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[Spoilers] second time i really hate devs decision in my favorite game

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Hello all


i don't know how you all feel, but i am completely stunned in a bad way! by this new update.

Why ? cause i hate to be forced to do something i will never do no matter it is inside a virtual game or not.


First time i hated Caithe missions, just cause i was her and she = "me" ended up killing her sister, but well i hoped this will never happen again ...

And horrible surprise ... now i was the one who killed Almora, (even yeah i was not the one who landed the final hit, not that it really made any difference) in a quite long fight (first time at least until i got the mechanics...) and since i have alts and I want the story for them, i have to kill her again ! ? ! :((((


OK, one is that they decided Almora should be out of the game, but it is too much, for me at least, to be forced, with no really other option of skipping it, to kill her myself.

I cannot play the bad, the stupid, the evil ones, though i was forced to play it now and if i want more characters or a new character i am forced to play it again...


I am wondering if i am the only one who thinks like this and you the rest really enjoy this mission and find it pleasant to be played / re-played and find pleasure in doing / re-doing it ?

Please don't try to explain that playing the bad ones helps, cause you will just make me hate the devs decision even more, i just want to know if there are some of you who think like me related to this.



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> @"SunCat.7839" said:

> And horrible surprise ... now i was the one who killed Almora, (even yeah i was not the one who landed the final hit, not that it really made any difference) in a quite long fight (first time at least until i got the mechanics...) and since i have alts and I want the story for them, i have to kill her again ! ? ! :((((


you <> you


As you stated correctly, you play someone else in these missions. That's the whole point. Take it or leave it.


> I am wondering if i am the only one who thinks like this and you the rest really enjoy this mission and find it pleasant to be played / re-played and find pleasure in doing / re-doing it ?


Yes, because it is a piece of information that wasn't revealed elsewhere: Ryland did not kill Almora, Bangar did, and Ryland buried her with respect. It was like watching a movie plot play out in front of your eyes. Loved it!

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"SunCat.7839" said:

> > And horrible surprise ... now i was the one who killed Almora, (even yeah i was not the one who landed the final hit, not that it really made any difference) in a quite long fight (first time at least until i got the mechanics...) and since i have alts and I want the story for them, i have to kill her again ! ? ! :((((


> you <> you


> As you stated correctly, you play someone else in these missions. That's the whole point. Take it or leave it.


wait i jsut realized this now: OP DI YOU actually think it was the commander? WUAT?

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I agree, I really dislike being put into the shoes of the bad guy myself. It makes it even worse that they are trying to make it look as if you are doubting your decision to let it happen, as if the bad guy has some remnant of a moral or conscience too. The passive (cowardly) bystander who takes no action against evil is worse then the actual perpetrator in my eyes.


So dislike for Ryland maxed out!


NB I already hate playing a Charr in the first place: do not like their war-like antics, hate the way they walk and move!

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> @"SunCat.7839" said:

> Hello all


> i don't know how you all feel, but i am completely stunned in a bad way! by this new update.

> Why ? cause i hate to be forced to do something i will never do no matter it is inside a virtual game or not.


> First time i hated Caithe missions, just cause i was her and she = "me" ended up killing her sister, but well i hoped this will never happen again ...

> And horrible surprise ... now i was the one who killed Almora, (even yeah i was not the one who landed the final hit, not that it really made any difference) in a quite long fight (first time at least until i got the mechanics...) and since i have alts and I want the story for them, i have to kill her again ! ? ! :((((


> OK, one is that they decided Almora should be out of the game, but it is too much, for me at least, to be forced, with no really other option of skipping it, to kill her myself.

> I cannot play the bad, the stupid, the evil ones, though i was forced to play it now and if i want more characters or a new character i am forced to play it again...


> I am wondering if i am the only one who thinks like this and you the rest really enjoy this mission and find it pleasant to be played / re-played and find pleasure in doing / re-doing it ?

> Please don't try to explain that playing the bad ones helps, cause you will just make me hate the devs decision even more, i just want to know if there are some of you who think like me related to this.


> SunCat


Thanks for spoiling this to me and others!



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Only second time? lol. In a game as vast as an MMO, it is impossible for developers to make decisions that everyone likes every time. As I've been told, a .500 average is considered excellent in MLB.


Nobody in history has been close to .500 in MLB. Heck .320 will earn you at least ten million a year. So Anet's knocking it out of the park in comparison.

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Yeah, unfortunately it is not what I was expecting. ( I know it s a boost these days of many bad players who enjoy being elitists for no reason and play "smart" = rude and killing others game time ... ) Since I was quite clear it's no point of telling me i should deal with it or "leave it" and other kinda rude replies, else then what I really was looking for: people who are kind and do care enough to play the nice side, not the bad asshole side of characters and are really troubled by the design of this part of the update.

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> @"SunCat.7839" said:

> Yeah, unfortunately it is not what I was expecting. ( I know it s a boost these days of many bad players who enjoy being elitists for no reason and play "smart" = rude and killing others game time ... ) Since I was quite clear it's no point of telling me i should deal with it or "leave it" and other kinda rude replies, else then what I really was looking for: people who are kind and do care enough to play the nice side, not the bad kitten side of characters and are really troubled by the design of this part of the update.


You are really overreacting. It is just a game, you will get over it. And you should apologize for the spoiler!



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Spoiling content. Nice going. Luckily we ran it yesterday, but wow. So mad about something you were NOT FORCED TO DO and didn't include it in your title that it was a spoiler. And yes, you are not required to play it. You can't progress, but if you really feel that badly about it, you could have noped out of the instance and not finished it. Simple as that. You made a choice and regret that choice. My fiance didn't like having to do it, and neither did I since I loved Almorra but she knows it wasn't us and that ultimately it was someone else and we were just filling their shoes. The moment I saw the fighting between Bangar and Almorra, I knew what it meant. We could have left, but we made the decision to stay and do the story to see how it played out. You made the same decision. Simple as that.

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I feel the opposite. Its a refreshing change to the regular content. And let one thing be clear. You are not forced, its optional content, you dont need to play it. Looking through the eyes of another story person is a interesting take, just like in a good drama tv series. So what that its not playing the fluffy hero, its not you its interactively experiencing a story character. Just like the gw 1 BMP, great in my opinion. Should we also feel guilty for all the innocent doliacs we killed over the years?

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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:


> > > @"SunCat.7839" said:


> > Thanks for spoiling this to me and others!

> >

> >


> What did he spoil ?????? She died in the past already.

> People even wanted to build her an altar or a statue.


He basically ruined the whole point of this part of the story for anyone who hasn't done it yet. Some people come to forums when a patch hits instead of rushing through the content.

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> @"Funky.4861" said:

> > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> >

> > > > @"SunCat.7839" said:

> >

> > > Thanks for spoiling this to me and others!

> > >

> > >

> >

> > What did he spoil ?????? She died in the past already.

> > People even wanted to build her an altar or a statue.


> He basically ruined the whole point of this part of the story for anyone who hasn't done it yet. Some people come to forums when a patch hits instead of rushing through the content.


What? A dead character dying is a spoiler? What world do we live in? It's been over a month.

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The manner of their death could only be speculated upon until this part of the story. Lots of people care about long-term characters and their story-arcs, and having the experience taken away from them is rude at best. The thread title needs to be amended with "SPOILER ALERT".

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Since I see some have an issue with spoil alert etc and no matter if (thank you for that) others explained there is really no spoiler cause maybe I went just a bit far complaining I (we) have to play the "bad guy" and for that yes, I apologise, no taking in consideration even the hole internet is full of videos of the mission, wiki is already filled with the full story and dialogues and point to the characters involved ;) I have said nothing not already published !

So, instead of crying loud about spoilers and telling me I overreact, try first :

- to learn to read and understand the message: I said , no matter if it is a game or not, I just don t want to be forced to do / play something bad !

- and to respect other points of view: I also said, I don't search for your opposite opinions about my personal view related it, (nor to your personal definition of spoilers) I just searched for nice replies and nice people who were thinking like me and felt same way, as i already see a few <3






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