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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. > @"Justified.9178" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Justified.9178" said: > > > Its because the content is rehashed group content and at the heart of it players are primarily solo, its just a bonus when you have people that you can group with. The only part of the LW that is designed as solo content is the story and because the story is unique to its season it takes to long to produce and leaves massive voids in game. > > > > You can solo both forging steel and the DRMs so whats this about it being group content? > > > > Are the core hot and pof stories group content just becuse you can enter with 5 people? > > I never said you couldnt but why would you bother when you only get bronze rewards ? Its rehashed systems and locations nothing new and very bland content for the time it took to produce its not worth the investment in "my opinion". Because you want to play solo.
  2. > @"Smoosh.2718" said: > > @"Solanum.6983" said: > > I started my very first legendary when the Armory was announced. > > My Goal for 2021 is to continue what I've been doing since and fill up as much of the soon to be armory as I can. > > Oh no no no! You'll have WvW alliances before you get the Armoury (insert el risitas laughing image here). > > My goal is to not play the game until Anet actually does some big changes to the game, rework all weapons and skills, really push hard to remove bots and cheaters, punish them hard and openly so we know its happening. Deliver content the players want and not what will make them a quick buck (just look at all the 'important' updates we got that focused on money, than encouraging players to play the game. > > lest us never forget the original trailer for the game. If anything, it shows you the detachment of knowing what players actually want: > How did you miss this one =)
  3. > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > @"Fipmip.7219" said: > > > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > > > @"Fipmip.7219" said: > > > > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said: > > > > > > @"Fipmip.7219" said: > > > > > > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said: > > > > > > > > @"Fipmip.7219" said: > > > > > > > > A moderately well known fact about Nintendo is when Shigeru was making _Super Mario 64_ for the nintendo 64, he discovered making pinpoint accurate jumps within a 3D space is just something that does not work. At all. Making a jumping game in 3D requires a pretty high degree of forgiveness to make it fun, a certain understanding of the player to make "good enough" judgement for a jump. However, the fine fellows at Anet don't seem to have gotten the memo, and as such we have minuscule stalagmite platforms, catchy headbanging geometry in awkward places, and unclear directional cues. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > The pirate cave in Lions Arch immediately starts off with a *Guess the pixel perfect position you have to drop down into to even start the god kitten puzzle." There's no time to avoid obstacles if you get it wrong, and you can barely move in midair to begin with. You are then lead through a pitch black maze in which if you miss the rather unclear cue to walk through a wall and turn left at the end, guess what you'll be wandering through pitch blackness for as long as it takes you to realize you can use your minimap to navigate through without the help of the spirit in the first place. When you do finally get out of the maze, it is again, extremely unclear where to go, the answer is to spam jump your way up some rather badly textured geometry to a tunnel above and to your right. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > There's problems with pretty much every puzzle I've tried so far with absolutely no signs of learning from Anet throughout the years of releasing expansions. I would like to at very least like to see some clear directional cues with the puzzles released in PoF, with the path clearly laid out in what you're supposed to do. I get that from time to time you may want players to navigate some form of maze, but the fact the maze is there and the different possible paths the maze has needs to be clearly shown. Don't make people randomly jump off unrecoverable cliffs just because they think you might have hidden the correct path down there. If you want to make a jumping puzzle difficult, you'll want to outfox your players using clever tricks, not make them struggle to overcome core gameplay elements. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sorry you don't like jumping puzzles, I can understand that, but it doesn't mean they're bad. It means theyre not in your field of interest. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I dunno where to place Jumping puzzles in the Gaming universe, but at least they are unique, as far as I know. And I enjoyed every single one of them. Doesn't mean everyone does of course, especially as I can navigate and explore those not as random cliffs and jumps better than some. (Definitely not the best but still good enough) and more than anything I can deal with falling to my death many many times before getting frustrated if I get at all frustrated. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dealing with failure or falling or even dying in GW2 jumping puzzles is a must. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Griffonrook Run is a perfect example of that. You need/can to drop down by running or jumping off cliffs, where jumping off might kill you and running off doesn't, or take a slower path. Something you can only know if you failed first. If you can't handle that, then you will not have fun with GW2 JPs for alot of the time. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I think you should realize my take is a little more nuanced than that. But this thread has gotten to the stage where most of the new comments are behind the point of discussion. > > > > > > > > > > I didnt see that post was over 2 years old. :( > > > > > > > > > > Also read your other posts now, which make a much clearer picture of what you mean. Your first post isnt that nuanced, so yeah... > > > > > > > > > > Anyway, I still think JPs in this game are simply of another caliber than your normal platforming game. Its a side activity that are fabricated with the limitations of this game's engine are imo clearly the Devs having fun with it. Lots of them arent as polished, but I have always looked past that as it never bothered me. Then again, trying to jump on weird geometry is something I still do ingame right now. > > > > > > > > the fact this thread was necroed from 2 years ago has no impact on the number of comments it has. My original point is that while I didnt say I disliked jumping puzzles (which I clarify later), I think that they could have been built better and more frictionlessly with the games core controls and visuals interface. To simply say 'oh its just another sort of caliber' is akin to baking a cake with eggshells as a main ingredient, using too little flour, and calling it innovation. It is not a new, interesting reinvention of a familiar concept. it is a familiar concept done carelessly. The fact that some people actually like eggshell cake too little flour has little to do with it. > > > > > > It's funny because literally the opposite can be said right back at you. So many people don't have a problem with these jumping puzzles along with its learning process and actually like them that the fact a few people -like you- dislike them is akin to the few people that argue the eggshell cake is better because they like it. > > > You literally take your opinion about small part of **mostly optional** content and then claim that anyone that likes it is weird. Well... "No, u". :D > > > > > > Also there's a varying degree of difficulty levels among the JPs, so pick the ones you're comfortable with and leave those "too hard for you" for people that enjoy them, just like those people don't try to claim that easy jumping puzzles somehow should be redesigned to be much harder "because it's an eggshell cake". > > > > There's the tiny problem of ignoring textbook game design principles, > > Apparently the only "textbook game design principle" here is "whatever I prefer". > I can't make the jump? Bad design! I don't enjoy this type of side-content? Bad design! Just... no. > > >call it subjective, call it biased, whatever makes you feel better about your own opinion. > > I will call it that, because that's exactly what it is. And just like with "eggshell cake", because I guess that's your preferred way of posting: > call it ignoring textbook game principles, call it bad design, whatever makes you feel better about your own opinion. > > >Many of the old jumping puzzles make you fight the game rather than the puzzle. > > No, not really. Not "pretty much every" (like you initially wrote) and not "many". In fact, barely any are even "problematic", let alone somehow "making you fight the game" or working against your opening piece of trivia about "pinpoint accurate jumps not working in 3d environment". The only one I havent been able to complete is the draconis mons one and thats only because you have to do those 3 vine shots in a row.
  4. > @"Eric The Dangerous.6209" said: > Both games should be supported, at least when you have an issue they help in gw2. They do nothing in guild wars 1 to help players in anyway. If you want the servers up and the game running so people buy it then you should respect the still very active player base by supporting it for hacking, botting, etc. It is not "backwards" thinking to want a company to support a game when the servers are still up and you have tons of people still playing. I am not saying do not support guild wars 2, just dont forget about the loyal players that have supported them for 15 almost 16 years. We buy storage panes, bring friends to buy the game. Anet could easily profit from both gw1 and gw2 if they made the effort and supported both games fully like everyone seems to want. The way you change things is by speaking up, if you stay silent things will continue down the same path or potentially get even worse. This thread is for those in support of this idea and who want to show it. You can play the whole game solo with your heroes right? So what do it matter if other people hack or bot that game?
  5. > @"Justified.9178" said: > Its because the content is rehashed group content and at the heart of it players are primarily solo, its just a bonus when you have people that you can group with. The only part of the LW that is designed as solo content is the story and because the story is unique to its season it takes to long to produce and leaves massive voids in game. You can solo both forging steel and the DRMs so whats this about it being group content? Are the core hot and pof stories group content just becuse you can enter with 5 people?
  6. > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > > > @"DKRathalos.9625" said: > > > > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > > > > > > I don't understand why ANet repeatedly introduces "a new thing" only to abandon it soon after? > > > > > > * Dungeons: were replaced by Fractals :-1: > > > > > > * Bounties: were replaced by Strike Missions (_okay, I never liked bounties to begin with_) > > > > > > * Strikes: were replaced by Dragon Response Missions > > > > > > * WvW: also a neglected/abandoned child > > > > > > > > > > > > A lot of players were expecting a new Strike Mission with this episode - I hope there _will_ be one by the end. It's a great game mode. > > > > > > > > > > > > Just stick to _something_ I say. Dungeons were great, why the need for Fractals? Strike Missions were fun, why the need for DRMs, which are lengthy and boring to repeat? > > > > > > > > > > Easy because apparently they laid of too much employee and senior staffs? Or maybe people quitting anet too. If you look at anet career post they look some people to fill crucial position. Which mean they are currently undermanned and of course we got underwhelming "new things" in result. > > > > > They just doing the minimum (or below minimum maybe?) to hold community's interest like when they announce alliance to keep people hope but never deliver it. > > > > > > > > Layoffs had nothing to do with GW2. I really wish people would stop saying so. > > > > > > they were on GW2 payroll, but they were working on "other projects". that is not "nothing".this means is a lot of content missing from THIS game. > > > content they are sorely missing now. > > You're on record as saying you cannot manage the difficulty of any content past Core. > > And you think there's a content drought? > > some of it i can do, otherwise i wouldnt have upgraded mounts and both elite specs on several classes. and there is definately a content drought regarding > easy content. no new classes, no new races, balance patches almost non existant, pvp/WwW content is neglected, and the latest DRMs are clearly the minimum > standard for content. but hey, everything is just fine, right? I thought DRMs would be right up your ally its as close to core they have got in a long time.
  7. You got 3 spots to leave the spawn point mate.
  8. > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said: > > > Lotus training still doesn't work as finisher, even tho bounding dodger was fixed. > > > > You are in combat when trying to get it to proc right? > > Im pretty sure i didn't saw it proc in combat either, but will double check later today. It was reported as bugged in multiple places just like bound was and patch notes says only this: "Fixed a bug that prevented the Bound leap finisher from functioning." > > Edit: but as far as i know combat only means the daggers, not the finisher but i might be wrong. Or atleast that was fixed long ago > "Impaling Lotus: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to fire the attack when the thief was out of combat." > > Ah I see what your saying now, got no idea about that mate.
  9. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > > > I really don't understand why there are no collections where you can get these skins. Same with the Worm-ones. > > > I mean, most people I know want them anyway just because they want everything complete. But I see almost no one running around with them. Where I wonder if that's because they drop so rarely and then maybe just to those who do not like the skins (have e.g. some worm drops, but I find them absolutely ugly) or the skins are generally more on the unpopular rail? > > > > > > Either way, I don't understand why you make skins that aren't tradable anyway so extremely rare. > > > Especially because they aren't even that special. > > > Teq are just the same Asc weapons with a green shimmer. And for the worm you just get some armor parts that are just like asc stuff but smeared with green vomit from the worm. > > > I would like to have the opportunity to trade rare drops with an IG-dealer or something. > > > Have the worm only made a few times for the achievements and had the "luck" to get 2 chests with shoulders and bracers. But would exchange both immediately for invisible shoes. Where I did the meta every day for a whole year and then did the mushrooms and not a single good drop.... > > > > You forgot about the black smoke on the teq weapons right? > > Pretty sure the wurm armor got stink aura as well. > > Did not know that teq has an aura. Never drppt or seen one. The worm things definitely not. Unless you mean with aura the green wabber around the asc things what I mean with vomit. Yea thats the same thing, you can look at picture in the wiki to see the black smoke, axe one is easy to spot. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tequatl%27s_Hoard
  10. > @"anduriell.6280" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said: > > > Lotus training still doesn't work as finisher, even tho bounding dodger was fixed. > > > > You are in combat when trying to get it to proc right? > > That should not be of any relevance, i can blast stealth even while i'm not in combat, this skills should behave the same. Isn't it? It says so on the skill ingame tho Under distance traveled you got Combat Only tag. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Impaling_Lotus#WvW.2CPvP https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Impaling_Lotus
  11. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > I really don't understand why there are no collections where you can get these skins. Same with the Worm-ones. > I mean, most people I know want them anyway just because they want everything complete. But I see almost no one running around with them. Where I wonder if that's because they drop so rarely and then maybe just to those who do not like the skins (have e.g. some worm drops, but I find them absolutely ugly) or the skins are generally more on the unpopular rail? > > Either way, I don't understand why you make skins that aren't tradable anyway so extremely rare. > Especially because they aren't even that special. > Teq are just the same Asc weapons with a green shimmer. And for the worm you just get some armor parts that are just like asc stuff but smeared with green vomit from the worm. > I would like to have the opportunity to trade rare drops with an IG-dealer or something. > Have the worm only made a few times for the achievements and had the "luck" to get 2 chests with shoulders and bracers. But would exchange both immediately for invisible shoes. Where I did the meta every day for a whole year and then did the mushrooms and not a single good drop.... You forgot about the black smoke on the teq weapons right? Pretty sure the wurm armor got stink aura as well.
  12. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > Honestly. I like Strikes and DRMs. I like that there are short but challenging group content like Strikes, and I like that there are short but rewarding content like DRMs. > > I hope BOTH get updated with more added and that neither get left to rot. I sincerely hope that EoD brings us more of each. I also wouldn't mind more strikes like Forging Steel that can be soloed, simply because I prefer to solo content and I like the challenge. How are DRMs rewarding?
  13. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > > @"Deedrick.4372" said: > > > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > > > > @"madhead.2139" said: > > > > Hi all! I'm a new player who's recently got really bored of fps games and want a good mmo to dig my teeth into. I've already tried out wow and ffxiv and enjoyed them but never got to max level. I enjoy this games leveling and combat way more than those two however I've always like playing a healer(as I find doing damage in mmos extremely boring) and enjoyed the idea of working as a team to bring down the boss. As far as I can see so far healing isn't really a thing in this game and the team work doesn't really go beyond reviving and putting down things to make your team do more damage. > > > > Furthermore I've managed to get to the first dungeon and found that it felt like I was hardly contributing to the damage compared to everyone else and made me think what's the point of playing a game where damage is the main aspect but when you go into dungeons it doesn't even feel like you are doing damage. Idk if I've got this all wrong so I'd appreciate any help given or to see if you guys think its just worth playing another mmo so I can do healing > > > > > > To this be said. Dungeons are end content. Even if you get access to them very early. Which, to this day, I don't really understand either. > > > So your feeling there is completely justified. But I wouldn't base your final decision on that. > > > Where I'm not sure, though, is whether you'll find that much satisfaction in a healer here. > > > These are very rarely in demand. And unless you're playing in a group/guild that is super bad at dodging and such, you won't get much feedback. > > > In a guild you will always be accepted, no matter what you play. But away from raids, strikes and possibly fractals, there is little to nothing for healers to do. > > > > > > But DMG can also be a lot of fun. So try it out and decide for yourself ^^. > > > > Dungeons are not endgame content. story mode, ANET in game emails and ANET level system points you at them early on. They were farmed as endgame content when there was no end game content. Core original content (including dungeons) were designed with out the trinity meaning stack and pull could race through all content as said previously. > > > > Factals have evolved and changed and balances as end game 5 man content. There you can find use for heals, or build groups that focus DPS with a bit of support. PUGs are always looking for heals. > > > > Raids/Strikes use heals. WvW also makes use of groups of DPS/Support if you find that mode entertaining (helps to have a guild that knows how it works and does well.) > > > > After 8 years of playing GW2, I can't say it would be worth starting at this point. It only matters if you can get to the content you enjoy and find people you enjoy running with. Most of the different communities can be very toxic/elitist, but there are some nice people out there. > > For a newbie, dungeons are endcontent, even story mode. > I would like to see a newbie who runs Story Mode Ascalon with the little bit of equipment he gets up to lvl 35. That might work if he has 4 people who are lvl 80 with halfway good equipment but definitely not with 5 lvl35 characters with green or yellow equipment, without jewelry, without backs and who have no idea about the game. > > Then exactly that comes out. He has the feeling to make no DMG. Even on lvl 80, without proper knowledge and equipment is exactly this outcome. And often you feel even more stupid as a beginner, because the dungeons are unlocked at low lvl, which I personally find wrong. But that's just my opinion. Still remember to this day, me and 4 friends fresh level 35 doing ascalon catacombs path 2 for hours, came to last boss and ghost spawned every time we died so we had 4 groups at once to take care of to clean the traps. Sad to say we gave up since it was to hard =P
  14. > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said: > Lotus training still doesn't work as finisher, even tho bounding dodger was fixed. You are in combat when trying to get it to proc right?
  15. Its an account lock on anmunt of nodes that exceed what 1 character can mine, hence why you can mine some on a second character. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bloodstone_Crystals + An account is able to harvest 35 nodes each day, with each character being able to contribute a maximum of 28 to that limit Edit Yes and no you can gather from multiple guild syntesizers if you have different upgrade tiers on them. So if you had 1 guild with base output, another with tier 1 a third with tier 2, a fourth with tier 3 and your fifth with tier 4. You could then gather from them all since they are different nodes. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gathering#Synthesizers >Upgrade >Plant, Cloth & Leather : Ore & Lumber >base output 1: 2 >Synthesis Output 1 1: 4 >Synthesis Output 2 2: 6 >Synthesis Output 3 2: 8 >Synthesis Output 4 3 : 10 Edit 2 Found a better statement on what I tried to say on the wiki link from before. + Gathering resources from a guild hall have separate daily limits for each stage of their upgrade progress. When a node has been gathered in a guild hall, that node will be consumed for all guilds at the same upgrade progress for that node, but not for guild halls in which that node is at a different upgrade stage.
  16. Yes send in a support ticket about it mate.
  17. With about 10k hours in game Id say it is but my experience and yours might not be the same OP.
  18. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said: > > How does people who worked on other projects unrelated to GW2 mean missing content from GW2 when they were laid off? Those same people working on other projects were likely doing that during LS4 too. > > As GW2's is Arenanet primary source of income (if not their only source), it means those side projects were financed with GW2 money. > This means, money that had been made with GW2 had not been used to make content or other things for GW2. > > Imagine these people had worked on GW2 instead of the now-cancelled side projects (which resulted in loss of the GW2 money spent on them). > One can easily consider that "missing content". > So since gw2 was made with money from gw1 do we then get to blame gw2 for no more gw1? Its kinda silly to think that they need to branch out to survive.
  19. > @"Elithur.2671" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > Put in a support ticket if you know the day it was deleted you should be able to get it back from support. > > I hope you have changed passwords and dont make it auto login so it can happen anymore tho. > > I put a new authenticator in place of the old one. Happy new year btw. As I have posted in my initial post, the first time around, I reached out to support and they can't recover it for me. I've already accepted that I lost the actual item and begun the process of crafting a different legendary. If there's a moderator reading these, you can archive my post. At any rate, my query has been resolved. You dident say that you reached out to support at all in your inital post, anyway thanks for update and happy new year/gaming. About the archiveing they dont need to do anything edit your post and put [ solved ] in title is all you need to do, even if you dont do that when people stop responding to this thread it will fade into the back pages.
  20. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"Cyninja.2954" said: > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > > So, again, telling _**first-time** would be raiders_ that they should "just organize a chill raid themselves" is not a good advice, and cannot rightly be considered as something offered in good faith. > > > > > > > It's actually great advice. By your own logic they will soon learn that: > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > > Learning completely from zero may be fun for some types of players, but even for them is hardly _chill_. Raids are a content of such difficulty, that it's hard to be laidback unless you are either completely fine with getting absolutely nowhere, or have a group that is well overqualified for the content already. > > > > If they want to "get somewhere" or see success in this content, they will have to either modify their approach, if unsuccessful, or face hardships and failure until they modify their approach. That's literally a learning process in a nut shell. Remember, we are talking about advice how to succeed at challenging content in this game, not how to get freebee loot left and right. > > Um. So, let me get this straight. Someone complains how they have trouble with finding a chill groups in LFG to learn raiding with. Someone else advises them to start one themselves. You admit that you know the first player has a bad approach (they aren't likely to go anywhere far if they keep insisting on chill approach to it). And yet, you think that this advice by the second player is great, knowing full well it is going to fail, (instead of doing what @"maddoctor.2738" did and pointing out this _is_ bad approach, and suggesting alternatives)? And you don;t think there's something wrong with this kind of reasoning? > > Seriously, and then people are suddenly surprised that a lot of first time players prefer to steer away from "advices" from veterans... > > It is because that bad experience that player learned something (hopefully) and either quits or find a way around the obstacle. Like for example finding a guild or maybe some of those players in the squad were good people and then added to friend list.
  21. > @"Legendary Revy.7954" said: > Hi folks I am looking for some1 with a mez parked inside the mini-dungeon of Font of Rhand. The meta I believe is broken since 2 years and Anet apparently don't want to fix it... help! :s You could try it on patch day, sadly that was yesterday so another month or two for next one
  22. > @"Moradorin.6217" said: > > @"Vancho.8750" said: > > Here you go https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fulgurite . > > Again, nope. Only useful when you want to make a gen 2 legendary. You can sell the flugurite upgraded parts on the trading post mate
  23. > @"lare.5129" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > Yea then legendaries will get upgraded > if you look around how it done in all other games - answer no. Strong typed NO :) > Ofc you can still use old armor for old content but new raid wings and new dungions from EoD can be closed for you. > > >, same way they got upgraded to ascended nice try tho. > again - no. We can just predict, but be sure - ofc no. > > Let it see. We can't be sure. > Sure other games being the key of your post here, but if you look how gw2 have done it you see its like my first statment my friend.
  24. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"avey.4201" said: > > If pvp wasn't sabotaged more people would play, and more people would make there way there. > > What evidence do you have to support such a claim? I know that for my play-group, none of us enjoy PvP so your point wouldn't impact us at all. IMO, GW2 is more PvE centric than anything else. I don't see anything that would change players' minds to suddenly start playing PvP. Might have been that the original gw was a more pvp focused game and so should gw2 in this guys oppinion.
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