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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. We have not heard anything about the armory for 10 months, they did say they would talk to us when they were further along developing it so imo dont expect it this year mate.
  2. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > I think that with the impending expansion, and Steam release sometime soon-ish, Anet is anticipating a large influx of new (or newer?) players and they are manipulating the economy to be more favorable for the new players. Steam release is on ice so I would not expect is soon-ish if I were you
  3. > @"Cuks.8241" said: > You should be able to use the waypoints in an instance to ress. They did not want to revive they wanted to leave instance.
  4. > @"Xavius.5843" said: > Hello > > Today the new patch got released and with that players where given a present, but the problem is that the gifts are banned for me cause i live in belgium. > is there a way those players can get something else? > > thank you in advance Yea its because its rng what dye you get so gambling
  5. > @"Sibila.5463" said: > More closed instances are needed: strikes, dungeons, fractal, raids and prizes worth striving for. > This game is 8 years old and the skins you can collect are few for a product that's been on the market for so many years. > I've been helping a friend for the last 3 months and we've finished everything in this game Dang all legendaries in 3 months?
  6. > @"Blocki.4931" said: > I think it's good enough, at least we know there is some more effort put into the maps this time around. We do? Were did this info get released?
  7. > @"Kondor.2904" said: > No, it's not the in-combat problem. I sometimes too notice that I don't get a dodge when swapping which is a quite annoying bug. Also you can't swap too quickly, since the weapon swap cd is 10s and icd of the swap sigils is 9s, it should be ready every single time you swap, even if you do it off cooldown. Dont alacrity work on weapon swap cd?
  8. > @"Hannelore.8153" said: > There's a minimum amount of time they've placed on how you can obtain any kind of Ascended gear. The numbers are tuned based upon this, to specifically make it so you can't farm it beyond an average, precalculated time gate. As a general rule this is about 1-1½ weeks per item, but there's some variance depending on the type of gear you're acquiring. > > Providing a guaranteed drop would require the devs to reduce the number of nodes you can mine per day to compensate. And that explenation is thrown out the window since we got bitterfrost winter berry farm.
  9. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"moony.5780" said: > > I wish there would be more different types of fun dailies > > Perhaps expand upon that. What would you consider "different" and "fun" dailies? And how long would they be fun 1, 5 10 times ?
  10. > @"Perisemiotics.4579" said: > unless anyone here is an ANet former/current employee, whcih doesn't appear to be the case, we don't know if that'll come or not. Yes, devs years ago said probably not because of this and that, but things change, nothing ever stays the same, or almost nothing. Personally idc if they come out as a new race or not but I just find natural (new) players interested in it and asking for it, unlike the bazillion answers "no, no, no, get over it, etc." from other players that are just... players. Yes and then we have the players that phrase their comments like. When this get implemented like its already a done deal, be it tengu or player housing etc. Should you not correct them and say we dont know?
  11. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > > Would be nice if anet somehow invented group markers like the commander tag squad markers but for groups that all could set without being the boss. > > > > > > I'm not so sure that adding yet another marker (commander, catmander, mentor) wouldn't clutter things up more than they already are? > > > > Yea if you read what i said wasent talking about the mark over head at all. > > Was saying the alt 1- meaning the arrow, circle, heart etc would be nice if can be used in group by anyone to mark things like the graveling mounds in ascalon path 1 for example. > > I was thinking more about marks on the mini map rather than overhead. You do know that the commander markers that I want to be able to used by groups with my comment show on the mini map right?
  12. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said: > > @"toucan.6358" said: > > do i have to lay on the ground for 5 min doing f all, let me leave the instance wtsf > > In the minimap if you click on the portal icons it asks if you want to leave. There is nothing like this in public strike missions or dragon response missions.
  13. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > Would be nice if anet somehow invented group markers like the commander tag squad markers but for groups that all could set without being the boss. > > I'm not so sure that adding yet another marker (commander, catmander, mentor) wouldn't clutter things up more than they already are? Yea if you read what i said wasent talking about the mark over head at all. Was saying the alt 1- meaning the arrow, circle, heart etc would be nice if can be used in group by anyone to mark things like the graveling mounds in ascalon path 1 for example.
  14. > @"KillingTimeZ.5289" said: > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said: > > But beware, these stuff requires T4 materials(like linen)..., to reduce the cost at maximum, u should use level 51 character trick to open bags and get theses T4 materials, or farm Drizzlewood Coast. > > > > About bag opener: https://scoutwarband.com/use-a-bag-opener/ > > > > About material tier: > > Tier 1: Green Wood, Jute, Rawhide: Level 1-20 > > Tier 2: Soft Wood, Wool, Thin Leather: Level 16-33 > > Tier 3: Seasoned Wood, Cotton, Coarse Leather: Level 31-50 > > Tier 4: Hard Wood, Linen, Rugged Leather: Level 44-63 > > Tier 5: Elder Wood, Silk, Gossamer, Thick Leather, Ancient Wood (rare), Hardened Leather (rare): Level 59-80 > > > > U can use this site to check craft profit, or gw2 efficiency, to check if a material worth profit, or have loss when craft it. > > > > https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/item/71334-Damask-Patch > > https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-46739 > > So about the bag opening, I have not any idea as to what bags in specific I need to open on a lower level character. I have some bags from the princess thing salvaging the stone 50 a go do these count as bags to open on a lower level? And if so, can you tell me all the bags or how to tell what bags to open on a lower level please and thankyou https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_loot_bag https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Loot_Bag There you go all those kind of bags. Edit Forgot one https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag_of_Masterwork_Gear
  15. > @"Cyninja.2954" said: > There could be an alternative to the system we have now, but that would cause just as many issues as it would solve. > > As mentioned by others, we had a group leader system when the game launched (this can be unrelated to the instance ownership which was also present at launch. A group leader dc could be handled in many ways today). It worked better in some cases, and worse in other cases. > > Suffice to say, it was abusable and was abused occasionally. Giving control over the group to 1 player means he can not only kick afk players, he can kick any one he wants. > > Raids require a far larger amount of organization, as such a central role or players being in charge makes sense. Fractals still have a majority vote system, which works in most scenarios except for fringe cases. Most other content is simply not difficult enough nor does it require this amount of organization to warrant handing over control to 1 player. > > That said, a friend of mine has already encounter a new type of trolling and this clearly shows what issues arise with "ownership" or control of 1 player over the party: > A player who opened a dragon response mission disconnected at the very end (and given the current instance ownership, this results in every player getting removed from the instance). The player returned shortly after, very apolagetic about his disconnect and given he was very friendly the group decided to retry the DRM. Took 3 more "disconnects" at the boss for people to realize what a troll they had on their hands. Talk about a sad human being out to only make other players game experience worse. So not one time of these 4 tries anyone else spoke up to start the instance?
  16. Would be nice if anet somehow invented group markers like the commander tag squad markers but for groups that all could set without being the boss.
  17. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > Yes, suicide zerg rushing was a very popular approach to many fights. The current no ress/no waypoint when in combat situation was introduced as a direct response to it. As such, don;t expect for it to be removed. > > And what was so bad about that? Well it take away any challange if you only need 1 tanky person and the rest of group can just wittle anything down right? Edit Why have any encounters at all just put down a training dummy let people wack it and get rewarded every 30 seconds. with loot.
  18. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > > I can totally imagine Arenanet withholding all information until they finished season 5 in May. > > > > its pushed forward so we get it in late april now. > > And they likely will do a staggered release, like they do with all chapters, > so that the first part of chapter 4 comes out in late April and the second part in May. ~~No chapter 4 is the last chapter of this episode we are on.~~ Ah I see what you mean the 2 week waiting thingy.
  19. > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > > > @"Fenella.2634" said: > > > > Several people have suggested to skip most or all of the previous story with Tengu. > > > > > > > > However, this does not work. The PC's bond with Aurene is crucial to the plot and very unique. Without that, how can Tengu get the same plot moving forward as the older characters? > > > > And in order to have this bond, we need to have at least LS2 and everything that followed as canon for the character. > > > > Having a generic Commander character die and be replaced by the Tengu PC would not be the same, so going forward, this Tengu would have to have a different story, even after their introduction. > > > > > > > > This, plus the 6 new voice actors needed for all future content. Phew. All that just for a bit of cosmetics? I don't think it's worth it. > > > > > > Hey, if i could choose to not be the chosen pet of aurene, i would be all for it. Really, being a side character could be an improvement to the story. But then anet would have to make two stories. Still, saving the planet, again, when aurene could do it better and faster (immortal, stronger being alive) means the commander is redundant anyway. > > > > So you want to go back to core story telling were you were the second in command and treherene took all the glory? > > Alot of people hated that hence why he is not around anymore. > > What could possible lead you to that conclusion? But now that you brought that up... > > From my point of view, Trahearne didn't wilfully take all the glory, but since the future of the entire world was pushed on his shoulders by his mom, and since he probably wanted to help people survive, Caladbolg helped him along. As in, to everyone else, it was like there was themselves together with Trahearne and no one else. Then Trahearne, in their eyes, saved them single handedly, while the commander and everyone else around were basically just shadows who were easy to ignore. As in, Caladbolg helped him become a victim of destiny. Simply put: Be what you were born to be, what you were meant to be, not what you want to be. Give up your dreams or the world ends, or civilization anyway. World ending threat number 1 in an endless list of doomsdays events. Is anyone else tired of the same old kitten? > > I simply think aurene made the story 10x worse than anything that could have happened if it didn't exist. How? Who knows, but anything would be better than this. Yes, even another doomsday event, as long as it doesn't include aurene, but it's way too late for that now. Well maybe read they person I replied too?
  20. > @"Tony.8659" said: > I don't think that would happen, especially if some players are new. Me I been here since first beta and now I just want to finish that 200AP achieve that I left for so long. Now unless Anet adds something new to dungeons I will not be returning after I'm done. They can take that as feedback. That is exactly what happened before Anet put into the game and stop it from continuing
  21. > @"Tony.8659" said: > I'm going to guess this has been brought up before. But now it's getting a bit annoying and I'm sure Anet can fix it. While joining a group in a dungeon, why am I always in combat when I just entered? I don't care if my team mates are in combat, I am not and I should be able to waypoint in the dungeon instead of sitting there until they are finished fighting. Many times I just left the group after a while. Sometimes I do not want to walk all that distance where there is a waypoint right there I can use. Terrible design. And when I fnish that 200 AP dungeon achievement I will not be returning again. if you were not people could just die use way point and zerg down anything in the dungeon as long as 1 person were alive.
  22. > @"leila.7962" said: > I wrote a ticket explaining the situation and asked them to email me the item that Rakkan sells so I could proceed with my collection. That dont work since you have not done the thing so they cant help you.
  23. > @"Luthan.5236" said: > Guys from Tyria join up with the other guys in Cantha. And new race there gets a different starting story (only for chars there). Later it could merge and the episodes just having 1 generic npc guy playing the one that isn't played by the player character. (Voice acting for both. Just that in fights he is played by the computer/AI.) So the new guy is second in command kinda like commander now was in core story? Yea that might work unsure if the new people are ok with playing second fiddle tho.
  24. > @"Luthan.5236" said: > Yes. Good argument with the resources that could be used on other stuff. Especially people that might prefer another race ... could get angry. If only Tengu got added. (They still could do a tonic for Tengu though.) > > Story: Could be possible that newer races could only play the later story. Would be less work. (Still the stuff with armor for the new races.) > > Btw ... GW1 had only 1 playable race. :D (Even though there were different human races based by the campaign/starting continent. And heroes with different races that joined the party.) So how would the Tengu be setup to replace the core commander in the story, how would they be able to even relate with aurene and the other dragon watch members? As others have said Tengu would have to be a completely new story at the side of the normal gw2 story as it cant mix with older story at all.
  25. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > I can totally imagine Arenanet withholding all information until they finished season 5 in May. its pushed forward so we get it in late april now.
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