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Everything posted by Khisanth.2948

  1. > @"Hesione.9412" said: > Just tested mine. All three unbound magic tools are giving unbound magic. That's going to potentially be a nightmare to debug. It really shouldn't be BUT it would make things much easier if people reporting included node type, map, tool, tool skin, glyph. "Does not work" is usually not a great report.
  2. Having regular quartz in your inventory will often cause this type of problem for various collections.
  3. Gossamer is low level? Ores and logs are pretty easy as that is just a matter of knowing locations and paths. In this regard old articles work fine. There haven't really been any changes to the locations or patterns of resource node spawns. The only thing that has really changed for gathering is the availability of glyphs and tools with baked in glyphs that can increase your gathering results.
  4. > @"xEtherx.6127" said: > Would it be op if they released a armor/weapon stat of healing/condition dmg/vitality/expertise. Major on Healing/condition dmg. > > I feel this would help make support hybrids much more viable More viable in what situation? For groups that go with a "we will just heal through the damage" strategy, you won't provide enough healing For groups that go with a "we kill things before they can kill us" strategy, you won't provide enough damage For groups that go with a "slow and steady" strategy, pretty much anything can work so at best you are neutral. In a situation where 1 healer is not enough but 2 is too much then a hybrid could be useful but that seems a bit too specific. If it's for a solo build then I wouldn't consider that a support build at all since it doesn't have anyone to support. > @"Westenev.5289" said: > Hmm, I think this stat set could be fun on a burn weaver. > > Problem with using this set on a healer is that you don't have precision to proc sup. sigil of water, or on crit hit traits like sharpened edges on ranger/druid. In most cases you can probably replace sigil of water with renewal. Healing rate would be a bit less(~100 HP/s) but more controllable and bursty.
  5. > @"Hesione.9412" said: > The first one is supposed to land you on the second one (as long as you aim right) and then the second one puts you onto a platform (as long as you aim right). But the second whirly thing has a pipe to the side that directs ?steam onto it. So the longer you stay on that part, the more damage you're taking. No matter where you put your portal rewind position, you are going to take damage when you rewind back. I think the spinning wheels have been broken for years. There are a couple work arounds. 1) bring an engineer with a rifle and use the 5 skill instead, daredevil staff 5 and dragonhunter f2 might work as well 2) bring any character with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Experimental_Rifle and use the 2 skill 3) aim to the side of the spinning wheel and use weapon swap to stop when you are at the right position, this is pretty tricky
  6. Regardless of rarity, ideally you get one of the stat selectable weapons which would allow you to skip the need for serpentite.
  7. For sword, greatsword, pistol, rifle, and staff the easiest way to get any stat exotic weapon is the Iron Legion weapons. You can either craft it yourself or buy from TP. In the process of unlocking the collection you will also get several of the other legions' weapon which is also the same. There is also the various holiday weapons(although unfortunately not the one from wintersday). The wiki has a nice tool for this sort of question https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/Equipment_query In this case the search is https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/Equipment_query?title=Special%3ARunQuery%2FEquipment_query&pfRunQueryFormName=Equipment+query&Equipment+query%5Brarity%5D=Exotic&Equipment+query%5Bsupertype%5D=Weapon&Equipment+query%5Btype%5D=Sword&Equipment+query%5Bclass%5D=&Equipment+query%5Bprefix%5D=diviner&Equipment+query%5Bexclude+selectable%5D=&Equipment+query%5Boffset%5D=0&wpRunQuery=Search&pf_free_text= It is linked to on the bottom of https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_acquisition_by_stats Some of the additional advantage of being permanently Account Bound so you can move it to another character like you can do with ascended weapons.
  8. > @"Cristalyan.5728" said: > The point for charging is on the way to the googles for diving - jump from the platform on some cubes - I think after jumping on the second platform after the horizontal "jump" from the rotating wheel. > My advice (I'm serious :# ) is to delay the Bolt and to start crafting the Sunrise. During the collections you will have again to do the same path and to charge something for this too. The points are very close one to another. If you ever wants to make the Sunrise, then I think it is worth. Better to wait for another precursor than to do twice this .... maddening puzzle. The path to the platform for Sunrise is much easier.
  9. Elite specs already achieve similar results with less balancing headaches so why would the devs make things harder for themselves for practically no gain?
  10. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > Or, the 'bug' was before since, since it's been documented as happening for 6 years. /shrug Probably since release. The cause is most likely because the game stores lifeforce as a flat value instead of a percent.
  11. > @"Murdock.6547" said: > ... Have people stopped fighting about entitlement vs elitism in raid? Of course not. Also very low chance that it will ever go away.
  12. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"Khisanth.2948" said: > > Since these have a 16c vendor price and if they are bought at 19c that is a risk of 3c per item. With 1.3 items that is a risk of 390g. > > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > > That 3800 gold for people who regularly trade outside of the game to avoid the 10k limit is pocket money to them. > > > But how do you know it's one person? > > > If it is, maybe he's banking on buying all of them cheap, then as the supply runs out - cornering the market with insane prices. > > > Idk, you can make viper's with it, so it's not like people don't use those, but they're fairly common even without buying so idk what the game plan is for buying all of them. > > > > Doesn't need particularly insane prices. With that volume you get 2,990g profit if it goes to 50c. > > > > I mean, 50c for a leaf fossil is already insane lol. :tongue: > But whoever is buying those, is likely not interested in "just" 2.990g profit. > Funny how i can say "just 2.990g" when i'll probably never see that amount of gold ever, and some people are throwing 3800g around like it's peanuts. > The economy is so balanced. Well let see ... if they released a new armor set and each piece requires a stack it will take 3x6x250=4500 x 50c = 22.5g for 3 full sets of skins that isn't insane. A stack of them at a cost of 50c is roughly the same as most components that uses fine crafting materials(somewhere in the neighborhood of 30s requiring 3-5 items) Although if they did release armor sets requiring 250 each per piece then the prices would probably go much higher.
  13. Since these have a 16c vendor price and if they are bought at 19c that is a risk of 3c per item. With 1.3 items that is a risk of 390g. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > That 3800 gold for people who regularly trade outside of the game to avoid the 10k limit is pocket money to them. > But how do you know it's one person? > If it is, maybe he's banking on buying all of them cheap, then as the supply runs out - cornering the market with insane prices. > Idk, you can make viper's with it, so it's not like people don't use those, but they're fairly common even without buying so idk what the game plan is for buying all of them. Doesn't need particularly insane prices. With that volume you get 2,990g profit if it goes to 50c.
  14. > @"Cyninja.2954" said: > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said: > > > @"Jski.6180" said: > > > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said: > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said: > > > > > No one wants to spend real life money on this game any more. > > > > > > > > And you know this because you talked to everyone? > > > > > > That why gold to gems is getting worst if this was not true then the gems to gold would be getting worst. > > > > I see you didn't answer the question, so I'll take that as a no then. > > He answered the question as best anyone without actual developer statistics can: the ratio of amount of gold converted to gems outpaces the gem to gold conversion. > > While there are multiple factors going into this, in total this holds true. > > We could speculate on all types of reasons and it likely is a mix of factors coming together, but across all players which interact with the gem-gold/gold-gem exchange, in absolute numbers less gems are being converted to gold versus gold being converted to gems. We can make no accurate assumption on gem purchases but it stands to reason that with more gold conversion to gems the necessity for players to purchase gems also decreases. It's a dubious conclusion though. If the gold to gem rate keeps going up it means more and more people are converting gold to gems. Why would people convert gold to gems? Obviously because there are things people want that requires paying with gems. Then you can go in the opposite direction. Why aren't people converting gems to gold? Either because there aren't anything they want that requires paying with gold or they already have sufficient gold. or more simply, the gem sink is larger than the gold sink people could still be spending money to buy gems for stuff that requires paying with gems but the exchange is completely blind to those actions
  15. > @"Schimmi.6872" said: > > @"Sammyjoe.4271" said: > > Hey all, > > What happened to the balance team that released the big balance patch hitting power, healing and what not? Is it too much to ask for a condi balance patch as well? Really blows my mind. I think the balance patch they released was a really good step in the right direction, but if they just say, "Ok we're done" seems weird. And with the coming expansion it will only further complicate the balance. Or is GW just shifting into a PvE only game? (2012 Vet) > > According to one of the devs from this team (think it was during one of the donation streams), the main focus of the team currently are the elite-specs and other parts of the expansion. So I guess the next larger balance patch may need some time. So in a year or two?
  16. > @"choon.6308" said: > The majority seems to disagree with you. Community couldn't get past tier 3/5 of the event. that might be due to making the progress tied to spending rather than acquiring currency and then not giving very compelling reasons to spend > @"AliamRationem.5172" said: > I really don't appreciate the way all three of these missions seem designed to waste your time. > > What's the deal with the timer on the first event? You complete all of the objectives, but for some reason you still have to wait it out. Why? For that matter, why even have this event? As far as I can tell, it's not even possible to fail it! I just ran around killing mobs until the timer ran out and I couldn't discern any sort of consequence to that choice. What even is this? On the one hand I agree but on the other hand both VB and TD meta suffers from the same thing. Also if you take that out then isn't it just a party sized strike with more problems? > Allow the opening event to complete without waiting out the timer if the objectives are completed. Allow groups who select the challenge mode to skip ahead to the final battle. A timer based approach does have one advantage. Less likely to break. Not sure if you have noticed but a lot of the bugs in game relates to the game somehow losing track of the things that triggers changes such as killing/capturing certain number of creatures. There are better solutions but timer is probably easiest.
  17. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"Khisanth.2948" said: > > This is one of the rare cases where you can preview an infusion effect on yourself without having the infusion. > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aurillium_Plating > > Isn't that the same effect as when using Herta in Auric Basin? > Cause if so, it's kinda meh... :tongue: Yup. As for meh ... well you could say the same for trying to imitate a lightbulb yet there are plenty of those too.
  18. This is one of the rare cases where you can preview an infusion effect on yourself without having the infusion. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aurillium_Plating
  19. > @"AgentMoore.9453" said: > The community event and achievement told people to turn in 'tokens' and the release gave people two new currencies, neither of which was called a token. That people were inevitably confused by this should surprise no one. > > This event also made the same mistake as previous rushes, where the goal wasn't just to complete the tasks, but to _spend_ the currency, something that was conveyed poorly and counterintuitive in a game that usually trains people to save currency for long-term goal purchases later on. Seeing this mechanic generate confusion in the past should have prompted them to either try something else or do a better job of conveying the terms of their event. And finally, this event required you to manually talk to an NPC to collect a reward instead of simply receiving it upon entering the Eye of the North after a reward tier is completed. > > Three separate NPCs, two currencies, inaccurate messaging in the achievement and event text, baffling 7-day timer for a patch meant to span 2 weeks. > > They made players do more to get their reward while giving them less instruction. Not ideal. It didn't matter so much because this event had pretty lukewarm rewards, but they really need to pay attention to how this went when designing similar things in the future. Lack of desirable things to spend those tokens on didn't help. At least that is why I still haven't spent most of mine.
  20. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said: > > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > > Anyone who played SWTOR will remember the long quiet spaces on Tattoine. Between the hubs was a lot of desert and hidden in the desert was stuff to do. Not a lot of stuff but, it was there. The highlight being that once an hour balloon ride... > > > > I would be stoked for that type of environment in GW2 since we don’t have something quite like it yet, but GW2 has a lot of map environments done as good or better than other games so I have never really been left wanting for more. > > Oh God, the Dune Sea. Ouch. Big and empty, with glacially slow mounts, too(1). That said, it would be ideal for Petey. > > (1) Marginally faster than a quarter of Petey's full speed. Not good on big huge maps. Maybe a turtle mount for EoD ...
  21. Probably something to do with spaghetti. Some foods also can't be eaten in strikes.
  22. > @"Kichwas.7152" said: > That poll is badly set up - given that it presumes someone plays all of these or none of these, and then just asks frequency. > > I play fractals almost every day that I log in. I used to do a lot of dungeons but those are just too old feeling now. I've yet to bother with strike missions and I'm not even sure I know what a DRM is yet. > or that any of those have any relation to accessibility although to be fair making actual good polling questions requires particular skills so nobody should be expecting that from a random post on a gaming forum. > @"Cuks.8241" said: > > @"Adonan.8356" said: > > I don't know, that sounds a lot like what WoW has, and many attribute the insta-queue to the fall of that game. Although, to be fair, other MMOs have that feature and are doing fine. > Yeah it is pretty much like Wow. I would not attribute LFD to the fall of Wow (if we can even say that since that game is really old). It was introduced during the pinnacle of Wow, Woltk and I think was a general success. I'm actually talking specifically about the dungeon tool and not the raid tool, so the casual side of instanced PVE. I barely used raiding tool since I played in statics and didn't play much after woltk. > Anyway, maybe I put too much emphasis on the insta teleport from anywhere to instance feature even though I still think it would be a nice convenience, especially if it also returned back to where you were. > I think a common interface for instanced PVE with some modern game convenience tools would be in order. LFG is good functionality wise but the interface is just old and lacking. I can see Anet is trying to improve and bring it to a broader audience with strikes and now DRMs but the implementation is often poor and every iteration is different. > > That is putting the cart before the horse. People have to want to do the content before convenience influences the frequency they get done. There are plenty of people doing other things which requires waypointing around all over the game world. Both fractals and strikes have a waypoint next to their entrance. Public instances have all the same problem as pugging and then adds some more. I don't think anyone is interested in increasing their chances of failing to clear content by adding more problems.
  23. > @"Danikat.8537" said: > I don't know for sure, but one possibility is that they don't have a collection _because_ they're so expensive. This way no one feels pressured to make more of them than they actually want just to complete the collection. *looks over at price of Charged Stormcaller weapons* ....I don't think that reason works
  24. annoying but even ascended back items are easy to get...
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