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Azure The Heartless.3261

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Posts posted by Azure The Heartless.3261

  1. > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > I just cant comprehend these guys, the moment something goes wrong they start blowing up like a junkie in withdrawal.

    > It doesnt bother me none but I do kinda feel sorry for these people since all they are doing is bringing down an early stroke /heart attack on themselves.

    > Why do people who cant handle the simple emotions that come with competition choose to compete? o.o"


    Dunning Kruger.

  2. > @"DotDotWin.4357" said:

    > You know, people keep telling me how they nerfed dead eye but I am still getting his with 11-13K Death's judgements and 4K with 3 round burst and 5K with Deadly Aim.

    > For those of us that aren't great with math, that's 20-23K damage, from stealth, from range, in less than 1.25 seconds. Still kinda problematic.


    That combo you specified takes two and 1/4th seconds to pull off and reveals the thief after deaths judgement, unless the thief is using Quick or be Killed, which caps the damage spike you get from taking Mal 7 and premeditation.


    No amount of nerfing will save you if you do not dodge, short of removal of the spec.

  3. PvP is toxic because there's a sizable amount of players not understanding that pvp is not about doing big red numbers faster than your opponent, it's about communicating effectively with the players on their team, which they refuse to do unless it's to blame them for losing.


    There's also little control over who you get paired with in ranked, so there's no way for the playerbase to weed out the people that are perpetually brickheaded unless they want to play in unranked or in a tournament.


    Talking to your team in such a way that it helps them win the match is hard work.


  4. > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

    > > @"Silence.3702" said:

    > > Remove deadeye's stealth on dodge - make it like an ability of like 2/3 stealth stack


    > Death's Judgement shouldn't be unblockable and the damage needs to be nerfed (over 19k from stealth, no chance to react) as well as the stealth duration.


    > > Remove mirage's breakstun on dodge - seriously


    > Definitely agree. The "nerf" that Elusive Mind got was a joke and didn't do anything to fix the broken stun breaker and condition cleanse.


    > > Remove spellbreaker insane's dmg on cc or either make it longer cd


    > Full Counter in my opinion should deal 0 damage. It's bad enough that it removes boons and gives useful boons to the warrior like resistance, but it can deal AoE damage simply because one person attacked the warrior while you didn't and your health is dropped to half if you play low health professions like elementalist, guardian and thief.


    disagree with your whole post.


    Elusive Mind is dead, No sane mirage is going to take breakstun and condi cleanse for a 6 second endurance shutdown. The problem with mirage is not that trait, it is the mechanical function of mirage cloak in general.


    Deaths judgement is fine. It cannot hit you for over 19k from stealth unless the thief builds maiice on you and has malicious 7 and predmeditation, which is harder to do with the increased init cost for rifle normals. Stealth on dodge is half fine, especially with stolen skills granting stealth now.. There should probably be an icd for that.


    I'm not even going to dignify the "Full Counter should do no damage" with a response beyond this.


    You know what does need a nerf though? Holosmith.

  5. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > What kinda dps do you get with fullcounter warr now with dagger? just curious.I heard it has tons of sustain but whats the dmg like now?


    Damage is ehh with dagger. It's mostly a compounding of several things.


    might generation is incredibly easy which has synergies with, say, MMR.

    Spellbreaker matches are usually slowed down because of Full Counter.

    Every serious SB warrior carries rampage in their back pocket.


    It's not that dagger itself is overtuned, or that core is overtuned. the nature of the class just makes fighting it a slow burn, and slow burn fights are countered by HS/Adrenal. You can still kill them if you do a heavy dot like torment, or keep poison on them.


    I'm concerned as to how they will make SB squishier without making core collapse, but I've seen many a toxic SB get whittled down only to pop rampage when they were losing to good plays and just ezmode a match they should have lost.



  6. > @"breno.5423" said:

    > All classes deserve nerf (except elementalist i guess):


    > Mesmer = remove the kitt break stun from dodge ans restore the endurance regeneration which got nerf.

    > Thief = stealth duration from silent scope

    > Warrior = Nerf sustain

    > Holosmith = DPS

    > Soulbeast = Sustain **OR** dps


    i agree with the items I cropped out of the quote above.


    Mesmer is almost fine. They dont have to kill elusive mind, just tie the dodge while stunned mechanic to it so that mirages have to either take IH for DPS and be left without breakstun on dodge, or take EM for breakstun. Right now there's a significant amount of mesmers stumbling hard because their EM crutch got yanked, but the meta brought them there. with EM nerfed the meta will put them on IH.


    That being said baiting dodges should help handle them.


    I can deal with warrior sustain nerfs/FC nerfs atm as long as they arent over the top/ target spellbreaker.

    I can deal with a stealth nerf/cd on silent scope.


    Holosmith is obvious.


    Soulbeast is obvious.


  7. The issue is dodging while stunned to avoid burst. I'm sure OP knows that and is trying to imply that because Mesmer got a huge nerf, the problem has been resolved and complaints about its mechanics are unfounded, even though the issue remains.


    However, with EM being so unsavory to take now, there is counterplay.


    If they run EM, they will run out of gas for evades under pressure after a successful stun.


    If they run IH, they will be harder to kill but you can bait dodges if a stun connects. and deliver burst after.


    It's annoying, but if you bring cleanses you can probably manage. Day one mesmers are suffering build whiplash after being carried by EM.


  8. > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

    > > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > Pretty much this. Portal and Blink are all but stapled to competitive mesmer builds, so that leaves just one slot for another utility. If you're not getting condition cleanse out of your traits, and you're not running chronomancer to get it from Well of Eternity, that's your entire utility bar spoken for.


    > Oh heaven forbid you have to use ONE utility skill for condi clear.

    > Spellbreaker meta build uses TWO utility slots for condi clear/resistance. Featherfoot Grace AND Shake it Off.

    > Core Medi Hammer Guard meta build uses TWO slots, Smite condition and contemplation of purity

    > Firebrand mantra bunker meta build uses Contemplation of Purity

    > Soulbeast uses Dolyak Stance



    Agreed. Having to dedicate utility skills to deal with condi cleanse is not new or unorthodox. everyone certainly had to do it to deal with condi mirage and still will.

  9. K so Mesmer counterplay is now:


    Bring significant condi clear because every single mes, including the ones on power chrono and power core, is going to be running condi and infinite horizon, because EM is suicide and confounding doesn't provide the damage prereq and setup their burst.


  10. > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > - EM with 6 seconds exhaustion. When I compare to something comparable : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unhindered_Combatant was god mode **DURING 2 YEARS** (particulary in WvW.) and is only 4 sec exhaustion. Not to say that thief have way more endurance than mes. BTW more mes would run IH.


    *shadowsteps into mesmer forum*


    Hi, Unhindered didn't break stuns, knockdowns, launches, pushes, pulls, or floats. It just removed cripple, chill and immob, which are relatively minor conditions in comparison. We still had to use dedicated stunbreaks to break stun, and we have less base health.


    *shadowsteps back out*

  11. It's not bad. what was considered rifle cheese is nerfed, so Deadeyes have to work a bit harder.

    buff to mending will be good for peak performance wars. Maybe some wars will start pressing 6 so people can find something other than HS to whine about.

    Reaper nerf was ehh, but I'll need to see it in game. passive damage procs dont really hold the spec together atm.

    QoL on Ele, thats nice.

    Elusive Mind nerf, doesnt fix the main issue, but for those mesmers that NEED to move after being stunned, itll be a nice thorn in the sid-




    Wait. Confounding doesnt stun you now if you get dazed?



  12. > @"huehuehueh.5106" said:

    > Top 100 player, tired of pvp neglect, no meaningful rewards for time played, horrendous experience where players call you names regardless of performance. Forced to play games with random teamates in a team based game mode. If you agree just comment "Im Done" in this thread and we can see how many people share this opinion.




    Welcome to the Unranked Tyrian meme build fight club.

    You're free now kek

  13. > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

    > As long as these cheese builds exist, people are going to abuse them and climb to the top.




    Every class on this game has a build or builds that require skill, but most classes also have crutch traits or skills that can be used to cover build weaknesses, and so everyone runs cheese.


    Why run traits considered weak and cover the deficiencies with skill and forethought, when you can stack your build to automatically handle any split second decisions you need to make that might cost you the fight, and then pass that off as skill?


  14. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > I feel like an addict when I hear balance patch.

    > "omg is the wack gonna get purged? will pvp be fair and fun? will they finally introduce new modes and build variety?"


    Chasing the [Elder] Dragon.

  15. I'd like to remind everyone that the only buffs reaper got last patch that are causing people to suddenly melt are these:


    >Death Perception: The critical hit chance increase of this trait has been reduced from 50% to 33% while in a shroud. This trait now additionally grants up to 300 >ferocity at level 80.

    >Reaper's Onslaught: This trait now grants quickness while in Reaper's Shroud instead of the previous 15% increased attack speed.\

    >Gluttony: In addition to its previous life force gain increase, this trait now grants the necromancer a stack of might for 6 seconds when they gain life force.


    And death perception is technically a nerf, because I used to use it pre patch and had 100% crit chance in shroud on my power reaper. It's counterbalanced by reaper being faster to deal its damage now.


    Reaper was garbo because they originally couldn't catch anyone to deliver their damage in shroud. but now that people are suddenly considering soul reaping because of the tweaks and they have quickness on shroud, _suddenly_ it's overpowered and a carry and too strong?


    Dodge. Nothing has changed, you just get punished for sleeping on the reaper now. Don't facetank axe 2 and stay away from reaper when they pop shroud and youll live. It's even easier to dodge their non autos now because of how fast they complete.


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