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Warrior Changes 2.0


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> @"tunococman.7324" said:

> Those changes are w/e, you still get endurance from might makes right, hate evade spam.


> The stupidest changes are the nerf to Hammer, it's already hard to land Hammer skills and people are actually saying the changes are fine. ANET nerfing what people don't die to or balancing around low reaction time Mesmer, Ranger, Guardian, Strength Warrior mains.


> Evades are stupid, and people who defend them are just as bad. I don't think these Warrior changes are that bad if ANET wanted to "slow down" the game and make it easier to follow.


The hammer is an unfortunate victim of them establishing a new baseline. It is likely gonna get some buffs going forward. Relax!

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > Good nerfs, a little Mild if you ask me. Could/Should've been much more severe.

> > >

> > > Why not just post " hi I am a biased player that does not like warrior and would like to see it nerfed to the ground regardless of all the other players who enjoy the class, thanks"

> > > Just be honest and say what u think, ur keyboard doesn't hide u as well as u think lol

> >

> > I'm merely taking one from your playbook :wink:


> Ahhh my how to defend one of ur main from bias nerf cries playbook? Didn't know u were warrior player lol

> 1 second of anything aside from quickness, immobilize,dazes, stuns and the like ends up useless for obvious reasons. Even quickness as strong as it is is basically just a cast time reduction at 1 Sec lol.

> Unless they raise it to 3 seconds delete the might gain. This game is bloated with useless traits and skills that either have always been useless and never used or anets team nerfs it and adds to the pile. The circumstances are so niche that 1 sec might would make any difference they might as well decrease calculations that are un needed and delete the might off of it. It's a shield and it's a block,if it blocks attacks jobs done.


Quoting this post as it's most relevant.


While I agree with most of what you've said, think your forgetting (in this case as I've seen you mention it before) that they can only do number splits etc. They are "effectively" removing the might/offensive synergy fromnshield master and keeping it as pure CD reduction and reflect. I'd say if they could, CMC would just remove it entirely, similar to the 300 sec Traits: effectively remove them from competitive, without removing from the game.

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Mesmer hate train? U mean the recent post saying they shouldn't have lost a dodge as that to much of a nerf? Oh such a crazy hate train. Or do u mean arguing with the always mesmer mains that are calling for the gutting of other classes? Oh the hate soo much hate towards the class there,that's called defending a class and in no way translates to calling for mesmer nerfs.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Mesmer hate train? U mean the recent post saying they shouldn't have lost a dodge as that to much of a nerf? Oh such a crazy hate train. Or do u mean arguing with the always mesmer mains that are calling for the gutting of other classes? Oh the hate soo much hate towards the class there,that's called defending a class and in no way translates to calling for mesmer nerfs.


You should really look up your post history in the past.

Anyway I'm done responding to your childish remarks. You got something to say to me? I'll gladly PM you my address and we can square this like men.

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> @"Mellow.7409" said:

> Shield Master: Reduced Might Duration from 8 seconds to 1 second.

> - 1 second of might? As soon as you come out of your blocking stance your might is gone?



In my book it's just ANet saying: "The trait already having reflect on block and 20% reduced CD on shield skills, we've decided to make the might generation close to irrelevant in sPvP to reduce the strenght of the trait. We do not remove completely the might because we want to keep it for PvE where the trait need more value."


> Signet of Rage: Reduced fury and swiftness durations from 25 seconds to 6 seconds. Adjusted might from 5 stacks for 25 seconds to 20 stacks for 4 seconds. Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 40 seconds

> - Sure if it was instant cast time but Signet of Rage has a cast time of 1 second which is absurd in a pvp setting.



It's fine. The skill is just change in such a way that it become meant to be used when you set up a burst. 20 might stacks for 4 seconds will be pretty strong in the post patch environment.


> Outrage: Increased cooldown from 10 seconds to 25 seconds,

> - What? Nobody uses that ability in the first place, why nerf it to the ground?



ANet want to reduce the access to break stun in sPvP because players complained that it was to easy to get away from a stun due to short CD stunbreak. I might be wrong but with it's 25 second CD _outrage_ will be one of the shortest stunbreak of the game after the patch.


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Warrior is one of the easiest classes to play and succeed in. There's no reason to complain about any of the changes when u haven't even played any of the changes yet. Let alone played against other toons that had changed. Don't complain until you've actually tried it in an actually combat sitchuations Y'all just big headed babies. Nothing else.

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The might shave is fine.

Warriors prepatch were sitting on 25 stacks of might for significant stretches of time for doing things that required little to no effort.

They were also **healing from this might significantly** , which put pressure on opponent to jump in and try to stop or strip it.

You shouldn't get a significant source of healing and pressure for playing passively or landing easy-to -land hits. Especially with healing signet being on our lineup.


Rage change is fine. you land a cc and charge rage, opponent knows burst is coming. you can also cancel it and bait stunbreak with that.


Outrage seems arbitrary but not gamechanging.


> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> Warrior is one of the easiest classes to play and succeed in.


Debatable but-


>There's no reason to complain about any of the changes when u haven't even played any of the changes yet.

>Let alone played against other toons that had changed. Don't complain until you've actually tried it in an actually combat sitchuations Y'all just big headed babies.





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@"Azure The Heartless.3261"

warrior is super predictable and counterplayable.

warriors only problem is fucking perpetuum mobile where if you attack you get might, might heals and gives endurance, endurance dodges. dodging gives might. might gives heal and endurance, you live so you attack, becouse you attacked you gain might, becouse you gain might you gain endurance and health.

.... so dodging heals and gives dodges, attacking heals and gives dodges and it just flows :D

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> @"Azure The Heartless.3261"

> warrior is super predictable and counterplayable.

> warriors only problem is kitten perpetuum mobile where if you attack you get might, might heals and gives endurance, endurance dodges. dodging gives might. might gives heal and endurance, you live so you attack, becouse you attacked you gain might, becouse you gain might you gain endurance and health.

> .... so dodging heals and gives dodges, attacking heals and gives dodges and it just flows :D


There's nothing wrong with the heal flow as a system. Warriors are perpetually targetable because they lack access to stealth or target breaking, so there needs to be a supplemental healing feed for a warrior that is doing its job (landing reckless dodge, landing attacks, etc.) They take more damage because they are predictable, visible and counterplayable. Burst or visible heals are thus easily interrupted and cannot be easily covered.


If the flow is too generous, though, then there is a problem. Sitting on 25 might stacks because you landed an F1 skill that has very little telegraph and healing from it, while blocking attacks and heavily healing from those, while running healing signet is a bit much, admittedly.


What you mentioned is fine, as long as it is balanced. It's like scrapper's new barrier direction.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > @"Mellow.7409" said:

> > > Shield Master: Reduced Might Duration from 8 seconds to 1 second.

> > > - 1 second of might? As soon as you come out of your blocking stance your might is gone?

> > Because 8 seconds applied over many hits, since the Might only procs when an attack hits your block, meant that (**without** boon duration) you accumulated 80 seconds of Might off of, say, a full Rapid Fire hitting your block. Or just many attacks hitting your block either from AoE or multiple persons attacking it. Thats...a lot of Might for a very long time. Boon duration needed to come **down** and Might generation **and** uptime on Warrior was a problem.


> I went into HoTM and tested it and shield master doesn't have any sort of special property. The might from that trait still only stacks intensity. The duration of each stack of might is exactly 8 seconds without boon or might uptime altering runes and such since every stack of might sort of ticks down separately.


> If you get hit with rapid fire for instance, you get like 10-ish stacks of might for 8 seconds max. As in, not 80 seconds.


> If it gets nerfed down to 1 second, you will have lost pretty much all but the very last single stack of might before shield stance ends if you do not have some kind of boon duration rune.



Yeah you right, I had a dumb dumb moment there. Either way, it did still contribute to Might uptime and Might generation on Warrior. At least with this change it will still be a bit of a heal and regen your endurance. Maybe it could be upped to maybe 2 or 3 seconds so its not completely wasted, but we'll see after the update.

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> Shield Master: Reduced Might Duration from 8 seconds to 1 second.

> - 1 second of might? As soon as you come out of your blocking stance your might is gone?

You forgot about Might Makes Right probably, because it doesn't care how long it lasts.

> Signet of Rage: Reduced fury and swiftness durations from 25 seconds to 6 seconds. Adjusted might from 5 stacks for 25 seconds to 20 stacks for 4 seconds. Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 40 seconds

> - Sure if it was instant cast time but Signet of Rage has a cast time of 1 second which is absurd in a pvp setting.

Pro-active gameplay, something that barely anyone understands. Tell you this, look at the patch as a whole and see how that 1 second is quite generous for 4 seconds of 20 Might given cc locks will be a lot more common to careless players.

> Outrage: Increased cooldown from 10 seconds to 25 seconds,

> - What? Nobody uses that ability in the first place, why nerf it to the ground?


Stunbreak every 10 seconds + Stab and Might untouched would be power creep and because nobody was using it doesn't mean it has no use, in fact it always was a good stunbreak to go for if all you wanted is to riposte back right away.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> Yeah you right, I had a dumb dumb moment there. Either way, it did still contribute to Might uptime and Might generation on Warrior. At least with this change it will still be a bit of a heal and regen your endurance. Maybe it could be upped to maybe 2 or 3 seconds so its not completely wasted, but we'll see after the update.


S'all good.


That makes sense I think, and sounds fair enough to me.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"lighter.2708" said:

> > too be honest, 1 second might on block seems extra pointless to me...

> > and signet of rage..20 might seem good, but ...4 second, so basically u only need to avoid warrior for 4 second and the elite is pointless, plus 1 second cast time, so u have plenty of time to start walking away for 4 seconds...rampage and banner is still better, unless u use signet for heals lol


> that 1 sec of might means that you heal and gain endurance every time you block something. anyone that plays warrior for reals understands that.


you are not playing strength and defense at the same time for spellbreaker and tactic is 10 times better to pair with strength if you decide to go core, mr. i know all classes because i read description.


funny how defense line has been pushed out of core build meta by tactic for like half a year right now and people suddenly start making block might a big deal in this thread for i don't know what reason, is there some kind of hidden buff i don't know of or what

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