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Character customisation features is expansion content. In GW there were a brunch of new faces and hairs with each expansion for all classes. In GW2 none got anything with Hot, and then only humans got a big bunch of both faces and hairstyles with PoF. A-net, dont do that again! It pissed me off big time!

All races probably look different across the tyrians world., and not only humans.


Please give all races what they deserve and have asked for, for ages!

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While I understand your complaint, Charr, Norn, Asura and Sylvari wouldn't even be in Cantha. The other races were thrown out by the ministry of purity 250 years ago and since then the passsage has been blocked. We're completely cut off from them. Saying Charr would look different in Cantha is wrong. It doesn't mean all races shouldn't get customization. It just means there's no lore reason for it.

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250 years isn't enough time for any major changes in physiology. Given Humans are the only race out of the playable races that were found in Elona prior to 250 years ago (probably even within that 250 years until just recently) it wouldn't actually be realistic for any of the other races to have major appearance changes with the region. To put this in GW1 terms: Ritualists, Assassins, Paragons, and Dervish only had customization options for their respective campaigns. Rits and Assassins didn't even get updated looks for Nightfall release and not a single class got updated appearances for EotN. You only found Asura in the Maguuma, Norn in the Shiverpeaks, and Charr in Ascalon/Blazeridge until 250 years ago and not a single one of them seriously migrated. Humans, on the other hand, are everywhere and have been for a long time (not to mention we don't know how racially diverse they were when the gods brought them to Tyria in the first place). Though I do agree each race should get a little more love in the looks department it's just not a high priority and I, personally, prefer more worth while content over cosmetics.

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> @"Frostfang.5109" said:

> So no other races have ever existed outsider core Tyria? Hard to believe! Maybe they where banned from cities, but still lived around outside...


The sylvari haven’t

The Norn are from the Far Shiverpeaks

The Asura are from under Tyria

The Charr are from Ascalon and further East


None of the above are known to link to Cantha which became a highly xenophobic society and well outside the areas Continental Tyria natives would be.


We know races like the Tengu and Naga existed there though and it is possible after EoTN Asura could have moved there although given the culture was against other races perhaps not. Either way, it is unlikely we would see anything different in them after such a short settlement period if they did


New customisation options should be on a regular cadence though and not confined to an expac anyway and are long overdue.

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> @"Frostfang.5109" said:

> So no other races have ever existed outsider core Tyria? Hard to believe! Maybe they where banned from cities, but still lived around outside...


No, none of the other playable races lived on the continent of Cantha, especially the Sylvari as they've only existed for about thirty years :\

As such there are no 'Canthan' Charr, Asura, or Sylvari and by dint of that there are no Canthan based customization.

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> @"Frostfang.5109" said:

> So no other races have ever existed outsider core Tyria? Hard to believe! Maybe they where banned from cities, but still lived around outside...


The Canthan empire forced the tengu out of Cantha, and become super Xenophobic following the events of Winds of Change in GW1.

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> @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> > @"Frostfang.5109" said:

> > So no other races have ever existed outsider core Tyria? Hard to believe! Maybe they where banned from cities, but still lived around outside...


> No, none of the other playable races lived on the continent of Cantha, especially the Sylvari as they've only existed for about thirty years :\

> As such there are no 'Canthan' Charr, Asura, or Sylvari and by dint of that there are no Canthan based customization.


Will be cool to see how they get around having zero asura waypoints and gates.

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> @"Frostfang.5109" said:

> So no other races have ever existed outsider core Tyria? Hard to believe! Maybe they where banned from cities, but still lived around outside...

Sylvari are a new race, of known and singular origin, that appeared after Cantha has been already cut off.

Norn come from Shiverpeaks and only moved south very recently. They haven't been present in Cantha before.

Charr are from Ascalon and north/north-east. Also haven't been present in Cantha before.

Asura are from underground, and evacuated to Rata Sum (Rata Novus was created from a split-off group _after_ that). There _is_ however a possibility that some group of them got cut off during evacuation and emerged in different area - for example, Cantha. They'd be unlikely to be in the same spot as Tyrian Asuras however - Canthan empire was (and from what we hear still is) extremely powerful, and very, very xenophobic. They'd have exterminated, exiled or enslaved Asura refugees long before those had a chance to build up anything strong enough to prevent that.

Of the other, non-player races, what might be present are Tengu, Naga, Dredge. Notice, that the Tengu were supposed to be exiled, and Naga (mostly) exterminated. We don't know anything about how Dredge fared, but it's likely they were treated exactly the same unless they had access to some underground dwarven cities they could hide in.


Notice, that all that applies not only to non-human races, but also to diverse human cultures that were once present in Cantha. Kurzicks and Luxons are gone as well.


Cantha at this point seems to be, for the most part, culturally and racially unified, with that unity enforced by an iron fist and purges.


> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Will be cool to see how they get around having zero asura waypoints and gates.

Cantha might have their own equivalent of those. It's only Tyrian and Elonian humans that are a backward and stagnant race due to most of the first group getting wiped out at some point, and the second group also gettin partly wiped, and then enslaved by a mad tyrant.


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Well ... all other races could go (travel) to Cantha. They just need an event to happen for them to change their policies regarding outsiders. (Maybe new dragon killing the emperor and other people - from both factions there - taking control.) Asura Gates make travelling easier ... so ... just send a ship with some Asuran guys there to set up some gates and easy travelling is possible.


I don't really see any new races happening as playable chars. (Even though some would like Tengu. I'd prefer Largos though.) More like they'll appear as important NPC races in the story. Maybe canthan style looks (armor) for everyone.

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Understandable complaint however Vayne.8563 is absolutely correct here.


Most of the Tyrian races we know from the mainland (Charr, Asura, Norn, Sylvari) have absolutely no presence in Cantha.

In fact there is a good chance that some Canthans may not even know these races exist especially the Sylvari which had not been born into the world yet during the time Kryta and cantha were still trading with one another.

When Zhaitan awoke Cantha was effectively cut off from Tyria and we have no idea what's gone on over there in the last 114 years.

The only information we have gotten about Cantha in recent years is that that the Zephyrites have managed to reach and trade with them, and that some Canthan sailors have washed up around the Magumma Jungle region and divulged information about some strange and unknown creatures being seen in the oceans which are speculated but not confirmed to be minions of the Sea Dragon.

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> @"Frostfang.5109" said:

> So no other races have ever existed outsider core Tyria? Hard to believe! Maybe they where banned from cities, but still lived around outside...


Depends on the race.


The Slyvari as many said are a new race that did not exist during the time when Cantha and Kryta had contact, unless there is a Pale tree in cantha producing another culture of Sylvari as some have theorized in the past then as far as we know the Canthans have never seen or had any contact with the Sylvari before.

The only people we know have made contact with the Canthans in the last 100+ years are the Zephyrites and they are all Humans with exception to the Sylvari Aerin who joined them after that contact was made and who destroyed the Zephyrite Sanctum over the Magumma Wastes on his first voyage with them.


The Charr have never had contact with Cantha as far as we know and it's likely that the only knowledge the Canthans have of the Charr is their warmongering like nature as told in historical accounts by Ascalonians who survived the Charr conquest of Ascalon.

It's unclear whether the Canthans are aware of the Human/Charr treaty as this took place over 100 years after Cantha was cut off by Zhaitans rise.


The Norn are another race who have never had contact with Cantha as far as we know.


The Asura are a little more complicated.

Prior to the events of Eye of the North and the reemergence of Destroyers the Asura had a vast underground Empire that we do know spanned a great distance of the world, this also included Canthan territory as we know for a fact that there was an Asura gate located underground in the region which became inacctive when Primordus destroyed the Central Transfer Chamber.

The only instance I can confirm of Asuran and Canthan contact comes from the Gw1 quest Deactivating P.O.X, which involves our Heroes returning to Cantha with our Golem M.O.X to stop another Asuran golem.

In this quest's wiki description it states that the Jade Brotherhood had purchased the P.O.X Golem to use as a weapon against the Am Fah without knowing that it had a hidden directive to murder Emperor Kisu, this suggests that at least some Canthans do know about the Asuran race although how much contact they've had with them is unknown.


The Tengu are well known to Canthans and also the main race the Canthans have had the most conflict with.

Relations between Canthans and Tengu have always been hostile more or less since Humans arrived on the continent and what peace there was between the races was very short lived and barely lasted a decade.

9 years after the Tengu Wars officially ended Cantha started to become more Nationalistic and the newly formed Ministry of Purity started to target Tengu living on Mainland Cantha and eventually Shing Jea Island as well breaking down relations with the Tengu and ultimately destroying the peace.

47 years later Emperor Usoku would finally succeed what the Ministry of Purity had started, annexing both Luxon and Kurzick territories and forcing them back into the empire and then successfully completing a campaign to drive all intelligent non human races out of Cantha once and for all.

The Tengu were forced to flee to the North because of this and eventually settled and constructed the Dominion of Winds on the Island previously known as Sanctum cay.. their previous experinces with Humans however leaving very long lasting scars causing the Tengu to become very distrusting of other races.


The Dredge are known to Canthans and much like the Tengu were another of the races that suffered during the Empire's campaign against the non humans.

During the events of Guildwars Factions the Dredge were slaves to the Stone Summit Dwarfs but it is known that a small group of Dredge managed to escape their enslavement by digging a tunnel from the Shiverpeaks all the way south to the Echovald Forest in Cantha.

It's here they planned to rebuild their race and having escaped the Stone Summit become fiercely protective of their freedom, becoming very aggressive to other races.

While we know the Empire tried to remove the Dredge it is unclear as to whether they were as successful in driving them out of Cantha as they did with the Tengu.


The Unknowns.

There are currently 2 known races exclusive to Cantha that I do not know the fate of.

The snake like Naga and the giant Yeti's.


The Yeti's have a long standing mutual hatred for the Tengu and have had their share of conflicts with Humans as well, they are however intelligent enough to form their own societies and despite being typically hostile to outsiders they have been known on occasion to be peaceful towards those who prove themselves friends to their tribe.

A known trait of Yetis however is they are extremely vengeful and are more than willing to team up with their most hated enemies in order to carry out vengence against someone or something they believe has wronged them.

It is unclear whether the Empire's purge of non humans also included the Yeti but if it did then it's a strong possibility they were wiped out by the Canthans.


The Naga were once a peaceful and intelligent race that maintained peaceful relations with Canthans until the Jade wind almost wiped them out.

They blamed the Humans for this terrible act of genocide against them, causing them to abandon their peaceful ways and focus on rebuilding their race's numbers so that they may one day make the humans pay.

It is again unclear if the Naga were also victim to the Empire's war agains the Non Humans however they are a ocean dwelling race and could likely have survived being driven into the sea by the Empire.

Another interesting fact to note as well is that during the Jade wind a significant number of the Naga race were frozen in the Jade see along with many other creatures.

With the Jade Sea starting to revert to it's original state after the Death of Shiro there is a chance that many of these Naga as well as other species could also be revived during this process, will be interesting to see what's going on the Jade Sea when we finally get to go there.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> With the Jade Sea starting to revert to it's original state after the Death of Shiro there is a chance that many of these Naga as well as other species could also be revived during this process, will be interesting to see what's going on the Jade Sea when we finally get to go there.


Two things, living beings that were caught in the Jade Wind were turned to stone and are very much dead, though how _any_ of the people or animals that inhabited the affected region managed to survived is beyond me you'd have to ask the Lore hounds like Konig or Drax if they know. Secondly, we don't currently know if either the Jade Sea or Echovald Forest have completely reverted back to their natural states, only that they had begun to. T'would be foolish of Anet to waste such unique environments like that, so I suspect (and hope) that the Sea and the Forest will still be in transition.

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> @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > With the Jade Sea starting to revert to it's original state after the Death of Shiro there is a chance that many of these Naga as well as other species could also be revived during this process, will be interesting to see what's going on the Jade Sea when we finally get to go there.


> Two things, living beings that were caught in the Jade Wind were turned to stone and are very much dead, though how _any_ of the people or animals that inhabited the affected region managed to survived is beyond me you'd have to ask the Lore hounds like Konig or Drax if they know. Secondly, we don't currently know if either the Jade Sea or Echovald Forest have completely reverted back to their natural states, only that they had begun to. T'would be foolish of Anet to waste such unique environments like that, so I suspect (and hope) that the Sea and the Forest will still be in transition.


That's not entirely true, only creatures in the Echovald Forest region were turned into stone.

The creatuers in the Jade sea were frozen in Jade as you can see in multiple places in Gw1 and in the Solid Ocean fractal in Gw2, they retain their colouring and look very similar to creatures frozen in ice rather than creatures turned to stone.


The Solid ocean fractal also contains the Jade Maw, a large Kraken which is semi encased in Jade but still alive.. granted there is no lore explaining this creatures existence as it's just fractal content but it does lead to the possibility that creatures frozen in Jade could potentially still be alive in a stasis like state.


As for these regions in the world turning back to their original states, it is confirmed in Gw1 lore that this process was already visibly noticable only 7 years after the death of Shiro.

Gw2 has been running for almost 8 years now which would put it at almost 251 years since the events of Winds of Change where these visible signs of reversion were first noted, add to that it's likely going to be another year before we get to go to Cantha as well.

That's a significant amount of time for these areas to have changed at least partly back to the way they used to be, especially if this reversion process has the ability to accellerate over time (this hasn't been confirmed or denied to my knowledge)


I agree with you that these ares of the world are definitely unique and I don't want to see them fully restored to their original state in Gw2 either, but I do expect large parts of them to be at least partly restored in some way, it's extremely unlikely they have remained largely the same after all this time, specially when it only took 7 years for them to show noticable signs they were changing back to normal.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Frostfang.5109" said:

> > So no other races have ever existed outsider core Tyria? Hard to believe! Maybe they where banned from cities, but still lived around outside...


> The sylvari haven’t

> The Norn are from the Far Shiverpeaks

> The Asura are from under Tyria

> The Charr are from Ascalon and further East


> None of the above are known to link to Cantha which became a highly xenophobic society and well outside the areas Continental Tyria natives would be.


> We know races like the Tengu and Naga existed there though and it is possible after EoTN Asura could have moved there although given the culture was against other races perhaps not. Either way, it is unlikely we would see anything different in them after such a short settlement period if they did


> New customisation options should be on a regular cadence though and not confined to an expac anyway and are long overdue.


Exactly, so I'm very scared, not only an expansion for humans but also highly xenophobic and I guess racist toward other races. Plus I've heard some cataclysm happened, a jade wind and another thing, so I guess, It's ravaged and quite empty?


It bumps me a lot, humans already got enough of spotlight, and I'm angered they are spitting on other races. Seriously others races definitely need new faces and hair styles and lore and maps.... it's an overdue since the start, and it's sad to have to ask for that during an expansion.


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> @"Terra.9506" said:

> Sylvari might get along well with Kurzick also Norn with Luxons. XD


If those factions still exist. The lore we where given states that the empire forced those two factions to become one with the empire or face extermination. Who knows what that entails.

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It would also be nice if humans had some extra features for customization like the other races have.


Charr have horns and fur patterns.

Asura have skin markings and ears.

Sylvari have skin patterns and ears.

Norn have tattoos and beards.


Humans don't seem to have anything unique to them aside from beards.

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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> It would also be nice if humans had some extra features for customization like the other races have.


> Charr have horns and fur patterns.

> Asura have skin markings and ears.

> Sylvari have skin patterns.

> Norn have tattoos and beards.


> Humans don't seem to have anything unique to them aside from beards.


I guess the most face and hair styles doesnt count?

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > It would also be nice if humans had some extra features for customization like the other races have.

> >

> > Charr have horns and fur patterns.

> > Asura have skin markings and ears.

> > Sylvari have skin patterns.

> > Norn have tattoos and beards.

> >

> > Humans don't seem to have anything unique to them aside from beards.


> I guess the most face and hair styles doesnt count?


Not my point. Having a face and a hairstyle isn't unique to humans.

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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > It would also be nice if humans had some extra features for customization like the other races have.

> > >

> > > Charr have horns and fur patterns.

> > > Asura have skin markings and ears.

> > > Sylvari have skin patterns.

> > > Norn have tattoos and beards.

> > >

> > > Humans don't seem to have anything unique to them aside from beards.

> >

> > I guess the most face and hair styles doesnt count?


> Not my point. Having a face and a hairstyle isn't unique to humans.


Ah. Well, to be fair what -would- they have? us humans dont have much stuff thats unique in a world such as this.

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