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BEST Cantha E-spec Ideas!!!


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These are the absolute BEST E-Spec ideas EVER! Anet WILL sell 5,000,000 more copies of the Cantha Xpac if these MOST AMAZING E-Specs are included! I guarantee it!!! Enjoy!


**Elementalist** (Ranged Condition Damage)

- Shortbow Condition E-Spec. This spec will be different in that the weapon skills are the SAME regardless of Attunement, BUT the arrows have different effects tied to them based off of Attunement. Examples... Fire Attuned arrows cause Burning. Water arrows do moderate damage plus ally healing from arrows passing through them. Earth arrows cause Bleeding. Air arrows have have faster projectile speed and/or increased range.


**Engineer** (Ranged AoE Damage and AoE Support)

- Longbow - Hybrid AoE damage and AoE heal and non-heal ranged support spec. Fires canisters attached to arrows that have different damage and support effects.


**Guardian** (Ranged Damage)

- 2 Pistols (NOT 1) themed off of https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spirit_Weapon. Virtue skills become bullet type selection buffs that are constantly active. Offensive E-Spec, not support.


**Mesmer “Songstress"** (Area Team Heal and Non-Heal Support)

- Warhorn weapon- A moderate damage spec, with clones, illusions, phantasms, and all F2 skills CHANGED to be team heal and non-heal support based, NOT damage or CC based. Warhorn skills produce multiple transparent illusions (NOT CHARACTER COPIES) that are used to buff allies when F2 skills are used.These illusions CANNOT be destroyed, and are only replaced when a warhorn skill is used again.


**Necromancer “Bloodletter”** (Mobile (YES MOBILE) Melee Damage or Ranged AoE Damage and AoE Heal Support)

- 2 Swords (not 1) https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/35010/vamppy-e-spec-basic-idea OR Hammer https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/35085/healer-e-spec-basic-idea


**Ranger “Fury”** (Ranged AoE Damage)

- Hammer- https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/9790/the-fury-2-0-a-hammer-wielding-ranger


**Revenant “Nightmare”** (Melee AoE Damage)

- Main Hand Axe E-Spec- Legend- https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kanaxai


**Thief “Shadow”** (Area Team Regen and Non-Heal Support)

- **REWORK STEALTH FIRST** https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/60005/stealth-rework-2-0 THEN MAKE... Focus E-Spec (All Off-Hand weapon skills emit dark "Shadow Magic” effects- This spec IS A TEAM SUPPORT BASED build that provides AoE regen, movement speed buffs, movement impairment defenses and team (REWORKED) Stealth buffs as seen in the link provided.


**Warrior** (Ranged Damage and Heal Support)

- Staff- https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/56119/basic-e-spec-idea-monk


You are all welcome!

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> **Elementalist** (Ranged Condition Damage)

> - Shortbow Condition E-Spec. This spec will be different in that the skills are the SAME regardless of Attunemeny, BUT the arrows have different effects tied to them based off of Attunement. IE: Fire Attuned arrows cause Burning. Water arrows do moderate damage plus ally healing from arrows passing through them. Earth arrows cause Bleeding. Wind arrows have have faster projectile speed and/or range.


Elementalist specs should not focus on condi or direct dmg. These are what the attunement traitlines are for.

The E-spcs for ele focus on how the attunements work (tempest stays longer in attunements for overloads, weaver quick swap attunements for bonuses and dual skills)

That being said, [i made a post with a similar idea HERE.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76602/new-elite-spec-disciple-weapon-swap-and-longbow)

The idea of an elite spec that have attunements as just bonuses is a nice way to change Ele gameplay and open opportunity to attune to different elements at the same time combining not only the bonuses that attunements give by the new elite spec, but traitline bonuses also.

Also, Longbow gives more range than shortbow, and that is what Ele needs, a long-range single target weapon.


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Ranger ronin spec with off hand sword complete with dual katana skins. Have animal print on back of kimono that leaves the kimono in spirit form to aid in combat. Chose ranger cuz warrior,rev and thief swords or gs skills dont suit samurai/ronin fighting style, or atleast do far less than rangers do, lb included.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > Does the engineer spec have a chemical theme?


> "Fires canisters attached to arrows"


I will take that as a yes, even if it doesn't really answer the question since canisters can contain alot of different stuff.

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > > Does the engineer spec have a chemical theme?

> >

> > "Fires canisters attached to arrows"


> I will take that as a yes, even if it doesn't really answer the question since canisters can contain alot of different stuff.


We can obviously let imaginations run wild in the world of fantasy, but something has to go inside of a "canister" and we can kinda imagine some chemical compounds inside that produce different effects. Can fantasy chemicals be infused with fantasy "magics"? Yup, but I think we can all agree that a canister would have to be filled with something, and given the nature of the spec I put it on it wouldn't be hard to imagine that an Engineer, who has a background in https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Alchemy, couldn't learn new things about alchemy from inside of Cantha 250 years later.

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> @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> I just hope ANet will make specs equally good for condi and power damage because I don't want to be locked into only condi or only power damage.

> Thief should get an Axe — focused on shadowstepping (like throwing weapon and teleporting).


A spec has to have a direction. Devs wanted Reaper to be more power based and Scourge more Condi based. I don't think it would be a good direction to make everyone a hybrid, especially when there are a playstyle options through weapons and e-specs, and the plethora of gear options to tailor builds.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:


> **Mesmer “Songstress"** (Area Team Heal and Non-Heal Support)

> - Warhorn weapon- A moderate damage spec, with clones, illusions, phantasms and all F2 skills ARE CHANGED to be team heal and non-heal support based, NOT damage or CC based. Warhorn skills produce multiple transparent illusions (NOT CHARACTER COPIES) that are used to buff allies when F2 skills are used.These illusions CANNOT be destroyed, and are only replaced when a warhorn skill is used again.


The them of a healer will not work with illusions. The independent AI can't follow you properly in a dynamic combat while in movement. Doesn't even fit the theme of oriental Martial Arts. For a warhorn based on song, a buffer no based on boons instead of its own unique buffs makes more sense, and combined with debuffs not based on boon removal like Minister Reiko Murakami of the Ministry of Purity from Canthan empire . That also don't fit the moderate damage roll as once you combine the buff and debuffs the relative damage will be high with your combos. How fast you can buff and debuff plus the cooldowns will be the key of the design. If you make it feel cluncky like the Chronomancer now or with a slow ramp up, it'll be relegated only to raid, like the Chronomancer already be. High damage under a controlled situation, raids, undesirable elsewhere, so it is a wasted specialization almost not played today.


I see two options for the new mesmer and a song theme:


Option 1: Buffer/Debuffer.

Option 2: Control through sound. Something that is even used in real life. That will imply CC embembed in the specialization. It'll need a big split effort between competitive modes and PvE to make it usefull in both sceneries.


Even a mix of both not make too hard each feature with a 50/50 of each one. Anyways a rol that will be hated again in competitive, its a mesmer!!! But, at least, funny to play and not a useless healer/support based on AI. Although illlusions will still be there due to the actual skills. The only alternative could be rework every illusion with an alternative for the specialization.... Too much work. But with time and resources something possible and if you code it properly even reusable for the future and for other ideas in future specializations. Maybe, if i find enough time, i'll think in how to alter all illusions in a reliable way without a lot of programming work and post it in the mesmer subforum together with a new specialization idea. It'd be nice if devs, at least, read it.


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> @"Zoser.7245" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:


> > **Mesmer “Songstress"** (Area Team Heal and Non-Heal Support)

> > - Warhorn weapon- A moderate damage spec, with clones, illusions, phantasms and all F2 skills ARE CHANGED to be team heal and non-heal support based, NOT damage or CC based. Warhorn skills produce multiple transparent illusions (NOT CHARACTER COPIES) that are used to buff allies when F2 skills are used.These illusions CANNOT be destroyed, and are only replaced when a warhorn skill is used again.


> The them of a healer will not work with illusions. The independent AI can't follow you properly in a dynamic combat while in movement. Doesn't even fit the theme of oriental Martial Arts. For a warhorn based on song, a buffer no based on boons instead of its own unique buffs makes more sense, and combined with debuffs not based on boon removal like Minister Reiko Murakami of the Ministry of Purity from Canthan empire . That also don't fit the moderate damage roll as once you combine the buff and debuffs the relative damage will be high with your combos. How fast you can buff and debuff plus the cooldowns will be the key of the design. If you make it feel cluncky like the Chronomancer now or with a slow ramp up, it'll be relegated only to raid, like the Chronomancer already be. High damage under a controlled situation, raids, undesirable elsewhere, so it is a wasted specialization almost not played today.


> I see two options for the new mesmer and a song theme:


> Option 1: Buffer/Debuffer.

> Option 2: Control through sound. Something that is even used in real life. That will imply CC embembed in the specialization. It'll need a big split effort between competitive modes and PvE to make it usefull in both sceneries.


> Even a mix of both not make too hard each feature with a 50/50 of each one. Anyways a rol that will be hated again in competitive, its a mesmer!!! But, at least, funny to play and not a useless healer/support based on AI. Although illlusions will still be there due to the actual skills. The only alternative could be rework every illusion with an alternative for the specialization.... Too much work. But with time and resources something possible and if you code it properly even reusable for the future and for other ideas in future specializations. Maybe, if i find enough time, i'll think in how to alter all illusions in a reliable way without a lot of programming work and post it in the mesmer subforum together with a new specialization idea. It'd be nice if devs, at least, read it.



Anything can work in a make-believe fantasy world.We are only limited by our imagination.

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> **Engineer** (Ranged AoE Damage and AoE Support)

> - Longbow - Hybrid AoE damage and AoE heal and non-heal ranged support spec. Fires canisters attached to arrows that have different damage and support effects.


For Engineer i was thinking about Dagger on Main and Offhand, a mix between Condi DPS and Support with Cleanse/Heals.


His mechanic could involve a ressource bar that would be consumed by his habilities, and his Toolbelt F5 i was thinking about something like:


* "Alchemical Mist" - Upon activation, creates a mist of Chemical Components arround yourself applying conditions to enemies and healing allies.


The idea with this hability is that it interacts with other skill, either from Daggers as well from the other skills you'll unlock within the Spec, like some skills set the Mist in fire or even chill foes while the hability is active. Others could cleanse allies or apply buffs such as might, resistance or regen. The idea is while you have the Alchemical Mist active, you'll be a powerhouse until the ressource bar is depleted, something similar to holosmith.

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Necromancer: Diabolist

Minion master elite spec with a Shield. Possibly hammer. Might have a good idea for it... Uses life force to summon Stygians from the Stygian Veil in the realm of torment. Their demonic pacts allow them to pay the price in blood to empower their minions and their allies. This hyper offensive spec offers the necromancer the ability to use both their life force and their own health as a resource to rend foes to shreds, dragging them into torment as they do. This elite spec uses Sacrifice skills to use their own life to support allies and minions alike or just pull foes into death.


Mesmer: Siren

Control and damage is the name of the game. This elite spec would have the Trident or warhorn as its weapon of choice. With their soothing or disorienting songs the Siren rips away at their foes defenses and ring in their ears deceiving their sense of hearing even causing them to hallucinate and experience an unsettling fear as they struggle with the build of of anxiety. Much like a waking nightmare. The Siren replaces its shatters with songs that build in potency and radiance the more illusions are destroyed to create these short lasting hex like fields. Foes caught in their unsettling song will find themselves disoriented and confused as their attacks hurt themselves more than their targets. This elite spec also uses Shouts which unlike other shouts will have cones or targets circles to strike at foes or aid allies from a distance.


Thief: Umbramancer

Through shadows and darkness, the Umbramancer uses Scepter and Focus to channel their shadow magics so they can fade into your own shadows. Striking from a distance with a hand in darkness, these unique thieves take contract killing to a religious art. The Ministry of Purity have cracked down on Assassins in decades prior, so they had to come up with new magics to strike foes without ever being close enough to have a finger pointed at them. This elite spec would use the skill type meditations or wells. Not sure which. Keep your eyes to the shadows, friend. For if you don't your head may already be gone.


Elementalist: Celestial

With mastery of elements and a connection of mind to the heavenly bodies, the Celestial can enter a pure form of Mana of Arcane power. Their strength lies in this 5th element they have acquired through their study of the stars. They truly have become closer to the stars. Their weapon of choice is a long bow as no other weapon can touch the heavens. Summons, a new skill if choice these elementalists summon Heavenly creatures to aid them in battle, taking on forms of the constellation itself. They only aid for a short time, but in that time they have devastating power.


Guardian: Purifier

Some ideals become perverted in their quest for virtue of the empire. The Purifier exemplifies the way Nationalism twists one's own Virtues into Zealous fury. The Purifier claims to be a healer but abandons their shield in favor of an off hand sword so they can shake down their foes. The Purifiers who have escaped from the Xenophobic empire and Ministry of Purity take their fury out in rebellion against their tyrannical rule. Their new mechanic, zeals displays their highly aggressive nature which complements their corruption skills which further shows how far they've pulled from their core beliefs.


That's all I've got for now... I know what I want for rev and Engineer but flavor fit is a bit more difficult. And as for ranger and warrior, again it's a flavor fit for ranger and I just don't care about warrior... Sorry warrior players...

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> Necromancer: Diabolist

> Minion master elite spec with a Shield. Possibly hammer. Might have a good idea for it... Uses life force to summon Stygians from the Stygian Veil in the realm of torment. Their demonic pacts allow them to pay the price in blood to empower their minions and their allies. This hyper offensive spec offers the necromancer the ability to use both their life force and their own health as a resource to rend foes to shreds, dragging them into torment as they do. This elite spec uses Sacrifice skills to use their own life to support allies and minions alike or just pull foes into death.


> Mesmer: Siren

> Control and damage is the name of the game. This elite spec would have the Trident or warhorn as its weapon of choice. With their soothing or disorienting songs the Siren rips away at their foes defenses and ring in their ears deceiving their sense of hearing even causing them to hallucinate and experience an unsettling fear as they struggle with the build of of anxiety. Much like a waking nightmare. The Siren replaces its shatters with songs that build in potency and radiance the more illusions are destroyed to create these short lasting hex like fields. Foes caught in their unsettling song will find themselves disoriented and confused as their attacks hurt themselves more than their targets. This elite spec also uses Shouts which unlike other shouts will have cones or targets circles to strike at foes or aid allies from a distance.


> Thief: Umbramancer

> Through shadows and darkness, the Umbramancer uses Scepter and Focus to channel their shadow magics so they can fade into your own shadows. Striking from a distance with a hand in darkness, these unique thieves take contract killing to a religious art. The Ministry of Purity have cracked down on Assassins in decades prior, so they had to come up with new magics to strike foes without ever being close enough to have a finger pointed at them. This elite spec would use the skill type meditations or wells. Not sure which. Keep your eyes to the shadows, friend. For if you don't your head may already be gone.


> Elementalist: Celestial

> With mastery of elements and a connection of mind to the heavenly bodies, the Celestial can enter a pure form of Mana of Arcane power. Their strength lies in this 5th element they have acquired through their study of the stars. They truly have become closer to the stars. Their weapon of choice is a long bow as no other weapon can touch the heavens. Summons, a new skill if choice these elementalists summon Heavenly creatures to aid them in battle, taking on forms of the constellation itself. They only aid for a short time, but in that time they have devastating power.


> Guardian: Purifier

> Some ideals become perverted in their quest for virtue of the empire. The Purifier exemplifies the way Nationalism twists one's own Virtues into Zealous fury. The Purifier claims to be a healer but abandons their shield in favor of an off hand sword so they can shake down their foes. The Purifiers who have escaped from the Xenophobic empire and Ministry of Purity take their fury out in rebellion against their tyrannical rule. Their new mechanic, zeals displays their highly aggressive nature which complements their corruption skills which further shows how far they've pulled from their core beliefs.


> That's all I've got for now... I know what I want for rev and Engineer but flavor fit is a bit more difficult. And as for ranger and warrior, again it's a flavor fit for ranger and I just don't care about warrior... Sorry warrior players...


I love these ideas for the future specs ! I can especially see celestial on ele (since ele is my main)


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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> Necromancer: Diabolist

> Minion master elite spec with a Shield. Possibly hammer. Might have a good idea for it... Uses life force to summon Stygians from the Stygian Veil in the realm of torment. Their demonic pacts allow them to pay the price in blood to empower their minions and their allies. This hyper offensive spec offers the necromancer the ability to use both their life force and their own health as a resource to rend foes to shreds, dragging them into torment as they do. This elite spec uses Sacrifice skills to use their own life to support allies and minions alike or just pull foes into death.


> Mesmer: Siren

> Control and damage is the name of the game. This elite spec would have the Trident or warhorn as its weapon of choice. With their soothing or disorienting songs the Siren rips away at their foes defenses and ring in their ears deceiving their sense of hearing even causing them to hallucinate and experience an unsettling fear as they struggle with the build of of anxiety. Much like a waking nightmare. The Siren replaces its shatters with songs that build in potency and radiance the more illusions are destroyed to create these short lasting hex like fields. Foes caught in their unsettling song will find themselves disoriented and confused as their attacks hurt themselves more than their targets. This elite spec also uses Shouts which unlike other shouts will have cones or targets circles to strike at foes or aid allies from a distance.


> Thief: Umbramancer

> Through shadows and darkness, the Umbramancer uses Scepter and Focus to channel their shadow magics so they can fade into your own shadows. Striking from a distance with a hand in darkness, these unique thieves take contract killing to a religious art. The Ministry of Purity have cracked down on Assassins in decades prior, so they had to come up with new magics to strike foes without ever being close enough to have a finger pointed at them. This elite spec would use the skill type meditations or wells. Not sure which. Keep your eyes to the shadows, friend. For if you don't your head may already be gone.


> Elementalist: Celestial

> With mastery of elements and a connection of mind to the heavenly bodies, the Celestial can enter a pure form of Mana of Arcane power. Their strength lies in this 5th element they have acquired through their study of the stars. They truly have become closer to the stars. Their weapon of choice is a long bow as no other weapon can touch the heavens. Summons, a new skill if choice these elementalists summon Heavenly creatures to aid them in battle, taking on forms of the constellation itself. They only aid for a short time, but in that time they have devastating power.


> Guardian: Purifier

> Some ideals become perverted in their quest for virtue of the empire. The Purifier exemplifies the way Nationalism twists one's own Virtues into Zealous fury. The Purifier claims to be a healer but abandons their shield in favor of an off hand sword so they can shake down their foes. The Purifiers who have escaped from the Xenophobic empire and Ministry of Purity take their fury out in rebellion against their tyrannical rule. Their new mechanic, zeals displays their highly aggressive nature which complements their corruption skills which further shows how far they've pulled from their core beliefs.


> That's all I've got for now... I know what I want for rev and Engineer but flavor fit is a bit more difficult. And as for ranger and warrior, again it's a flavor fit for ranger and I just don't care about warrior... Sorry warrior players...


My warrior glares at you with intent. Don't worry, I'll talk him down.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > Necromancer: Diabolist

> > Minion master elite spec with a Shield. Possibly hammer. Might have a good idea for it... Uses life force to summon Stygians from the Stygian Veil in the realm of torment. Their demonic pacts allow them to pay the price in blood to empower their minions and their allies. This hyper offensive spec offers the necromancer the ability to use both their life force and their own health as a resource to rend foes to shreds, dragging them into torment as they do. This elite spec uses Sacrifice skills to use their own life to support allies and minions alike or just pull foes into death.

> >

> > Mesmer: Siren

> > Control and damage is the name of the game. This elite spec would have the Trident or warhorn as its weapon of choice. With their soothing or disorienting songs the Siren rips away at their foes defenses and ring in their ears deceiving their sense of hearing even causing them to hallucinate and experience an unsettling fear as they struggle with the build of of anxiety. Much like a waking nightmare. The Siren replaces its shatters with songs that build in potency and radiance the more illusions are destroyed to create these short lasting hex like fields. Foes caught in their unsettling song will find themselves disoriented and confused as their attacks hurt themselves more than their targets. This elite spec also uses Shouts which unlike other shouts will have cones or targets circles to strike at foes or aid allies from a distance.

> >

> > Thief: Umbramancer

> > Through shadows and darkness, the Umbramancer uses Scepter and Focus to channel their shadow magics so they can fade into your own shadows. Striking from a distance with a hand in darkness, these unique thieves take contract killing to a religious art. The Ministry of Purity have cracked down on Assassins in decades prior, so they had to come up with new magics to strike foes without ever being close enough to have a finger pointed at them. This elite spec would use the skill type meditations or wells. Not sure which. Keep your eyes to the shadows, friend. For if you don't your head may already be gone.

> >

> > Elementalist: Celestial

> > With mastery of elements and a connection of mind to the heavenly bodies, the Celestial can enter a pure form of Mana of Arcane power. Their strength lies in this 5th element they have acquired through their study of the stars. They truly have become closer to the stars. Their weapon of choice is a long bow as no other weapon can touch the heavens. Summons, a new skill if choice these elementalists summon Heavenly creatures to aid them in battle, taking on forms of the constellation itself. They only aid for a short time, but in that time they have devastating power.

> >

> > Guardian: Purifier

> > Some ideals become perverted in their quest for virtue of the empire. The Purifier exemplifies the way Nationalism twists one's own Virtues into Zealous fury. The Purifier claims to be a healer but abandons their shield in favor of an off hand sword so they can shake down their foes. The Purifiers who have escaped from the Xenophobic empire and Ministry of Purity take their fury out in rebellion against their tyrannical rule. Their new mechanic, zeals displays their highly aggressive nature which complements their corruption skills which further shows how far they've pulled from their core beliefs.

> >

> > That's all I've got for now... I know what I want for rev and Engineer but flavor fit is a bit more difficult. And as for ranger and warrior, again it's a flavor fit for ranger and I just don't care about warrior... Sorry warrior players...


> My warrior glares at you with intent. Don't worry, I'll talk him down.


Can't think of anything I'd want aside from paragon, but that's not a thematic pick. Also my opinion on the matter doesn't really matter so much since I don't play warrior so what I'd like and what the warrior players like would be different. And Anet would be wise to make a spec you warriors would like and not me.


But yeah, Jokes hehe.

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Thief: add name here. Stealth is changed to shadowform. Shadowform makes all damage 33% change to miss, except condition damage. Shadowform stacks duration.

Stealth attack is changed to shadow attack that is more support than damage. Grandmaster trait give shadowform to all nearby ally. Weapon: shield or offhand sword.

You can still get stealth from allies.

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> @"Mara.6782" said:

> Thief: add name here. Stealth is changed to shadowform. Shadowform makes all damage 33% change to miss, except condition damage. Shadowform stacks duration.

> Stealth attack is changed to shadow attack that is more support than damage. Grandmaster trait give shadowform to all nearby ally. Weapon: shield or offhand sword.

> You can still get stealth from allies.


That seems like cool idea actually unfortunately wouldn't be any better, have u read posts from this community? Lol.

They'd complain 33% evasion chance will equate to perma evade god mode and will rally to nerf it down constantly posting nerfs threads and won't stop until % is nerfed to 1% evade chance. Scary thing is the team would possibly listen as well lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is my take on a Necromancer e-spec. (Insects/self ailment)


**Name:** Scavenger


**Main mechanism:** The scavenger don't use it's life force to wander between life and death but to feed a parasitic scavenger broodmother bound to him. This parasitic organism reduce your vitality but increase your resistance to condition damage.

First minor trait: _Worm handler:_ You bind with a scavenger broodmother, weakening you but allowing you to grow _swarms_ and use __.

Vitality reduced: -500.

Condition damage reduction: 50%.

Increased life force ratio to 100% of health pool.


F1: _Life feed:_ Feed 984 life force to your scavenger broodmother, gaining 2 instances of _Scavenger's venom._

-> _Scavenger's venom:_ Your attacks inflict slow (1s). _Proc shrd#1 traits._


F2: _Shadow worm:_ Feed 1935 LF to your scavenger broodmother to release 2 _shadow worms_ into your organism. The worms are sustained by feeding on your blood until you chose to release them in swarms.

Self inflicted bleed (10 sec): 1 stack

Interval: 3 sec

-> _Shadow swarm_ (x2): Release a swarm that fly to your target and then attach itself to ~~drain endurance~~ apply weakness (1 sec) with each tic for a few seconds. _Considered as a minion until it attach itself, dying in the process. Foe have to dodge to get rid of it when attached._

~~Endurance drained: 5 per tic~~

Weakness: 1 sec

Interval: 1 sec

Duration: 4 sec


F3: _Ether worm:_ Feed 2487 LF to your scavenger broodmother to release an _ether worm_ into your organism. The worm is sustained by feeding on your blood until you chose to let it bloom.

Self inflicted bleed (10 sec): 1 stack

Interval: 3 sec.

-> _Blooming fear:_ Send your ether worm onto your target, letting it bloom into a terrifying ether butterfly that fear and poison foes close to your target.

Fear: 1 sec

Poison: 4 sec


F4: _Poison worm:_ Feed 3686 LF to your scavenger broodmother to release a school of _poison worms_ into your organism. These worms are sustained by feeding on your blood until you chose to consume them.

Self inflicted bleed (10 sec): 1 stack

Interval: 3 sec

-> _Poisonous flesh:_ Consume your _poison worms_ to make your flesh highly poisonous affecting your environment and foes that struck you.

Poison (2): 4 sec

Interval: 1 sec

Duration: 3 sec

Radius: 300

Poison (1) when struck: 4 sec (1 sec CD per attacker)


F5: _Scavenger shroud:_ Feed 4606 LF to your scavenger broodmother to temporary link yourself to her and gain a powerfull barrier.

Duration: 6 sec

Damage (power) reduction: 50%

Barrier: 5016


**Weapon:** Axe off-hand


**Utility skills:**


**Minor traits:**

First minor: _Worm handler:_ You bind with a scavenger broodmother, weakening you but allowing you to grow _swarms_ and use __.

Vitality reduced: -600.

Condition damage reduction: 50%.


Second minor: _Dumb struck:_ Whenever you inflict fear you also slow.

Slow: 2 sec


Third minor: _Host:_ For each worm you host gain increased condition damage (20) and toughness (20). _(max: 5. 1 permanent and 4 from worm skills)_


**Upper traitline:**

_Voracious:_ increase critical chance (15%) against slowed foes.

_Merciless:_ Applying slow also apply vulnerability (4s).

_Scavenger's frenzy:_ Your _scavenger's shroud_ no longer reduce incoming damage. _Scavenger's shroud_ duration is increased to 10 seconds, you now gain an instance of _scavenger venom_ every second while you are in _scavenger's shroud_.


**Middle traitline:**

_Scavenger's carapace:_ gain _carapace_ for each condition you inflict on yourself or draw from your allies.

_Corruptor's delight:_ gain vigor (2 sec) whenever you inflict a condition on yourself or draw a corruption from your allies. (ICD: 3 seconds)

_Relentless:_ Whenever a worm feed on your blood, gain 3 point of endurance and 133/64 health points. (which mean up to 9 points of endurance and 399 point of health every 3 sec)


**Lower traitline:**

_:_ Utility trait

_Last ditch:_ You and your minions transfer an instance of a condition you are inflicted with on foes nearby upon being downed.

_Miasma:_ _Poisonous flesh_ change to _miasma_.

-> _Miasma:_ send a poisonous wave at foes around you, poisoning them summoning a _miasma swarm_ for each foe struck.

Radius: 300.

Poison (4): 2 sec

number of foes: 5

_Miasma swarm_ poison (1) for 1 sec on hit (clone amount of power damage, duration 30 sec, max number: 5)


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I don’t want new Elite specs.


After Scourge condition I don’t really want to risk getting “another” (heal Scourge is ok for me, in PvE) Elite spec that I hate. I play only necromancer since 2012.


I want Scourge to be reworked:

- More splits between offence and support (I want Shades to be mainly support skills, and possibly Scourge to function as a Shade even when a Shade is active).

- Internal cooldown on traits removed and these traits adjusted “properly”.

- Traits activated by Shroud 1 adjusted to only work on shade placement (not f2-3-4-5) and to be stronger when using Scourge.

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  • 5 months later...

A shameless self bump if I do say so.


But 'best' elite specs acording to who?

I'd like to correct the Guardian one, this class is lacking a physical damage offhand weapon, so it has a high chance of getting a offhand sword.


Warrior.. well im sure everyone knows my stance on that one.


I'll list a few of the most likely weapons each class might get:


Guardian - Offhand sword

Necro - Shield

Engineer - Mace

Warrior - Pistol

Elementalist - Pistol (could function for ele to provide it with a range option in both offhand and mainhand)

Ranger - Focus (I want to say rifle or pistol, but the class already has 2 ranged options (3 with the staff))

Revenant - GS

Thief - GS or Axe

Mesmer - Unsure (hammer could be interesting, however I do not play this class enough to know what it truely lacks)


Think about what the classes can do and what they cant do, that will be your hint to the weapons they will be getting.

Necro doesnt have access to a defensive weapon, Engineer does not have a 1 handed weapon for CC in melee, warrior does not have a 1h range weapon, revenant also does not have a 1h range weapon so it could also be pistol or scepter for them.

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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> A shameless self bump if I do say so.


> But 'best' elite specs acording to who?

> I'd like to correct the Guardian one, this class is lacking a physical damage offhand weapon, so it has a high chance of getting a offhand sword.


> Warrior.. well im sure everyone knows my stance on that one.


> I'll list a few of the most likely weapons each class might get:


> Guardian - Offhand sword

> Necro - Shield

> Engineer - Mace

> Warrior - Pistol

> Elementalist - Pistol (could function for ele to provide it with a range option in both offhand and mainhand)

> Ranger - Focus (I want to say rifle or pistol, but the class already has 2 ranged options (3 with the staff))

> Revenant - GS

> Thief - GS or Axe

> Mesmer - Unsure (hammer could be interesting, however I do not play this class enough to know what it truely lacks)


> Think about what the classes can do and what they cant do, that will be your hint to the weapons they will be getting.

> Necro doesnt have access to a defensive weapon, Engineer does not have a 1 handed weapon for CC in melee, warrior does not have a 1h range weapon, revenant also does not have a 1h range weapon so it could also be pistol or scepter for them.


Weapon in the elite spec add to the flavor of the thematic of this elite spec. There is no "need" involved when time come for ANet to chose the weapon. Which make your premise on the "likely to get weapons" a bit off.


In this context, understand that if the necromancer, for example, get the shield, it wouldn't be because they need a defensive off-hand weapon (which isn't the case granted that from it's design the necromancer defend itself through sustain and already 2 out of 3 core weapons grant him sustain in the form of life leaching coupled with LF generation. In fact technically all 3 core off-hand weapons are defensive, 2 through sustain, one through weakness.) but due to the weapon being thematically fiting with the e-spec (for example, if he got a spec specialized in raising the deads/minionmaster it would make sense to have a shield that look like a grave stone).


Let's take thief as another example. Thief is an outlaw, an agile and elusive rogue that have a deep connection to the shadows. Ultimately it's thematic revolve around stealing things by all mean possible:

- If thief get a "bandit" e-spec (the forceful path) he would most likely get mace.

- If thief get a "shadowcaster" e-spec (the cunning path) he would most likely get either focus, torch or scepter.


Thematically there is hardly a path where he end up getting greatsword, hammer or axe (maybe axe for a "bandit" e-spec but ultimately mace is more likely).

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