come from repeating the content so players repeat the content.


The only other thing i could slightly say is also repeatable is some of the specific LS maps that had stuff like the blood ruby accessory set. That made the map worth repeating because it was an easily accessible full trinket set that also allowed you to change the stats on the set if you wanted to making them more valuable.


Edit: Another thing i almost forgot was Guild Missions and Guild Hall grinding when it wasn't finished yet. Although people don't do Guild Missions as often as they use to because it has become stale it was a great thing to do once a week that brought the guild together for some fun and it was rewarding because of the guild commendations. Guild Hall grinding for upgrades was also another cool aspect of the game but once you've maxed it out (most active guilds did this years ago) there's not really much left too it. Both the Guild Missions and Guild Hall Level could use some love as it was repeatable content that gave Guilds stuff to actively strive for. I suppose you could say Guild Hall decorating is semi repeatable content. I know when something cool comes out that we want to use to decorate in the Hall because it has some kind of neat use or effect we'll all put in and repeat content to get that. An example is the seasonal stuff like snowflakes to make all the snow decorations, Halloween stuff, bigger ticket items like the Fractal Console and stuff like that.

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Somewhat fun, but mainly it needs to have something I can farm, and it has to be something I want to farm. Like farming mistonium for requiem armor.


When I play a single player video game I generally only play it once, twice if I really like it.


Why would I play content over and over in an mmo if I don't do it for regular video games?

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For me, it's fun over rewarding, but not without reward at all.


Now fun is a highly subjective word.

To me, it would be fun if its enticing, either by funny or serious dialogue.

Non repetitive, as in, we have several routes or means to our ends.

And challenging. I don't want to be able to minimise the game while auto attack does all the work.


And of course, graphically enticing as well.

My biggest problem with this game is revealed with every meta. Load order of models. The game thinks it's more important that i see Jack and his fancy disco armour, than the boss and his mechanics.


The worst offender in gw2, for me, is how much the game ridicules itself. So many graphics that completely ruin the aesthetic of the game. Most legendaries, some armours made of disco stew, and worst of all, SAB. All things whose only purpose are to poke thorns in my eyes while i try to enjoy a somewhat serious looking game.


While I've kind of outgrown Silverwasted by now, the mystery and cruelty of the Vinewrath really enticed me. I didn't know what it was. I didn't know where it came from. All i knew is, it was deadly, and it wanted to be so.

I even thought of a song based on the Great Whale at the time.


"_there's an ancient legend, an old maguuman tale. Of a deep entrangled monster with leaves as big as whale. It's tendrils are a-massive. It's bark as strong as steel, most may call it myth but i assure you that it's real.

Now many men have vanished, gone without a word, so maybe the tales the pactclansmen tell aren't so absurd.

When the winds come roaring in and mordrem full the sky, all the pact clansmen know the vinewrath is nigh. When it latches unto you it never lets you go. Soon you'll join a thousand men, he's dragged into the breach below_"

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Replayability means for me that you can play a game again and there are significant differences compared to your previous playthrough.


Those differences can come in many ways. Different choices with multiple endings in a story-driven game, different gameplay-approach (e.g. brute-force vs stealth (Dishonored)), different parties to be loyal to with different quests in some RPGs are some examples that come to my mind.


In Multiplayer-Games that difference comes through the different people you play together with (like no Call of Duty match is exactly like the other for example).


Thus, i dont see replayability for example in doing fractals or raids with a static group, because neither the content nor the people you play with change, resulting in very similar runs that get boring after the third time at the latest.

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It's the same answer I gave for the "casual/hardcore" definition thread, everyone has their own personal opinion of what "replayable/replayability" is going to be and you'll be hard pressed to find two answers the same(for the most part), in this regards everyone should put aside their own personal definition and realize that the only definition that matters is that of the game designers/devs, it's their game, what they think is "replayable" has "replayability" most likely won't match yours.

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Subjective question and varies depending on individual, similar to "fun". But something to do alone but preferably with friends or other players(its a game after all). Enticing/rewarding to do it repeatedly. With a sense of achievement(could be a challenge etc); something to talk about, share or even boast. Can be something simple, eg. playing a Magic cube.


One could enjoy something but without the qualities; zero sense of achievement, nothing to talk about or person to share experience with, unrewarding etc...is hollow/boring. Eg. Enjoyed a movie but no one interested or to share topic with. It may have been good, but unlikely going to rewatch it.

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Give me old Domain of Istan with different colors and slightly different structures and I would be happy. Gotta be rewarding enough to play. Gotta be compact enough to easily get to the action. Gotta be a fairly enjoyable meta. Istan had it all. But yeah, just different versions of that and give me new elite specs to play on it and I will be happy forever.


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Anything like raids, dungeons, fractals, pvp, metas, etc. Things you can play multiple times and offer a reason/reward for playing them each time. Just "being fun" isn't enough imo because that's subjective. I think this game has plenty of replayable content, it's just been out for so long people have gotter tired of it. For new players like me there's still plenty of it, but for those who have done it a thousand times there's nothing left to enjoy.

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I'm a PvE player, then I'll refer about it.

To me "replayable" means to re-play the same content over and over again (exactly as gw2 is), but with an important difference: **also every reward associated with contents should be re-obtainable without any time-break**.

Often, so many people leave this game because they are bored to wait for the daily/weekly reset of rewards. Sometimes, I have more time for myself in some periods, and less in others. So, I want to take advantage of my time playing the game and having a valid **purpose** while I can.

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> @"fra.5241" said:

> I'm a PvE player, then I'll refer about it.

> To me "replayable" means to re-play the same content over and over again (exactly as gw2 is), but with an important difference: **also every reward associated with contents should be re-obtainable without any time-break**.

> Often, so many people leave this game because they are bored to wait for the daily/weekly reset of rewards. Sometimes, I have more time for myself in some periods, and less in others. So, I want to take advantage of my time playing the game and having a valid **purpose** while I can.


That was a major problem destiny 2 had before its first expansion aswell. They solved it but anet always tries to reinvent the wheel. In gw2 there is just less than 1h content daily for pve players unless you count world bosses which are 5min action and 20min afk wait.

Pve needs some replayable content without a daily/weekly lockout. event farming is just too boring for me and a lot of other players aswell. there is just no challenge and it feels like watching a screensaver. no matter how bad i play there, i will always succeed with full rewards. Some players log in monday, do all raids in 3-4h and are done for the week. thats how the raiding scene died. Hf finding groups on thursday or even raid cm groups. Raid cms are still not repeatable. You need fractal god to come even close to the rewards of some half afk event farms.

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I wish the game will offer more map like Dragon Fall where build around "Main" dynamic event lead up to final grand event and mean while also provide optional event around the area. include some strong Champion which quite challenge to solo. The end map reward also great make this area become farm spot for my legendary.


Too bad I start getting tired of the map but there isn't any map seem quite like it other than Auric Basin (Which is my second favorite) but I still can't get enough for this kind of map design. (unlike many other season map which only there just to explore then never comeback)

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Replayability is made up of a combination of various things.

-Fun/Sense of accomplishment

-New experiences



It doesn't have to have all three things, but the more it has, the more replayable it is. Personally I think the first two points are more important, but rewards should never be neglected too much. No matter how fun something might be there will always be the nagging feeling of wasting time if there is another activity that gives exponentially better rewards. If an activity is heavily leaning towards at least one, then it is generally okay if the other two are somewhat lacking.


Map Completion is an example of points 1 and 3. (At least I find it fun). It is never anything new. But each map has a 25% chance of a black lion key, which is a decent reward, especially for those who don't want to spend gold or gems on them.


Raids/fractals also have points 1 and 3. Except instead of purely fun it leans more towards a sense of accomplishment. Although, often times people eventually get bored with doing the same fights over and over. The fractal instabilities sort of make each run different, but it isn't a big difference.


I think the biggest thing lacking in gw2 when it comes to replayability is new experiences. The personal story had choices that lead to different story paths, which meant playing it through on different characters could give you a new experience each time. HoT had some choices that did this as well. But since then there hasn't been much in the way of creating a new experience. The choices we got to make in PoF were barely noticeable.


And there are some things that can damage the sense of replayability. Like, even if an event has really good rewards, people won't want to replay it if the whole thing is a painfully slow slog of mindless things while waiting on some timer to tick down (cough raven's keep cough), or if they find themselves failing the activity over and over and over again due to some RNG thing.

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A piece of gear or set , that is obtained from the Open World and increase the Rewards from that area ?

With each participation on open events , increases the reward by 1% , or you can increase it by 10% , by doing hard Solo Instances achivements ?


Collecting 2 gear , gives you a random quest to go and kill an open world boss/do event . It has 6 hours cd .Go collect+equip another set in the meanwhile for another quest ?

There a chance to get another Blue Gear randomly from the mobs


Or try to lvl up those Blue/Green gears sets , into exotic allowing you access a boss/event that normaly is uneccesible(different Overflow Server) and has increased difficutly (or the gear has less stats) / or normal Dungeon with the fractal instabilities (or the gear has self infilicting condtions) + you must use other classes Core utilites => because every1 of them has 300 sec cd ?


Edit: Or lvl up the gear and based on their lvl (blue-green-exoitic) you can sucrifice them , for increase rewards . And start anew the next day . Or keep them , tohave access in for the chalenge Raid boss , rather than collecting them from the start


Edit 2: Or normally there is fog and some1 is lurking you away in the trees and shootting occassioanly daggers . Each time you lvl up gear , you can rush to him faster before he dissapears or follow his footsteps to his location .

Or you can see a old man whos is playing A Banjo and each time you lvl up your gear it , he will givve you more details about his tragic backstory or his loved ones getting killed by himself ...asking you to ''release him'' with a battle



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It would be simpler to cover what isn't.


Story is number one on that list because few if any story can withstand the amount of repetition that game content sees.


The content shouldn't require the player to stand around waiting for it. Pacing should be player driven unless it is enforcing some sort of **minimum** like a time limit. Forging Steel suffers from this as multiple spots.


If there is loot as a motivator it should not become useless after obtaining it once. Multiple things in the game suffers from this.





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to me if it's fun and doesn't add to more grind it's fine, if it rewards sufficient that's a plus.

i want story, i want something relatable, i want something to hold on to.

Anet has only given me the first one, never added anything that allows me to connect to what is happening, something the original GW has all the time.

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