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Drakkar Failure - But no Open world PVP option?


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Really wish you could duel in the open world , and people could accept duels kinda like accepting PVP match. Open world dueling would just be as simple as any other game, right clicking on a players picture and sending invites. And if people didn't want to duel , they could change turn off all duel options in options menu. Why is this not a thing but was added to the new Living story map?

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There are plenty of places to duel other players in the game including the Sun's Refuge and costume brawls. In the case of Drakkar, turning people against their allies is part of the story which is why they opted for that instead of an attack from the boss that wipes everyone. It's storytelling, not meant to be true PvP.


Most of the opposition you'll see comes from the idea that different game modes should be kept separate because that's the only way to ensure they're truly opt-in. Even if two people agree to duel, it doesn't mean the people standing in the tavern next to them want to hear or see the laser show of their combat in the immersion of peaceful DR.

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> @"Hadi.6025" said:

> Really wish you could duel in the open world , and people could accept duels kinda like accepting PVP match. Open world dueling would just be as simple as any other game, right clicking on a players picture and sending invites. And if people didn't want to duel , they could change turn off all duel options in options menu.

Most OWPvE players would probably have this turned off (better yet, it should be off by default) in which case it would be difficult to find those who had it turned on. It would be better to duel in the game formats that are already available for such.


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Just out of interest, wouldn't i be easier to look into Spvp to find a single person to duel?????

Why would someone go to PvE just to duel PvP?

PvE player would have this feature deactivated anyways.


But yeah, if someone asks me they have to keep PvP faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from PvE. There is a reason why we have a PvP section

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WvW - a mode designed around zergs karmafarming keeps and dailies. If you PvP, you're kinda just taking up server space.


sPvP- a mode designed around "who can dance around a circle more effectively?"


Suns Refuge - pfft, hahahahahaha~



I don't think it's a stretch to say there is nowhere in this game you can go to just mindlessly PvP, save for the ffa arena in the mists pvp lobby or a hotjoin pvp game - neither of which are rewarded or taken seriously.


Personally, rather than Open World PvP, I think it'd be cooler to revamp obsidian sanctum. The idea of a PvP jumping puzzle with player operated traps always appealed to me.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I didn't understand it until I did the final story mission in Ep2, and now I do. It's a tie into the story, not a change in design. It has been explained ad nauseum why open world PvP wouldn't work, but why anyone keeps asking a question that has already been answered is beyond me.


People who fail to learn will keep repeating the same mistake I guess.

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Though occasional friendly duel might be fun in open world, the result would inevitably be one some "kings of pvp lulz" "trolls" coming and bombarding any skilled-looking or disagreeing PVE peoples with "1v1 now." "Oh, you're too afraid to lose?". It's already sometimes happening (annoying yet boring whenever someone does that) and with experience of open world PVP and dueling in other games, Kitty can tell it'd just be a bad idea in GW2 due to how different mindsets PVE-focused and competitive-focused peoples have, just like everyone else has said before.


On an unrelated sidenote, guess Kitty should do failing Drakkar meta on her power scrapper and see how great device of mass destruction it'd be. Wiping 20 peoples in 10 seconds shouldn't be too difficult.

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> @"Hadi.6025" said:

> Really wish you could duel in the open world , and people could accept duels kinda like accepting PVP match. Open world dueling would just be as simple as any other game, right clicking on a players picture and sending invites. And if people didn't want to duel , they could change turn off all duel options in options menu. Why is this not a thing but was added to the new Living story map?


I was confused that it didn't happen when the meta failed. Thought pvp was supposed to activate... https://massivelyop.com/2020/02/12/failing-to-down-drakkar-in-guild-wars-2-turns-on-free-for-all-open-pvp-in-the-zone/

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Hadi.6025" said:

> > Really wish you could duel in the open world , and people could accept duels kinda like accepting PVP match. Open world dueling would just be as simple as any other game, right clicking on a players picture and sending invites. And if people didn't want to duel , they could change turn off all duel options in options menu. Why is this not a thing but was added to the new Living story map?


> I was confused that it didn't happen when the meta failed. Thought pvp was supposed to activate... https://massivelyop.com/2020/02/12/failing-to-down-drakkar-in-guild-wars-2-turns-on-free-for-all-open-pvp-in-the-zone/


From what i know its for a 10 second period and only in the direct arena it fails in, right?

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From my experience open world pvp only works in pvp oriented mmos where that's the only way to play. I remember even Aion Online and all the outcry over open world pvp (rifts) and constant requests for pve servers. In SWTOR all attempts at open world pvp failed. There used to be pvp servers, they're gone. Now there are only pve servers that also have a pvp instance. The pvp instances are primarily used by pve'ers who want to find nodes or world boss spawns. There are open world pvp achievements. I've done some of them. I was in a dual guild, meaning they had a guild on both empire and republic side. We would go to an open world instance and first let one side wipe the other over and over (defending said just stands there and runs back from respawn and wears NO gear for easy kills) and when they have their achievements maxed, they switched so the other side got to do the same.


So really, I get that you like the idea of open world pvp but most people don't and it will only server to chase people away and almost everybody will turn it off if they have a choice. It's just the way it is in most MMOs unless, like I said, it's a pvp mmo.

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Sigh, fine.


GW2 splits many abilities along different game modes: PvP, WvW and PvE. Next week, ANET is launching a huge balance update that will radically change abilities, mostly in competitive (PvP and WvW) modes.


So here is the problem: When you're out in Core Tyria or any of the LW maps, you are in a PvE zone. Period. The engine utilizes all PvE values for all abilities (eg, cooldowns, damage, duration, etc). If you were to duel in OW, you would be doing so playing by PvE rules, and not by those used in WvW or PvP.


An argument can be made that more needs to be done to enable 1v1 duelling in WvW and PvP zones for those who want to partake. Currently the only place I can think of that allows controlled 1v1 duelling would be in a Guild Hall, but again, that's a PvE zone.


So if what you want is the ability to duel / PvP in a PvE zone, it would be done using the PvE rule set for abilities, not what you normally use in PvP or WvW. Even if ANET were to implement such a system, you wouldn't be using skills that were balanced for competitive modes, which will lead to people just blowing each other up faster than they currently are.


If you don't mind duelling with a PvE ruleset, just invite people to your guild hall and have at it.

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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> Just out of interest, wouldn't i be easier to look into Spvp to find a single person to duel?????

> **Why would someone go to PvE just to duel PvP?**

> PvE player would have this feature deactivated anyways.


> But yeah, if someone asks me they have to keep PvP faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from PvE. There is a reason why we have a PvP section


Im not into PvP, but I have seen stuff here and there.


One reason would be: catch newbies that don't know auto-decline option exists. You know, with max level char, deisgned for PvP duels go to starter zone and spam "dual", "dual", ... most will say Decline, but some will push the wrong button by mistake

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I didn't understand it until I did the final story mission in Ep2, and now I do. It's a tie into the story, not a change in design. It has been explained ad nauseum why open world PvP wouldn't work, but why anyone keeps asking a question that has already been answered is beyond me.


To be precise it has been explained why many, majority I guess don't like it, not why it wouldn't work. And that is completely valid and fine by me.


But you also have to understand that OW duels are not the same as spvp or wvw or even special dedicated dueling grounds. It can also be an activity for passing time while waiting for other stuff, dueling at interesting locations, flex your skill in public... They also bring a kind of interesting flavor to the world. While some people really don't want to have anything with pvp and it breaks their immersion, it can be exact opposite for the others: a duel in Lion's Arch might be interesting for passers, makes the world more lively, might even be an addition to fashion wars and it can be completely optional.

Anyway looks like Anet thinks duels don't have a place in GW2 and that is fine, not a big deal for me. But it would definitely interest me. I've spent hours and days just dueling in Wow to pass time between other activities. And duels are also a really good way to hone your skill, know your and your opponent profession to the smallest detail.

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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > I didn't understand it until I did the final story mission in Ep2, and now I do. It's a tie into the story, not a change in design. It has been explained ad nauseum why open world PvP wouldn't work, but why anyone keeps asking a question that has already been answered is beyond me.


> To be precise it has been explained why many, majority I guess don't like it, not why it wouldn't work. And that is completely valid and fine by me.


> But you also have to understand that OW duels are not the same as spvp or wvw or even special dedicated dueling grounds. It can also be an activity for passing time while waiting for other stuff, dueling at interesting locations, flex your skill in public... They also bring a kind of interesting flavor to the world. While some people really don't want to have anything with pvp and it breaks their immersion, it can be exact opposite for the others: a duel in Lion's Arch might be interesting for passers, makes the world more lively, might even be an addition to fashion wars and it can be completely optional.

> Anyway looks like Anet thinks duels don't have a place in GW2 and that is fine, not a big deal for me. But it would definitely interest me. I've spent hours and days just dueling in Wow to pass time between other activities. And duels are also a really good way to hone your skill, know your and your opponent profession to the smallest detail.


I think you're touching on two different things there:


1) ANET "can't" change the fact that in PvE zones the PvE rules are used. It's part of the engine, and I've seen Devs post about this in the past. In WoW you have dueling whenever / wherever because they don't do skill or talent splits between PvE and PvP, largely because that is a game that includes open world PvP. Consequently, you have PvP players / PvE players getting hit with a nerf bat based solely on how their spec performs in the opposite game mode, something GW2 doesn't see nearly as frequently (though it does happen).


2) Given #1, it's quite possible that ANET won't even consider creating duelling simply because it will be 2 PvE players fighting using PvE rulesets. Why put in the effort to make something that misses the mark, as there is no way they can make OW duelling work with competitive skill/talent splits.


And again, if you don't have an issue with PvE rule sets duelling, invite people to your guild hall.

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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> But you also have to understand that OW duels are not the same as spvp or wvw or even special dedicated dueling grounds. It can also be an activity for passing time while waiting for other stuff, dueling at interesting locations, flex your skill in public... They also bring a kind of interesting flavor to the world. While some people really don't want to have anything with pvp and it breaks their immersion, it can be exact opposite for the others: a duel in Lion's Arch might be interesting for passers, makes the world more lively, might even be an addition to fashion wars and it can be completely optional.

I get the feeling that you think that a lot of people would like this and find it interesting and adds flavor. My feeling is that you're one of very few players in this game who would like this. And if I'm right then there's really no incentive for ArenaNet to implement this.



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