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In your opinion, is GW2 too hard?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > I can go afk on my ranger and come back to find that, without a single ounce of effort on my part, I have earned gold in events that spawned on top of me. It doesnt get much easier than succeeding with zero effort.

> > >

> > > Yeah, that's against the ToS, so....

> >

> > Nope.

> >

> > It is not against the ToS to have to go to the door to pick up an Amazon package, or to the bathroom, etc. The pizza guy seems to purposefully time his arrival to coincide with in game events.


> Good luck with that.


No luck necessary.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > > I can go afk on my ranger and come back to find that, without a single ounce of effort on my part, I have earned gold in events that spawned on top of me. It doesnt get much easier than succeeding with zero effort.

> > > >

> > > > Yeah, that's against the ToS, so....

> > >

> > > Nope.

> > >

> > > It is not against the ToS to have to go to the door to pick up an Amazon package, or to the bathroom, etc. The pizza guy seems to purposefully time his arrival to coincide with in game events.

> >

> > Good luck with that.


> No luck necessary.

I know right. Just the thought that going afk in the open world would be against the ToS just cause an event happens to pass through is preposterous.

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A major gripe I have is gating items behind events and quests on maps that are popular at first, but become vacant after a few months. Gathering enough people to complete a meta-event can be troubling.


Add those events to part of the Daily rotation after a period of time or the next story has been rolled out, which ever comes first.


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> @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

> Story is too easy. and open world.


> Sadly players that won't bother to change their playstyle according to the encounter complain so much anet nerfs them till its all a 1 1 1 1 snoozefest


HoT map was amazing at first, required players helping each other until... Anet had to make hot map snooze fiesta, only some veterans can be painful.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"BlackBullWings.2734" said:

> > I remember HoT on release being the most intense PvE experience ever, people were dropping left and right, and that was a good thing. By now we've learned, and powercrept, add to that people complaining that it was "too hard" lol.

> >

> > Since then the PvE world has been painfully simple. I know you have fractals and raids for challenging content, but feels to me that the open world suffers too much from how casual it is, when it could be doing amazing stuff. Path of Fire has awesome unique mobs, but I've barely ever had a situation (except from hydras), where I'm actively engaged with what the enemies are doing so I can properly play around it, something that heart of thorns did fantastically with their very readable, but deadly enemies.


> hot was a disaster, its a major reason for this games current situation. they can only keep it alive, by giving obscene amounts of loot.

> many of my friends simply dont believe how much loot you can farm there, over 200 shinies in one go.

> anyone , who knows the basics of economy, can see that it is only a matter of time, before the bubble bursts

> and this was the game, that wouldnt force people to farm and grind...lol


This issue was created around the time of HoT. There are too many items that ultimately every player would want, that are technically impossible to get (requiring an eternal grind) or being a rich person in real-life willing to spend hundreds, if not thousands of pounds on an in-game currency. Additionally factoring in that not all content is farm-able (specifically things deemed the most fun).


People play MMOs with targets set - legendaries, best skins, convenience items, etc. Guess how much gold a short list from those 3 categories would reach? We're talking, 50.000-100,000 gold. **Absolutely laughable.**.


If anything puts me off playing the game, it's the idea that I'll make most likely, no more than 100g for playing the game in a day - which would include CM/T4 Fractals, Strikes, some raiding, some dungeons, some gathering, some crafting. Selling ALL items gained and avoiding farming luck (**How can salvaging ectos with mystic kits and GEM STORE MYSTIC FORGE STONES be the most efficient in both cost and time to gain luck?!?! What kind of joke design is this, really?)**


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GW2 is not too hard or too easy. GW2 difficulty is too inconsistent, and the difficulty is mixed in a way that diminishes the game. GW2 tends to throw in bits of hard content into sets of casual content, which can really ruin the casual experience and reduces replayability. My simple and recent example is the Fireworks minigame during the Metal Legion concert... many players cannot do this niche task and are permanently 14/15 for an otherwise casual achievement. Seeing that 14/15 at the top, every time I open up my achievement tab, makes me want to logout. Anet keeps doing this, instead of learning to separate types of content in achievements and in game modes. Raids are hard content, but Anet seems compulsively pushing that content on otherwise casual players. Strike Missions are a bridge to this harder content... but.. Strike Missions are increasingly necessary content for casual players. There needs to be both hard and casual content BUT Anet needs to stop inserting hard content in casual venues (achievements and game modes) and peddling often time-wasting casual content in hard venues.


Why not have separate Story Meta Achievements and Challenge Meta Achievements for each LS episode? Why not add Challenge modes to Story instances, instead of having random difficulty spikes in LS episodes?


I used to run all my alts through LS, until Bitterfrost, when it became clear I no longer felt it was fun or worth it to repeat the content. In grinding out those Icebrood Saga episode 2 masteries before episode 3 debuts, I noticed that alts don't get any experience for running through the LS. Does Anet want players to actually want to replay content?


The story experience is too inconsistent, with too many steps which may be an accomplishment to complete BUT also make a player not want to revisit that content. My advice to Anet is to track the popularity of repeating content, outside of the forced grinding for achievements and masteries. If players do not keep returning to content after fully completing it, then maybe something is lacking in the appeal of the content. I am turned off by inconsistent difficulty and by forcing bits of other play modes into whatever a player has chosen to do. There is a world of difference between requirements and opportunities. GW2 difficulty is too inconsistent, and interferes with player choice with regards to content preferences.

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> @"Random Wax Orc.7695" said:

> GW2 is not too hard or too easy. GW2 difficulty is too inconsistent, and the difficulty is mixed in a way that diminishes the game. GW2 tends to throw in bits of hard content into sets of casual content, which can really ruin the casual experience and reduces replayability. My simple and recent example is the Fireworks minigame during the Metal Legion concert... many players cannot do this niche task and are permanently 14/15 for an otherwise casual achievement. Seeing that 14/15 at the top, every time I open up my achievement tab, makes me want to logout. Anet keeps doing this, instead of learning to separate types of content in achievements and in game modes. Raids are hard content, but Anet seems compulsively pushing that content on otherwise casual players. Strike Missions are a bridge to this harder content... but.. Strike Missions are increasingly necessary content for casual players. There needs to be both hard and casual content BUT Anet needs to stop inserting hard content in casual venues (achievements and game modes) and peddling often time-wasting casual content in hard venues.


> Why not have separate Story Meta Achievements and Challenge Meta Achievements for each LS episode? Why not add Challenge modes to Story instances, instead of having random difficulty spikes in LS episodes?


> I used to run all my alts through LS, until Bitterfrost, when it became clear I no longer felt it was fun or worth it to repeat the content. In grinding out those Icebrood Saga episode 2 masteries before episode 3 debuts, I noticed that alts don't get any experience for running through the LS. Does Anet want players to actually want to replay content?


> The story experience is too inconsistent, with too many steps which may be an accomplishment to complete BUT also make a player not want to revisit that content. My advice to Anet is to track the popularity of repeating content, outside of the forced grinding for achievements and masteries. If players do not keep returning to content after fully completing it, then maybe something is lacking in the appeal of the content. I am turned off by inconsistent difficulty and by forcing bits of other play modes into whatever a player has chosen to do. There is a world of difference between requirements and opportunities. GW2 difficulty is too inconsistent, and interferes with player choice with regards to content preferences.


That's very reasonable. However, I suspect both the reason things are the way they are and why what you propose might not work out as expected are the same. You design something with good intentions, to give players what they want. But players will always do what they want.


For instance, you might remove the difficult content and put it over into a challenge mode. Now the hardcores can play their challenge mode and you can complete your achievement list. Everybody's happy! But because nobody would participate in the challenge mode if it didn't have additional rewards beyond the normal mode, you can't find enough people who want to participate in the content you want to play. Worse, it now feels like you're being left out of those cool rewards because the elitists are requiring proof that you are a God of PvE to ride.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> But because nobody would participate in the challenge mode if it didn't have additional rewards beyond the normal mode, you can't find enough people who want to participate in the content you want to play. Worse, it now feels like you're being left out of those cool rewards because the elitists are requiring proof that you are a God of PvE to ride.


If challenge is only popular because of better loot, then the challenge isn't popular, the popularity is all in the loot. Are all calls for harder content actually just calls for getting better loot and bragging rights, as opposed to actually liking the hard content? I don't think so, generally. As for Challenge Meta and Story Meta, perhaps you need just one of the two for the episode's Meta Reward, but the Story Meta is lots of achieves but easier, and the Challenge Meta is a few achieves but harder.



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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> I wonder where these 55% find that much challenging content in the game. Except Fractals, Raids and Dungeons, and a few Legendary / Elites boss mobs, there is literally none. How it can be "enough"?


Maybe I can clarify it for you. The content that's supposed to be challenging is ok, the content that's not supposed to be all that challenging is ok too. Despite what some folks seem to believe, a new player, hitting their first starter zone, isn't supposed to be endgame fractal ready. I'm not sure what some people expect, maybe they think if they got roflstomped in their first chapter, they'd be all excited about the prospect of trying to form a group to run it? From what I've seen, people that hit that kind of a wall in the first 10 levels of an MMO tend to just rage quit and find something else.

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> @"Random Wax Orc.7695" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > But because nobody would participate in the challenge mode if it didn't have additional rewards beyond the normal mode, you can't find enough people who want to participate in the content you want to play. Worse, it now feels like you're being left out of those cool rewards because the elitists are requiring proof that you are a God of PvE to ride.


> If challenge is only popular because of better loot, then the challenge isn't popular, the popularity is all in the loot. Are all calls for harder content actually just calls for getting better loot and bragging rights, as opposed to actually liking the hard content? I don't think so, generally. As for Challenge Meta and Story Meta, perhaps you need just one of the two for the episode's Meta Reward, but the Story Meta is lots of achieves but easier, and the Challenge Meta is a few achieves but harder.




Just because players may reject challenging content under certain conditions (e.g. when it isn't rewarding), does not necessarily mean it is the challenge they are rejecting.

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From a zerk thief perspective


Its not too hard but definitely too annoying in open world. It doesn't feel good when you're caught without a stunbreak and get perma CC'd to death. All because I forgot to swap an ability after doing something specific. I haven't found that in any other MMO that punishes you for no reason other than to frustrate I guess? This can be found pretty much anywhere in the game too, at least in expansion content. The 1 shot kills are pretty 10/10 design too. I wouldn't classify that as difficulty.


When you're prepared ability wise, its easy, but it is punishing when you aren't. That to me is annoyance not difficulty and its really exhausting mentally. I expect this kind of stuff in instances, but other MMOs (including GW1) taught me to relax in 'overworld' content after a hard day at work. I just can't find that in GW2 unless I want to go to a vanilla map with no rewards. I find the mob density quite annoying too , but only because they all have CC. Call me crazy but I enjoy being able to control my character.


In instances the difficulty seems fine, though there needs to be a WoW LFR / FF14 easy or normal mode difficulty for raids and an instance queue player finder. Strike mission will NOT get non-raiders to raid, it'll just get them to play the strikes.


GW2 difficulty is all over the place but I wouldn't call it hard. I'm sure if I played a tankier character I wouldn't even have a complaint but either way I don't believe open world should be hard. Instances are just fine, there simply isn't enough content there and quite frankly I go to other MMOs for that until the day GW2 starts to take that content seriously.

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Curious, you mention gw1 but that was far far harder in zones, pull too many and you died, die too many times and you have to abandon the zone.


Re gw2, people tend to focus on the zone that sticks in their mind.i.e the hard one, easy one, but it's not about the single zone it's about the variaty of skill levels, so there is content to suit all. With this in mind, you expect there to be more harder than easier zones, because skill and gear levels rise over time. Imagine if every zone was like the starter zones.

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Not too hard. Not too easy. Just right. I quit a few other MMORPG that I didn't like where progress was too slow. Mainly WoW which I played only for a few months after release back then were I did not manage to get to the highest level.


Here GW2 is "easier" a lot. And I know a lot of hardcore players don't like it that much. But then again: It can get as hard as you personally want it (as long as you don't focus on PvE fighting only) ... there are some harder story achievements, JPs ... and of course the PvW with a somewhat okay-ish matchmaking.

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Hmm, well if i am running my necro, then too easy, if i am going solo on my thief which is what i prefer, too hard.


Give deadeye more ability and survivability with large mob groups and bosses.


Necro is laughable easy, i went afk at a heart location (no mobs when i showed up) and when i came back, my minions kept me alive and completed heart quest lol

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> Curious, you mention gw1 but that was far far harder in zones, pull too many and you died, die too many times and you have to abandon the zone.


> Re gw2, people tend to focus on the zone that sticks in their mind.i.e the hard one, easy one, but it's not about the single zone it's about the variaty of skill levels, so there is content to suit all. With this in mind, you expect there to be more harder than easier zones, because skill and gear levels rise over time. Imagine if every zone was like the starter zones.


Yes but in GW1 in you aren't often in a position where you can't control your character. The only hard CC in GW1 was knockdown, very rarely found in pve being done to you. Hexes and conditions weren't a big problem because you have a full party with supports everywhere you go. These were only really effective against players in pvp.


GW2 has KD, push, pull, float, stun, chill, fear and being knocked in the air which are all annoying af and these aren't even close to being rare. CC is about as common as any ol' condition. It makes sense to have this stuff in pvp, but pve not so much unless your goal is to annoy the hell out of people.

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Ive been playing for about 6 months now. What I find "hard" about Guild Wars is the lack of in-game directions and explanations. Having to always TAB out to look it up on the internet is not a good way to play a game.


1. Chasing Mastery points only to find that you have to complete certain other Masteries in order to "reach" the mastery point you want is counterproductive. One Mastery Point in particular requires the use of a Griffon? WTH? After fighting your way through a hoard of NPCs to reach the mastery point you want, to only find out it is inaccessible to you is very frustrating.


2. Exploration is a nightmare. Taking a pause to look at your map and get your bearings is very difficult because you will be attacked by some NPC.


There is a thin line between "challenging" and "frustrating."




**When out of combat**, give a player zero aggro when looking at the full map. He is basically blind to the world around him when the map is opened, so. If the player opens the map while "in combat" then it wouldn't apply.




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There is a constantly shifting balance in my opinion. That may sound like an oxymoron, but when you consider each season has its own learning curve, the statement makes a bit more sense. That being said, I don't think it's really hard. Even the most difficult bosses die as soon as you learn about their weaknesses. And my mind is wandering and suddenlllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy.


The only bosses I can think of that gives me a poo ton of trouble are the Raid Bosses, and that's because I really, really, suck at raids. >.>


~~Just Monika~~



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> @"Rukia.4802" said:

> > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > Curious, you mention gw1 but that was far far harder in zones, pull too many and you died, die too many times and you have to abandon the zone.

> >

> > Re gw2, people tend to focus on the zone that sticks in their mind.i.e the hard one, easy one, but it's not about the single zone it's about the variaty of skill levels, so there is content to suit all. With this in mind, you expect there to be more harder than easier zones, because skill and gear levels rise over time. Imagine if every zone was like the starter zones.


> Yes but in GW1 in you aren't often in a position where you can't control your character. The only hard CC in GW1 was knockdown, very rarely found in pve being done to you. Hexes and conditions weren't a big problem because you have a full party with supports everywhere you go. These were only really effective against players in pvp.


> GW2 has KD, push, pull, float, stun, chill, fear and being knocked in the air which are all annoying af and these aren't even close to being rare. CC is about as common as any ol' condition. It makes sense to have this stuff in pvp, but pve not so much unless your goal is to annoy the hell out of people.


It's an MMO. If conditions are an issue, then travel with other players/professions with the means to remedy them.

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I've been gaming for a VERY long time and I am less than fond of this question. I will use Dungeons and Dragons Online as my example. When it started, solo=fail and if you died too often you would lose levels and constitution. Exactly in line with the tabletop version. People complained that his made the game too hard. And now you can solo everything in the game. Be careful what you ask for or set people into the mindset of asking for.


GW2 PVE is easy enough you can learn the game without much help. But you need a team to do bosses and more. I've only been into it about a month but I have comparisons to WOW, ESO, Rift, LotRO and more where GW2 has enough elements of each to make it unique and as easy or as hard as you want to make it. Add in level balancing and you've got a game that stands head and shoulder above the others. Nothing says you cant try to make it more challenging by going to an area that is above your level or agro a group of 10 instead of picking them off one at a time. Nothing says you cant make it easier by leveling above the area your in and smashing with more skills.


The main issue with calling it too easy is familiarity. You get used to the game, have all of your skills and gear maxed out so the game SEEMS easier. Spreading butter on bread without tearing the bread was hard once too. Now it's so easy you dont even have to think about it. If you want more of a challenge, stop looking for the meta and look for what's fun. Which skills do you enjoy? Use those instead of the meta. I whine TOO MYSELF that the spawns happen too fast for me to get through some areas without having to turn around and fight something behind me. I may need to just craft some gear so that I always have at level gear. I may need to hone my skills. I may need to start grouping more. Maybe I need to move on and come back when I've got more skills/points. Notice that all of those things are what "I" can or need to do. I've yet to find a game that isnt easy once you get used to it so I've made it a point not to be the best in terms of what's meta and to just have fun playing with what I enjoy. And if that means that character cant do everything, so be it. Im having more fun than if I make the game a job.

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As a more casual player, I think the game's issue with this sense of "too hard vs too easy" is a factor of play style rather than skill in general. This game is "balanced" for dodgey glass canons. I prefer playing tanks, healers, or dotters, the game's not really built for this play style, which makes it tedious for me at times. If you're new to the mob's tells or get a spot of lag it can quickly discourage people, leading to the "too hard" perspective. Additionally, the mobs' power level jumps unexpectedly in the HoT expansion if you don't do ALL the earlier content and this is something that just shouldn't be allowed by the game. If the expansion is designed for someone who has maxed out gear from the core game, it should require all of the core game story to be completed first.


I'm also a player who doesn't know what "combo fields" are as this is the first I've ever heard the term. I recently came back from a 5 year break from the game and even back then, I wasn't into end-game content. And I've lost my "how to make friends online" skills due to many bad experiences. Some mostly my fault.

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if we talk about possibility eat all content - yes. It is VERY VERY VERY VERY HARD.

Why most people not understand this ?? In GW2 we can skip some content part, and take what we want, and don't feel toxic pressure. And this is great.


For example I long long time don't' go raids. It is to hard for me and to big challenge.


So some people real skip that they can not "eat", and make environment burble around that everything is easy, chill, and fine. And this is ok.


Currently I think what only 0.01 %- 0.05% of total players count can say "ok, gw2 is not very big challenge"

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> if we talk about possibility eat all content - yes. It is VERY VERY VERY VERY HARD.

> Why most people not understand this ?? In GW2 we can skip some content part, and take what we want, and don't feel toxic pressure. And this is great.


> For example I long long time don't' go raids. It is to hard for me and to big challenge.


> So some people real skip that they can not "eat", and make environment burble around that everything is easy, chill, and fine. And this is ok.


> Currently I think what only 0.01 %- 0.05% of total players count can say "ok, gw2 is not very big challenge"


Inaccurate. You have no solid numbers or data to make a statement that big. Gw2effiency could give you a lot more solid number (even though it is still not fully accurate because not everyone has signed up for it). People making legendaries, having the proper proofs that they raided, having the titles or anything else shows more to the fact that your number is much bigger than you imply. If this content was far too hard, A LOT of the gw2 individuals would have far less shinies/titles/whatever else to prove the fact they have been doing that sort of content consistently without being bothered.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> Gw2effiency could give you a lot more solid number

yes, and it show me how it so hard.

I click on mostly each stat and get result that I have "Higher than 99% " and I know how much still not complete ..


> having the titles

titles what title? kill 100 orge, or Duke of the Arena ? It is easy ? U get it ? not ? why ?? People on forum write what this is is easy ...

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