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Why do you still play this game?


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I guess my main reasons would be:


1) It's already a habit to log-in every day and do at least dailies;

2) I still have things I want to achieve/get;

3) There's still content I wanna try (PvP, WvW);

4) Story (especially now with the Icebrood Saga, which I'm really enjoying);


Overall I still have fun playing and I don't think that will change anytime soon :)



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There are a lot of reasons I still play but some things I'm frustrated with. Then again I've never played an MMO for this long and every MMO I've played has had things I'm frustrated with. There are still fewer things I'm frustrated with here.


1. I enjoy achievement hunting some of the time.

2. I love the guild I run

3. I enjoy the story and exploring new zones

4. There enough stuff to keep me busy.

5. My wife plays and isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so it's a good thing we can do together.

6. Love the combat system.

7. Love jumping puzzles (SAB!)

8. Having fun every day. That's the main reason. If I wasn't having fun I'd be doing something else.

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A bit yes and no for me. yes as a veteran, i still log in and played around an hours per day. but really lost the passion. really disappoint on current LS5. specially such hype and i dont enjoy a bit for their first 2 ep. map is too small, the gear and rewards not impress at all. even the story i feel bored. compare to LS4, LS4 done so much better. i will start to drop off and back to the mmo i used to play.

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The first time I played this game, I feel in love with it. I’ve been play this game for about 6.5 years off and on. Still know very little about this game. Just finished the personal story last month. Working on Living World Season 2. Bought both expansion when they came out played some HoT and only about 1% of PoF. Finally joined a guild and it made me start working on things I would of never done. So that’s why I keep playing.

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Here are my reasons:


- The story. I know some people don't enjoy it, but I've always enjoyed Guild Wars' story. I played Guild Wars 1 as well and although they're not completely related to each other, story elements are somewhat connected so I wanna play until the end and see how it ends.


- The combat. It's not completely action-ish, but it's not stale either (click on monster and then click on skill like it is in other MMOs). I really like how it generally is and I like how there are plenty of skills and that you can make a lot of skill combos by using different weapons and class skills in a few limited slots. Compared to other MMOs where you just add all your skills in a giant 30 slots skill bar, in this game you need to think how you want to fight and which skills are the best choice.


- Gear isn't important. At least not as important as it is in other games. You can do 90% of the game content with exotics and if you have Ascended, you're all set. Everything else is optional. I've played many MMOs in the last 12 years and in most of them, there's always been the gear issue. If you don't have X gear or if you don't have who knows how much DPS, you aren't taken to X dungeon or Raid. This kind of thing created toxic players and toxic communities in those games. In Guild Wars 2, since gear isn't that relevant, this isn't a issue...or well it wasn't, before Raids were added. Now a part of the community became toxic here as well. But I don't do raids so that doesn't affect me, so I'm good.


- The game world. It's beautiful and it just tells the player to explore it. Completing maps is fun because of that. The music is also great, fits each game zone and that makes me wanna navigate around the game world even more.


- Events and World Bosses. Compared to how other MMOs work, this game doesn't have a locked quest system. You don't pick up a quest from a NPC with a question mark. Instead, various events take place in the game world (the hearts, the events that are triggered from time to time, world bosses) that are way more interactive than the regular quest systems in your average MMO.


- Charr race. Ever since I saw that charr race in Guild Wars 1, I have dreamed to have a playable charr race in Guild Wars. This dream came true when the races of Guild Wars 2 were announced. I reaaaaaally love my charr character (nah I'm not a furry, don't worry xD) and I love playing with it.


Overall, Guild Wars 2 is a relaxing MMO with good story (in my oppinion), great world, combat and also a game that doesn't have the elitism that other MMOs have.

There are still MMOs that I liked a lot but was forced to quit because the elitism drove me away. This never happened with Guild Wars 2.


It's been around 7 years since I started playing this game and I still love it. I get that things aren't going the way the community wants and I wish there was a proper expansion as well, but I don't think ArenaNet is trying to half-ass the game. I know they're doing what they can.

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I ask that myself a lot. It's quite sad actually because I love this game but there's just nothing to do for long year veterans.

I know I could help new players but in my opinion new players should learn for themselves as we all had to help ourselves too and didn't have an easy way when everything was still new.

Good thing is that I recently found a way to actually get back into actively raiding again after more than 3 years since my previous guild from back then became very inactive and ditched raids and the game altogether. The thing that still keeps me playing are the people that I've found somewhen last year when I was searching for a guild that is actively doing things and also tries to go for raids. They're all so nice together and I like doing things like fractals, dungeons, missions etc. with them.


Oh and before I forget: The story updates keep me of course because I love the lore a lot and I'm eager to see how the story continues. Also I keep playing because I've put so much work, hours and more into this game and my characters over the years.

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I enjoy the way the game plays and love the world it's set in. Unfortunately I find myself with less and less to do these days so I'm playing less and less. The direction that the game has taken since season 4 launched is very concerning to me. I don't have a huge amount of faith that they'll turn out around but I'm probably going to be here 'til the end.

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Why do I still play? The shinines, the gameplay, the combat and so on. There are lots of reasons I still play, but I'm also still very new to GW2 and haven't really explored every single bit of content there is to do. Some things I can't do anymore, like Season 1, or Arah runs like they were apparently run back in the day, because people have moved on from that content. Still, I love this game and even upgrade my PC just to have a better experience playing it, plus other non-MMO games.


My fiance and I play it, both for our own reasons, but we love playing together even if there's isn't much to do as a duo since certain things require big groups and sometimes it's difficult to get groups going for overworld content in any area that isn't current. This is especially true when trying to get certain achievements done, or getting items needed for making legendary gear, like Amalgamated Gemstones. Trying to get into meta maps was difficult at times and getting people to do PoF metas was frustrating at times too, but overall, it was a decent enough experience and was able to complete The Shining Blade.


I love the way this game looks and with ReShade installed, it's even more beautiful and breathtaking, so I keep playing. No other MMO has piqued my interest since GW2. It's a lot more unique than most other MMOs I've played, along with good, skill-based combat instead of being completely dependent on "the strongest gear at the time" like in other MMOs with vertical progression. I prefer the way GW2 handles this and it was a breath of fresh air knowing my gear is still useful many patches and an expansion later. Nothing changed in regards to more stats outside of stat+agony or wvw infusions, which anyone can get.


I still love this game, despite them poopin all over Revenant and their skill animations and damage overall in normal PvE...

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Im much more passive than I once was, I honestly stopped caring (At least at the fate of the game) because I kind of moved to have a new main game. Guild wars 2 has become my friday night wvw game with my guild. Honestly though Its a shame there is no new expansion coming, I've been enjoying ESO though and its been a hell of a ride one max level char with a few odd champ points and then another one on the way up..


Might check out the new balance patch, despite me having my own gripes about parts of it. As a Rev main I can say im not happy with whats about to happen to my child, but I mean A-net hates Rev's and anyone who likes them so 100% understand.. (I know everything got nerfed, but there are parts of the rev I wish they had of kept. And the cooldown AND energy increases ONTOP OF THE COOLDOWN INCREASES? SERIOUSLY?)

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I play it because it's still fun to me. Simple as that. I do play more casually than before, but that can be expected. As to what I do in game, these days mainly do random events in ls5 maps for exp for the last raven skill, random events in HoT and ls3 maps for exp for missing skills and my first ascended weapon.

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> @"Deax.1572" said:

> Title.

> As a veteran who mostly wvw's 95% of my guild and guilds of friends have moved on since with every patch gw2 is morphing into something none of us enjoy.

> But why do you still play? Brainstorm.


As a player, who mosty wvws, I have seen some great improvements in the game since I started out. When I was originally playing this game, the whole WvW thing was big pirate ship thing. Two zergs sitting opposed to each other, luring, and just creating a sea of red without anything that could be done about it. But over the last year, we got to a meta, where movement and dynamic reactions prevailed. While the sea of red still is a thing, you can actually push and through concentrated action get into melee.


The upcoming patch will shake up things once more. Maybe condi pirateship will return, maybe tanky builds will control the meta. I don't know, but there's a lot going on.


Outside WvW GW2 has a nice story - maybe not the best presentation of the story, I guess no one can really keep up with Blizzard in that regards, but it is enjoyable. There are few things about this game that are not enjoyable, and there are few things, which are at the same time hard AND mandatory, meaning most of the player get to enjoy most of the content. I am not sure the same can be said about any other MMO. There are few alternatives on the market, and most that are around do a way worse job than GW2. Either the grind is excessive, or they have massive problems with bots, maybe you can only really achieve things if you put a lot of real money into the game. Most of the MMORPGs around have a crafting system, that's way worse than what GW2 has to offer.

GW2 also has a nice reward structure. The game never really punsihes you for doing badly. You can go into WvW, get killed a lot because you still learn, because your build sucks, or because the enemy is just bigger than your group. You get killed a lot, yet you don't lose your inventory!


There are games, which do a better job in some section. Like I keep hearing that the combat system in BDO and the graphics are great, much better than in GW2, but the game overall is much more grindy, there are posts about pay 2 win aspects, in short: The overall game is not as good, even if the combat system is great.

I also thought TERA did a nice job with their combat system, but they decided not to make much of it for the most part. The whole quests were horrible.

Kingdom under Fire has that nice RTS section, but classical MMORPG aspect of the game is lackluster.

Archeage has a combat and skill-system that's from the last generation. If I ever see a game with more than one skillbar, I know that's not for me. For a good game design you do not need access to so many skills at the same time. You need a solid overall design.


And then there are upcoming games, like amazon's New World, which - to me - just look plain bland. Boring. YMMV obviously. But they surely don't appeal to me. Same goes for Camelot. Not even talking about games, which punish you harshly for PvPing, like taking away your inventory, some other form of progress or the likes.


Finally GW2 has a great community. This forum or reddit hardly does the game justice. For an online game the amount of salt is very much under control.


So, to those of you, who do not play GW2 anymore: Why don't you?



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Mostly the people I play with. I like routine and we do Teq every night. I enjoy WvW and world bosses. The game can be really laid back no effort or it can be full blown hours a day grind. There is no real pressure to do raids etc. I think its the kind of game you can put down and pick back up at any time and its a game that relaxes me.

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Last month i was still playing, today i'm not even logging in anymore. GW2 lost his pleasure, it seems even when you are sucking a sweet lollipop and there comes a time when it disappears from your mouth. I am currently playing another MMORPG (free) that I am really enjoying. If I really play GW2 again, it will be when the SAB is alive. I keep browsing the forum daily in search of new and interesting things, but nothing changes. This new Saga, was a disappointment for me (that's what I think in general). I hope they create world 3 and 4 of the Super Adventure Box, it would be very good and satisfying to play something new in this pixel festival.

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