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Posts posted by mortrialus.3062

  1. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"Zephoid.4263" said:

    > > Agree on stealth nerf. Why does engy have stealth? Why is it a toolbelt skill that is superior to almost every other stealth skill in this game? Why is the cooldown so low? There needs to be something done here. I'm really tired of stealth->overcharged shot-> forge-> leap->corona burst. 'Just dodge the CC from stealth'.

    > >

    > > Agreed on net shot. Why do we have any offensive 0 cast time weapon skills left in this game?

    > >

    > > Agree on lock on. Tie the cooldowns together and its fine.

    > >

    > > Everything else no. Heals with short cast times provide counterplay to burst. Almost no other class has a viable 1s heal, so why are we trying to nerf holo to have one? Increase the CD if anything. Some better animations would be nice, but the problem with holo isn't animations.


    > All high-impact heals like Healing Turret, False Oasis, and Troll Unguent should have at least a 1 second cast time to allow players with quick reaction times to interrupt even if they aren't playing classes with instant/near-instant CCs like Mantra of Distraction, Steal, Headshot, etc. etc.


    > Currently, these healing skills provide a near-unstoppable source of sustain for already tanky builds. I'm happy you agree with the rest of my suggestions but I wanted to explain why I think increasing each of the cast times on these heal skills by (a very small) 1/4 second would be good for the game.


    While longer cast times would be nice (I personally think Fasle Oasis should have at least 1.25s) I think the sheer overtuned amount of healing on healing turret and the immense utility provided by false Oasis on top of excellent healing justifies nerfing their base healing numbers by 15-25%


    > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"Nix.3152" said:

    > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > 1. Lock On needs to have the double proc removed (keep the cc one, remove the on-hit one) and increase the cooldown from 25s to 30s.

    > > > 2. Toss Elixir S stealth needs to get reduced from 6s to 3s. The cooldown is only 30s and it's basically a free reset every time a holo uses it. The current iteration literally gives more stealth uptime than a traited Mass Invisibility on mesmer and the cast time is only 1/2s.

    > > > 3. Net Shot needs a cast time of 1/2s or 3/4s with a visible animation tied to it.

    > > > 4. Blunderbuss needs a cast time increase to 3/4s with a bigger animation tied to it.

    > > > 5. Overcharged Shot needs a cast time of 1/2s or 3/4s with visible animation tied to it.

    > > > 6. Photon Forge autoattack range needs to get reduced to match other melee auto attacks.

    > > > 7. Healing Turret needs it's cast time increased from 3/4s to 1s.

    > > >

    > > > [Video Demonstration](


    > >

    > > dude you getting brain farts. holo is potato after nerfs.

    > > net shot nerf? that kitten misses half of the time.

    > > blunderbuss goes on cd without firing if your enemy is running around you.

    > > healing turret is the only good heal skill engi has.


    > Holo is fine. Mesmer is fine. A lot of these "nerfed" builds are fine.


    > If you want me to upload some videos of me playing Holo post-nerf I will record a few to demonstrate how lame Lock On, Toss Elixir S, and rifle instant cast immobs/CCs are.


    Nah you don't get it. Holo is "dead" now. It is "absolutely worthless". If you play it now you'll just tank down to bronze 3.

  2. > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > **Has anyone thought that maybe traits dont need to be nerfed here just the f1 shatter itself.**

    > Nerf its low end damage so that shattering with 1 clone is not very potent as seen in someones post above with a 1 clone shatter doing a total of 12k damage.

    > But buff it so that its more potent on the max end shatter that way even if this build is used it wont be doing that level of damage and doing 1 shots from stealth especially


    > its a simple fix that wont kill any traits but helps normalize the shatter itself if its doing that kind of damage with a 1 clone why would you work for more when its damage is suppose to scale up with clones reaching even higher amounts I still dont know why a 1 clone shatter is doing a total of 12k damage by itself, darn everything else.


    > That said i dont think anet will take this approach to the issue presented.


    > As for other comments ive seen someone compared this to LoL getting 1 shot by assassin like characters.

    > In that game

    > 1 you dont run into unsafe spots and riot split true stealth from camoflauge which gw2 does not have

    > 2 you have wards that can be placed and reveal peoples locations even in stealth


    > Someone also compared this to fps games where you get 1 shot by snipers and or shotguns

    > 1 if these things are left unchecked the whole game becomes all players using these things and it gets old very quick

    > 2 these things generally are not enticing to the player on the receiving end of them especially if they dont like that playstyle

    > 3 not everyone wants to be forced into that playstyle to feel like they can do something


    > Generally people dont like not getting to play and thats what 1 shot builds do they dont allow people to play especially when they dont or cant see them coming.


    I did that on page 2.


    If you get the might from mantra of pain and shatter in melee range you can get 12k mind wracks with just one clone.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/EC1Z5ni.jpg "")


  3. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > I guess you mean MoP? MoD doesn't get used in the PU oneshot build because the oneshot is way more save by using the stun from f3 instead a daze everyone can just dodge with.


    Decoy is a recent change. The build has been running with Mantra of Distraction and frankly the difference in efficacy between the two is basically personal preference.

  4. > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > * undo mass invis buff : it was already the only usable ulti. instead do something about moa and time warp please.


    Absolutely not. It was definitely the "least bad" core elite before, but a "Stealth Elite Skill" double traited that still ends up with a shorter stealth duration and a 3x as long cooldown as freaking Toss Elixir S is objectively just stupid.

  5. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > @"mortrialus.3062" nerf mind wrack, 12k dmg with 1 clone, right?

    > well here is a thing.

    > Target has 19 vuln stacks.

    > Mental anguish is used.

    > Both hits stun.

    > Target doesnt have protection.

    > Superiority Complex procs due to stun.

    > Egoism procs too.

    > Berserker amulet + scholar runes.

    > Immagine playing whatever entitled people call "skilled power mesmer build"

    > 1 You dont have anguish. -20% damage.

    > 2 Since you dont cheese stealth, target has protection. -33% damage

    > 3 Egoism is not used. -5% damage

    > 4 Different ammy/rune -5% flat modif - 600 stats lets say 20% damage.

    > 5 no more rune of savagery -3% damage


    > 12k x 0,8 x 0,66 x 0,95 x 0,95 x 0,8 x 0,97 = 4470 damage

    > Now here is the thing, If you apply 19 stack of vulnerability, Stun your oponent, And land double crit with mind wrack it will deal 4470 damage in a duel.

    > How do you want to nerf it? Becouse thats the damage holo deals with basic auto in holo forge.

    > If people want this build gone remove MoP from the game and boom, fixed.

    > But for kitten sake give us some good utilities becouse you know something is wrong when class uses kitten like decoy.


    I know how power greatsword works I've played it and condition mesmer for years at this point.


    See I don't mind the damage modifiers like Superiority Complex and Mental Anguish because I'm not opposed to mesmers hitting hard. I don't mind them being an exceptionally bursty spec that can rushdown players in a handful of seconds. I simply dislike how Power and Greatsword always basically abused halfbaked 2012 design ideas for GW2's professions and combat system to overlap 7 pulses of seriously threatening damage in under fraction of a second.


    Decoy is and has always been an excellent utility skill. People have gravitated to it over Mantra of Distraction because of the Line of Sight requirement on mantra meaning one of it's best uses, distracting an opponent who has jumped you from behind, is no longer a thing. And also Stunbreak, 4.5 seconds of stealth traited. It's genuinely GREAT traited.

  6. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > Hmm, couldn't they always do this? I dont get why people complain at stuff that's been on/off for years


    > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > Regarding:




    > Lmao that's really funny


    > Tbh getting stunned would have made me IMMEDATELY press plague signet and dodge off that roof though, regarding first burst. There was a full second before that burst hit to do that.


    > Def agree that the video highlights just how little response time there is, though. That poor focused necro.


    > @"Leonidrex.5649" , thoughts on vid?

    > I'm curious.



    Here is the video from the other perspective.

  7. I have been summoned.


    I'd personally like to see Berserker's Amulet be removed in SPvP. It either is a noob trap that leads to bad play or it enables dumb toxic stuff like One Shot mesmer and Sic Em Sniper.


    I'd also like to see Mantra of Pain lose it's might stacks. That's probably the best immediate change we can make right now.


    And I'd also like it to become a ticking time bomb mechanic similar to Pulminory Impact. A mesmer casts mantra of Pain, the target and up to 4 other enemies near the target start to glow for a few seconds, you can see Mantra of Pain appear on your status bar, and 2 seconds later that's when the attack and damage pulse happens. Something to nerf Power Mesmer's capacity to layer 8 different damage pulses in a fraction of a second gets decoupled and forcibly spread out over time.


    That's what I'd do with the skill. Keeps the flavor of big damage, and even if it's instant cast there's still time for an opponent to react defensively.


    Maybe trim a bounce off of Mirror Blade.


    To be honest though, I think it might be time to directly nerf Mind Wrack. If all you have is one clone, Mind Wrack can still do 7k-12k damage with just a one clone shatter if you've just readied the mantra, have the 12 stacks of might as long as you're in melee range. It might be time to do something like reduce the damage of Mindwrack, maybe reduce the cooldown so that it's able to provide more consistent DPS. My impression of it was that it was always supposed to be a sort of execution mechanic. It'd take time to set up three clones in a fight or at least in the early design stages of the game that was assumed. So after 12 seconds of combat you'd have set up your clones and then you'd go in for the kill with execute. But right now it's just being used to immediately rush down players in under a second.


    This is what a power burst can look like.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/EC1Z5ni.jpg "")


    I get that it's a target dummy but It has 18,140 health and 2,322 armor. For comparison a Rifle Holosmith will have 16,282 Health and 2,625 Armor. Still a 12.5k one clone Mind Wrack.


    The only advice I can give to people is to play with the game audio on. Mantra of Distraction has a very noticeable sound and it's typically the first thing to land in the burst. And scientifically you react to audio stimuli much faster than you do with visual stimuli. Even when I'm jumped and I didn't have any idea the mesmer was there I can typically avoid the burst pretty well. It might help you out.

  8. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

    > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > All I want is proper risk vs. reward. When I'm fighting, it should feel like I'm fighting against the player not the build. Unfortunately, specs like Holosmith can quite literally rotate 2-5 on rifle, throw a particle accelerator in there, enter photon forge and roll 2-5, then spam 1 for a few seconds and repeat. Then, if they get pressured, they have Healing Turret which can only be reliably interrupted by instant/near instant CCs, and then they have Elixir S and Toss Elixir S (with the latter being a 6 second stealth on a 30 second cooldown in an AoE).

    > >

    > > 1.) Must not be able to rotate skills #2-5 on both weapon sets, not enough risk of missing multiple abilities,

    > > 2.) Heal skills must be be under reliable threat of being interrupted, not enough risk to sustain primarily with 3/4s cast time skills,

    > > 3.) A spec spending up to 20% of gameplay in stealth is too much, not enough risk because 6s of stealth every 30s removes risk of dying,

    > >

    > > Did I accurately sum up your 3 reasons of how Holosmith is too low risk?

    > >

    > > I can't launch into an extensive list of whataboutisms because these 3 standards you're applying don't apply to anybody else. Apparently GW2 doesn't have proper risk vs. reward: Show me a weapon set you absolutely can't faceroll to moderate accuracy with reasonably short cooldowns, show me a class that has no access to uninterruptable sustain abilities, or can cover/layer instead defensive skills to reliably self-sustain without real threat of one well-timed headshot ending their life. Show me a spec that has access to stealth can't pull 6 seconds off on a reasonable cooldown.

    > >

    > > Mirage exists and this thread be like: "Yup, unfair to faceroll Rifle and Photon Forge." "Yup, unfair for a heal skill to not be readily interruptable." "Yup, 6 seconds of stealth every 30s is broken for a class to achieve."

    > >

    > > And then after: *Staff 2-3-4-5, Scepter-Pistol 5-4-3-2*, *while dodges during the casting of their heal skill*, and then *instantly vanish and reset combat.*

    > >

    > > Edit: Not an argument to how Mirage or Holo are over or under performing, just pointing out how risk/reward often works in GW2, it's gonna be often be asymmetrical among classes with various balances of risk vs. reward

    > >

    > > The amount of hypocrisy truly astounds.


    > 1. Mm that's a little wrong. I'm not concerned with the "risk" involved in missing multiple attacks while spamming rifle skills. Instead, I'm talking about the fact that landing Net Shot or Overcharged Shot (both skills prevent the enemy from dodging, do not have cast times/animations that are possible to react to in melee range, AND are on low cooldowns) create a massive advantage for the Holo. Like Net Shot alone is CRAZY strong. I would love to have the ability to immobilize someone for 2 seconds every 9 seconds (with the option of doing so at range, and without them being able to react in melee).

    > 2. Yes. Interrupting healing skills to prevent the enemy from resustaining _is_ skillful play. Healing Turret and Troll Unguent, both strong healing skills, are much harder to interrupt than they should be.

    > 3. Okay, yeah Toss Elixir S gives the holo 20% stealth uptime but that's not what makes it strong. What's broken about it is the fact that the stealth lasts SIX SECONDS. If a Holo uses this skill (which is available twice every minute), they can Holo Leap, super speed, and/or Jump Shot out of combat. The fact that this can be done every 30 seconds is completely insane. The 6 seconds of stealth would still be incredibly powerful even if the cooldown were to be doubled to 60 seconds.


    > Fully traited Mass Invis is an elite skill that takes over a second to channel and grants 9 seconds of stealth every 48 seconds. (can be used once every minute)

    > Toss Elixir S' cast time is 1/2 a second, the animation is extremely minor, and grants 6 seconds of stealth every 30 seconds. (can be used TWICE every minute, for 12 seconds of stealth every 60 seconds)


    > Toss Elixir S is literally just a better version of Mass Invis without the range and it's a TOOLBELT skill, not even an elite.


    > 4. Ranger longbow can't be facerolled with moderate accuracy. Missing/wasting/not utilizing the stealth and/or knockback is extremely dangerous against competent players.

    > 5. Mirage's False Oasis is a heal skill that can be completely covered by Mirage Cloak. It is impossible to interrupt as long as the Mirage has a single charge.


    > Also I hated Sic Em unblockable soulbeast, bunker boonbeast, and mender bunker druid builds. I thought they took no skill and would've loved for them all to be nerfed/reworked. I have these same concerns with my main class as well.


    I've personally advocated for a 20% reduction in base healing on False Oasis as with both the vigor and the mirror it's healing too much for the amount of direct combat utility it provides, in addition to bumping up the cast time to 1.25 seconds so it can't be 100% covered by Mirage Cloak.


    > @"Chaith.8256" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > I literally just want to be able to SEE the kitten CC... I'm not asking for a lot here.


    > A self CC'ing skill that your opponent will react and dodge to sounds pretty underwhelming. Maybe you are just not aware that many professions have a specified amount of damage/CC skills that are difficult to avoid so that they necessitate cooldown use on their enemies?


    > Nobody bats an eyelash at Deadeye's Binding Shadows 3s knockdown from stealth, Necromancer's Doom (Death Shroud #3). Imagine if we made a balance pass and changed all CC's to have a significant visible animation or travel time. People would definitely be forced to blow cooldowns a lot less, people would live a lot longer. It's a very slippery slope, where one outcome is that you end up with a double standard forced on Engineer's Rifle, (mostly what you're suggesting) or the other outcome is that you think it'd be a good balance philosophy to make all immobilizes and CC's have a half second tell and be dodge-able. The big problem with that is that CC's would be rather difficult if not impossible to land on classes with high iFrame frequency to where they can always save a stunbreak for a rainy day. I don't think that balance shift away from slower, less iFrame classes would be healthy.


    Berserker's Headbut while it moves you forward 400 requires the attack to actually connect in melee range and it removes stability so you can't just avoid the self-stun. Despite being harder to land it still has a 0.75 second cast time with a noticeable unique tell.


    Overcharged Shot gets talked about because there are probably 4x the number of holosmiths than there are deadeye in ranked. Heck the number of deadeyes can play the build consistently at plat 2 or higher is probably 2 on NA and 2 on EU. And even then yeah, Binding Shadows should be changed in the future.


    Bulls Charge and Shield Bash and Boulder and Dash all have massive, massive tells. Good Spellbreakers were landing them and killing people even with very clear 0.75-1s cast times on all of them. Overcharged shot either removing your stab before the attack or getting a cast time with a noticeable wind up isn't going to dumpster holosmith or engineer going forward. This isn't like Anet is coding Overcharged Shot to secretly say "Never hits is always dodged" in the engine.

  9. > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

    > > > No to everything. Complaining about a class and you don't even know what the issue is. The stability should not have been nerfed on U, either. It was a problem with quickness, not stability which was already nerfed once.

    > > >

    > > > You can't remove the lock on trait either because that messes up every build and engineer stunbreakers aren't even overpowered dude.

    > > >

    > > > At a glance, it looks like you're complaining about core engineer which is lol.

    > >

    > > [Elixir U only got stability back in July 2018.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2018-07-10#Engineer "Elixir U only got stability back in July 2018.") It hasn't even been a year and a half since then. Holo has been a top tier ranked build and a solid if not meta side choice for MATs both before and after that. Engineer existed, and has had a variety of solid to top tier builds for years before it ever got stability on Elixir U.


    > Yes and it got the stability because engineers badly needed it for years since it's not mesmer/thief and was for a while a free kill. That stability badly needs to be returned. Nerf the quickness, sure. Holosmith can't have 1 source of stability which also requires you to land the hit. Give us ports and evades if that's going to be the case.


    > Holosmith basically has 1 unreliable source of stability now. Reaper is more reliable in that case, and has perma quickness lol.


    Yeah I remember all those free...kill scrappers... back in Heart of Thorns?

  10. > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

    > No to everything. Complaining about a class and you don't even know what the issue is. The stability should not have been nerfed on U, either. It was a problem with quickness, not stability which was already nerfed once.


    > You can't remove the lock on trait either because that messes up every build and engineer stunbreakers aren't even overpowered dude.


    > At a glance, it looks like you're complaining about core engineer which is lol.


    [Elixir U only got stability back in July 2018.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2018-07-10#Engineer "Elixir U only got stability back in July 2018.") It hasn't even been a year and a half since then. Holo has been a top tier ranked build and a solid if not meta side choice for MATs both before and after that. Engineer existed, and has had a variety of solid to top tier builds for years before it ever got stability on Elixir U.

  11. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > You know what would be expansion level content? Making older back pieces dyeable.

    > >

    > > While a lot of them are certainly out of the question I think retroactively making the ones that already combo with dyable gliders should be a lot more feasible?

    > >

    > > This is definitely a case of give an inch take a mile though as the patch straight up said old backpacks are not on the table.

    > >

    > > Still though, you have given me an inch, now I want that mile. Look at that mile it's so vast and luxurious.


    > I wouldent call that content at all, expansion level quality of life more likely.


    Expansion level fight me.

  12. You know what would be expansion level content? Making older back pieces dyeable.


    While a lot of them are certainly out of the question I think retroactively making the ones that already combo with dyable gliders should be a lot more feasible?


    This is definitely a case of give an inch take a mile though as the patch straight up said old backpacks are not on the table.


    Still though, you have given me an inch, now I want that mile. Look at that mile it's so vast and luxurious.

  13. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > Good, now remove damage from all other CC in the game as well. It should be damage or control, not both at once.


    > I mean, it kind of makes sense in specialty skills like Full Counter, but..everything?


    > 1. It'll reduce DPS and sudden death fights.

    > 2. It'll reduce CC chain frustration.


    Please go to my YouTube Channel and watch all my montages of Chaos Storm, Magic Pistol, Diversion, Point Blank Shot, Hilt Bash, Shield of Absorption, Ring of Warding, Head Shot ect.ect all critting for 10k damage.


    20 damage on crits, if true, might be an over nerf. But something needed to done with rampage beyond just bumping it from an effective 72s cooldown up to a 96 second cooldown the way they originally did. The thing literally consistently two shots people.

  14. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > >

    > > It's an instant cast hard cc in melee range. It can also cc people from range as well.

    > >

    > > But, the INSTANT CAST HARD CC is the important thing that you people are trying to draw attention away from.


    > As Chaith pointed out, it's not actually instant cast. I've had it interrupted many times, and can't cast it when cc'd. For some reason the tooltip doesn't display its actual casting time. **It also doesn't have a visual windup like other CC skills -- and it would be fair to add one.**


    This thread would be like 5 posts in total if engineers just came out and admitted this.

  15. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > Let me preface this by saying yes, i understand it's a meme build. It's easy to kill when you have invuln for the initial burst. Just Dodge. Only bad players die against power mes. Bring a reveal. Watch the minimap. etc.


    > GW2 pvp player population is at an all time low, imagine someone starting out in pvp running into this. Why on earth would they come back?




    I mean if we want to get technical the types of PvP videos that are always the most popular are ones with extreme domination like one shots. Like I'm pretty sure the Unbreakable video from WoW featuring a Windfury Shaman with Hand of Ragnaros one shotting people is still one of if not the most viewed WoW PvP video.


    So really the best way to advertise PvP is to show absurd levels of domination like one shots and combos with the promise of "If you pick up and play you can become a god too". Regardless of how healthy it is once you're in game.


    At the end of the day your team still won though. Shouldn't that make you happy?

  16. Troll Unguant is a super strong heal that heals for a ton of health and hps overall, but the gradual nature of the healing justifies the higher overall HPS as you very much have the potential to kill them through their healing. If anything We Heal As One is the ranger heal that's kind of a weird outlier still.

  17. > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > > You try taking down Scruffy with only spamming 1 key... so tired of this hyperbole.

    > >

    > > You can beat Scruffy by only spamming 1 key, if it's gonna be fun though is a different story. Arenanet made it so when you revive boss health doesn't reset so technically you can auto attack Scruffy to death without dodging, as long as you land a single hit before you die each time you will eventually (in a few hours maybe) beat him. Not to mention Braham will revive you rather quickly if you stay close to him, his shield skill will block Scruffy's projectiles too, so it's a good idea to hug the big brute.

    > >

    > > Is it doable? Yes. But probably not anything someone might call "fun". The alternative is to use one of the faceroll builds that can kill the boss without struggling, but I guess "using a good build" is out of the question in "story is too hard" threads.


    > **I hardly play now so it doesn't really matter, i login to use up my gems then i'll uninstall.. You guys can enjoy your hard Raid lite level content in stories..**


    If you played the last four story releases you'd realize that's been gone for about a year now. Story Missions already couldn't be failed, and now there is basically no game play and no mechanics. Your side won and you don't even appreciate it.

  18. > @"TheUndefined.1720" said:

    > I made this suggestion back in my HoT review, and I'm going to make it here; Stop making PvE story bosses hard. I'm currently sitting in the active fight with Scruffy 2.0, dead, having died at least a dozens times, and I honestly just want to throw my hands up. The point where you frustrate your player to quitting is bad game design. I understand, as game developers, you want to make the fight epic - oh no! Taimi suffocating! I care and have to hurry, but I have massive amounts of projectiles, burning, aoe's, and a completely incompetent NPC that DOES NOT use his reflect as he should... that means I don't care about Taimi, I just want to get out of the fight.


    > So here are some suggestions:

    > * Lower the Bosses HP pool: The boss fight is taking way too long, and it is not enjoyable, take down the HP

    > * Stop with the rapid fire AoE's AND projectiles: Slow down on the boss's attack

    > * Relax on the complicated moves: This isn't a raid, it's a story boss, being solo'd, there's no need to make so difficult

    > * Program a better companion: In every fight I did during LS4 (Sunspears, Corsairs, the rag tag team, Braham) they stopped attacking and just stood there.. seriously during the inquest swarm they all just stood there


    > I know the automatic response from the forum goers will be "get better," sure, I'm willing to do that, I've tried doing that, but ANet keeps making their story bosses more and more difficult. This isn't fun anymore. Please chill out on the difficulty of the story bosses.


    Looking back on this thread, seeing this person's comment and seeing the level of support for it back then is immensely depressing.


    Looking back at some of the great mechanical story mission fights over the years, Shadow of the Dragon round 1&2, Faolain, Modremoth, Caudecus, Lazarus, The Warbeast, Balthazar, and frankly culminating with King Joko and Zaphira it's incredibly disappointing how far the actual gameplay of the living world has fallen.


    There are great moments, like the finale to Season 4, and the current story missions are fun from purely a narrative and atmospheric standpoint. Bound by Blood is a great reimmersion into Charr culture, and Whisper in the Dark is genuinely creepy and unsettling in a dark and atmospheric way I've not seen an MMORPG pull off since The Secret World. But look at the "gameplay" [here](



    [seriously, look at this. ](

    "Seriously, look at this. ") The first time he played this his response was "They were dead before I finished my Mantras."


    I've noticed starting of All or Nothing while the story and scoping reminds great there's just no gameplay in the actual missions. The first fight against Kralkatorrik is visually stunning but you're just fighting a nonthreatening mobs, charging up pylons, and then hitting a beat stick that doesn't fight back. The fight against Kralkatorrik's Torment in War Eternal is just a joke. It's impossible to lose that fight. The final boss of LWS4 and he's not some tormented being in agony he's barely freaking awake. Flying Aurene is a visually stunning mission, but there's barely any actual gameplay.


    Same thing with the fight against Braham's guildmates and the fight against the Icebrood Construct in Icebrood Saga.


    This is "expansion level content?" The Living World story already struggled with being consistently too easy, but at least there were mechanics. At least there was fun getting through Joko's gauntlet, and fighting Joko himself. At least there was fun doing the stealth mission to set up a base in Korna. At least there were mechanics regarding fighting and getting to Zaphira the sniper.


    [but this](

    "But this")? Breaking up the pace of the story with a potentially fun 2v2 with Rytlock against some bloodthirsty hardened charr soldiers could have been a fun little moment and it's embarrassing. Some people complained and so all the actual gameplay and mechanics needs to be _thoroughly and completely drained from the game_.


    And what's doubly sad is that open world is already always really brain dead and it always will be where casuals thrived every since Arenanet completely abandoned the idea of challenging open world content after the backlash to Heart of Thorns. But the story is one of the few places in the game where you can make gameplay mechanically interesting, where you can make the game challenging, where you can put the ACTION and ROLEPLAYING back into this MMO-Action Roleplay game.


    One of the number one things everyone walks away praising Guild Wars 2 is the speed, fluidity, and nuance of the combat system. It's dynamic and one of a kind. And the flagship content of the game that's supposed to draw in players is absolutely terrified of indulging in it.


    But this guy, who hasn't posted on the forums in over a year, and probably doesn't play at all anymore. This guy got what he wanted. Everything interesting about the gameplay in the Living World has been completely drained. Fights are a complete joke. Over in a second and present absolutely no threat challenge or interesting mechanics just like he wanted. And he's gone. He didn't even stick around and doesn't appreciate it and doesn't care. But players like me who would love to see Living World also live up in terms of gameplay mechanics, quality, and difficulty that's worthy of single player roleplaying games, where a boss will kill me and leave me scratching my head and thinking about how I can approach the fight differently and gain victory. And then I can have fun doing just that and overcoming a challenge. The feeling of being satisfied completing challenging content. We lost everything.


    [Expansion. Level. Content. Enjoy.](

    "Expansion. Level. Content. Enjoy.")
  19. > @"Ryan.9387" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > @"azzardome.9184" said:

    > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > @cmc

    > > > >

    > > > > Don't forget about Lock On

    > > > >

    > > > > 1. Two procs on the same trait that do NOT share the same cooldown

    > > > > 2. 12 seconds of reveal

    > > > > 3. 14 seconds of fury

    > > > > 4. 20 stacks of vulnerability

    > > > > 5. 25 second cooldown

    > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    > > > >

    > > > > Don't forget about Overcharged Shot

    > > > >

    > > > > 1. No cast time

    > > > > 2. Instant 450 range launch (long duration, hard CC) in melee range

    > > > >

    > > > > Ty

    > > >

    > > > nerfing rifle. sure buddy. compare the weapons on engi to any other class before you make that suggestion again.

    > >

    > > Sure buddy.

    > >

    > > In melee range:

    > >

    > > [Overcharged Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Overcharged_Shot) - 450 range knockback,14s cooldown, **no cast time**

    > >

    > > [Point Blank Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Point_Blank_Shot) - 600 range knockback, 15s cooldown, **1/2s cast time**

    > > [illusionary Wave](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_Wave) - 450 range knockback, 30s cooldown, **1/2s cast time**

    > > [Rifle Butt](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rifle_Butt) - 600 range knockback, 15s cooldown, **1/4s cast time**

    > > [staggering Blow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Staggering_Blow) - 180 range knockback, 18s cooldown, **1/2s cast time**

    > > [Counterattack Kick](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Counterattack_Kick) - 130 range knockback, 15s cooldown, **3/4s cast time**

    > >

    > > etc. etc.

    > >

    > > Overcharged Shot is the only knockback (a hard cc) that doesn't have an animation.


    > Launch is close enough.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Updraft


    > Counterattack kick cast time is lower than 3/4.


    > Guardian shield 5


    > But this all is only valuable in context. **You can see the rifle projectile and dodge it regardless of cast time.**


    Not if you're in melee or close to melee.


    Also Launches are significantly more devastating than simple knockbacks. With a knockbacks you are able to move within a fraction of a second after you finish traveling. Blow outs take seconds to recover even after you are done traveling.

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