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Everything posted by Yasai.3549

  1. They should make 100B like Bladestorm, but having a wider range. Instead of reflecting projectiles, it could just destroy them. Main reason is to make the skill usable while moving, as well as put some projectile hate on it so Warrior isn't so easily bullied when using GS. GS for the longest time has been used as a defensive swap and F1 cleave, I feel like making 100B an anti range forward pressure attack will help Warriors keep their enemies on their toes instead of people just dodging that F1 and then slamming on them.
  2. > @"epoc.7941" said: > Lol it BARELY does that already. Goodness it’s literally not a deserved nerf. They gutted thief with this. It’s unjustified. > "It's unfair. How can one be Thief and not have supreme mobility?" "Take a seat, young Shortbow"
  3. It's pretty stronk on paper, but in actual practice, the penalty for Overheat heavily outweighs the "hee hee damage" yu get for blowing up in yur target's face. The worst case scenario is also pretty severe : Yu don't land the explosion, yur toolbelt is locked, yu get dabbed on because yu can't use those utilities. In other words : it's a pretty meme trait which capitalizes on failure of resource management, and in the case of Holosmith, yu don't ever wanna fail to manage Heat.
  4. > @"Quadox.7834" said: > in some ways it was a mistake to split pvp and pve balance bcs now it feels like they just bandaid fix everything and never make an effort Eh, at least up until the end of last year, there has been some significant changes to certain Profession or Espec mechanics in an attempt to balance troublesome traits or mechanics. After the massive Major balance patch though, it has just gone downhill, like the entire "balance" idea was tossed down a cliff. The few Balance patches we have had this year was nothing but competitive only coefficient slaps. There was some attempt to make Scourges less oppressive by making their Shades affect less targets in Competitive but that was met with hardcore resistance and complaints so much so that they were forced to revert it. And now with Dec Patch, I'm just straight up bemused as to who's idea was it to utterly change how a skill functions for Competitive vs PvE. The change I am talking about is of course the change for **Facets** and **Tempest Shouts** to affect 10 people in PvE and 5 people in Competitive, and gutting the traits which previously increased the number of allies affected. This is just so bizarre a decision to remove any sort of value previously sought after from these traits, and then finishing the one-two punch by making the skill split. Draconic Echo may still be useful for Herald Roamers which will now be used exclusively to extend their boon pulses after using the Facet actives, but other than that, whatever use it previously had is essentially gone. Tempesteous Aria on the other hand, is simply trashed because people never picked it up for the Might and Weakness, those Boons are already abundant from Fire Warhorn, people picked up that trait for the extra allies affected. If it were the previous balance team, they would have straight up replaced Tempesteous Aria with something new because the trait's value is now diminished. Whatever this new balance team is doing, it's not good for the game. Period.
  5. Burn Guards are offset by not having any cover conditions to prevent yu from literally nullifying their damage with a single cleanse. Just step out of the AoEs, and use yur cleanses once in the clear and Burn Guards are a joke. > @"Whyarewestillhere.8970" said: > I'll never understand why people are defending builds like this. > Well i guess only the top 5% games count, since i see burn guards even in plat. > Let's just ignore that low effort builds with high reward (like burn guard) are dominating pretty much every game below that. > > Gee, i wonder why there aren't many new PvP-players... Defend it? People are giving advice on how to beat it. Like bruh, if everyone who encounters just the tiniest problem and begs the devs for nerfs, we wouldn't even have a game left. In fact, it's due to this sort of thing which is causing us to have a really skewed meta atm where only a handful of builds are being played. What's next? Oh no Mordrem Snipers have this really painful line AoE, Anet please remove it cos it hurts so so so much!
  6. Don't yu know Anet will nerf everything around the problem except the problem itself, and when they finally nerf the problem, they will not revert any other nerfs.
  7. Was it ever a thing while gliding? IIRC it was mid-air but idk anything bout while gliding.
  8. How much more sparkly do yu want Glint to be? The Facets kinda already glow on the ground and in an Aura, and their skills are kinda flashy. And isn't all the Centaur skills when emitted through the tablet a little yellowish?
  9. Hammer will be used until it is removed from the game : 1. Because it is the longest ranged Power based weapon. 2. Revenants have literally nothing else which can match it for its intended use of Ranged Power damage. Some people might go like "durr but Shortbow" but durrr Shortbow doesn't even come close to Hammer when it comes to zoning range and striking power for POWER damage.
  10. > @"SlitheSlivier.1908" said: > I agree with all of this. > Also ele overall needs buffs. Personally I find it just extremely bizarre that they nerfed Tempest as well. Yes, Draconic Echo 10 man support was largely dominating WvW scene for boon uptime and nerfing it would have been fine, but they could have actually took this chance to indirectly allow Tempest to shine by allowing them to keep their 10 man boon share. Now that is what I call a meta shift, because one has fallen out of favour, the other rises up in its place. But they decided to hit both at the same time, which is gonna only result in one thing : Shove in more Heralds. This has been trend for almost 4 years now : Nerf something's capacity to perform, people bandaid by shoving more in.
  11. The strength of current builds indeed stem from Core Engi, but Core Engi has alot of problems which make them unable to pull out that potential. It's due to Especs Scrapper and Holo that prop up Core Engi's weaker aspects that allows them to perform better. The problem here is indeed Core Engi, but not because they are too strong, but they are too weak to pull out that strength. Solution here is to slap down the parts of Core Engi which is too strong, because once even Core Engi is able to reliably perform with these Strengths, they are going to be just as troublesome as Scrapper and Holo. AT THE SAME TIME, they have to prop up what Core Engi is lacking. Key here is doing both of these in the same patch, which pretty much spells Core Engi rework. #TLDR : They should target down the parts from Core which is too strong, which is understandable, but they also need to buff Core Engi in parts they are lacking, because without doing so, Core Engi will just fall further and further into disuse.
  12. > @"Quadox.7834" said: > builds like healbreaker should not be viable to play in this game, they add no fun at all - in fact they actively reduce fun Same can be said bout perma immob Druids and Stealth Spam DE no? Still no decisive nerfs to curb the power of these two builds which just ***OOZE*** unfun when playing against them. There's also CC chaining to talk about, and to a lesser extent, Boon layering which has been largely addressed, but still an existing problem which will never go away with how strong Boons are. And here we have people who are crying about Healbreaker which only exists because everything other build they can field is basically trashed with the massive nerfs to their sustain, defenses and damage. Man Warrior does not deserve to be put down so hard at all.
  13. > @"Zacchary.6183" said: > *(Unhindered Combatant Dashes, Speed Runes and Channeled Vigors past you)* > Nothing personal, kid. Vault + Dash too. Staff will replace SB as mobility tool. Sucks to no longer be able to consistently port up cliffs, but good luck catching a Staff DD running away.
  14. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > There is no reason for it NOT to deal more damage in PvE. Not like there are that many boons to be removed there outside of certain days in FotM. I'd prefer a ground target skill with some range to it myself though, but then I've advocated turning dagger 5 into a mini WoD that is ground targeted and ranged so... My god OH Dagger is just so unappealing to use for Warrior in general. Like cool, it's kinda useful if yu use Pokemon Sun and Moon, but the skills itself from OH Dagger are just outshined by the defensive utility of Shield and the damage capability of Axe. But like I said, if WoD is turned into a hands-free tick damage skill, it would still let the player use weapon skills at the cost of reduced effect range. Or, they could simply balance the damage a little, and have WoD deal more damage to targets without boons, so enemies with boons stripped will take more damage if they are boonless ontop of not being able to gain more boons while in WoD's AoE.
  15. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > That would make it too powerful in WvW. But as is it has no use in PvE or PvP. > > TBH I'm open to any change that expands it's usage in other modes. They should make WoD pulse around the Spellbreaker dealing Power based damage per tick and removing boons for 5 seconds, 1 tick per second. The player can then, at any moment, choose to drop their WoD, leaving it behind in a larger AoE for slightly more damage for the remaining duration. Range when pulsing on the SpB : 200, practically need to be melee range for it to hit targets. Range when dropped and left behind : Same as live WoD. I just want WoD to have more damage in PvE and be hands-off in exchange for extremely reduced range so it's not just some large dumb bubble only useful for WvW
  16. Hear me out guys : Revert Ini cost of Infiltrator's Arrow. BUT Make it no longer usable to scale up cliff-faces. :^)
  17. Man I wish they would listen less and play more. It's highly obvious just by looking at the Balance Patch that they just see whatever's on the forums and they smack it. For example : Heal Shout Warrior was slapped lol. Like sure, Heal Shout Warrior provided superb healing - at the cost of dealing literally no damage and providing little cover boons to support. Some dude made a post crying bout Heal Shout Warrior and it actually got nerfed lmao.
  18. > @"Linken.6345" said: > You mean one of the golden childs since release. > > Well it was about god kitten time. Waiting for Holo nerf but it never comes tho :s
  19. > @"alchemyst.2165" said: > I will now be dashing and heartseekering across the map for mobility, don't text Jokes on yu, I will be using Vault and Dash instead. Next patch, Staff gonna get nerfed yeeehaw
  20. It's probably gonna be good for smallscale now since yu can drop and forget, forcing people to fight yu in the Winds and lose all their boons, or get out. Good luck using this to push in Zerg v Zerg though.
  21. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said: >I get takes time to redesign the defense lines 2 traits, but a yr and counting is crazy. Honestly these as supposed to be professionals within a industry lol They have been giving us nothing but coefficient changes all year round, and more often than not it's for the worse. We have been extremely patient with them following last year's huge nerf spike, but it's getting ridiculous how they have treated balancing. People aren't going to soon forget this period of time, and I've already seen many droves of players move on from this game due to how they have handled the balancing. I'm actually starting to think it's a possibility that the game might actually die before EoD gets finished. Even if EoD gets finished, or Steam release draws new players to the game, there are going to be a very vocal population which no doubt will flood the Steam page with reviews.
  22. #My only thoughts on the Balance Patch is that this current balance team is very very very lazy when it comes to balancing. Not only do they not regularly balance the game, when they do, they only reduce coefficients. Go and pull up all the Game Update patches featuring balance changes for 2020 and yu will quickly notice that every patch is just a coefficients shift, or a resource numbers change. Nothing is being done to address the long lasting problems since last year's Major balance shift. Instead, everything is being hammered down even more, with no changes to Condi still. Power builds are getting killed. Healing builds are getting killed. Players are gonna be forced to play whats left that isn't nerfed yet, then await the day those things get nerfed with bated breath. At this rate, they may as well remove competitive modes.
  23. Well it's over boys, they nerfed Incensed Response for WvW as of December Patch, we can all go home now.
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