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Everything posted by Khisanth.2948

  1. If your barriers are just disappearing then you are applying the barriers when you shouldn't be. If you are actually applying it at the right time it would be doing it job of mitigating damage. It is the same thing as using heals while you are at full health. Both are wasted if you use them at the wrong time. That is the same with everything else. Block at the wrong time and you wastes you blocks. Dodge at the wrong time and you waste your energy. Attack at the wrong time and you trash your DPS.
  2. > @"Marko Welder.3547" said: > Barriers are not affected by Poisons Healing-Reduction > > So why don't they benefit from effects that "Increase Healing done/effectiveness" it's almost like it has neither affected by the positives nor the negatives and somehow this is considered unbalanced?
  3. By the way, this event is also required for https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skyscale_of_Water Might want to get both done at once if you still need it. > @"Tyncale.1629" said: > Certain maps often barely have players in them but I have NEVER not been able to do certain group content in the end, if not right away. Just keep asking in Map, maybe even in a more crowded (adjacent) map. Is the Elder Djinn event not soloable anyway? Might be wrong. The Lair of zomorros also is never a problem, just keep asking in Map. Well it depends ... but 4 champions who make liberal use of CCs at the same time with a 10 minute time limit isn't particularly solo friendly. You can theoretically pull them one at a time but having random people show up tends to just aggro everything due to indiscriminate targeting.
  4. > @"Galmac.4680" said: > According to my stone and pebble of worth 18 coppers, it would take around 76 YEARS to compensate the 50 gold... best node ever. It depends ... yesterday I got 2 pebbles which has a total worth of 4c but each pebble cost 4c for the mining pick charge. Depending on how the drop rates are weighted it might take 100 years :p
  5. The same reason my cute fluffy sheep backpack increase the damage of my hits against enemies. It is purely a game mechanic.
  6. > @"nopoet.2960" said: > > @"Randulf.7614" said: > >... Warrior shield which feels pretty good already with interrupts, stun and reflect already a strong defensive option. > > That's the idea. Both classes have great defensive options but you hardly get to use them in group content (where it's most useful) because aggro is weird in this game. Having a taunt would increases the value of those skills and would bring some life to maces as well. > > In my head the it wouldn't be a long taunt just enough to get the enemy's attention and try to keep it. It would only affect one target and the enhancement would only work if you select a specific talent and have a shield equipped; really trying hard to make a tight recommendation that wont break anything. > > Only work in content where you are fighting through a sea of trash mobs since anything with a breakbar will ignore you. So the entire idea fails when fighting anything of significance.
  7. Shield on both classes already have CC abilities. Stacking yet more CC on it would be a stupid design choice. Partly because CCs overwrite each other.
  8. I got one crystal and the junk items. Seems to be junk with a chance of crystal
  9. > @"Danikat.8537" said: > > @"choon.6308" said: > > Well, it seems like earliest players were the luckiest. Getting everything for ridiculously cheap prices to max out and buy everything. 400 gems used to cost like 8 gold rofl > > Part of the reason things were cheaper back then is that gold wasn't as easy to come by. Daily achievements used to give nothing but achievement points (which had no rewards associated with them), there were no login rewards and many of the gold farms popular today like Silverwastes didn't exist, in fact for the first couple of months Cursed Shore was the only level 80 map, then Southsun was added (without the karka queen) and I think that was it until Drytop was added in 2014. There's been many other changes too, but I'm not going to try to list them all. > > I remember early on people arguing that obviously no one could be expected to get 100g for a commander tag on their own (1/3 the current price, but it was also character-specific) and obviously the idea was for a guild or other group to club together and buy one for the person who would lead their activities. Some players did manage it on their own of course, but it took a lot longer. and you could get buy precursors for less than 10g ... > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: > Also, just do fractals. Either you get coins or the gold to buy them. > > I'll tell you what won't work though. Complaining about the price and paying it anyways. While I agree with that advice since it is more or less what I do, having more people follow that advice will result in ever increasing prices. :/ > @"Friday.7864" said: > > @"knite.1542" said: > > > @"Nightcore.5621" said: > > > Buy 20 gw2 accounts when they on 50%sale. Now u have 100s of mystic coins for free evey 30 Day doin nothing. Thats 440 evey 30 Day just to login in > > > > I don't understand some people's concept of free. > > It's a pay for itself and you keep getting stuff for almost no effort afterwards kinda concept. > Close enough to free after the initial investment (in gold value) pays off. Beats having to spend most of your gold on mystic coins all the time for some people. Not for everyone. No effort? Doing that on 20 account is still going to be around 40 minutes of logging in and out if you do it individually. If you can launch multiple instances at once that might speed things up but I don't know what sort of hardware is required and you will need to use some external software to make it work. > @"Dayra.7405" said: > It's just a matter of patience or not ;) > > Just do reward tracks (PvP or WvW) and get your mytic clover for free, get over 20 MC's per 28 days for free as well. > If you have patience you never need to buy a single MC, you may even sell some. you forgot about opportunity cost the reward tracks take around 8 hours to complete without boosters or potions. With boosters that can be cut down to around 4 hours. 2 clovers is ~6 MC Assuming 2g/MC that is 12g per 4 to 8 hours or a rate of 1.5g to 3g/h There are potentially other items in the track that is worth something but it doesn't seem likely that they can make up the gap between 3g/h and some of the alternatives. > If you are impatient then you have to give your money to others, that are patient. I find this fair ;) Depends on how you are getting stuff. Getting it via login is a matter of patience since you get it for mostly free. You have to log in to do anything else anyway. Getting clovers from reward tracks becomes an efficiency issue.
  10. Beetlestone Manor is the location of the last instance
  11. The better question to ask is why it isn't an account bound thing instead of per character which would also eliminate that problem. Although it is not a particularly huge deal for someone who does fractals in the long run. Even with fairly casual fractal running over the years I have 7 or 8 characters ready for it. On the other hand weapon slots should be the last ones filled and you can even skip them and use https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Anguished_Tear_of_Alba
  12. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"Khisanth.2948" said: > > Dry Top one is long but not hard and it has multiple checkpoints so you don't have to restart from the beginning and the skritt will ress you if you die in there. There is also a simple trick for doing the diving there. You do the diving attempts before fully finishing the JP(don't touch the chest). That will allow you to get back to with the skritt tunnel, it does cost a gold but that gives you an hours do the dive and you can still finish the JP afterwards. > I meant the Dry Top one (the one from the top of crashed Zephyrite airship), you're talking about the Silverwastes one. > oh right completing forgot about that one ... although that one is a huge mix. On the one hand getting to the diving goggles are trivial with the rift but on the other hand it can still take a while depending on your load times and respawn for the rifts although there are many of them so in theory you can use a different one each time
  13. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said: > > @"WorldofBay.8160" said: > > > @"Tanek.5983" said: > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > > > They might also go and fix the gear shooter pads. Although there's no hurry, they have only been bugged for years now. > > > > > > Are they? That might explain why I can't get to the diving goggles. I thought my asura just didn't weigh enough. :) > > > > on the double shooter try aiming at the engine on the right side to avoid the double dash. there's a chance you get bumped too far and fall over but most times it works. > > > > for all other shooters i didn't encounter problems. > > Staff Daredevil FTW. Sorry. In the last part, just before the up-shooters that reach the diving platform, you use Vault to bounce across on the platforms *next to* the gears. > > Rifle Engineer of any type can do it as well, and so can Dragonhunter, but Vault recharges much faster even when you've exhausted your Initiative pool. > > And don't forget that you only need to do the goggle path once for the collection. or any class with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experimental_Rifle > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said: > > And don't forget that you only need to do the goggle path once for the collection. > It took me over 30 attempts before i managed to get the jump without killing myself first on one of the boards (or, in a few cases, on invisible glitched pixels). > I mean, it's not like Not So Secret is all that easy. They didn't have to couple it with one of the two hardest jumps in the game (the other one being, in my opinion, the Dry Top one - incidentally also at the end of not so easy JP) > Dry Top one is long but not hard and it has multiple checkpoints so you don't have to restart from the beginning and the skritt will ress you if you die in there. There is also a simple trick for doing the diving there. You do the diving attempts before fully finishing the JP(don't touch the chest). That will allow you to get back to with the skritt tunnel, it does cost a gold but that gives you an hours do the dive and you can still finish the JP afterwards. Not So Secret goggle path is also needed for at least one of the legendary weapon collections as well.
  14. > @"Vavume.8065" said: > > @"Khisanth.2948" said: > > Now the only thing you have actually accomplished is force people to spend more time doing the things they don't want just to get to the things they do want. > > Exactly, as I said players need to be punished, doing something they do not want to do achieves this. There is punishment and there is annoyance. Me dying in Path of Exile and losing all the exp I gained in a week is punishing. Me dying in GW2 and having to spend extra long time to get back due to shitty WPs placement is an annoyance. If it was actually meant to be punishing then it needs to do something more meaningful. Then there is the fact that waypoints are used a lot more often for other things besides ressing. Now you are punishing people for simply trying to play the game.
  15. There will probably be little waypoints not because of lore reasons but because the game designers seems to have forgotten that waypoints function both as fast travel and as check/savepoints. Mounts cover the fast travel aspect but not the checkpoint function. Turning waypoints into actual in world objects instead of leaving them as purely game mechanics was a mistake in game design. Now every WP needs an explanation for its existence. > @"Vavume.8065" said: > > @"Jilora.9524" said: > > > @"Vavume.8065" said: > > > > @"Jilora.9524" said: > > > > I hope not because it's always fun to barely miss an event because of seconds lets make players miss many more events or don't bother going because some think death should matter in a pretend game. > > > > > > I do think death should matter, just as getting to an event matters to you in a pretend game... > > > > > > > > > > we all play that you somehow want to make more difficult to play or return to play because they died because death should matter and why is that? > > Because the open world is to easy and there is no sense of danger or sense of punishment for messing up. I would like it to feel dangerous/punishing and keep me on my toes. Simply decreasing WPs is a massive failure towards that goal. People will just skip most of the mobs. Now the only thing you have actually accomplished is force people to spend more time doing the things they don't want just to get to the things they do want. It's an easy way to stretch content but that is about it. In specific situations not having a WP nearby can be more punishing but that is exactly why some WPs become unavailable during those events.
  16. > @"Linken.6345" said: > > @"Nephalem.8921" said: > > Who would use that set? Power without precision is bad. Pve needs concentration and minstrel is better for wvsw. > > Necromancers with +50% crit chance in shroud? That is 33% since August 2018 Most classes have some sort of +critical strike chance trait. For PvE/WvW there is also Superior Sigil of Vision. If you weapon swap on CD that is effectively a 33% crit chance. For burst builds and properly executed rotation that might effectively be a higher percent as well
  17. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"Khisanth.2948" said: > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > > It's not dead, and there are no signs that would point to it closing down anytime soon. In fact, in that regard it's doing now better than a year ago, when for a while it looked _really_ bad, with massive layoffs, third expansion apparently cancelled, the highest point of a major reveal event being funko toys, and devs (and major management figures) leaving left and right to greener pastures. Since that time the situation has stabilized somewhat, and the game seems like it is getting back on track again. > > > > > > That saying, while it's not dead, and not in danger of dying soon, it's also no longer _growing_. And, while nothing points to this situation getting any worse in the future, it doesn't point to it getting any _better_ either. > > > > Isn't a theoretical upcoming a expansion a sign pointing to better? > Maybe, although at this point i think that its value lies not in possibly making the game better, but in stopping the slide towards oblivion. So far, no expansion caused the game to increase player count compared to the previous high state - it only temporarily recoups the losses suffered in the time between expacs. To change that, i believe far more changes would be necessary. Or an expansion that would be on a completely new level compared to HoT and PoF. So far i haven't seen any signs pointing out to EoD having even a chance of being such a qualitative game-changer. > Probably not going to happen unless there is an engine overhaul :/
  18. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > It's not dead, and there are no signs that would point to it closing down anytime soon. In fact, in that regard it's doing now better than a year ago, when for a while it looked _really_ bad, with massive layoffs, third expansion apparently cancelled, the highest point of a major reveal event being funko toys, and devs (and major management figures) leaving left and right to greener pastures. Since that time the situation has stabilized somewhat, and the game seems like it is getting back on track again. > > That saying, while it's not dead, and not in danger of dying soon, it's also no longer _growing_. And, while nothing points to this situation getting any worse in the future, it doesn't point to it getting any _better_ either. Isn't a theoretical upcoming a expansion a sign pointing to better?
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