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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. > @"Revolution.5409" said:



    > Everything revolves around the zergs in a game mode designed for big fights, wvw is not pvp.




    How many parts of the map can a Zerg occupy at the same time?


    > People are not obliged to follow a commander, but this does not mean WvW works differently, at the end of the week if you want your server to win, cooperation between people is necessary, you can't hope to win a matchup just by conquering villages and killing some pugs.


    Completely untrue, matches are won by not fighting.

    All the bluster during active hours accomplishes a mere fraction of what uncontested night capping does.

  2. > @"steki.1478" said:

    > > @"Anput.4620" said:

    > > > @"steki.1478" said:

    > > > I personally enjoy getting rezzed after being killed from stealth on my glass cannon build and then carry the fight afterwards. I guess each to their own.

    > > >

    > > > Not everyone enjoys ganking just like not everyone enjoys zerging.

    > >

    > > You get punished by playing glass then say you enjoy your free ress wat.


    > Then punish all classes by giving them same base health and same passive traits.


    Remove classes

    best argument yet

  3. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

    > > 1) Nerf downstate so that it doesn't have 100% chance to trigger at 0 hp to 33% chance.

    > There are places where RNG could have its purpose.


    > Death is not one of them.



    People should die when they die.


    > @"steki.1478" said:


    > Asking again, why would game ever be balanced around outnumbered fights?


    Why should the game actively discourage bravery?

    Herding up like cattle in a zero-consequences video game not only looks silly, but also makes the game run bad.

  4. > @"Balsa.3951" said:


    > Maurauder is not glass ppl need stop making assumption about skill and gear levels.

    > It’s a offensive gear but it has vitality also I’m guardian since 2012 with legendary pvp title in my history not saying that this was super hard to get at some point but I invest time in my class.



    A lot of people invested time in Guardian

    Then we moved on when it wasn't a good choice any more.

    Others started raging at the world for their own stubbornness..


    DH has been a bad idea since PoF launched, accept it. Nothing will get fixed until usage plummets.

  5. > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

    > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > >

    > > Is it riskier to be in a 20+ squad or by your own?


    > This is starting to get far from the point i was trying to make, and i was in no way suggesting that a roamer is facing a squad solo. Often being a roamer in a cloud can be much safer since you can have access to much greater mobility and personal defense, and its easy to see where the zerg is moving and position yourself accordingly.


    So in your opinion commanders and organized gameplay is less effective?

    > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:



    > The mental gymnastics some people do is amazing.


  6. Happened to me before in laggy situations.

    Sometimes, what your computer thinks happened is out of synch with the servers version of events. The result can be things like Spear of Justice pulls flying back up onto walls and renewed focus not saving you from that last hit.

  7. > @"steki.1478" said:


    > The only thing I can agree with are warclaw changes. It has too much flavor for a traveling tool. If gliding doesn't have combat value, mount shouldn't either and we certainly don't need those to affect class balance.


    Personally I was hoping for glider combat. Updrafts, lazors, barrel rolls and bombs.

    Same with warclaw, since they spent the time, let's have mounted combat.


    As-is these things don't change the fighting much, they're more fluff than content.



  8. If you think longer time-to-kill is a virtue, check out some crowfall. Nobody ever dies, no attack seems even marginally impactful. Everyone just runs around whacking each other for tiny bits of their hp bar.

    Naturally, every fight is also a laggy mess as the eternal skirmish bloats to whole map pile-ons.

    Personally I think bad choices and builds having a short life promotes better gameplay.

    Oh, and downstate is a crutch.. gotta be topical

  9. > @"Ni In.6578" said:

    > Skill lag is _not_ a client engine problem. Changing the version of D3D in use will not improve performance. This is a _server side_ issue. ANet knows it and likely does not have the developers who originally worked on the server-side service in depth.


    I was under the impression Mike Obrien did the netcode, that was his contribution to WoW after all.. though I suppose running the company takes up his time now.

  10. > @"Straegen.2938" said:


    > SoulBeast is very hard to kill. Aside from significant terrain advantages (water, walls, doors or in a pack of friendlies), they have a myriad of defensive capabilities including stealth, invulnerability, multiple long range jumps




    > and significant condi mitigation.




    gotta choose hard hitting or sustain, not both.



  11. > @"Ni In.6578" said:

    > Let's just boil down what OP is trying to say:


    > Every class should be the same. Each provides the exact same boons with the same duration. The only difference between the classes is how they hold their weapons. GG.


    Really does seem the case.


    > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:


    > No nerfs to guard if that's what youre asking. A buff to group stability for other classes


    So leave guard as-is and make them completely redundant, while others keep their fancy toys?

  12. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:


    > try sword of justice out, each cast hits 20x for 6 PW procs in addition to burning on each hit. 1 cast on a stack has the potential to put out 150s of burning. x4 casts is 600s of burning, compared to the dh trap procession of blades that can only put out 240s and requires you to be in melee to use.


    Nobody stands in a whirl full-duration willingly, and you have no way to force them to stand there.

    Your own video disproves your assertion, it just looks good on paper.




    > reflect damage is great in chokes, but loses steam quickly in open field fights. It's a nice tool to have, but doesn't define the build


    Reflect damage _absolutely_ defines your build, and says more about your opponents than this builds' actual usefulness. You'd have near zero dps against people that knew enough to stop spamming their projectiles at you.



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