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Posts posted by mortrialus.3062

  1. > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

    > > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > >

    > > > > 3. **Ele**: I think the evade or the stunbreak on Twist of Fate needs to go, add a combofinisher for heals instead or whatever. Stunbreak dodges are gamebreaking we had this discussion with EM on Mesmer, it is the same for Weaver and Rev.

    > > >

    > > > Classes that currently have skills that are stunbreak and dodges: Ele, Ranger, Thief, Revenant, Mesmer (the majority)

    > >

    > > Illusory Ambush is not a stunbreak.


    > I guess he means https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Through_Glass


    Oh yeah that's a thing. I completely forgot about it.

  2. > @"Vallun.2071" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Vallun.2071" said:

    > > > Buff Swipe to 900 Range

    > >

    > > Yeah, no. If anything should be happening to Swipe it should be it loses Unblockable so taking daredevil is an actual trade off, rather than this wishy washy "We know thieves will get TOO mad if it loses range so let's give them Unblockable on a skill that is already one of the most impactful and least counterplayable things in the game."

    > >

    > >


    > You realize that core thieves have 1200 range steal right?


    I'm aware.


    > Is the issue that swipe has unblockable or that it can have range?


    It's the unblockable and until that's gone it does not need any unwarranted buffs to make it more oppressive. This is like adding 300 range to Mantra of Pain. It's fuel on something that's already too strong/unhealthy that we just don't need right now.


    > Also the trade off to daredevil is already exhaustion, if you want to make that argument. The only thing you have an issue with is that steal gives plasma, lets be honest youre a biased mesmer main. I'd be fine with a plasma nerf too but tbh its sort of irrelevant now that thieves dont even take deadly arts anymore.


    My issue is Swipe combined with Slight of Hand allowing Daredevil to consistently interrupt blocking stances, not Consume Plasma. If you plus against a Spellbreaker your can instantly cancel his Shield Stance the moment he enters it, throttling their entire defensive rotation. You can instantly interrupt a Ranger's Counterattack and even preemptively stop the Counterattack Kick from flipping over and throttle their entire defensive rotation. You can interrupt a Mesmer's Illusory Counter and prevent them from even launching the torment counter attack and throttle their entire defensive rotation. You can interrupt the Chromomancer shield 4 and stop both the phantasm from spawning and them from getting the flip over block throttling their capacity to be defensive and offensive at the same time.


    Previously this sort of action required Basilisk Venom, which itself had a cast time and even if you didn't see the cast you can see it on their status bar letting you know that the next attacks they throw you cannot block and they have to be evaded or zoned out in some way. So Unblockable Swipe is also just burying the potential return of that utility further, too.


    There are very few things in the game that can unblockably interrupt a block stance, and aside from Swipe all of them have big tells and a lot of genuine capacity to counter play.


    Wail of Doom on Necromancer has a 0.5 second cast time in addition to having a very specific cone that you can avoid staying in to consistently avoid the attack. Soul Mark traited Reaper's Mark has a clear 0.75 second cast time and Arenanet have made sure it's windup looks completely different from every other necromancer staff skill for clarity.


    Heavy Light traited Deflecting Shot is a projectile that is very slow and can be consistently circle strafed. Spear of Justice has both a wind up animation you can dodge that looks nothing like anything else on the Dragon Hunter's kit, and if it lands you are aware that you can't block during the duration without risk of of being pulled. And interrupted and if you are caught in it you can break the chain by moving past 1200 units and _then_ enter your block stance.


    Full Counter has both the defensive stance, and counter attack animation, and it has a limited 300 range.


    And then there's the various Lines of Warding type of skills which all have clear tells on the ground.


    All of which have far more capacity to counter play and avoid, whether its clear animations, and proper positioning and zoning than Swipe which is instant, has no animation, and no wind up.

  3. > @"Poelala.2830" said:

    > > @"bravan.3876" said:


    > > 3. **Ele**: I think the evade or the stunbreak on Twist of Fate needs to go, add a combofinisher for heals instead or whatever. Stunbreak dodges are gamebreaking we had this discussion with EM on Mesmer, it is the same for Weaver and Rev.


    > Classes that currently have skills that are stunbreak and dodges: Ele, Ranger, Thief, Revenant, Mesmer (the majority)


    Illusory Ambush is not a stunbreak.

  4. > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

    > > > I went straight to Ele part, heard him saying "Elementalist is probably the strongest proffession right now" - and stopped listening at that point. That guy clearly knows very little about the game.

    > >

    > > I donno seems u kno very little cuz weaver is indeed one of if not thee strongest specs right now as it has bunker level sustain due to healing and evades plus very potent condi bursts so....


    > A bunker is very very niche build which is useless for anything else in this setup - and still there are other professions which can do same thing and still can be more useful. Overall, Eles are quite mediocre in all gaming modes. You always can point out to something that is much more sustainable and have better or comparable DPS at the same time, and more useful to the team.


    Fire Weaver is almost universally considered the strongest 1v1 spec by top players. It's not a bunker, it's a duelest. It wins the 1v1 on the side node and has favorable match ups against everything that's relevant. And sure its mobility is low but it also sustains better 2v1 because when you look at their cumulative block/evade/invulnerability frames, fire Weaver very noticeably outpaces all other side noders reaching a potential of 37 seconds of either evade or invulnerability frames across the first minute of combat, handily beating meta Condi mirage, Spellbreakers, even SP Daredevil in sheer evade uptime on top of excellent self healing to boot.


    When it comes to MATS it has multiple wins under it's belt. When it comes to ranked the most successful way to play ranked is to duo queue with a dedicated side noders like a fire Weaver, paired with something that can bring team fight winning damage and +1 the side noders like a Rev or a Ranger. And that exact combo is a common pick.


    When it comes to SPvP, fire Weaver is unambiguously a top 3 build right now.

  5. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Vallun.2071" said:

    > > > Buff Swipe to 900 Range

    > >

    > > Yeah, no. If anything should be happening to Swipe it should be it loses Unblockable so taking daredevil is an actual trade off, rather than this wishy washy "We know thieves will get TOO mad if it loses range so let's give them Unblockable on a skill that is already one of the most impactful and least counterplayable things in the game."

    > >

    > >


    > What? The unblockable part legitimately never matters, because it would be stupid to waste it on a blocking enemy (Which is the only time it ever matters).


    What in the world are you talking about? Blocking is one of the few ways to prevent a thief from getting a steal off without literally climbing onto no port, and if you see the thief coming you probably need that one to two seconds of block to get on that jumping puzzle before they're already on top of you. Unblockable on swipe is never a waste because it's always doubled up with either the Daze Trait, or the traits that load steal with a lot of condition damage. The end result in an instant cast, animation free, unblockable interrupt, or an instant cast animation free 4k poison damage and enough confusion stacks to do 1.2k damage on skill use.


    Like what in the world are you talking about unblockable steal is one of the most powerful things ever. Like imagine if Mantra of Distraction was unblockable. Plusing onto a warrior who is in Shield Block? Instantly interrupt it and end his block immediately and both you and the person who was already 1v1ing can burst the warrior. Plussing onto a condi mirage? As soon as you see the scepter block icon you steal an interrupt the block, negating all benefit from the skill including the counter attack. Steal is already impossible to avoid. It can only be botched by the thief themselves. Daredevil does not need unblockable on swipe. It is way too powerful.


    Like in what dimension does that not matter? In what dimension is dazing or condition bombing through a block "a waste". Because it's clearly not this one.


    > Also, Daredevil already *is* an actual trade-off. Why do you think D/P became practically unplayable, while core S/D became the best build for a long time? Its not like the other classes where there is no reason to ever not use an elite spec, in thieves case you need to have a really good reason to use one.


    Considering post rework we've gone from SD Core being Meta, to Staff Staff being meta, Condi Daredevil being meta, and now Sword Pistol Daredevil being Meta, the rework ended up being an undeserved massive net buff despite all the sour grapes about Swipe losing it's range.


    Swipe should lose unblockable. Escapist's Fortitude deserves a 10 second cooldown. Considering the current Pistol Whip daredevil build has 50% uptime on evade frames, for every minute of combat you can potentially have 30 seconds of that be spent in evade frames, a consistent condition cleanse and healing every 1s is absurdly overtuned and always has been. Like compare prenerf Elusive Mind which was a condition cleanse, on active press of the dodge key. No other source of mirage cloak was cleansing.

  6. Every balance patch Vallun talks about hating slow and it's the most obvious"thief main" thing to complain about because most of the other conditions that inhibit skill use thief just doesn't care about.


    Take Chilled for example. For most classes chilled is BRUTAL to have to suffer through, especially long durations. Not only does it grind movement to a halt but it makes every second something is cooling down take 1.66 seconds. Suddenly that three second cooldown remaining on that interrupt you need is going to take 5 seconds.


    Thief doesn't care about either of these, at least to the degree everyone else does. Thief is built around teleporting to and away from opponents frequently and rapidly. So the movement impairment is less of an issue for them. And while their utilities have cooldowns, their weapon skills don't at all. Chill doesn't even slow initiative generation. So thieves handle chill very well compared to everyone else.


    Or Blind. Blind can make or break fights in a moment. A well timed blind can stop a CC that would open up damage that would end a fight. Or cause you to whiff your main damage attack. Or prevent you from spawning a Phantasm. And let's say you're blinded, you recognize it, and you need a skill NOW you have to run through a thought process: Do I cleanse it? Do I have time to land a low value attack and spend the blind and then use the cooldown I need? But while thieves still will miss attacks due to blind, if a Flanking Strike or Head Shot gets blinded the initiative system allows them to do it again immediately after. Plus thieves attack rapidly, most of their high damage output comes from multi hit skills. So all their big damage attacks it's just one part of of maybe 3x hits or 5x hits that misses.


    But slow? Slow hits thieves just as hard as it hits everyone else. Initiative doesn't help them. Unless they cleanse they are slow casting just like everyone else. So you can see why Vallun just really thinks slow in particular is uniquely unfun as a condition that needs culling.

  7. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > it should be noted that arcane thievery steals the entire duration of boons. it will always get stab.


    Arcane Thievery frequently fails to get stab. In fact if there are four boons and stab is one of them, I can almost depend on the skill to NOT get stab.

  8. > @"Vallun.2071" said:

    > Buff Swipe to 900 Range


    Yeah, no. If anything should be happening to Swipe it should be it loses Unblockable so taking daredevil is an actual trade off, rather than this wishy washy "We know thieves will get TOO mad if it loses range so let's give them Unblockable on a skill that is already one of the most impactful and least counterplayable things in the game."



  9. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > > Wait, is Arcane Thievery actually good these days? Clearly I haven't been playing enough lately.

    > > >

    > > > Ever since release, I remember it being a garbage skill on a long cooldown that didn't even work most of the time. None of the tweaks ever seemed to fix the reliability problem, so I just gave up on it.

    > > Its not that good , just fire weeber died to his own ~20 burns that got returned to him xD

    > > Its completely useless for any power mesmer. I would find many other utilities that are way more important than it.

    > > It has its use for cmirage (if someone still plays it) as it has as top priority resistance and possible condi cover/occasional cleanse.

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" Very little of your post makes sense to me, as always. :(


    > It sounds almost like it partially works like plague signet from necro except with the might rip and you don't eat other people's condis. I kinda wish now i could try mirage because i am interested.


    Basically Plague Signet with throw five conditions from the necromancer onto the target, instantly, and it breaks stun.


    Arcane Thievery with throw three conditions from the mesmer onto the target, and steal three boons from the target at their remaining duration. It also always inflicts slow, and always grants quickness provided it hits. It has a very fast 1/4 second cooldown.


    Nothing stopping you from trying Cmirage.

  10. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > Wait, is Arcane Thievery actually good these days? Clearly I haven't been playing enough lately.


    > Ever since release, I remember it being a garbage skill on a long cooldown that didn't even work most of the time. None of the tweaks ever seemed to fix the reliability problem, so I just gave up on it.


    Once they dropped the base cooldown to 24 seconds, and added guaranteed slow and quickness it shot up to like 80% usuage on condition mirage.


    For Condition Mesmer Blink is nonnegotiable. But that's the only of the three utility slots that's like that. Regarding the remaining two; Arcane Thievery, Illusionary Ambush, Mantra of Resolve, Signet of Midnight are all fantastic choices and it really comes down to what exactly you think you'll be facing and counter comping for that. Of those four utilities, Arcane Thievery is easily the most used and the remaining third slot tends to be the one that's swapped out.


    The reason this thread exists is because after the last balance patch Fire Weaver is basically unkillable for a Condition Mirage with the exception of flipping a bunch of their burning stacks back at them. So Fire Weavers are getting testy about the one tool in the memser kit that can actually reliably bring them down.

  11. > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > I still think based on what CaL said i hope Arcane will see some changes i think its easily classed under the

    > **"skills that do too many things at once"** category


    > **Arcane thievery's** actions per single use on successful hit.

    > Grants quickness

    > Inflicts slow

    > Steals up to 3 boons

    > xfers up to 3 conditions

    > is unblockable.



    > Even if we compare it to **Corrupt Boon**

    > Convers 3 boons to conditions

    > is Unblockable

    > Inflicts self poison


    Corruption is stronger than a transfer and a boonsteal. And corrupt boon was already seeing meta use before it became an ammo skill, which you left out.

  12. > @"Poelala.2830" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

    > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

    > > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

    > > > > > > > Reason why is it has no tell and it has too much utility at such a short cool down and such a long range.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Back before Spectral Walk was ridiculously powercrept to cleanse 6 conditions, Scourges were largely running Plague Signet which would instantly and with absolutely no tell throw 5 conditions from the necromancer onto the target. Only a slightly longer cooldown, 30s vs 24s.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Right and this is no longer a problem. Delete AT

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > It'll be a problem again if Spectral Walk gets it's power creep reversed of if the meta becomes truly condi heavy.

    > > >

    > > > And earth staff core ele will be a problem if they make a trait where ele is invuln every time she swaps to earth.

    > > >

    > > > Hypothetical statements aren’t arguments.

    > >

    > > Plague signet still exists and still instantly applies 5 conditions from the necromancer and ignores blind. This isn't a "what if". It's seen historical META use, it's still in the game, it'll see use again. This is a direct comparison between existing class capabilities.


    > Whether these two exist or not is irrelevant because your argument is about potential abuse. AT is being abused, plague signet is not.



    AT isn't be abused. It does exactly what it's supposed to. Abuse would be daredevils jumping with Staff 3 keeping them inplace allowing them to evade without moving away from the node.

  13. > @"Poelala.2830" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

    > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

    > > > > > Reason why is it has no tell and it has too much utility at such a short cool down and such a long range.

    > > > >

    > > > > Back before Spectral Walk was ridiculously powercrept to cleanse 6 conditions, Scourges were largely running Plague Signet which would instantly and with absolutely no tell throw 5 conditions from the necromancer onto the target. Only a slightly longer cooldown, 30s vs 24s.

    > > >

    > > > Right and this is no longer a problem. Delete AT

    > > >

    > >

    > > It'll be a problem again if Spectral Walk gets it's power creep reversed of if the meta becomes truly condi heavy.


    > And earth staff core ele will be a problem if they make a trait where ele is invuln every time she swaps to earth.


    > Hypothetical statements aren’t arguments.


    Plague signet still exists and still instantly applies 5 conditions from the necromancer and ignores blind. This isn't a "what if". It's seen historical META use, it's still in the game, it'll see use again. This is a direct comparison between existing class capabilities.

  14. > @"Poelala.2830" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

    > > > Reason why is it has no tell and it has too much utility at such a short cool down and such a long range.

    > >

    > > Back before Spectral Walk was ridiculously powercrept to cleanse 6 conditions, Scourges were largely running Plague Signet which would instantly and with absolutely no tell throw 5 conditions from the necromancer onto the target. Only a slightly longer cooldown, 30s vs 24s.


    > Right and this is no longer a problem. Delete AT



    It'll be a problem again if Spectral Walk gets it's power creep reversed of if the meta becomes truly condi heavy.

  15. > @"Poelala.2830" said:

    > Reason why is it has no tell and it has too much utility at such a short cool down and such a long range.


    Back before Spectral Walk was ridiculously powercrept to cleanse 6 conditions, Scourges were largely running Plague Signet which would instantly and with absolutely no tell throw 5 conditions from the necromancer onto the target. Only a slightly longer cooldown, 30s vs 24s.

  16. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > I'm fine with condi removals being instant/almost instant cast but unblockable boon strips should really have a 1/2 second cast time and visible animation to them. I totally understand the need for boon removal but stuff like Arcane Thievery and Corrupt Boon are pretty easy to use considering how impactful they are.


    > There's no way to really reactively dodge these skills and considering the latter is a hard CC when corrupting stability, it's no better than any other instant/almost instant cast hard CC.


    Arcane Thievery needs a better tell than it currently has in terms of player model animations but I think the basic mechanics are fine.


    As a rule of thumb though, any thing that plays with boons get unblockable so it can interact with Aegis. Yeah it's been buffed, but it was buffed because it was historically awful. 3 Boons stolen, 3 Conditions transfered, on a 45 second cooldown is pretty weak all things considered. Like You look at Null Field, potentially 25 boons removed and 25 conditions removed on a 24 second cooldown, and the ring isn't that restrictive.


    I do understand the feeling though because back when Scourges were almost all running Plague Signet I always had a slight panic when I took a burst on them because it instantly throws 5+ conditions from the necro onto the target with zero tell.

  17. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > > Mesmers having invisibility makes more sense thematically than thieves having invisibility.

    > > > >

    > > > > for what game? it really doesn't lol.

    > > >

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > > > Mesmers having invisibility makes more sense thematically than thieves having invisibility.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > for what game? it really doesn't lol.

    > > > >

    > > > > Yeah lmao cuz hes a mesmer main it somehow does. Cuz u kno the ports,portals,clones and phantasm arnt enough for class identity.

    > > >

    > > > He's talking about the difference between "hiding" & "move silently" as skills, vs. actual "invisibiliy" as a spell. In dungeons & dragons as example, a thief or rogue is sneaky because they use physical skills in hiding & moving silently, which you have to roll spot & listen checks against, which are also physical based skills. There is no limit to the times per day that they can use these skills.

    > > >

    > > > Invisibility on the other hand, is an actual spell that regardless of how high your spot check is, a player cannot see through invisibility without a spell or spell-like ability or supernatural quality to do so. At best a player can roll a spot check to see if the invisible player is walking across a sandy floor leaving foot prints as he goes by, but the player still cannot see through the invisibility. He could also roll a listen check to try and hear where the invisible player is at, but he still can't actually see the invisible opponent. The invisibility will grant many combat bonuses, even if a player knows the exact position that the invisible opponent is standing in. Imagine being in a boxing ring and trying to fist fight an invisible opponent that you know is standing directly in front of you. Invisibility is also limited in use per day, depending on how many timers per day the caster has/is allowed to prepare the spell, which is not often at all unless you're playing in a very high leveled epic campaign. Invisibility is a very powerful effect and only lasts a matter of rounds or minutes.

    > > >

    > > > I think mort is making the point that stealth in GW2 functions more like invisibility as a popular table top rpg spell which is cast by wizard classes, than the skill hide which is used by rogues & thief classes.

    > > >

    > > > in table top rpgs that fundamental difference is very real.

    > >

    > > This.


    > Lmao u serious?

    > This isnt a table top d&d game where u can role a dice and say "ohhhh the thief quietly sneaks up and strikes its opponent from behind for a fatal backstab".

    > This is a mmo video game where any sneak or stealth would be useless unless it's a cloak like predator style stealth or invisibility cuz oh I donno u can see visual queues in video games lol. Huge difference.

    > I could imagine a squishy rogue in a mmo crouching and sneaking up behind a player lmao oh so sneaky lol u would never get a stealth hit off unless ur opponent is afk. Or a thief standing in a shadowed area still visible thinking shhhhh they'll never see me coming lol. Then again I'm guessing that is what most of the community would prefer and think is balanced lol




    You asked why mesmers even have stealth, I pointed out Invisiblity is one of the most defining aspects of what an illusionist does in fantasy, and make a joke about thief Invisiblity making far less sense than mesmer Invisiblity because it's just how EverQuest and WoW developers decided on trying to adapt the idea of thieves and rogues sneaking around corners and thieves don't traditionally have true Invisiblity. And you're SO bent out of shape about it my dude.


    Calm down my dude. I don't actually think thieves should lose stealth, unlike what you seriously suggested about mesmer.

  18. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > Mesmers having invisibility makes more sense thematically than thieves having invisibility.

    > >

    > > for what game? it really doesn't lol.


    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > Mesmers having invisibility makes more sense thematically than thieves having invisibility.

    > > >

    > > > for what game? it really doesn't lol.

    > >

    > > Yeah lmao cuz hes a mesmer main it somehow does. Cuz u kno the ports,portals,clones and phantasm arnt enough for class identity.


    > He's talking about the difference between "hiding" & "move silently" as skills, vs. actual "invisibiliy" as a spell. In dungeons & dragons as example, a thief or rogue is sneaky because they use physical skills in hiding & moving silently, which you have to roll spot & listen checks against, which are also physical based skills. There is no limit to the times per day that they can use these skills.


    > Invisibility on the other hand, is an actual spell that regardless of how high your spot check is, a player cannot see through invisibility without a spell or spell-like ability or supernatural quality to do so. At best a player can roll a spot check to see if the invisible player is walking across a sandy floor leaving foot prints as he goes by, but the player still cannot see through the invisibility. He could also roll a listen check to try and hear where the invisible player is at, but he still can't actually see the invisible opponent. The invisibility will grant many combat bonuses, even if a player knows the exact position that the invisible opponent is standing in. Imagine being in a boxing ring and trying to fist fight an invisible opponent that you know is standing directly in front of you. Invisibility is also limited in use per day, depending on how many timers per day the caster has/is allowed to prepare the spell, which is not often at all unless you're playing in a very high leveled epic campaign. Invisibility is a very powerful effect and only lasts a matter of rounds or minutes.


    > I think mort is making the point that stealth in GW2 functions more like invisibility as a popular table top rpg spell which is cast by wizard classes, than the skill hide which is used by rogues & thief classes.


    > in table top rpgs that fundamental difference is very real.



  19. What if the armor penetration mechanic balanced around higher sustained damage at the expense of being unable to properly crit as well as being able to be retroactively negated by cleanses, resistance and invulnerability as well as affording time to just heal through it didn't have higher sustained damage and didn't penetrate armor? Brilliant!

  20. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > The next balance patch will either destroy what is left of the game..or save it. I have zero complaints for the upcoming nerfs but please dear devs be mindful ....**do not give a free pass** to stealth - blocks and evades uptime of **thief*mesmer and revenant** . I am worried because I seen no mention of this so far, all I heard is that there too much healing and boon uptime , yeah it's great to finally look at that but..what about dealing with specs like **D/P thief - Herald - Mesmer**?


    > Heal burst is possibly all the average player has in his deck to "counter" the never ending resetting abilities of thieves. mesmers and revs who just chain blocks/dodges or stealth on top of unparalleled mobility...I can only hope you'll keep that in mind with next balance patch because personally I would have nothing to play for anymore if you will go and curb only one aspect of the sustain spectrum while leaving the other untouched






    Funny how you don't mention Spellbreakers and Weavers regarding evade/block/invulnerability uptime when both significantly outpace Mirage in evade/block/invulnerability uptime. Weaver is notoriously bad, having 6s higher evade than SP Daredevil and Spellbreaker and nearly 10s more seconds than Mirage.

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