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Plans for a wardrobe template system?

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I hope there will be plans with the upcoming release of the new legendary armour system for templates, there is a simular system system for wardrobes.


This would allow players to set a look for each build they create. Transmutation charges to only be used when you first make the template but not when you switch wardrobe template.


I would be ok with 2 being provided and extras would cost gems.



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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> They would probably not do this because they would lose the sale of transmutation charges.



It would allow players to make many looks which would cost charges to set.

Currently i havent used more than 3 in the last 2 years. I have a look that will not change because of some of the items on my character, the boots and head.

With this system i will make other looks, as i am then not so afraid of changing the look i like.

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I think it's a great idea and have been hoping for it for years. I think the loss of transmutation sales would be made up from selling slots and I don't think they necessarily get a large amount of charge sales anyway given how easy they are to obtain in game via dailies, map completion etc.


It would likely also encourage players to buy more gem skins or spend more time in game working towards a wider variety of skins so they could set things up and save them in place. The charge system is a bit more cumbersome and it certainly puts me off having to change on the fly, re-dye, then change back use lots of charges individually and re-dye again. As a result, I barely care about new skins in store or in game and stick with my set (admittedly awesome) single look per toon


I think they will be cautious though to do it more because they are struggling with the more important build templates and then to design something that not only works, but meshes intuitively with it and the rest of the UI at this stage seems unlikely.


Plus I think I'm running out of hot keys as it is lol



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I'm completely neutral on this suggestion, so whether it gets implemented or not doesn't matter to me, but I do have to ask, does Anet actually make money off of selling transmutation charges? I've never bought any amount of the things under the current system (I might have with the old stones and crystals of the old system) and I have over 300 more or less just sitting in my wallet. With how many one can earn of the thing in game I can't help but wonder if Anet really care that much beyond getting a couple bucks from newer accounts that haven't had time to save any up from map completion and daily logins.

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> @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> I'm completely neutral on this suggestion, so whether it gets implemented or not doesn't matter to me, but I do have to ask, does Anet actually make money off of selling transmutation charges? I've never bought any amount of the things under the current system (I might have with the old stones and crystals of the old system) and I have over 300 more or less just sitting in my wallet. With how many one can earn of the thing in game I can't help but wonder if Anet really care that much beyond getting a couple bucks from newer accounts that haven't had time to save any up from map completion and daily logins.


Well someone people seem to change skins hourly and cant get enough transumtation charges no matter how long they play we are all diffrent.

Think I got around 600 saved up myself becouse I usualy stick to the thing I fancy.

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If I could make templates I too would probably start spending Transmutation Charges, finally. Right now I have been hogging them for 6 years because for some reason I feel like it is a waste to change my outfit or weapon since I do not know when I will want to reverse it: and have to pay with charges *again* to do that. The feeling of being stuck with a template for at least a while since I paid 6 charges for it, discourages me to do it. So I just spent a few charges on a Bladed look about 4 years ago which I like a lot, and have not changed it since then......


If I know that once I have made an armor template for 6 charges, that I can use that forever, I would probably go on a spree and make 30 templates, spending 180 of my 216 accumulated charges(leaving the rest for wepaons). And then I would actually use different wardrobe looks, something I do not currently because of the above (weird?) reason. So at least a player like me would be more prone to at least spend his current charges: I would still never buy them though(never did).


I am guessing Anets income for these charges relies on the real fashion mongers amongst us, and maybe they are afraid that sales will go down once these people have all the wardrobe templates they will ever want. Or not, and they keep buying more because now it is so easy to change your attire. :) I think the idea could work.

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