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Everything posted by Teratus.2859

  1. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"Hypnowulf.7403" said: > > > > > So what else can be done to make Guild Wars 2 profitable? > > > > You could appeal to another audience. There's one country out there with a very large audience for online gaming that's quite economically stable: China. Isn't it interesting that the next expansion is going to Cantha? That's a very intelligent choice. I applaud it. It's not a setting I'm personally interested in as I'm more drawn to characters of the non-human persuasion, but I understand that they need money to stay afloat and NCSoft can be a greedy, bloated thing of a thing. > ing in. > > China has their own GW2 servers. I'm not sure that Anet is offering Cantha to that demographic. I'm curious if certain "changes" will be put in for the Chinese release of EoD if there is one.. As long as that doesn't impact the Western releases though I don't care.
  2. > @"Lily.1935" said: > With the Current Living world story capturing very little imagination from the players as the expansion announcement has just Blown anything it can offer out of the water, or at least it seems that way. The situation to me looks like End of Dragons is a desperate move by the developers to retain what they have of the community. > I feel I have to disagree with this bit. I don't feel like this new expansion is an act of desperation, rather I think of it more as Anet are finally giving us old Gw1 players one of the biggest things we've been asking for since Gw2 came out.. to go back to one of our favourite places in Tyria.. The much loved and beautiful region of Cantha. I also don't think the announcement has cheapened the Icebrood Saga content either.. if anything it's made a number of us very curious as to how the current story is going to lead into a Canthan expansion.. specially when tied into theories about the Sea Dragon etc. It's got a bunch of us really excited and thinking up some crazy theories lol I've had a lot of fun with that myself and i'm still really hoping for a big 4 way Elder Dragon battle in Cantha :D Another point I think I should note here too is that there is a decent population of Gw2's playerbase that really is sick of the whole Elder Dragon story and they have long wanted to move away from it and do something else. Unfortunately that just wasn't possible due to how this games core story was designed.. but if End of Dragon does end up being the finale of the Elder Dragon Storyline which there is a good chance it very well might be, then those players will finally get to see this game move on to new stories and directions that don't involve Elder Dragons. Gw2 doesn't have to end with the Elder Dragon story and i'm pretty sure I recall Anet saying that this game will continue on after EoD as well so all that tells me is that there is still a future for this game and personally I am hoping it's a long one. We don't need a Gw3 any time soon and I think most Gw2 players feel that way. > Don't mistake me. I'm excited for EoD as much as anyone else but I can't help but feel it just wont offer enough. After HoT and PoF I do have some concerns in this area myself however I am hopeful Anet are taking into account that some of us are still asking for a large content dump expansion in Gw2. We want this Canthan expansion to be massive.. lots of maps, long story etc. Not another here's 4-5 maps and a story you can rush through in 24 hours.. that's largely what disappointed us about the last two expansions.. although we were more forgiving about HoT considering how many new enhancements and systems that brought to the game like Masteries etc.. it was understandable that the expansion ended up being quite short as a result.. not as much with PoF although i'll admit mounts were a very good distraction from it. > Elite specializations and new Maps and story are one thing, but if that's all it would offer that could have been offered in a Living world pack(or saga), although with less fanfare. I don't agree with that at all.. New maps sure, we see that a lot with living world. But I completely disagree with and am 100% against the idea of release Elite Specializations as living world content.. I've been very vocal about this in the past as well but I still believe that Anet releasing new specs as living world content would be a complete *disaster for this game. Not just because it would cause a balancing nightmare but the workload required to make 9 of them for one release would likely (in my opinion) result in either broken OP specs.. or complete garbage ones that nobody would use.. Either way I expect the result to be a lot of disappointed and angry players who feel like these new specs were rushed and untested. I think it very unlikely there would be much positive feedback.. so I really hope Anet never does new specs as living world content. That said Elite Specs are also one of the few things left in Gw2 that at the moment remain expansion exclusive content.. so they act as incentive to buy Gw2 expansions. I personally think they should stay that way. > Arena net needs to do some major work for the players in all game modes and this is a monumental task I'm skeptical of arena net's ability to deliver on that. I feel as if the company of Arena net need to shift their philosophy of the game from their new toy in old toy forgotten and really go back and take a long hard look at the systems and modes of play they have now and really buckle down to refine those to a silver polish. Arena net has been so quick to abandon content and to not keep old content up to date that content like WvW and PvP become stale while PvE is fragmented into a thousand different directions across dozens of maps. > > We have a fairly fragmented experience with guild wars right now and that's not the only issue. The game not only does a poor job of bringing new players in but the high level of convenience it drops into their lap outright distorts and breaks the experience of the new players. I have my own philosophies on what would make Guild Wars 2 a much better game, but all my ideas start with fixing the core game and the foundational game modes. Alliances, Guild vs Guild, revitalization of old PvP game modes that have been mostly abandoned, updating core maps to better compensate for the power creep of character, updating the dungeons to act as a teaching tool to aid players to getting used to end game content and offering something new for veteran players to return to them. On this I am completely in agreement with you. I have long been a vocal advocate for fixing up old content and improving the base game experience, specially in regards to Orr being upgraded in difficulty to serve as a proper endgame region to prepare you for Heart of Thorns which still has a significant difficulty spike over the core game. Although as far as powercreep goes the core world should mainly be balanced for Core classes. Dungeons are one thing in particular I have often complained about as well, namely the story mode elements and how they should be balanced but still somewhat challenging for solo players. This would be a good content to use for teaching players the benefits of break bars and dodging mechanics as well as the still fairly recent build and equipment swapping templates. Anet could even add in some temporary dungeon builds and gear sets for each core profession which are designed for those specific dungeon story modes allowing them to become optional tutorials for various class mechanics and playstyles which players can learn from and incorporate into their open world builds if they wanted to later. Of course you could always just run though with your own build too if you wish so it would be a win for pretty much everyone imo. The competitive game too needs a lot of TLC I agree though this isn't my area so I don't have much to offer on it. I will say though I am hoping for a new WvW map with EoD and I still remain hopeful for alliances and the removal of server worlds as they currently exist. Guilds and Friends should be able to easily play together in WvW without having to pay for a server transfer.. this is something that Gw2 needs to get rid of imo. > Removing those parasitic items in the gemstore such as the level 80 booster, experience boosters and waypoint unlock which rob the player from experiencing the game. Those items could still exist but if they do they should be rewards to dedicated players. > Experience boosters are fine with me although the level 80 booster should give a warning that this item is designed for veteran players and that using it could spoil the Gw2 experience for new players. Same for the Waypoint unlock. > The leveling process itself should be looked at as well. In my opinion the leveling process is worse and less meaningful than it was at and near the launch of the game. It wasn't perfect but it made you try things out. Tbh I can't remember the old leveling process that much.. although I do remember a time where you had to unlock your traits by completing certain events or finding certain things in the open world. I really liked that idea although it was badly implemented in Gw2 and needed to be an optional thing. I think Anet should revisit this idea sometime and refine it, I personally had a lot of fun unlocking my traits this way and it greatly enriched the core world imo and give me reasons to go there and do that :) > Noting other aspects of the leveling process I'd personally lock the player out of the PoF mounts and gliding until they reach level 80. I'd suggest a leveling mount that was, say 50% faster than player speed, maybe less that had no flashy abilities that was available to level 1-79 players so they could get that mount fix new players crave. Could even be used as a part of the advertising campaign. > Locking under level 80 players out of using mounts would be a very very bad idea.. As someone with a lot of Alts getting around the core world for map completion is something I have done time and time again, Mounts are a blessing for this and greatly diminish the tedium of exploring the core world on multiple characters. Another problem with this is one that exists in game to this day with new and mount-less players being unable to keep up with mounted players when doing events etc. Locking non 80's out of mounts would only make this problem worse. I am though completely in support of a "leveling mount" or more specifically a core game mount and this is something I have on many occasions brought up on the forums and given my ideas/suggestions on how it could be done. I have pretty much settled on making the Warclaw function that way in the PvE game for a couple of reasons. 1. The WvW crowd has largely complained to the point where this mount has been gutted down to little more than a speed boost there so the concept of Warclaw as a WvW mount has been severely diminished in my opinion.. I think a lot of people would agree with that as well. 2. It has no special abilities in PvE and in PvE it is pretty much outclassed in every way by the other mounts, so it is already filling the role of a beginner mount in that regard. 3. If the Warclaw was available as a core game mount it would not only serve as incentive for people to buy PoF for the better mounts but it would also serve as incentive for players to come and try out to WvW to unlock it. It would also serve as a pretty appealing end game reward too for players once they hit level 80. > Advertising is another major weakness of the game. Word of mouth isn't good enough. Arena net needs to show what the potential players are missing. > Again agreed, I still often meet gamer's who have never heard of Gw2.. Since this is one of my favourite games and franchises that saddens me.
  3. Regen should benefit from more healing modifiers imo.. not just Rune of Dwayna. Rune of the Monk and Sigils of Transference and Benevolence should also buff the healing of Regen. Same applies to food items that buff healing effectiveness as well.. regen should be able to benefit from all of it.
  4. He got lost then got eaten by Pocket Raptors.. true story :D
  5. I wish it had a hard mode or got some kind of upgrades. It's fun but it gets a bit tedious every year so I only do it a few times a year when the mood hits.. or it's a daily xD
  6. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > Range weapons that need buffing irrespective of game mode: > Warrior Longbow and Rifle > Guardian Scepter AA > Engi Pistol > Necro Staff (Needs a better AA and for Marks to have a flip over to detonate them or have ammo charges) > Agreed, a post I made a while back suggested putting Ammo on Necro's Staff Marks as well.. I still think that's a good idea. Glad i'm not alone there ^^ > @"Fueki.4753" said: > Rather than basing damage on weapon type, I'd like to see a gradually reduced damage based on distance. > > That way, Ranger's Longbow (as an example), if used within 150 units (melee range) could deal damage equal to regular melee weapons, while dealing next to no damage at 1500 range (as it ideally would be). > > However, with such a change, traits that become stronger at range, like Dragonhunter's Pure of Sight, ought to be reworked (or completely replaced). Longbow's were designed for range and power so they should be better and do more damage when you play at longer range.. The Reasons for this are based on real Longbows. Longbows power comes from the Draw, how far you can pull back the bowstring directly effects how powerful the shot will be and how far the arrow will be launched. Longbows also used larger and heavier arrows than shorter bows as well to counter the wind at long ranges which could blow lighter arrows off target pretty easily. These traits define the longbow as a large and powerful weapon that has exceptional range and power but is very slow and difficult to use, especially in close range combat. In Gw2 it makes more sense for Longbows to be weaker at closer Range which is something the Ranger actually has ingrained on the weapon's auto but no other classes do. I'd like to see this remedied personally and have all longbow autos on every class have this range mechanic put in place. I'd also like to see the target path on longbow autos change as well once you are at a certain range.. lets say 1000 range as an example. Once you're at 1000 range your arrows should no longer be shot directly at a target but instead they should be shot overhead and drop down on the targets head. This would allow all longbow autos to be better able to shoot at targets on walls in WvW and shoot over certain objects like barriers or fences. (This is something the weapon should excel at but is utterly garbage at right now outside of ground targeted abilities like Barrage) All Longbow Autos should have longer cast times at 1000+ range though as a trade off for this change.. and Dragonhunters would probably have to loose their Ricochet at the same range as well. None of that fixes the problem with stacking though. Honestly I can't see much of a fix for Warrior and Guardian/Dragonhunter although Warriors do have exceptional might stacking capabilities so I don't think it's as much an issue for them.. I don't use Warrior LB much though so i've got no good builds in mind for that. Ranger though could be made to benefit from their pet being in melee range.. perhaps a trait that allows the ranger to benefit from offensive boons like Might, Alacrity, Quickness and Fury that are cast on the pet while it is among players stacking on a boss. That would allow a Longbow Ranger to stay at max range and still get all the might and powerup boons from the rest of the group providing the pet is within range of those buff skills. This would still not be optimal though since weapon swapping is essential for DPS rotations so Ranger would still have to jump in and out of Range to make the most of it. Thankfully Sword and GS have good leap skills to help that and Sword 3 and Lightning Reflex's are good retreat skills to get back into range fairly quickly for another RF Barrage combo.
  7. > @"Danikat.8537" said: > I think you might be able to do it if you can use a mouse with your good hand and either have one with two extra buttons or can use software to re-bind the normal buttons. Bind jump to one mouse button and either auto-run or forward to another one, then turn on action camera (which can be done in advance) and do the puzzle that way. Move the mouse to angle the camera and your character will run/jump in whichever direction you're pointing it, you just need to time the jumps correctly. It will still take practice but I think it could work. > > The only other options I can think of are buying a gaming keypad, pedal controls or something else which gives you more options but those are more expensive. This is a really good suggestion. I would advise getting a mouse with multiple thumb buttons (if OP doesn't already have one) and binding jump to one of them. (The mouse wheel click aka Mouse 3 is also a good option to bind Jump or Dodge to as well) Holding down left and right click together does make the character run forwards by default and you still control over the direction the character moves by moving the mouse like you normally would with right click held down. With that kind of setup OP should be able to complete any of the game's jumping puzzles with a bit of practice. I get it's not applicable for everyone.. (I agree with OP in general about accessibility) but for OP at least, it's an option that would help them quite a bit I think. Maybe the best solution is to reduce the number of required achievements for the annual reward instead or add more generic ones to give people more options as to what they want to do. Off the top of my head "Build 25-50 Snowmen" is a really obvious one that they could add in. Or "Kick 25-50 Skritt" lol
  8. Step 1 Build trebs upside down Step 2 launch the Treb into the gate!! Step 3 Win. Totally legit strat :D
  9. > @"Spook.5847" said: > > @"Teratus.2859" said: > > I've loved the Necromancer profession in this franchise for almost 15 years.. my first character in Gw1 was a Necromancer and in Gw2 I use them very often as a second main and have a good few of them. > > Minions are also one of my favourite class mechanics in this game and I am heavily invested in them on a few builds. > > > > This fear that Minions will end up being gutted and completely destroyed because of these AFK farmers is something I have expressed many many times on the forums and in game as an argument for why this should not be allowed. > > > I dont see why. This game has -0- pet control, and they are the weakest of any game system I've seen. They clearly dont intend to fix that, either. Many of us who are fans of the Minion mechanic want to have more control over them which will never happen if the mechanic is so easily abused by AFK players. As for weak.. Minions are definitely not weak and they can easily help make a player nearly invincible in most of the PvE game, they're arguably one of the best methods of self healing sustain despite the fact that lifesteal is such a weak mechanic overall. This is largely why minions are the go to for AFK players in the first place, good enough damage to kill farm combined with good sustain to keep a player alive when AFK. That is why we worry the mechanic will be gutted eventually to stop AFK abuse and that will destroy minions for those of us who actually like them and use them as intended for the one man army experience.
  10. > @"Fenom.9457" said: > Yeah, that would be cool. I really just want to see them add more nodes so I can fill a home instance to the brim with hundreds of them lol. For lunar new year they could add a floating lantern that gives envelopes (the basic kind that won’t crash the economy, not divine) as well as something else fitting that gives luck. > > Also would like to see a snowflake node and maybe a trick or treat dispenser (if they give out Wintersday gifts why not them too?), a noxious pod, and all kinds of other things I know what you mean, although we already have the Wintersday Tree, the Candycorn node the Bauble dispenser, The Quartz node and the Dragon Bash Pinata so all the other festivals are already covered for home instance nodes. The Noxious Pod is one I really want even if it was a dumbed down version that only give out crystaline ore, or just give me a crystaline ore node instead i'd be content with that ^^. For Lunar New Year I think a Luck node is more than sufficient, and like I said in my previous post I think we should also get a luck eater item with it as well so we can finally get a good luck sink in the game which I think is in high demand for players who have maxed out their luck.
  11. I agree with those saying Marauder is better if you're going in on a glass build.. and also a strong yes to having some kind of self sustain on your builds. Thieves actually have exceptional self healing capabilities imo. I have a Zealot's stat Daredevil that's focused on self healing sustain (Heals on crits, successful dodges and initiative spent) and I find it a lot of fun to play. It's really glassy but it's super easy to recover all my damage just by attacking and dodging but it can be really chaotic in a mass of players when you can't see crap XD Glass builds are generally more than enough for open world and story content although you'll start to struggle a bit more in HoT as that expansion's open world content tends to still be pretty punishing to full glass zerk builds.. hence the benefits of Marauder's vitality. You shouldn't have too much trouble though, not until you join big group events with lots of players and you get one shot by some of the big upscaled AoEs. But Res spam is a thing so you'll likely not be dying much even there. Main thing you'll likely have trouble with is strong champ level creatures as fighting them with glassy builds either alone or with only 1-2 people is going to be a bit more challenging unless you're good with your character. This won't be a problem in the core world stuff but HoT onwards champs do tend to get tougher and have much better abilities than the core world weakling champs do.
  12. I don't often have trouble with it but I do find it to be quite an annoying and ultimately irrelevant part of the fractal that mostly just wastes your time at the start. I'd be fine with removing it.. although it would absolutely need to be replaced with something else, not just removed entirely. Off the top of my head i'm thinking that the best thing to remove would be the shifting maze part of the area and have that Giant Drake become etherial and roam around the area becoming the first "boss" of the fractal. The 3 Wisps would spawn like normal and have to be placed in the stumps like normal to make the boss vulnerable to damage just like final boss so you'd still get a much easier tutorial battle on the mechanics before fighting the Bloomhunger at the end of the fractal. But the whole running the wisps through the traps and maze bit.. yeah I don't care about that at all and would not complain if it was replaced with something better. Hell leave the traps around the area too and have the achievement become defeat the Drake without setting off a trap, that would be a lot more fun and challenging than the current get the Wisp to the stump without triggering a trap achievement.
  13. It does kinda look like Aurine.. the thicker tail and neck does match her physical form and the smaller wingspan could be a conflict with the light since a good portion of her wings are seemingly made from pure light energy and would in theory be harder to see in such a bright setting. Her Legs could be tucked up during flight like many winged creatures do so that's not something i'd expect to be represented in the artwork at that distance. The main feature that is missing that I would expect to see however is her very prominent head horn.. which is completely absent in the artwork. If it isn't Aurine though.. well that's a pretty interesting situation since the only other Dragon I can think of that it might be is well... Jormag. We've only seen it's head so far so.. for all we know that could be a hint at Jormag's full body design.. a winged serpent like many of us really wanted it to be. May also indicate that Jormag will successfully manoeuvre itself into an alliance with the pact and will be present during the Canthan expansion potentially giving us that big 4 way Elder Dragon battle that I am really hoping for in all honesty. But yeah.. I'm not going to put money on that second scenario lol I am 97% sure that Dragon is Aurine.
  14. > @"SaltAndLight.4652" said: > It would be really excellent to be able to use the Shoulder Scarf skin AND Winter's Presence at the same time. However, since they are both shoulder skins, that is not possible. > > It would be nice to see Winter's Presence available as an infusion. > > Thank you! > @"Super Hayes.6890" said: > For the cost involved in getting it now it should be an infusion ? Agreed. It took me a good few years to finally get the skin.. and I've never used it on any characters because of the no shoulders thing. It absolutely should be an infusion now.
  15. First thing that comes to mind is maybe a luck node.. but a good chunk of players likely have no use for that. That could be remedied though if the quest/achievement chain to get the luck node also featured a luck eater item like the Gleam of Sentience which could trade each type of luck per day for some kind of random lootbag or something.
  16. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > Don't sell them for quick gold! > > I did that when I made my first set of ascended armor, only to need them later on when legendary trinkets were available to me. Save them, when you get a second stack of them use it to craft something to sell on the TP rather than sell them directly. Guess it depends on what you want them for. I rarely use my coins so quick gold came in handy for me when I needed a bunch of gems and was too broke to buy them at the time. Generally though I agree best to keep them.
  17. Coins are annoying and time consuming to save up and very expensive to buy when you need them so I would advise saving them.. I'd only recommend selling Mystic coins if you are desperately in need of some quick gold.. don't sell them for the sake of it.
  18. > @"DeanBB.4268" said: > OK, so long as you can pick more than one favorite. > > Personally, I'd like to see a rework where all characters headshots are shown in a grid (can scroll if they won't all fit) with options on how to display them: by class, alphabetical, user-arranged, etc. I'd like that a lot as well. I'd also like to be able to customise the character select screen.. choose the background music and display from each of the expansions (HoT is still the best one imo) I've heard there is a way to put custom music on the character select screen but I couldn't get it to work.
  19. > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > > @"Teratus.2859" said: > > > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > > > > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > > > To be fair, maybe mounts was such a great idea that Anet could reintroduce new mounts in EoD that serve similar (or the same) utility. That way you won't need PoF to complete (or have a significant advantage while playing) EoD, and it means everyone would get new mount cosmetic options and better open world design options. > > > > > > > > Because, after gliding and mounts, I don't see where else they can go. > > > > > > This touches on my thoughts, where EoD has to be designed for people who never played HoT or PoF and thereby don’t have gliders or mounts. > > > > > > In turn, I would expect them to create either A a way for new players to get gliding and mounts easily in EoD or B they introduce new mechanics around travel (and I think B is more likely). > > > > > > Perhaps they add new unique mounts, or some as yet unthought of travel system, but I tend to think it will be something new over updating something old. Although I can imagine they will keep releasing mount and glider skins as long as they generate revenue. > > > > > > > The problem with something like that is that if the new means of travel can be neglected by those riding mounts then you'll end up with a bulk of new tools in EoD being completely useless to most players.. > > It will come across that Anet is favouring some players over their most loyal playerbase which wouldn't be a good image for them. > > They also can't just go and ban mount use in the content either to force us all to use the new mechanics as that would really annoy a lot of players. > > So I expect EoD maps will be designed with mounts in mind, that's just going to have to be a thing I think. > > > > There is a possibility that Anet may just bundle the PoF expansion free into EoD much like the did with the core world game and HoT. > > This is the best thing I think they could do in all honesty as it would completely fix the needing mounts problem and give Anet total freedom to design EoD maps with the main 3 mounts in mind. (Raptor, Springger & Skimmer) > > > > Some may complain about that decision much like they did with the core game being bundled into HoT but it would certainly be a more preferable solution to having our mounts banned from use in Cantha (temporarily or otherwise) or having a bunch of new mechanics/abilities that are completely useless to most players who have played the game for a long time and have mounts. > > > > If it means we all get a better expansion then I say let a few salty people cry about some getting a free expac.. it was a ridiculous petty complaint back with HoT and it will be a ridiculous petty complaint with EoD as well. > > I say that as someone who pre ordered a collectors edition of Gw2 and bought the ultimate editions of both HoT and PoF.. and will be buying the most expensive version of EoD as well be that another Ultimate edition or a physical Collectors (I really hope it's a physical collectors with an Aurine statue XD) > > > > I do not care if PoF gets included for free with EoD, specially if that means Anet gets to use more creative freedom with EoD map design to include mounts. > > And of course that also means they get more freedom to enhance the mounts we already have with new abilities like the underwater skimmer did. > > This is a win for us, a win for new players and a win for Anet as well in my opinion. > > Consider the ‘new player experience’ for someone starting at EoD. They will be forced at some point to go back to HoT and PoF to farm for gliders and mounts. Rarely do you find a game company who release new content but require new players to go backwards to access it. > In all honesty I don't consider a "new" player experience for any of the expansion content. The main thing driving Gw2's PvE is the story content so if you're jumping from core game straight into EoD that's a bad way to be playing this game.. or any game for that matter. I don't mean to sound mean here just realistic.. but in my opinion "new" players should not be the focus or target group for a games 3rd expansion.. specially when it's released almost a decade after the original game came out.. Don't misunderstand though i'm not saying new players can't or shouldn't be able to come play EoD content when it comes out, i'm just saying that they should consider playing PoF first like almost everyone else did so they can avoid potential annoyances due to their lack of access to what many would call essential or common place character abilities at this point. > Using Hot to PoF as an example, do new players today need gliding in any way to enjoy the PoF content? Not at all, but the maps were designed with gliding in mind, and I could see the same for EoD and mounts from PoF. > > However, Just like we don’t see Nuhoch Wallows in PoF we may not see Jackal portals in EoD. We probably won’t see Roller Beetle walls to break either, unless EoD offers some alternate way of doing the same. The niche of some travel options won’t come to EoD, unless they offer a new way to get mounts that offer similar/same tools as the PoF ones. Perhaps although I would stress that there is a massive difference between the static methods of travel introduced in HoT and the portable mounts introduced in PoF. It will not be so easy to replicate that with EoD in my opinion due to how much freedom the mounts provide. Springger is basically a portable bouncing mushroom. Raptor is basically a portable launch pad (not a HoT thing but it is an old mechanic being made portable) Skimmer and Griffon are new forms of the Glider And Jackel pretty much does what Nuhoch Wallows did in HoT with sand portals. It's essentially the same old abilities only based on a portable mount that you can use anywhere.. I don't see how they can replicate that with new EoD mastery's without having to restrict our mount access in the new content.. or just straight up making new mounts that do the exact same thing as PoF mounts giving most players a bunch of worthless clone mounts that they'll have no use for. Long time loyal players will likely feel cheated by either of those compromises.. specially since they had to pay for this new content. > > And I can definitely see them taking the path of offering mount training in EoD for PoF mounts, but I can also see them trying to offer something new that updates or negates the need for the PoF mounts and provides a new or unique twist on travel. I honestly only see three options provided in both our comments. 1. PoF bundles into EoD allowing new players to get the mounts before playing EoD content. (Best option imo) 2. Anet decides to ban mounts in EoD content temporarily to force everyone to use new EoD travel methods which will quickly become irrelevant once the mounts become usable again. (Will annoy a lot of long time players.) 3. Anet decides to make a bunch of new mounts that are basically clones of PoF mounts and only relevant to a minority of new players. (Again would anger a lot of long time players who will feel cheated out of new expansion mechanics.) Who knows maybe they'll pull something completely different out of those creative brains of theirs and blow all of our minds lol I don't know, guess nobody but the Devs do at this point but I am hopeful that no matter what they end up doing everyone will be satisfied with it when we finally get to play EoD.
  20. When I run dungeons for the story I always put "Lore Run, All welcome" in the LFG Fractals I generally go with "All Welcome" as well and generally end up with pretty chill groups that don't rush too much.
  21. > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > To be fair, maybe mounts was such a great idea that Anet could reintroduce new mounts in EoD that serve similar (or the same) utility. That way you won't need PoF to complete (or have a significant advantage while playing) EoD, and it means everyone would get new mount cosmetic options and better open world design options. > > > > Because, after gliding and mounts, I don't see where else they can go. > > This touches on my thoughts, where EoD has to be designed for people who never played HoT or PoF and thereby don’t have gliders or mounts. > > In turn, I would expect them to create either A a way for new players to get gliding and mounts easily in EoD or B they introduce new mechanics around travel (and I think B is more likely). > > Perhaps they add new unique mounts, or some as yet unthought of travel system, but I tend to think it will be something new over updating something old. Although I can imagine they will keep releasing mount and glider skins as long as they generate revenue. > The problem with something like that is that if the new means of travel can be neglected by those riding mounts then you'll end up with a bulk of new tools in EoD being completely useless to most players.. It will come across that Anet is favouring some players over their most loyal playerbase which wouldn't be a good image for them. They also can't just go and ban mount use in the content either to force us all to use the new mechanics as that would really annoy a lot of players. So I expect EoD maps will be designed with mounts in mind, that's just going to have to be a thing I think. There is a possibility that Anet may just bundle the PoF expansion free into EoD much like the did with the core world game and HoT. This is the best thing I think they could do in all honesty as it would completely fix the needing mounts problem and give Anet total freedom to design EoD maps with the main 3 mounts in mind. (Raptor, Springger & Skimmer) Some may complain about that decision much like they did with the core game being bundled into HoT but it would certainly be a more preferable solution to having our mounts banned from use in Cantha (temporarily or otherwise) or having a bunch of new mechanics/abilities that are completely useless to most players who have played the game for a long time and have mounts. If it means we all get a better expansion then I say let a few salty people cry about some getting a free expac.. it was a ridiculous petty complaint back with HoT and it will be a ridiculous petty complaint with EoD as well. I say that as someone who pre ordered a collectors edition of Gw2 and bought the ultimate editions of both HoT and PoF.. and will be buying the most expensive version of EoD as well be that another Ultimate edition or a physical Collectors (I really hope it's a physical collectors with an Aurine statue XD) I do not care if PoF gets included for free with EoD, specially if that means Anet gets to use more creative freedom with EoD map design to include mounts. And of course that also means they get more freedom to enhance the mounts we already have with new abilities like the underwater skimmer did. This is a win for us, a win for new players and a win for Anet as well in my opinion.
  22. Mostly PvE. 20 fully geared and built to my liking. 23 characters total 1 being a keyfarmer. 2 characters with builds for WvW but I only use 1 of them regularly.
  23. I think the main issues with festivals is the lack of new content for them. I doubt I am alone but I tend to get really fatigued of the same festival content year after year after year. I'm glad Anet did put some time in a while back giving us the new Wintersday Raid and the festival mount racing stuff but I wish they'd do stuff like that more often. Halloween as i've said many times could use some serious upgrades in the Labyrinth for example.. bigger map and more events and bosses etc. Hell I'd bet that just a Lab upgrade alone would be enough for a good few years, certainly would be for me.
  24. I think we're done with mounts at this point. There really isn't much they could do to justify new ones imo. Probably the last major area that was lacking a mount was Underwater content but Anet fixed that a few months back by upgrading our Skimmers. I think if any new mount requirements come in now it will likely be through the same means as the Underwater Skimmer, some kind of new ability upgrade quest and I think that is honestly the best way to go at this point, keep improving the ones we have. We really don't need any new mount creatures going forward and we certainly don't want to end up having clone mount creatures that just do what existing mounts already do.. that wouldn't be a good idea.
  25. > @"Cyninja.2954" said: > > @"Sansar.1302" said: > > Tittle says it all, maby with 3 maps: one sole q, one 5 man and one 20-30 man perhaps. > > I know most that play wvw now is going to hate it, but seeing how few people that play Guild Wars 2 want to even try wvw i belive this is the way to go. > > So your solution to saving WvW is basically changing the mode so most current players dislike it in the hope that on the flip side more new players who were not interested in the mode suddenly join. > Well to be fair.. that worked for the FF7 remake XD
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