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Dev please remove rune of speed 66% movement it really breaks the game....


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The rune is only useful for necromancers (every other class can achieve the same moblity via ports and leaps) if they run a soul reaping build (speed of shadows) and at least one additional swiftness source. And even then, they are countered by boonstrips and corruptions.


I've duelled speed rune reapers and beat them with a build that does not have any swiftness source at all. That says a lot.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> The rune is only useful for necromancers (every other class can achieve the same moblity via ports and leaps) if they run a soul reaping build (speed of shadows) and at least one additional swiftness source. And even then, they are countered by boonstrips and corruptions.


> I've duelled speed rune reapers and beat them with a build that does not have any swiftness source at all. That says a lot.


Actually, no. I use it on theif/warrior sometimes and I can iut pace people kiting and aa them. Prts are ok getting to target but target can also do the same. Being able to as chain while chasing already speed buffed peope is actually pretty good.


Dueling and roaming are not the same though because there unwritten rules like, not ooc, fight in an invisible area

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Its only useful on Permaswift builds, and sacrifices damage and some survivability in addition to the build sacrifices. Anyone using this rune may be able to get away but they won't be able to do much of anything else besides that.


> Also there's a limit on out-of-combat movement speed.


On warrior with swiftness and warriors sprint, I had was just as fast as super speed with chill and cripple, as in I was limping very fast lol

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I wish it was more interesting TBH.

you have super fast builds that take dmg rune so they are fast and deadly.

and then you have super deadly slow builds that take speed rune to be deadly and fast.


MB this thing could give superspeed and better stats, ofc not 100% uptime but something reasonable.


PS dont remove the rune, change it at best, and 100% dont nerf it its not OP

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > The rune is only useful for necromancers (every other class can achieve the same moblity via ports and leaps) if they run a soul reaping build (speed of shadows) and at least one additional swiftness source. And even then, they are countered by boonstrips and corruptions.

> >

> > I've duelled speed rune reapers and beat them with a build that does not have any swiftness source at all. That says a lot.


> Actually, no. I use it on theif/warrior sometimes and I can iut pace people kiting and aa them. Prts are ok getting to target but target can also do the same. Being able to as chain while chasing already speed buffed peope is actually pretty good.


> Dueling and roaming are not the same though because there unwritten rules like, not ooc, fight in an invisible area

The good thing about the rune is that everybody can use it and every class has options for swiftness. It's nothing class specific. Even energy sigil is would be worse in comparison because different dodge mechanics exist.


Yes on warrior the rune can shine too but we will see after the damage balance patch how viable it is to use it or if maximizing damage will be superior.


The rune can equal disengage capabilities to some extent and resets are harder to achieve. That's good. This game is full of hit, fail and run. It's disgusting.


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To be honest; i would recommend removing all power, condition, speed, stealth runes and sigils from the entire game; it make it so much easier to focus on balance


Runes, sigils and food/ingredients contribution to Toxicity


-Guild Wars 1 never tolerated that Toxicity....why incorporate them here to begin with?



(Necromancer Profession need speed increase in their own design; not to be forced to hold hand and hand with Toxicity for increase in mobility)


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I have yet to see a rune of speed build that is truly overpowered. The +66% could be reduced to +33% at absolute most, but really we are going down a slippery slope of asking things to be removed. Where people just keep switching to the next best rune for a given task and then that rune becomes the next target for removal until WvW and PvP are completely unrecognizable from each other. So remove rune of speed? Ok people switch to traveler. Remove traveler? Switch to Lynx. Remove Lynx? Really? How about we just remove all runes and sigils from PvP and everyone can only choose between Berserker or Sinister amulet and call it a day.


The funny thing is Rune of speed is actually stronger in WvW where running away matters more, while in sPvP it often just leads to giving up a point.

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> @"torben.1532" said:

> Sir, if you nerf speedrunes so that you get 33% movement speed while under the effect of swiftness..then you truly are a genius @"Master Ketsu.4569"


LoL, that would be hilarious. They should definitively make that kind of "Rune of the Troll". Or damage reduced by 33% when under protection.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> >

> >

> >

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > How? How does it "break the game"?

> >

> > Fast moving reapers


> Sorry, but that's not clear to me. How are fast moving reapers "breaking the game" ?

Fast moving reapers do but fast moving boonbeasts or warriors you will never shake of and that can outsustain every other class don't.


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I hope that in our quest for balance perfection we don't kill the things players love about this game. Improving balance and making the game easier to balance are worthwhile goals, but what if balance isn't the real culprit here?


Call me crazy, but comparing the years I've spent in GW2 to the years I spent playing WoW, I can't say that WoW had better balance. That game seemed to have much more obvious hard counters between classes, which was perhaps more acceptable as a means of balancing in a game that has many different PvP game types as opposed to just one.


When I think about why that was, the best I can figure is that they severely limited your ability to counter opponents offensively and defensively. Your opponent often only had 1 or 2 ways of breaking CC and if the math of your offensive strategy out-weighed their ability to defend, you would comfortably win that fight even if the opponent was just as skilled as you were. It felt very passive and predetermined, as if you could just perform a PvE-style rotation knowing the handful of responses your opponent can make are inadequate to defend against your attack.


I hope that isn't the direction this game is going. Some seem to be calling that more "skillful", but I think what they're missing is that this isn't a twitch game where the outcome is determined by the speed of your reflexes. MMO combat is about consistently making the right choices in a quickly-changing environment where there are any number of moves you or your opponent can make to affect the course of the fight at any given moment. When you try to condense it down to just a few key counters, you make it more like WoW.


In my opinion, that would be a mistake.






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