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Azure The Heartless.3261

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Posts posted by Azure The Heartless.3261

  1. > Super tired of playing Power Zerker, stunning a soulbeast, then having them:


    > *Stunbreak for the 35th time

    > *Take 0 damage

    > *Block for a year (again, because its CD is pretty damn short for how long it lasts)

    > *Zip to the other side of the map

    > *Disappear

    > *Reset my target with pet taunt

    > *CC me with their pet

    > *Reset the fight


    Then complain to me in PM when I LoS Them. The gall.


    >Also tired of people ragewhispering my core necro when they play a build that can immediately disengage from my Reaper and wait until I either drop shroud or it runs out, then pop right back in to eat my HP.


    No, my guy. Go on vacation. All expenses paid by fear.


    >Also tired of soulbeasts or herald that say "gg" when I'm playing D/P Thief and their revealed works on me, but get upset when I use Pistol Whip.


    Maybe don't turn off my defense and I won't have to do that <3 ~


    >Magebane tether in general


    Oh, you hit me with a move that looks exactly like one of your other moves, and both of those moves have low telegraphs. Guess you get to CC me and heal to full now.

  2. > @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

    > Simple: The insults, and even threats to my RL health I got when I first tried PvP...


    > There is NO excuse to insult and threaten a new player trying PvP.

    > When you do that, you're part of the problem and as far as I am concerned, you should be banned for life.


    > Never EVER again. I wish Anet could delete that stupid freakin PvP badge off my PvE account.


    > Due to the above, I hate PvP to the CORE and will NEVER try a match EVER AGAIN.




    Sad but true/reasonable conclusion to reach. Also necro I'm assuming, so probably magnified several times over.

    We need more guild efforts to buffer kitten like this.

  3. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > Well that's what happens when you reward losing.

    > > >

    > > >**Winning should be emphasized.**

    > >

    > > You right,

    > >

    > > Daga(だが),

    > >

    > > > Losing should not give any silver/reward track progress to discourage bots and AFKers.

    > >

    > > Not rewarding losing will encourage wintrading and focus toxicity on people that are new/perceived as underperforming.

    > >

    > > The only thing that fixes both of those is a decision to stop stroking solo-carry player egos and let people make teams of people they know for ranked. The solo players will complain about something steamrolling them regardless. If its not teams, its mmr. If its not MMR, its bots. The game's built around grouping up to get big things done. Why should PVP ranked be different to its detriment?

    > >

    > > Just let the people make their teams, and if the team isn't a premade heavily reward the people who are top "X" so solo players still have a chance at getting something shiny/motivation to try.

    > >


    > In neverwinter we can team qeue, never seem problem with that, if someone wants improve just find a pvp guild, so its be like WvW already is in some way.(anyone who wants over-perform join a guild that will train him/teach builds to WvW/teach better team play).


    Agreed. And the people that can't work together/can't be civil end up handicapping themselves.

    Hell, coordination might even help offset some of the broken classes 1v1,

  4. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > Well that's what happens when you reward losing.


    >**Winning should be emphasized.**


    You right,




    > Losing should not give any silver/reward track progress to discourage bots and AFKers.


    Not rewarding losing will encourage wintrading and focus toxicity on people that are new/perceived as underperforming.


    The only thing that fixes both of those is a decision to stop stroking solo-carry player egos and let people make teams of people they know for ranked. The solo players will complain about something steamrolling them regardless. If its not teams, its mmr. If its not MMR, its bots. The game's built around grouping up to get big things done. Why should PVP ranked be different to its detriment?


    Just let the people make their teams, and if the team isn't a premade heavily reward the people who are top "X" so solo players still have a chance at getting something shiny/motivation to try.


  5. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > Playing classes without teleport in this map is like a dancing monkey in a cage specially when playing a melee one.


    > it's 2020 and teleport is still not accessible by all classes and it is still abused in maps and carrying undeserved wins, i admit i abuse these as well.

    > stuff like these either needs to be

    > 1. accessible by everyone for balance

    > 2. maps need removed for balance

    > 3. adds role limit, to limit the number of teleport per team for balance.


    > Mechanics like stealth/flash are broken mechanics and will never be balanced, which is why you should open access or heavy nerf and balance class on other terms.

    > gw2 pvp has forever favored classes with blinks/stealth since release, a viable class with blinks/stealth will always be twice more valuable then a viable class without.


    What is it with people asking for entire mechanics/maps to be changed when they can just class swap or alter their build to be a sidenoder and avoid mid altogether?

    Can we stop doing that and adapt? If this is enough of a problem for you that it deserves a forum post, set a build template for sidenoding on Kylho and be done with it instead of demanding the game be twisted around your preferences.


    > @"Nerah.8235" said:

    > Speaking as a player that mains a class with no real movement ability: I say nerf the teleports, shadowsteps, and leaps.


    Or we could make your class faster/give you sidenoding/fendoff potential?

    While I understand your frustration you -did- make the decision to commit to maining a slow class. The only thing that should be afforded to you is the ability to fend off/secure kills on faster ones instead of being hard countered by them/doomed to lose.



  6. > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > i included this idea i was thinking it could be a a trait or something in the shadow arts line but i dont think these kind of benefits should be a thing to other base professions that already have other methods of damage reduction or avoidance The idea was to make the benefits for thief while allowing some room for counter-play thats not guess cleaving and burning skills and utilities at random which feels extremely bad when they dont work.


    > As for the no critical hit thing once again im thinking thats a thief thing only. Thief should be the profession make the most use and benefit of any kind of stealth mechanic period other professions should literally not have common or equal power to stealth styles of play.


    > Most people just generally agree that the current version of stealth is bad because counter-play is rng cleave guessing game and its also becomes obnoxious when people abuse it.

    > Thief players say its bad because it does not do enough and its too easy to remove by certain professions which leaves them totally exposed.

    > At the same time stealth on other professions like ranger and mesmer have become too plentiful allowing them more sustain from those tools than they should have and hides tells on big damage skills or burst which is also bad....


    > Ideally we need rework to the stealth aspect that addresses all of this.


    Mybad, I missed that inclusion. I'm juggling a few things, but generally I agree with the above. Other classes with stealth access already have mitigation built in. If stealth gets removed entirely, though, you may want to also look at mesmers, because even though they have access to distortion they may need something to help bridge the gap on their glassier builds. I think ranger and engie will live.


    > The pulsing stability thing i think should be out of the question for the most part though if anything it would be an optional thief trait at best.

    > Keep in mind a lot of cc attacks require a target to hit accurately some of them you likely wont hit at all without a target and if camo prevents direct targeting most of the time (unless revealed) i dont think it will be easy to get chain cc'ed. or cc'ed period


    Eh. That's fair. I can do without the stab, as long as the mitigation is itself a thing. That's the major issue and that's all I really care about.

  7. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > > > I don't think your suggestion is the right solution but stealth is really too OP in this game. Think about it. Imagine playing tennis but you couldn't see the ball until the moment it hits your side of the court. In any person vs person scenario the one with the most information has a huge advantage. Stealth strips all information from the opponent and makes them rely completely on luck and divination instead of their own knowledge and skills. When you lose to this it doesn't feel good. It just feels like you got unlucky on trying to guess when they would engage on you. Stealth honestly needs a completely different redesign. Perhaps you only become 50% invisible so that way you can still be seen if people are paying attention but you can't be crit and get pulsing stab while in stealth.

    > > >

    > > > This is truth but people wont ever see it this way especially if they use the mechanic a lot in this game with explosive exploitation.

    > > > Because its fun having the power role. Stealth immediately (in most cases and in most matchups) gives that person the power role completely with minimal chances of counter-play. The few professions who can counter-play it easily being hearld rev, and engi. but even then its more of a guess in a lot of cases and should your 1 attempt fail you are SoL till they attack.

    > > >

    > > > Stealth truthfully does need a rework and the current version of stealth should be limited to thief only and with proper trade off investment (perhaps naturally in smaller amounts)

    > > >

    > > > Personally if it was up to me i would do it something like this (taken with a grain of salt of course) im not a game designer but...

    > > >

    > > > The game needs 2 types of stealth mechanical play.

    > > >

    > > > **1: Camouflaged:** has translucent silhouette of player almost as if looking at a player under stealth on your team (this is harder to see at beyond the 900 range but not impossible to see) meaning if you really look you can see them but they cant be directly targeted by skills (this voids well over 50% of all attacks in the game if it cant cleave it you cant use it against them) while under the effects.

    > > > Camo. is gained by blasting or leaping in smoke fields and by most common skills such as decoy, the prestige, hunters shot ,blinding powder, elixer toss, etc.

    > > > Camo gained by combo finishers has a slightly longer duration than the base effect we see from stealth right now.

    > > >

    > > > **2: Stealth:** This is the real deal true invisibility. ITs is gained my more rare skills and a few traits like shadows refuge, Stealth Gyro, Mass invisibility, Shadow Meld, Silent scope, Hide in Shadows, etc. This kind of stealth is more rare to other professions and mostly exclusive to thief. This works the same way as it always has just now it requires investment and is not possible to perma stack it through things like smoke combo fields. Camo will not overwrite stealth effects but stealth can overwrite the camo effect.

    > > >

    > > > **Reveal** still removes stealth but does not remove camouflage. Reveal will allow a players to directly target someone under the camouflage effect for its duration though. (think of this like seeing and being able to target the red silhouettes of the HoT mobs that are under stealth once you learn the mastery). Attacking from camo applies self reveal that prevents re-entry for a duration.

    > > >

    > > > **Shadow arts** and a few other traits get a rework to boost camouflage duration but not stealth duration and boost effects for thieves such as having a minor evade on initial camo entry, taking reduced or non critical strikes while in camouflage and or stealth, recovering health and increased movement speed while under camouflage. Possibly even gaining something like when dropping from stealth without attacking first enter camouflaged for a few seconds or Attacking from camouflaged delays its removal for a few (like 2) seconds. Of course i dont really mean all of these at the same time but these are just randomly thrown ideas.

    > > >

    > > > **Stealth attacks** are available in both methods though perhaps we see a rework to those attacks to to not make them so situational. For example backstab flipping to a different skill while under camo that does not require hitting a person in the back to gain some kind of bonus because lets face it that wont happen if you can see the silhouette of the player. This would require more work and effort but i mean it would be necessary to this concept for thief.

    > > >

    > > > The goal of this would be for true stealth to be more unique to thief while also taking a back seat as the more rare effect in the stealthy aspect of the game giving them an edge with the mechanic. Even the Camouflaged effect would provide thief with additional means of sustain while allowing some skilled level of counter-play thats not guessing blinding or hoping to get that one reveal proc from x skill.

    > > > For other professions the "Camouflaged" effect would have the base benefit such as ignoring direct targeting which cuts out a massive percentage of skills in the game while also allowing some counter play. (you dont get away with insane things with no tell) Some weapons are even entirely voided without a direct target so the applications for this lesser stealth would still great benefit and keeps them from having the same prowess as thief with the same mechanic.

    > > >

    > > > Other professions have more counter-play naturally opened up as their sustain through stealth becomes slightly lesser but not completely removed and will no longer commonly have the same effectiveness as thief all the time when it comes to sneak attacks or disengage.

    > > >

    > > > Im ready for the "bad idea" Slaughter fest gg wp :cry:

    > > >

    > >

    > > It's fine. Camo sounds fun. All I'm worried about is that I will need better access to sustain and damage mitigation. Stealth -is- annoying, but under that stealth is a thief/mes that is basically praying you don't cleave him because they don't have any damage reduction and are using that lack of visual -as- their damage mitigation.

    > > If I can just see a thief by looking really closely (or by messing with my graphics settings), and any cleave I do just goes straight to his HP pool, I don't think that's good design.

    > >

    > > If that issue is addressed, I really don't care how visible I am on thief.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > That's why I was thinking it should prevent crit damage and possibly give you 1 sec of 1 stack of stab ever one seconds. How are you going to crit on someone you can't really see? The bit stab would prevent them from just getting instantly CC locked but could get hit by chain CC's if not careful.


    See, now __That's__ something I can get behind.

    I'd be fine removing stealth if the rework looked something like that and didnt break pve.

  8. > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > I don't think your suggestion is the right solution but stealth is really too OP in this game. Think about it. Imagine playing tennis but you couldn't see the ball until the moment it hits your side of the court. In any person vs person scenario the one with the most information has a huge advantage. Stealth strips all information from the opponent and makes them rely completely on luck and divination instead of their own knowledge and skills. When you lose to this it doesn't feel good. It just feels like you got unlucky on trying to guess when they would engage on you. Stealth honestly needs a completely different redesign. Perhaps you only become 50% invisible so that way you can still be seen if people are paying attention but you can't be crit and get pulsing stab while in stealth.


    > This is truth but people wont ever see it this way especially if they use the mechanic a lot in this game with explosive exploitation.

    > Because its fun having the power role. Stealth immediately (in most cases and in most matchups) gives that person the power role completely with minimal chances of counter-play. The few professions who can counter-play it easily being hearld rev, and engi. but even then its more of a guess in a lot of cases and should your 1 attempt fail you are SoL till they attack.


    > Stealth truthfully does need a rework and the current version of stealth should be limited to thief only and with proper trade off investment (perhaps naturally in smaller amounts)


    > Personally if it was up to me i would do it something like this (taken with a grain of salt of course) im not a game designer but...


    > The game needs 2 types of stealth mechanical play.


    > **1: Camouflaged:** has translucent silhouette of player almost as if looking at a player under stealth on your team (this is harder to see at beyond the 900 range but not impossible to see) meaning if you really look you can see them but they cant be directly targeted by skills (this voids well over 50% of all attacks in the game if it cant cleave it you cant use it against them) while under the effects.

    > Camo. is gained by blasting or leaping in smoke fields and by most common skills such as decoy, the prestige, hunters shot ,blinding powder, elixer toss, etc.

    > Camo gained by combo finishers has a slightly longer duration than the base effect we see from stealth right now.


    > **2: Stealth:** This is the real deal true invisibility. ITs is gained my more rare skills and a few traits like shadows refuge, Stealth Gyro, Mass invisibility, Shadow Meld, Silent scope, Hide in Shadows, etc. This kind of stealth is more rare to other professions and mostly exclusive to thief. This works the same way as it always has just now it requires investment and is not possible to perma stack it through things like smoke combo fields. Camo will not overwrite stealth effects but stealth can overwrite the camo effect.


    > **Reveal** still removes stealth but does not remove camouflage. Reveal will allow a players to directly target someone under the camouflage effect for its duration though. (think of this like seeing and being able to target the red silhouettes of the HoT mobs that are under stealth once you learn the mastery). Attacking from camo applies self reveal that prevents re-entry for a duration.


    > **Shadow arts** and a few other traits get a rework to boost camouflage duration but not stealth duration and boost effects for thieves such as having a minor evade on initial camo entry, taking reduced or non critical strikes while in camouflage and or stealth, recovering health and increased movement speed while under camouflage. Possibly even gaining something like when dropping from stealth without attacking first enter camouflaged for a few seconds or Attacking from camouflaged delays its removal for a few (like 2) seconds. Of course i dont really mean all of these at the same time but these are just randomly thrown ideas.


    > **Stealth attacks** are available in both methods though perhaps we see a rework to those attacks to to not make them so situational. For example backstab flipping to a different skill while under camo that does not require hitting a person in the back to gain some kind of bonus because lets face it that wont happen if you can see the silhouette of the player. This would require more work and effort but i mean it would be necessary to this concept for thief.


    > The goal of this would be for true stealth to be more unique to thief while also taking a back seat as the more rare effect in the stealthy aspect of the game giving them an edge with the mechanic. Even the Camouflaged effect would provide thief with additional means of sustain while allowing some skilled level of counter-play thats not guessing blinding or hoping to get that one reveal proc from x skill.

    > For other professions the "Camouflaged" effect would have the base benefit such as ignoring direct targeting which cuts out a massive percentage of skills in the game while also allowing some counter play. (you dont get away with insane things with no tell) Some weapons are even entirely voided without a direct target so the applications for this lesser stealth would still great benefit and keeps them from having the same prowess as thief with the same mechanic.


    > Other professions have more counter-play naturally opened up as their sustain through stealth becomes slightly lesser but not completely removed and will no longer commonly have the same effectiveness as thief all the time when it comes to sneak attacks or disengage.


    > Im ready for the "bad idea" Slaughter fest gg wp :cry:



    It's fine. Camo sounds fun. All I'm worried about is that I will need better access to sustain and damage mitigation. Stealth -is- annoying, but under that stealth is a thief/mes that is basically praying you don't cleave him because they don't have any damage reduction and are using that lack of visual -as- their damage mitigation.

    If I can just see a thief by looking really closely (or by messing with my graphics settings), and any cleave I do just goes straight to his HP pool, I don't think that's good design.


    If that issue is addressed, I really don't care how visible I am on thief. I'm well aware we hard counter Necros as they currently stand. Any suggestion that pretends that thief has a bunch of sustain because it "has a bunch of dodges" in a world where lots of casts are almost instant/almost instant with quickness/hard to see is a hard no from me though.




  9. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > **What ruins your PvP experience the most? How would you fix it?**


    Only thing that ruins it for me is the potential of some builds to be infinitely sustainable and yet be oppressive in their damage output. A lot of the other problems, like toxicity and win trading/stacked matches, largely stem from that problem. I think if the number of builds that could perform very well in most game changing aspects of the matchup (Disengage potential, low or no telegraph of moves, mobility/positioning, stealth access, sustainability/healing output, damage output at range and in melee) had to just objectively __be bad__ at something that classes can easily exploit, a lot of the secondary issues would weaken or dissipate entirely.


    I'm just really tired of having to explain why having strong access to every good class trait makes gameplay vs that painful.


    A hard look at that, coupled with a good handling of Swiss Tournaments would probably destroy most of the main pvp problems (namely, people willfully tanking teams in ranked and builds that invalidate entire classes)

  10. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > We all have our posts that we drop when things were going good.


    > We were playing godly.


    > Nothing could touch us.


    > They sang our songs in the Heart of the Mists.


    > But, on one unfortunate day a skilled villain came upon us.


    > And, in front of the eyes of all our faithful admirers, we were completely and utterly defeated.


    > No greater shame than this can bring the player rushing to the forums.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/UX8X75o.png "")


  11. > @"kraai.7265" said:

    > I did, for several years, including this one befoe quitting the game 1 month ago, month and a half maybe, sword dagger thief no stealth and it worked just fine, people tend to stick to what is easier to them, doesn't mean nothing else works just fine, yet stealth is overperforming right now, so i agree it should be stripped, maybe a damage boost for other builds but not more evasion, that would be insane, right now i know thieves that can dodge litteraly 3 combos in a row and still fight back



    Sword /Dagger thief has stealth on Dagger 5.


    Would you like to give dagger 5 a huge damage buff by taking stealth off, and then deal with thieves porting in and hammering you with Dagger 5 then leaving?

    Okay, if that's what you want. Damage boost thieves in exchange for stripping stealth, and rework all their flipover skills so they can use them whenever they want. Also rework all the traits and skills that benefit them on stealth or bestow stealth to benefit them on something else that's easily accessible.


    You're going to put something beneficial back on all the thief traitlines and actions that require stealth to activate or activate stealth themselves, whether that be sustain or damage modifiers, because otherwise your suggestion is unfair.

  12. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > Okay, but if you nerf stealth buff thief damage mitigation.

    > As if Thieves needed any more active damage mitigation with All their dodges, Shadow Steps, teleports and even Evade on Daggerstorm.

    > Even without Stealth, they have the easiest time of all classes to prevent damage.


    Go play thief without stealthing in pvp and see how that works out for you. I invite you to try it yourself. Try to actively down someone without it.

    Stealth isn't some commodity as it currently stands for thief's current balance. That argument isn't real.


  13. > @"kraai.7265" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > Well you actually have the most amount of dodges across all classes, plus some sweet advantages like cleansing on dodge, healing too, more dodge chance on lower health, etc

    > But thieves tend to rely purely on stealth this days, like none of this other things exist


    Go play thief without stealthing at all and see how that works out for you. Thieves are relying on stealth because they become incredibly easy to down without it or evade frames.


    > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > I wouldn't change stealth. I think its fine as it is. The biggest problem initially was lack of counter play (reveal). But over time anet has given reveal to a lot a variety of different skills. If I did have to change something, **it would be maybe a damage penalty when you come out of stealth** . That is to prevent alpha striking from stealth. This wouldn't apply to weapon skills that alter when the player is stealthed...like thief skills.


    Fine with that.

  14. > @"spompas.9057" said:

    > My team was crying about me! looks like i died too many times.


    > looks like im trash, moron, stupid i have to uinstall because of 1 dead.


    > im sick of insults.. they are insulting me and reporting for nothing. NOTHING!


    > https://i.imgur.com/13j67z9.jpg



    > **edit**: so this is why players are playing without team and map chat as invisible for pm. I will be one of them. Wish i can mute myself from team chat :(. Thanks for advice.



    > ps: it is more than 4 because team asked report for me from map chat.




    As much as you might say "just dont let it get to you" remember that this is the environment new players have to deal with.


    That's a problem.


    Wish more people would put guilds together for PVP so we can save some of the population from this mess, because most of them come from sunshine-and-rainbows pve where rezzing is a free commodity.

  15. Okay, but if you nerf stealth buff thief damage mitigation.

    I won't play a disadvantaged class, so if you give them more options to evade, block, or outright ignore attacks I'm totally fine with giving up current stealth access.


    > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > Are you implying all those shadow steps, teleports and other skills that change their placement on the fly aren't enough to escape and run away?



    Most skills autotrack placement changes, so ranged classes would be advantaged versus them. Also what if thieves actually want to fight you instead of run away?


    > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

    > > But long durations of stealth have also been important for PvE.


    > For what exactly?

    > Other than for skipping content that Anet designed to be played?


    > I can't think of any meaningful application in PvE.


    Stealth is part of the damage mitigation of thief in that it helps cooldowns reset and allows for repositioning on a class that cannot afford to take much of any kind of damage. It's active armor. Its like guardian's passive armor, except it needs more skill to use right.


    > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

    > The skill curve is irrelevant, the issue is that a player should not be able be in stealth for a significant % of time, it's poor gameplay. If they have to be on stealth for significant periods of time then fix the root cause.


    Said it before, will say it again.

    Stealth time goes down, armor, active mitigation, or some other version of sustain goes up.

    Pick your poison. I have no problem with stealth being nerfed. Just be sure that is indeed what you want and you are willing to let them mitigate as much as mesmer, warrior, guardian, ranger, elementalist, and holo/scrapper in exchange. Whether that means extreme cd reductions on shadowstep or what have you. If you're just frustrated at thief in general, shuffling up how they play won't get rid of that. They will generally be annoying. That is their archetype.


    The one thing that I won't agree to, however, is "but shortbow/but shadowstep" as an excuse to take all the defense away from that class, because some of its defense consists of you not being able to see it and that's kind of annoying.

    If you want less stealth, so be it. Prepare for more pistol whip, vault spam, dagger/dagger or tankier thieves, though; because we share the lowest hp pool in the game with Ele and Guardian and both of them have mitigation out the kitten.


    > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > no thief main will ever agree with any version of lesser stealth without arguing for compensation on something else that also annoys non thief mains that they also wont agree with so i mean.... oof its in a tough spot.


    You're damn right. Asking for stealth nerfs with no compensation is the destruction of the class. Most of its mitigation is built into that. Put something else in its place or no deal.

  16. > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > Title says it. I am honestly sick of this kitten. Game can be even. Then 1 dude just sits at home and afk. Or 1st fight lost then just afk. Literally wasted hours of game play because some prick just afk.


    This is true, but-


    > If more than 4 players report the same guy. That guy needs to be banned for a week to not ruin other people's play time. Time is precious for people who work and kitten who afk need to get punished.


    This ain't the solution for it. If the community gets word that mass reports can force bans on people regardless of what they actually did, you can expect that to be exploited.


    That report needs to be paired with some kind of data verifying that the person has a habit of afking or dcing in matches that isnt just hearsay.


  17. > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

    > I hate those Firebrand! Using their skills and condis... How dare!!!

    > Necro is OK by the way...

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/xmECDHQ.png "")



    I think that if you eat all of soul spiral in any context, you deserve it.

    The only reason I think you're upset about this is because you tried to facetank a reaper that had just used "Nothing Can Save You!" on you, converted a good chunk of your boons into vulnerability and was carving through your blocks that you expected to save you, when you should have dodged/blinded to avoid the damage output for 4 seconds.

    And that matchup is the only one it's good at.


    Super glad to see reaper being useful in fighting a build that can hard carry a team unchecked.

  18. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > Taking more hits means taking more damage. Taking more hits in a very short window results in more damage faster. This is true whether we're talking power damage or condition damage. You get rid of that simple principal and then you're left with a system where for condition damage landing additional hits no longer matters and has no value, in a way that makes it either complete garbage or extremely op. Simple as that.


    We can also just leave condition damage output the way it is, but reduce the avenues at which it can be applied. Taking more hits in a very short window is contextual, especially if those hits are rapid and infeasible to reliably dodge or mitigate. In those cases, Its almost like stealth bursts - attacks that you cant accurately predict but rack up to hit you for crazy damage anyway if you don't cleanse.


    I think some avenues of condi application are fine. Embrace the darkness and primordial stance are good examples of predictable condi damage you can respond to. I still think some attention should be given to autos that can rack up bleeds or strings of attacks with long channel times that still put 4-5 stacks of dot on you even if you dodge the first half.


    My opinion is this. Condition damage should have the potential to burst like raw power, but it needs a bit of a balancing act. The harder the attack or attack string is to predict and dodge, the less stacks it should put on you and it should have higher damage to compensate. That way, if someone eats the whole attack, they get punished like they would have if they ate a power variant, but if they dodge and you still hit them with part of it you get the benefit of DoT. If that gets put in place, __then__ I think we can start toning down access to cleanse.



  19. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > Bunkers are countered by builds that can corrupt their boons and cc them off point/decap builds/burst/high sustained damage builds. For example, it would be silly for a bunker build to stand inside of a Plaguelands.


    that's a fair point, just a warning. If we keep moving toward streamlined and lower damage, that is where we will end up. The fact that nobody can save you once your hp hits 0 will discourage people from playing builds that counter bunker in favor of being bunker themselves.

  20. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > I think if Anet removed berserker/assassin amulet and reduced the damage modifiers from traits that make high spike/oneshot builds possible, the combat wouldn't be as bursty as it was when they tested it out in WvW.


    bunker meta cometh


    > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > What do you guys think about this?


    I like the rally mechanic It's woven pretty tightly into the core of the game as it affects several traits and skills. The fact that it tends to benefit the people with higher numbers doesn't necessarily mean that it __needs to be__ stacked in their favor, however.


    Instead of removal, I want to see more traits and skills affect downed allies with very particular conditions, as well as more skills that instantly finish downed enemies.The volatility of rally/downstate is more exciting to me then just plain dying. I think it just needs a bit more attention.


    > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > Just think about it as a solo player.


    > Let's say you're in a 1v4 and you down 3 people. Your teammate rotates in to help but can't cleave any of the 3 people out in time. You die, the 3 enemies all rally, your teammate instantly dies, and the advantage you were attempting to create through your skill has been completely wiped clean and has no impact on the rest of the match.


    > That sucks. Like I said above, the time difference would compound the more you pull off plays like this. My changes would make it much easier for a single player to impact the outcome of a match. This is something that's always been an issue with Conquest.


    Your teammate could have rezzed you if they had a skill that shrugs damage on themselves for a short period, or you could have tagged one of the downed for both you and s/he to focus. Other than that, that scenario should never happen/your teammate should wait for respawn and get a secondary instead of being a bleeding heart, 80% of the team is occupied with one guy.


    The complexity of that situation is very satisfying to me and it makes it immensely rewarding when you make a right read in a scenario like that. I'm against streamlining it for that reason.





  21. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > Typing up the notes itself isn't the problem. For the splits alone, the list is finished. We're discussing how to present the notes a digestible way and in a way that makes it easier on us to follow feedback conversations.


    > Just slap me with a mondo sized pastebin dump. I want to print it out, sit down by the fireplace and read it next to the fire.


    Slap me with a pastebin dump too. (I'll even put my opinions aside and break it up in a way that's digestible and neutral.)


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