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Everything posted by Teratus.2859

  1. I used to use them all the time on my main Ranger build until they made their health deplete over time. I don't like how they work in their current form so I don't use them anymore.
  2. Pretty sure it means you can't use the same sigil on the same weapon/combo. That includes lower tiers such as Masterwork and Rare's I don't think it applies to the element of the sigil. I have not noticed any restrictions like that anyway.
  3. I think it really depends on the items. For example I wouldn't want to see NPC's with odd costumes being dotted around the world that don't really fit.. like the Satrborn outfit for example. I would be all for NPC's wearing outfits with some new lore behind them and I do think Anet has done the right thing with out companions getting new wardrobes from time to time and they selling those outfits on the gemstore. But I don't want to see this with every outfit, some of them just don't quite fit in with the open world. That said weird outfits like Starborn could work if they were promoted in content like Fractals and I wouldn't have a problem with that at all. Just keep the open world clean of odd NPC's with strange out of place outfits.
  4. I'm pretty sure it's based on the source's stats, which would be you if you're the one applying the effect to allies. I expect you know this already but Lifesteal works off two different stats too. Power increases the damage of lifesteal attacks but not the healing and vice versa for Healing power which increases the healing but not the damage. I expect this also applies with Vampiric pressence as well. Your power stat should impact allies lifesteal damage from this effect if you are the source. And your healing power should impact their lifesteal healing from this effect if you are the source. Likewise when you go into shroud your allies lifesteal damage and healing from Vampiric Presence should also be increased. You can tell if you're the source by hovering over the effect icon on an ally, if there is no named source on the pop up description then you are the source. If there is a source + player name then that player is currently the source of the effect, I am unsure if there is any priority on this effect either but you would assume it would be the player with the highest healing power... hopefully it is. It's all pretty confusing though, perhaps what traits and abilities like this really need in Gw2 is some kind of strong visual cue that only you can see if you are the source of the effect. I don't think you can see any of the damage or healing being done by Vampiric Presence that you have cast on other players. Maybe it does and i'm completely blanking it from my brain right now.. but if it doesn't, perhaps anet should consider changing that to make it much easier for Necro players to keep track of their ability to heal with this trait.
  5. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > @"Danikat.8537" said: > > It still seems weird to me and I think charging for the content and then having fewer items sold seperately would make more sense > > Even if Arenanet started charging for the current Living Story episodes, I strongly doubt it would reduce the amount of other fluff sold through the Gem Store. > > It wouldn't, Just take a good look at WoW for a great example of pure greed in this form. Gw2: 2 random basic mount skins for 800 gems (10 euros) 1 basic mount from choice licence 1,200 gems (15 euros) 1 premium mount skin for 2000 gems (25 euro) 1 minipet average 350-400 gems (5 euros) occasionally several in a set for 600 gems. WoW: 1 basic mount on cash shop (25 euros) 1 premium mount on cash shop (30 euro) 1 minipet on cash shop (10 euros) And then take into account that WoW: Until 2 years ago you had to actually buy the game to play it as well as every expansion to play those too, the game was 14 years old by this point. You are forced to pay a fee every month just to play the game.. and Blizzard takes away your access to the game if you don't despite all the money you've invested into it. They have a cash shop as well which is even more expensive and greedy than the one we have in Gw2. And of course there's the Free2play differences too, you get the entire Gw2 core game for free with pretty small account restrictions that are at best an inconvenience designed mostly to avoid abuse by bots and scammers. Wow however gives you a free trail to level 20 then locks you off from progressing any further, even limits the gold you can earn among many other very hard restrictions that are designed mostly to get you hooked on the game and make you cave in and give Blizzard money to keep playing. The two games are a night and day difference imo with Gw2 being monumentally more fair and consumer friendly to the people who support it. By comparison WoW is almost malicious in it's nickle and dime methods.
  6. Halloween. I think it offers more than any other festival. The Labyrinth is a good addition however it has gotten a bit stale over the years, I think this content could really benefit from some upgrades, namely I think the map needs expanding and more events and enemies should be added, specially bosses. Mount racing both in the raceway and the Lab are good fun, good tracks to test your Beetle racing skills as well as some other mounts. Ascent to Madness is kind of dated now too with so much power creep over the years. I think this content too could use some upgrading, make the Mad King a bit stronger so he's not a total pushover and maybe add a Challenge mode for those who want a good challenge for better rewards. Clock Tower is still a fun annual jumping puzzle, doesn't need to change but there could be some fun things Anet could do to it.. First thing that comes to mind is a mirror mode or flip the screen upside down or something random like that lol Reapers Rumble & Lunatic Acquisition, not my thing personally but glad they're there. Mad King Says, I think the time needs to be cut down on this event.. it's a long wait between events and usually I don't bother with it because of that. Maybe once an hour would be better. Theme, Halloween LA is easily the best festive map change in the game. Halloween Story.. I wish Anet would get around to making this content replayable and expanding it.. it really sucks that they canned this :( Lab Horror aka Steve. Probably my favourite thing about Halloween, I enjoy messing with this guy every year and taking him on solo. It's kind of an annual rivalry that's been going on for about 5 years now.. a death game of who can kill who the most each year ^^ I always win but it's still fun. Least favourite holiday is probably Wintersday.. I dunno, the whole winter wonderland thing has really gotten stale for me and I find this festival tends to bore me very quickly every year now. I wish there was more combat stuff to do.. feels like a lot of Wintersday stuff is just running around :s Secret Lair of the Snowmen was a nice addition very welcome. Bell Choir has become a very stale event, lots of waiting around and no new songs :S I tire of this event very very quickly every year. Snowball Mayhem, again not my thing but good that it's here. Ho Ho Tron Donation.. for the love of Grenth let me skill the Skritt with my weapons.. I hate this event.. :( Sorry but I do. Winter Wonderland... Sorry but this has to be the most boring JP in the game now imo, I really don't care for it anymore after all these years. It could definitely use some upgrades, some new paths or something to spice it up a bit. Mount Race, Good fun, I still enjoy this content. Toypocalypse and Tixx Infinirarium, Ok these are the big ones. I really like these event concepts.. but I think most people will agree that these are severely outdated festive games now. These could both use some big upgrades in my opinion especially Tixx Infinirarium to deal with all the powercreep put into the game over the year. Stronger/more enemies, and a better boss fight is about all this really needs. Toypocalypse just needs to speed up a bit in the later stages and could probably benefit from players having a few more weapons and skills to use. The Dolyaks too could have missions or something.. to make things more difficult at the risk of much higher rewards if they succeed. I guess what i'm saying is this.. Toypocalyse needs a much more rewarding Hard mode! challenge. Those are my thoughts anyway.
  7. Not really name them but I have nicknames for some. My favourite has to be Medicmancer which I give to my really tanky minion build because of it's decent support capability. Being so hard to kill I can basically act like a party's safety net, reviving through AoE, pulling allies out of harms way and doing some decent AoE healing as well. It is basically a field medic in a way so yeah.. Medicmancer kinda stuck lol
  8. They're quite tedious on multiple repeats, a lot of standing around waiting for dialogue you've heard over and over again puts a lot of people off as does the waiting around for the actual mission part to start. I think most people agree that these missions are a decent idea but they're poorly implemented as repeatable content.. Imagine if you couldn't skip cut scenes in dungeons for example.. would be the same problem.
  9. Still liking the idea of a Hammer Ranger with a decent bit of CC and damage. I'd also be fine with MH Mace as well, might even prefer it because of Axe Offhand combo. Main thing I want is to keep my pet swap, I did not like this change to soulbeast and it put me off using it.
  10. > @"Danikat.8537" said: > > @"Teratus.2859" said: > > Guys like long hair too you know. > > I know cause I can sit on mine XD > > But I bet you hate it when you do. That's when I know mine needs cutting, when I sit down and yank my head back because I sat on my hair. Nah not me, I want mine down to my knees lmao. But I doubt it will ever grow that long, never been able to grow it past my bottom.. it seems to be the max length I can grow my hair.
  11. > @"Yasai.3549" said: > The problem with Terror is the fact that it works off Fear. > > While this is extremely strong in Competitive where yu can Corrupt sources of Stability into Fear, PvE does not have many mobs which generates Stability. > This makes it less worthwhile for PvE usage because yu may as well slot more Condi utilities than slotting Fear utilities. > > The only way to make Terror better for PvE is to not restrict it to Fear, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. > > Alternatively, Terror can be made to apply Vulnerability to Feared targets, allowing Condi Necromancers, more specifically Condi Scourges, to have a source of Vulnerability due to them usually not running Spite. Pretty much why I went with the Hybrid Reaper spec over Scourge in the build I shared, more Vun access plus the GS and shroud damage. Terrify only plays a role on shroud 3 but it becomes a AoE damage attack with additional Torment, chill and bleed application so overall it kinda becomes a sort of not awful damage attack (you'll get a good 7k+ out of it per target overall) but yeah, only one skill in the whole build making use of the trait is pretty bad, even if it is an AoE.
  12. I use em for big spender dailies, slowly unlocking all the cultural armour sets.
  13. Highly unlikely any new races will be added, besides we already can play Kodan with a Tonic :P But i'd love more hair and beard options, specifically more long hair options on male characters. Guys like long hair too you know. I know cause I can sit on mine XD
  14. Because me and likely hundreds of thousands if not millions of players would never have played the game past the core world had they put a fee on living world episodes. A great deal of players who play Gw2 are extremely anti Subfee.. and became fans of Guildwars because of it's anti subfee model. That also extends to other nickle and dime tactics that lock off story content and progression behind paywalls. Paid expansions are fine and expected in games like this as are optional cosmetic and convenience cash shop items etc. But there's no way we'd pay for the small amounts of new living world content we get every few months.. no chance. Some of us even go so far as to criticise that new players have to pay for old living world content and that alone turns a number of players away from becoming full time players. I can speak personally for several good friends who have rejected playing or coming back to Gw2 because of how much money they'd have to pay for the living world to catch up. They don't mind paying for the expansions but they do mind paying for all the living world and no matter how many times i've tried to change their mind about it, it always comes back to not wanting to pay more for missed LW content and not wanting to skip ahead in the story and come back later. The more time passes the more living world releases and the larger that living world catch up price tag grows as well.. This is a big turn off for some people who would otherwise love to be playing Gw2.
  15. > @"firedragon.8953" said: > Was Kralkatorrik male? Yes. Aurine calls him grandfather. He also laid an egg...because Glint. > > Jormag seems masculine. But I am sure he can lay eggs too. Just like any dragon I guess. I agree with others that he should have just been called he, or even it. The "they" thing just feels like a try-hard move in instances where it is forced and unnatural. Yea we've had this discussion about the se*less nature of dragons before. They all pretty much reproduce alone without the need for a partner so gender is pretty much an irrelevant concept for them and only really exists for us as players. Glint and Aurine may have had female pronouns.. Kralk and Mordremoth male pronouns but ultimately none of them have genders nor are they biologically male or female.
  16. > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > @"Teratus.2859" said: > > > @"Smoosh.2718" said: > > > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > > > @"Smoosh.2718" said: > > > > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > > > > > Only emote i would like to see is from FFXIV "slap". Emote that works in every situation, so versatile. > > > > > > > > > > I kinda wish we had some OTT emotes, like a wave where you stand on one leg trying to make yourself bigger and more seen. I know FFXIV had one like that. > > > > > > > > > > It just gives the characters more life... also... Where is the old female idle position?!! > > > > > > > > > > > > > It was taken away because of sexisim if I remember right. > > > > Or might have been something about the character looking bored during cutscenes. > > > > > > Which really are pathetic reasons. We now have cardboard characters, How is stretching sexest is one question? Its not. And we now have talking characters in cutscenes, so that other point is void now. > > > > > > > > > Going back to stretching, males do it females do it and even animals do it. Nothing about it was sexist, agenda's should never be in a game. > > > > > > > > > > > > > Have to agree. > > Even after all these years I can't see any way these animations could possibly be sexist. > > > > The bored thing.. ok maybe but sexist?.. nah, that was a really stupid excuse imo. > > Character looking bored is a bad thing, but goofy minis photobombing important/emotional scenes is not! Don't forget all those giant obnoxious frogs that love getting in the way of everything :P
  17. I've been thinking about trying to make a PvE build that uses Terror but the lack of fear access is an issue to really make the trait viable as a desired choice. It can be a settle choice though if you avoid corruption skills which is what i've done in this build. So far this is what i've come up with. (just a concept, not built or tested yet) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSxEsEWoMBGD7ilxKxS/qvlC-zRRYfR3YG+RpQBELCCnAlCBfngw8Xh3A-e It's a hybrid Dhuumfire Reaper with a mix of Viper and Sinister stats. The main thing with it is trying to get as much condition damage/stacks out of different sources. I'm going to build this at some point in Gw2 and see how it goes, I don't expect it to be anything amazing but it might be enjoyable enough to play which is enough for me :) Anyhow i'll go into more detail below about certain traits and build choices and why I made them. No need to read on unless you really want to hear my reasons for why I chose the traits, weapons runes and skills that I did. Insidious Disruption Makes all hard CC's apply a small bit of Torment damage. Warhorn 4, Chilled to the Bone!, Shroud 3 and Shroud 5 now all apply some Torment damage when they hit. Greatsword 5 should also apply torment on pull but i'm not 100% on this, will have to test it to see if it triggers Insidious Disruption. Furious Demise and Target the Weak Grants us Fury after entering shroud (buffs us to 70% crit chance) and an additional 2% crit chance per condition on foes. This is why we want as many different conditions as possible, Signet of spite can give us an additional 12% crit chance alone another 2% from any of our chills. Torment can be sustained via any of our various CC's as well as Scepter 3 allowing us to maintain good condition stacks for damage and extra crits. Chilling Victory and Deathly Chill. These work together to give us might on hitting chilled targets and bleed when inflicting chill on foes The combo of Shivers of Dread, Insidious Disruption, Fear of Death and Terror transforms our shroud 3 Terrify skill into a pretty nice AoE Chill, Bleed and Torment attack with additional damage from terror and it gives us 15% of our lifeforce back which overall isn't all that bad, kinda makes the skill live up to it's name for once. Superior Runes of the Krait. I choose this largely because it works with Chilled to the Bone and the upgrades it already has from traits etc. Chilled to the Bone will now apply Chill, Bleed, Poison and Torment at fairly decent duration's as well as remain a 2 second daze. Rise! Never knock this skill, it's basically 25 seconds of free easy protection! As long as you have one minion alive and attacking from this skill then you've got 33% damage reduction from Dark Bond. This also stacks with Protect as well to give you around 50% diminished damage reduction.. Rise! is awesome and is one of the best Necro skills in PvE imo. Your Soul is Mine! + Plague Signet This is mostly for the short CD, we're going to be in shroud a lot with this build anyway so we want something that cools down fast so I choose this, plus extra life force. Consume Conditions has too big a CD untraited for my tastes which combined with the lack of Dagger off hand leaves us absent our usual means of condi removal. I decided to adopt Plague Signet to cover for this giving us an emergency transfer should we need it, plus it can help buff our overall damage and crit chance. Greatsword. Well it is a hybrid so... damage. With bleed on chills we're also going to get some extra bleeds on this weapon now too, Death spiral is also going to work pretty nice with Chilling victory for some quick might gain while applying a nice bit of Vun and giving us a good bit of life force. Grasping Claws is also a nice Chill and adds Bleed now and should also apply Torment too although i'm still not 100% sure about that until I or someone else tests it. Reaper Shroud. Thanks to Unyielding blast and Dhuumfire our Shroud 1 auto will stack Vun and burn damage. Terrify as said above becomes a nice AoE Fear+damage, Chill, Bleed and Torment attack and gives us 15% life force back. Soul Spiral gets some additional poison damage from our hybrid stats. Executioners Scythe now applies some Bleed and Torment on top of it's usual damage and daze.
  18. > @"Smoosh.2718" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Smoosh.2718" said: > > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > > > Only emote i would like to see is from FFXIV "slap". Emote that works in every situation, so versatile. > > > > > > I kinda wish we had some OTT emotes, like a wave where you stand on one leg trying to make yourself bigger and more seen. I know FFXIV had one like that. > > > > > > It just gives the characters more life... also... Where is the old female idle position?!! > > > > > > > It was taken away because of sexisim if I remember right. > > Or might have been something about the character looking bored during cutscenes. > > Which really are pathetic reasons. We now have cardboard characters, How is stretching sexest is one question? Its not. And we now have talking characters in cutscenes, so that other point is void now. > > > Going back to stretching, males do it females do it and even animals do it. Nothing about it was sexist, agenda's should never be in a game. > > > Have to agree. Even after all these years I can't see any way these animations could possibly be sexist. The bored thing.. ok maybe but sexist?.. nah, that was a really stupid excuse imo.
  19. My main issue with emotes is the auto-hiding of weapons and back items in Gw2.. This is something I really wish the Devs would fix some time as I find it very tedious having to go into my hero panel and hide/unhide my weapons and back item every time I use crossarms or dance etc It kinda deters me from using emotes as much as I normally would otherwise.
  20. > @"undouble.1472" said: > There's another "phantom" mastery in the Field of Ruin (Ebonhawk mine area) that also can't be accessed. This is getting a "little" ridiculous . After all, how would anyone even know these "mastery point" areas exist if they can't be accessed??? Likely a placeholder for the next dragon response mission. As far as i'm aware all these new mastery's can only be found and obtained in the mission instances.
  21. Nah, i've argued quite a lot for something like this but I think the damage has already been done at this point. Too many people have been turned off raiding and there just isn't enough regularly trying to get more casual groups together now. I've tried a good few times and never managed to be able to get more than 3 other people to join me at any given time. I expect without Anet stepping in and making some kind of rewardless easy mode for those who just want the story side of it most players are not going to come back and give it another shot.
  22. > @"Smoosh.2718" said: > One way I found how to detect a macro user is this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bouquet_of_Roses > Throw that in to their hands before combat starts, and watch them still try to do their skills, they wont remove it from their hands. Slap them all with a temp ban then a longer ban if repeated then perma ban them out of the game if they do it for a 3rd time. You sir are an absolute genius XD I never thought of doing that lmao!!
  23. > @"Blude.6812" > @"Tuna Bandit.3786" The scaling for public is a mess but if you go into a private instance solo it will scale for single player. I learned this a bit late after I had already completed all 3 of them in public.. Anet should have conveyed this better imo but at least we know now for future missions.
  24. I don't think they should do anything mastery related involving raising stats like that.. However I wouldn't be opposed to having some minor mastery's that maybe increase the duration of food/utility items by an extra 2 mins per rank.. max 10 extra min duration's at max rank. Another effect of such a mastery when maxed could be to auto consume another food/utility item of the same type if you have additional foods/utilitys in your inventory, Could toggle this on and off in the options like autoloot. I'm still a fan of seeing certain PoF and HoT mastery's get new combined benefits like Griffons being able to use Updrafts. Also expanding older mastery's like Gliding combat skills becoming usable everywhere (though in weaker forms) and the hookshot vine from Draconis Mons becoming a new unlimited novelty item you can buy after completing a new mastery and use anywhere in the PvE game. New core world mastery quest per profession that involves a profession trainer that allows you to unlock new core class Heal and Elite skills to balance out currently incomplete sets. Rangers not having an Elite Trap or Signet nor a healing Signet skill. Warriors not having an Elite Stance or Shout nor a healing Banner skill. Necro's not having an Elite Signet or Well nor a healing Spectral skill. Guardians not having an Elite Consecration nor Spirit Weapon nor a healing Consecration skill. (Shelter forbids Spirit weapon heal) Thief not having an Elite Preparation or Signet nor a Healing Preparation skill. Elementalists not having an Elite Arcane or Signet nor a Healing Conjure skill. Engineers not having an Elite Gadget skill, kinda shafted here since they already have the most complete skill sets thus only need an Elite Gadget. Mesmer not having an Elite Mantra or Clone/Phantasm nor a Healing Glamour skill. (Ether Feast forbids Clone/Phantasm heal) Revenants being the odd one out here due to how they work so differently from other classes.. so each of the core legend's get's one new utility or heal skill.
  25. I think it would be better for them to automatically go into the wallet and add a transfer option to make them physical items for forge crafting stuff. Continue coins etc should also go in the wallet. That way they would be easily accessible across multiple characters without having to transfer items between them.
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