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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. lvl 10 once a week for a black lion key, level 40 unlimited and lvl 60 unlimited a week.
  2. Each character can have 2 crafts max as base without buying additional licenses in the store. ( or switching for a silver cost each time) I find its worth it but then again, I usually want to do everything myself.
  3. > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > @"Fenella.2634" said: > > Several people have suggested to skip most or all of the previous story with Tengu. > > > > However, this does not work. The PC's bond with Aurene is crucial to the plot and very unique. Without that, how can Tengu get the same plot moving forward as the older characters? > > And in order to have this bond, we need to have at least LS2 and everything that followed as canon for the character. > > Having a generic Commander character die and be replaced by the Tengu PC would not be the same, so going forward, this Tengu would have to have a different story, even after their introduction. > > > > This, plus the 6 new voice actors needed for all future content. Phew. All that just for a bit of cosmetics? I don't think it's worth it. > > Hey, if i could choose to not be the chosen pet of aurene, i would be all for it. Really, being a side character could be an improvement to the story. But then anet would have to make two stories. Still, saving the planet, again, when aurene could do it better and faster (immortal, stronger being alive) means the commander is redundant anyway. So you want to go back to core story telling were you were the second in command and treherene took all the glory? Alot of people hated that hence why he is not around anymore.
  4. > @"nanno.6512" said: > when will they fix juggernaut collection RAKKAN npc wasted alot of gold on this just wonderin, ppl said it was broken for 7months already might aswel get some refunds for this mess Best to attempt right after a patch the next is 19th roughly 2 hours before this msg is posted.
  5. > @"Nilkemia.8507" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said:> > > Again you can play them solo if you enter alone in private. > > I can, but it would take even longer, with all the other problems still remaining. It's not as blatant as Zhaitan pre-rework, or, alchemy forbid, mapping Dragon's Stand, but it's clearly designed in a way to make one choose grouping over not, if just to get it over with faster, since it doesn't seem to scale down for one person. Or at least it didn't, back when I did it. > > It do you probabely just have a low damage high survive build maybe?
  6. > @"marielleberto.3865" said: > > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > > @"marielleberto.3865" said: > > > If it's not your community, you don't have a say about it. Plus, by excluding "you (Brazilians that need translation)" from "we " as you did in your comment, you're saying that Brazilians are not included among the player community, which, to me, sounds a little xenophobic. > > First, it was not "you (Brazilians)". It was most likely the personal you. Sure, posters asking for translations may be all Brazilian, but they aren't exactly representatives of the whole Brazilian community. They may _think_ they are, but in the end they speak only for themselves. Second, there's a massive difference between want and need. Many (although, i am sure, not _all_) Brazilians playing this game may indeed want the portugese translation, but i doubt most actually _need_ it. And if they do, they are unlikely to post on the forums about it. In _english_. > > > > Sure, friend! Because Google Translator doesn't exist yet for them to post here in English. Hey why not use google translate to translate each line of the story then?
  7. > @"VocalThought.9835" said: > > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > > @"Vavume.8065" said: > > > > @"theoneparttwo.9561" said: > > > > No. Non. Nope. Nein. Nyet. Never. Nuh-uh. > > > > > > > > There are a million and a half reasons why it won't happen, and continuing to beat that dead horse is likely what led us to having that malformed Pegasus skin for the Griffon. The devs used a group of necromancers to reanimate the desecrated corpse of said dead horse and sold it in the gem shop. Please, for the sake of the malformed Pegasus, just stop already with these posts! ( :tongue: ) > > > > > > Once upon a time these forums were filled with posts that said there would never be mounts and to stop flogging a dead horse asking for them... I guess you were not around then... > > > > Except mounts didn't requires Anet to rework **all** their available armor skins to implement ... a new race like Tengu most likely does. Considering how LITTLE value adding a new race to the game actually has ... it's very likely you won't see it being playable. > > So what are you gonna say if they add it to the game? I'm just curious. It was answered before in thread. Why did you waste resources on this?
  8. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special_Forces_Training_Area
  9. > @"Jozuan.5871" said: > Dear people, if you don't want to play a Tengu, just don't. No one is gonna force you to. It's just an race **option**. We just want to have fun with out bird-people. > Personally, I don't like charr, but I don't go around asking for them to be removed, or complaining about their existence or something. I just don't play one. Same goes for Tengu. Except it would take resources that people not wanting to play tengu would like to go to something else they would enjoy. The game came with other races from the start so why should any of them be removed nothing is gained from that you cant get those resource wasted on that back. I bet if people had a choice we prob only would have had humans instead of all the other races (since majority rules) but here we are.
  10. > @"Nilkemia.8507" said: > More forced grouping, which I don't like. Bosses aren't hard, just HP sponges that take longer than they need to (coupled with phases where the bosses are invulnerable or can't be hit just making this worse), and little if any story bits inside of them, which could've been handled in their own story instances, instead of trying to put this in the way for me to complete. > > And what little story there is isn't really interesting. > > I'm not sure what purpose this content serves again. > > The Volcanic Stormcaller weapons might be neat...if the smoke effects didn't cover 75% or more of the weapons themselves. So thankfully I don't feel the need to grind for them. Again you can play them solo if you enter alone in private.
  11. > @"ChefBoyardee.7285" said: > I just messaged the tech support and mentioned that the removal of the skill description would be a great option and there are lots of people who would like to see this feature in game. I am also one of those people . Please create a option to hide the grey skill description boxes , thank you or you could start pressing keys on keyboard instead of click them with mouse mate.
  12. Clean out all your mails and take any gold or stuff you have in your blacklion trading stash + restart game fully. That was what I had to do when doing my lvl 40 key run this week.
  13. > @"Jozuan.5871" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > Its just a cosmetic choice , combat tonic is enough. > > No, it's not. We eant to customize our Tengu, choose colors, feather patterns and stuff. Easy 5-10 tonics with colours, feather patterns and stuff done. And they can put them behind a gold gate like the ice infusion as well win win for anet.
  14. > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said: > As usual, there is no communication, except from leakers. > > For 2 years we have asked, > > #Alliances when!? > > and our voices have fallen on deaf ears. The WvW forum lives on salt, lies, and pain. Yes and not as long but still in memory, legendary armory 10 months without a word.
  15. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > > > @"Baddxian.3851" said: > > > > > They **can't** use updrafts? How does that make any sense at all?! > > > > > > > > > > I don't have either of the flying mounts yet, so I did not realize this, but it certainly dampens my enthusiasm for working towards the griffin... > > > > > > > > > > > > > Somewhere in one of the previous threads on this topic it was explained that griffons (and now, by extension skyscales) are too heavy to benefit from updrafts. Thus, the glider. > > > > > > So then how can giant norn and charr use updrafts? Some of the norn and charr I see in the OP are sometimes larger and probably much heavier than griffins. > > > > Charr or Norn could not be larger and/or heavier than griffons, else griffons would never be able to carry them. Additionally, both races are able to use gliders for updrafts, so they can't be heavier than griffons. > > So it's just a matter of being able to do it in the game? Not about any logic or anything? > So if the day would actually come where anet decides, Griffin can use the updrafts(Whether realistic or not, purely hypothetical), you would switch to: Okay, apparently they're not that heavy after all and can use Updrafts /shrug. > > You do know that the giffons you want use updrafts have their mass and the heavy norn/charr to deal with hence they cant use updrafts. A griffon on its own should be able to no problemo.
  16. > @"Eric The Dangerous.6209" said: > > > @"Pacificterror.7805" said: > > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > If it does work out for you, then perhaps you can appeal to Microsoft to bring Windows XP back? > > > > Jokes aside that'd be great....in my line of work, there's some software I use that requires me to keep machines that have Windows XP in conjunction with our Win10 machines. > > > > -- > > > > To address the OP, I understand where you're coming from but at the same time I'm surprised GW1 is even still running. As you can/people apparently do still put money into the game, yes you should have access to support for issues, but I question why the game is still going when GW2 has been around as long as it has. > > Its all about the money Lebowski... They make tons from xunlai storage panes and character slots. The game still has a huge player base (in pve, pvp, and pre-searing pve) It's sad that they let hackers run rough shot. A lot of players got either perma-banned due to their accounts being hacked then committing malicious activities while under the control of another party or had items lost that were irreplaceable lost (mini kanaxai, mini panda, or everlasting henchman tonic). What really chaps my rump is the fact that most of this happened in the great security breach of 2010-ish where someone found a backdoor to anets security. It's not like these players did anything to compromise their accounts. People would love to see new events or things added to pre-searing/post-searing and even skills tweaked but at the moment I'd just be happy to see ban accounts, deleted characters, and lost items fixed so that players feel like anet still care about them. If people are getting banned for malicious activities then it looks like gw1 still have support. And how do we know these people did not do these activities and only blame other party when they got caught? Edit Unsure if anet can even verify stuff from 11 years ago to see that deleted stuff/characters and other things from that breach can get fixed anymore mate.
  17. I got them in my personal guild hall bank as well, you sure you are allowed to put stuff in that tab?
  18. > @"lare.5129" said: > > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > How does the mobile market have anything to do with it? > people already play it on mobile phones > > > So official mobile version relize only question "when" > > > What does "15% pc market" have to do with people playing gw2? > have to extend and keep > > > You understand that you've grabbed some random stats from random sites > yes. I grap concept. In this concept no matter it is 5 % or 55% > > >complaint > from me no any complaint You ask question - I answer. > > If nothing else these videos hows how little input is needed to play core game. And still people wish to go back to that difficulty. On topic, the % do matter since if its to low and 5-10% of personal computer market is said to low to dedicate resources too.
  19. > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"cweker.7824" said: > > > Last time I played as a dwarf was in Warhammer Age of Reckoning and it was one of the most incredible dwarfs model made in mmo history imo. Those in world of warcraft suck.. but the guild wars 2 dwarfs... maaaan.. they've got potential to be better than in warhammer.. I imagine them with those shiny skins we've got nowadays.. > > > > You think living stone statues would use armor skins really? > > Maybe your character went to sleep naked one day and woke up as stone? Then while still sleepy put clothes on as normal, looked in the mirror and said: W.T.F?! Yea because you totaly dont see any part of your body before you put on clothes, like for example your hand? :astonished:
  20. > @"Solanum.6983" said: > Could we please get confirmation on if this is planned to be released with EoD or on It's own? Well considering they would talk to us when they are longer in the development process and they have not done that. We can with 99% assume that this is on hold, in the same vein as steam launch is frozen.
  21. > @"Nightcore.5621" said: > > @"Hypnowulf.7403" said: > > The thing to consider... is that this isn't the only content that ArenaNet is working on right now. Indeed, they're also chipping away at the Canthan expansion. This was—quite unfortunate as it is—an executive mandate from NCSoft. ArenaNet wanted to continue with sagas from this point onward, which I believe might have been the right choice, but the bigwigs at NCSoft are all about their bottom-line as a publically traded corporation so an expansion was foisted upon ArenaNet without aught in the way of warning. > > > > Thus, they have limited resources at hand. It isn't their fault that they find themselves in this position. Just as it isn't their fault Apple made continuing development on Mac platforms impossible. There are just a number of undesirable factors in confluence right now and they've no power to decide elsewise. > > > > I'm not pleased about what's happened as I believe that the Cantha expansion could've happened at a much later date, I worry about crunch. I don't blame ArenaNet, though. I mean, this is what capitalism does for better and worse. > > > > I am impressed, however, by what they've managed to achieve as I quite enjoyed the DRMs. Then again, my drive is for story, I don't find ephemeral numericals or "cheevos" as compelling as I reailse many do, so perhaps the ward system requires tweaking as they say. I wouldn't know. I do, however, agree that the bosses are a touch spongy. As a narrative experience to be taken as part of the greater whole of this Saga? I enjoy them. It was nice to see Taimi again and—shameless Icebrood cheerleader and Jormie proselytiser that I am—I was very excited to romp around alongside Ry-Ry. I might just be easy to please, especially where this storyline is concerned. > > > > This, of course, brings us to the pricklier part of this assembly's proceedings: The obvious disenfranchisement of the hardcore. > > > > I have discussed this topic at length. Raiding is a dopamine addiction, there's no end-point. I mean, it isn't just the drive for more difficult content because if it were, then one would chase the inverse-meta. One could equip sub-par items and utilise a strange, suboptimal build. This is about rewards and how they must be earned—if a reward is earned, it results in the dopamine hit that raiders simply _need_. However, this increases their power potential which means that future content must be more difficult. It's a never-ending cycle of difficulty vs. reward, and the further you strive down that sordid path, the less accessible to casual players your product becomes. > > > > So here's the problem: Casuals are money, hardcore players are not. In the hardcore mindset, the need for reward dictates that ArenaNet should be doing all they can to sate that desire for the raider's "hard work." There is little concept of recompense that I have borne witness to in raid culture. What this means is that any product that isn't _that one_ (World of Warcraft, yes) is doomed to bankruptcy. See: WildStar. > > > > It's a matter of logistics. You have to consider the number of hardcore players (very few compared to other demographics), the cost of producing content entirely for them, and the profitability of that demographic. Unlike casuals, hardcore players are not money. > > > > This is especially true in Guild Wars 2 where you know as well as I do that you can convert gold to gems—and who has the most gold? Raiders, the hardcore players. If you can convert gold to gems, you have no need to buy gems, and in conversing with any of the raiders I've met? They don't buy gems! Why would they? They can convert their excess masses of gold so why bother? ArenaNet has actually created a scenario in which hardcore players are even less profitable than they would be in other scenarios. > > > > On the flipside? Casual players are money, as stated. We spend a lot of actual money on gems. ArenaNet needs _actual_ money, not gold. I don't mean to be especially sardonic and patronising here (only a little) but NCSoft isn't interested in an ephemeral numerical. They care naught for however much gold you might have, their concern is only for filthy lucre, real world money to sate the ravenous hunger of their shareholders. If you've chosen to not be a source of this lucre, your words have no weight. > > > > So this is a two-pronged issue: It's expensive to develop content for only one audience at the expense of all others, and that audience is the least profitable audience of all. That's why they've been throwing bones at best, it's why they're reusing content. You simply aren't profitable. You don't buy gems and what you want is unattainable. > > > > Look at it this way: When you get to the point where ArenaNet can no longer deliver unto you that juicy, delectable, cajunga dopamine hit that you so desperately need, you'll all leave Guild Wars 2 in droves. This is what raiders do. They'll turn up at some game's doorstep as a minuscule yet ceaselessly chirruping mob, and they'll have unreasonable demands. I've seen it before so many times. Yes, trying to force any developer down this path—a path to bankruptcy—is unreasonable. > > > > So you're not profitable and eventually you'll all leave anyway. NCSoft is a corporation interested in their bottom-line. Where's the profit to be made from appealing to you as a potential audience? Where's the money? The not-gold money? > > > > Raid culture is its own self-fulfilling prophecy of doom. The problem is is that like gambling, operant conditioning chambers are addictions. If you really want an MMO to appeal to you above all else? Here's what you have to do: First of all, learn to temper yourself so that your addiction doesn't rule and ruin you. In order for this to be in any way sustainable, you have to be willing to accept a decreased dopamine flow. Next, remind yourselves that you're customers partaking of a product. You have to be profitable. If you're not? You won't get anywhere. > > > > This is something I've explained countless times. The most profitable group is casual players who play in groups of 1-3, 3 as the upper-limit. 1-2 will be even more common an amount. This is why the content is focused around appealing to them, whereas other demographics get table scraps. Blame capitalism if you want, I mean that is fair. That's a good start as you could try to fashion your own product. If you do, though, be sure to teach these lessons to your customers or you'll end up just as bankrupt. > > > > You have to meter yourselves and you have to be profitable. It might make you angry but that's the reality we live in. This is why MMOs have failed so often. Only the original—World of Warcraft—stands as an appeal to the hardcore raider. Every other MMO that has managed to survive caters to a more casual audience. > > > > I mean, it makes sense. It's why outfits and mounts are sold rather than gated behind content one has to grind for—it's also why they're the best looking in the game. Casuals are money. If they weren't, content for other demographics would be the focus. > > > > > @"Tazer.2157" said: > > > DRMs can be designed to be group content [...] > > > > This is a very bad idea. The core profitable demographic doesn't enjoy forced grouping, that's a raid thing. In doing this, ArenaNet would alienate their paying customers. I mean, you have to realise that. This is why they _don't_ do it. > > > > You could say that they could develop a system where players could replace NPCs, and certainly, they could do that! However, that costs development time and money (and time is also money!). The truth of the matter is, as I explained above, the raider demo isn't really a profitable one. In order for them to take their _very limited_ resources away from developing other content, it would have to be towards a profitable goal. > > > > They might do this in Cantha as it would be a less expensive way to keep their raider audience around. They can develop single-player content where AI characters hold the other roles, and then multiplayer content where players step into the bodies of other characters. That's something they might do, but you can't count on it. > > > > You always have to consider the looming monolith of NCSoft. If ArenaNet does anything that really displeases them, it could mean a reshuffle and lost jobs or even the closure of their studio and the sunsetting of Guild Wars 2. > > > > If you want that to change—as I've said—be profitable and be patient! If the data shows that your demographic is profitable, that's something ArenaNet can show. As it stands, there are only table scraps because there are voices at ArenaNet that do enjoy more hardcore content—just as you do—but it's a bad idea to make too much of it when it doesn't increase the value of ArenaNet or Guild Wars 2. > > Eveything you said is so true. Yea if you totaly dissregard that without people turning gold into gems, there is no incentive for casuals to buy gems and turn to gold.
  22. Why guide say to kill yellow enemies is because they dont attack players and get a bonus experience the longer they been alive, it dont negate the fact that its very slow compared to everything else tho.
  23. > @"wilku.9764" said: > I read the wiki. I know how it is SUPPOSED to work. > > I just can't see it work, and I still don't know the difference betwen an upkeep skill and a herald skill. I **guess **that a "Herald" skill is Glint's facet. > In any case, it doesn't work, or the bonus is somehow hidden. I didn't notice any dmg increase either with or from any upkeep skills. > > PLUS: a sample of "brilliant" support explanation: > "Forceful Persistence is a skill that increases character damage, and is buffed further with active upkeep skills. As it has no icon, it will not show above your skill bar. Additionally, as you are able to see here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forceful_Persistence, **it does not work when the character is channeling Glint**. As Facets are all related to Glint, you will not receive buffs, or any additional damage, when using a Facet." So you do the exact same damge sword 1 with no facet on and with 1 facet 2 facets 3 facets etc? And I just showed you some channel skills. Go do sword 1 on golem without dwarf vengful hammers on, then do the same test with it on and check if sword auto attack increase with 13%
  24. is it this? + the Element of the Wurm doesn't actually drop from the boss, but the Ancient Chest that can be looted once per day per character. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bloodstone-Charged_Lava_Wurm
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